And Fisher vp before,
So much: but now the Nimphes preferre,
The Shephard ten tymes more, 240
And all the Ging goes on his side,
Their Minion him they make,
To him themselues they all apply’d,
And all his partie take;
Till some in their discretion cast,
Since first the strife begunne,
In all that from them there had past
None absolutly wonne;
That equall honour they should share;
And their deserts to showe, 250
For each a Garland they prepare,
Which they on them bestowe,
Of all the choisest flowers that weare,
Which purposly they gather,
With which they Crowne them, parting there,
As they came first together.
The Nimphes, the Queene of loue pursue,
Which oft doth hide her from their view:
But lastly from th’ Elizian Nation,
She banisht is by Proclamation.
Florimel. Deare Lelipa, where hast thou bin so long,
Was’t not enough for thee to doe me wrong;
To rob me of thy selfe, but with more spight
To take my Naijs from me, my delight?
Yee lazie Girles, your heads where haue ye layd,
Whil’st Venus here her anticke prankes hath playd?
Lelipa. Nay Florimel, we should of you enquire,
The onely Mayden, whom we all admire
For Beauty, Wit, and Chastity, that you
Amongst the rest of all our Virgin crue, 10
In quest of her, that you so slacke should be,
And leaue the charge to Naijs and to me.
Florimel. Y’are much mistaken Lelipa, ’twas I,
Of all the Nimphes, that first did her descry,
At our great Hunting, when as in the Chase
Amongst the rest, me thought I saw one face
So exceeding faire, and curious, yet vnknowne
That I that face not possibly could owne.
And in the course, so Goddesse like a gate,
Each step so full of maiesty and state; 20
That with my selfe, I thus resolu’d that she
Lesse then a Goddesse (surely) could not be:
Thus as Idalia, stedfastly I ey’d,
A little Nimphe that kept close by her side
I noted, as vnknowne as was the other,
Which Cupid was disguis’d so by his mother.
The little purblinde Rogue, if you had seene,
You would haue thought he verily had beene
One of Diana’s Votaries so clad,
He euery thing so like a Huntresse had: 30
And she had put false eyes into his head,
That very well he might vs all haue sped.
And still they kept together in the Reare,
But as the Boy should haue shot at the Deare,
He shot amongst the Nimphes, which when I saw,
Closer vp to them I began to draw;
And fell to hearken, when they naught suspecting,
Because I seem’d them vtterly neglecting,
I heard her say, my little Cupid too’t,
Now Boy or neuer, at the Beuie shoot, 40
Haue at them Venus quoth the Boy anon,
I’le pierce the proud’st, had she a heart of stone:
With that I cryde out, Treason, Treason, when
The Nimphes that were before, turning agen
To vnderstand the meaning of this cry,
They out of sight were vanish’t presently.
Thus but for me, the Mother and the Sonne,
Here in Elizium, had vs all vndone.
Naijs. Beleeue me, gentle Maide, ’twas very well,
But now heare me my beauteous Florimel, 50
Great Mars his Lemman being cryde out here,
She to Felicia goes, still to be neare
Th’ Elizian Nimphes, for at vs is her ayme,
The fond Felicians are her common game.
I vpon pleasure idly wandring thither,
Something worth laughter from those fooles to gather,
Found her, who thus had lately beene surpriz’d,
Fearing the like, had her faire selfe disguis’d
Like an old Witch, and gaue out to haue skill
In telling Fortunes either good or ill; 60
And that more nearly she with them might close,
She cut the Cornes, of dainty Ladies Toes:
She gaue them Phisicke, either to coole or mooue them,
And powders too to make their sweet Hearts loue them:
And her sonne Cupid, as her Zany went,
Carrying her boxes, whom she often sent
To know of her faire Patients how they slept.
By which meanes she, and the blinde Archer crept
Into their fauours, who would often Toy,
And tooke delight in sporting with the Boy; 70
Which many times amongst his waggish tricks,
These wanton Wenches in the bosome prickes;
That they before which had some franticke fits,
Were by his Witchcraft quite out of their wits.
Watching this Wisard, my minde gaue me still
She some Impostor was, and that this skill
Was counterfeit, and had some other end.
For which discouery, as I did attend,
Her wrinckled vizard being very thin,
My piercing eye perceiu’d her cleerer skin 80
Through the thicke Riuels perfectly to shine;
When I perceiu’d a beauty so diuine,
As that so clouded, I began to pry
A little nearer, when I chanc’t to spye
That pretty Mole vpon her Cheeke, which when
I saw; suruaying euery part agen,
Vpon her left hand, I perceiu’d the skarre
Which she receiued in the Troian warre;
Which when I found, I could not chuse but smile.
She, who againe had noted me the while, 90
And, by my carriage, found I had descry’d her,
Slipt out of sight, and presently doth hide her.
Lelipa. Nay then my dainty Girles, I make no doubt
But I my selfe as strangely found her out
As either of you both; in Field and Towne,
When like a Pedlar she went vp and downe:
For she had got a pretty handsome Packe,
Which she had fardled neatly at her backe:
And opening it, she had the perfect cry,
Come my faire Girles, let’s see, what will you buy. 100
Here be fine night Maskes, plastred well within,
To supple wrinckles, and to smooth the skin:
Heer’s Christall, Corall, Bugle, Iet, in Beads,
Cornelian Bracelets for my dainty Maids:
Then Periwigs and Searcloth-Gloues doth show,
To make their hands as white as Swan or Snow:
Then takes she forth a curious gilded boxe,
Which was not opened but by double locks;
Takes them aside, and doth a Paper spred,
In which was painting both for white and red: 110
And next a piece of Silke, wherein there lyes
For the decay’d, false Breasts, false Teeth, false Eyes
And all the while shee’s opening of her Packe,
Cupid with’s wings bound close downe to his backe:
Playing the Tumbler on a Table gets,
And shewes the Ladies many pretty feats.
I seeing behinde him that he had such things,
For well I knew no boy but he had wings,
I view’d his Mothers beauty, which to me
Lesse then a Goddesse said, she could not be: 120
With that quoth I to her,
this other day,
As you doe now, so one that came this way,
Shew’d me a neate piece, with the needle wrought,
How Mars and Venus were together caught
By polt-foot Vulcan in an Iron net;
It grieu’d me after that I chanc’t to let,
It to goe from me: whereat waxing red,
Into her Hamper she hung downe her head,
As she had stoup’t some noueltie to seeke,
But ’twas indeed to hide her blushing Cheeke: 130
When she her Trinkets trusseth vp anon,
E’r we were ‘ware, and instantly was gone.
Florimel. But hearke you Nimphes, amongst our idle prate,
Tis current newes through the Elizian State,
That Venus and her Sonne were lately seene
Here in Elizium, whence they oft haue beene
Banisht by our Edict, and yet still merry,
Were here in publique row’d o’r at the Ferry,
Where as ’tis said, the Ferryman and she
Had much discourse, she was so full of glee, 140
Codrus much wondring at the blind Boyes Bow.
Naijs. And what it was, that easly you may know,
Codrus himselfe comes rowing here at hand.
Lelipa. Codrus Come hither, let your Whirry stand,
I hope vpon you, ye will take no state
Because two Gods haue grac’t your Boat of late;
Good Ferry-man I pray thee let vs heare
What talke ye had, aboard thee whilst they were.
Codrus. Why thus faire Nimphes.
As I a Fare had lately past, 150
And thought that side to ply,
I heard one as it were in haste;
A Boate, a Boate, to cry,
Which as I was aboute to bring,
And came to view my Fraught,
Thought I; what more then heauenly thing,
Hath fortune hither brought.
She seeing mine eyes still on her were,
Soone, smilingly, quoth she;
Sirra, looke to your Roother there, 160
Why lookst thou thus at me?
And nimbly stept into my Boat,
With her a little Lad
Naked and blind, yet did I note,
That Bow and Shafts he had,
And two Wings to his Shoulders fixt,
Which stood like little Sayles,
With farre more various colours mixt,
Then be your Peacocks Tayles;
I seeing this little dapper Elfe, 170
Such Armes as these to beare,
Quoth I thus softly to my selfe,
What strange thing haue we here,
I neuer saw the like thought I:
Tis more then strange to me,
To haue a child haue wings to fly,
And yet want eyes to see;
Sure this is some deuised toy,
Or it transform’d hath bin,
For such a thing, halfe Bird, halfe Boy, 180
I thinke was neuer seene;
And in my Boat I turnd about,
And wistly viewd the Lad,
And cleerely saw his eyes were out,
Though Bow and Shafts he had.
As wistly she did me behold,
How likst thou him, quoth she,
Why well, quoth I; and better should,
Had he but eyes to see.
How sayst thou honest friend, quoth she, 190
Wilt thou a Prentice take,
I thinke in time, though blind he be,
A Ferry-man hee’ll make;
To guide my passage Boat quoth I,
His fine hands were not made,
He hath beene bred too wantonly
To vndertake my trade;
Why helpe him to a Master then,
Quoth she, such Youths be scant,
It cannot be but there be men 200
That such a Boy do want.
Quoth I, when you your best haue done,
No better way you’ll finde,
Then to a Harper binde your Sonne,
Since most of them are blind.
The louely Mother and the Boy,
Laught heartily thereat,
As at some nimble iest or toy,
To heare my homely Chat.
Quoth I, I pray you let me know, 210
Came he thus first to light,
Or by some sicknesse, hurt, or blow,
Depryued of his sight;
Nay sure, quoth she, he thus was borne,
Tis strange borne blind, quoth I,
I feare you put this as a scorne
On my simplicity;
Quoth she, thus blind I did him beare,
Quoth I, if’t be no lye,
Then he ‘s the first blind man Ile sweare, 220
Ere practisd Archery,
A man, quoth she, nay there you misse,
He ‘s still a Boy as now,
Nor to be elder then he is,
The Gods will him alow;
To be no elder then he is,
Then sure he is some sprite
I straight replide, againe at this,
The Goddesse laught out right;
It is a mystery to me, 230
An Archer and yet blinde;
Quoth I againe, how can it be,
That he his marke should finde;
The Gods, quoth she, whose will it was
That he should want his sight,
That he in something should surpasse,
To recompence their spight,
Gaue him this gift, though at his Game
He still shot in the darke,
That he should haue so certaine ayme, 240
As not to misse his marke.
By this time we were come a shore,
When me my Fare she payd,
But not a word she vttered more,
Nor had I her bewrayd,
Of Venus nor of Cupid I
Before did neuer heare,
But that Fisher comming by
Then, told me who they were.
Florimel. Well: against them then proceed 250
As before we haue decreed,
That the Goddesse and her Child,
Be for euer hence exild,
Which Lelipa you shall proclaime
In our wise Apollo’s name.
Lelipa. To all th’ Elizian Nimphish Nation,
Thus we make our Proclamation,
Against Venus and her Sonne
For the mischeefe they haue done,
After the next last of May, 260
The fixt and peremtory day,
If she or Cupid shall be found
Vpon our Elizian ground,
Our Edict, meere Rogues shall make them,
And as such, who ere shall take them,
Them shall into prison put,
Cupids wings shall then be cut,
His Bow broken, and his Arrowes
Giuen to Boyes to shoot at Sparrowes,
And this Vagabund be sent, 270
Hauing had due punishment
To mount Cytheron, which first fed him:
Where his wanton Mother bred him,
And there out of her protection
Dayly to receiue correction;
Then her Pasport shall be made,
And to Cyprus Isle conuayd,
And at Paphos in her Shryne,
Where she hath been held diuine,
For her offences found contrite, 280
There to liue an Anchorite.
A Nimph is marryed to a Fay,
Great preparations for the Day,
All Rites of Nuptials they recite you
To the Brydall and inuite you.
Mertilla. But will our Tita wed this Fay?
Claia. Yea, and to morrow is the day.
Mertilla. But why should she bestow her selfe
Vpon this dwarfish Fayry
Claia. Why by her smalnesse you may finde,
That she is of the Fayry kinde,
And therefore apt to chuse her make
Whence she did her begining take:
Besides he ‘s deft and wondrous Ayrye,
And of the noblest of the Fayry, 10
Chiefe of the Crickets of much fame,
In Fayry a most ancient name.
But to be briefe, ’tis cleerely done,
The pretty wench is woo’d and wonne.
Cloris. If this be so, let vs prouide
The Ornaments to fit our Bryde.
For they knowing she doth come
From vs in Elizium,
Queene Mab will looke she should be drest
In those attyres we thinke our best, 20
Therefore some curious things lets giue her,
E’r to her Spouse we her deliuer.
Mertilla. Ile haue a Iewell for her eare,
(Which for my sake Ile haue her weare)
‘T shall be a Dewdrop, and therein
Of Cupids I will haue a twinne,
Which strugling, with their wings shall break
The Bubble, out of which shall leak,
So sweet a liquor as shall moue
Each thing that smels, to be in loue. 30
Claia. Beleeue me Gerle, this will be fine,
And to this Pendant, then take mine;
A Cup in fashion of a Fly,
Of the Linxes piercing eye,
Wherein there sticks a Sunny Ray
Shot in through the cleerest day,
Whose brightnesse Venus selfe did moue,
Therein to put her drinke of Loue,
Which for more strength she did distill,
The Limbeck was a Phœnix quill, 40
At this Cups delicious brinke,
A Fly approching but to drinke,
Like Amber or some precious Gumme
It transparant doth become.
Cloris. For Iewels for her eares she’s sped,
But for a dressing for her head
I thinke for her I haue a Tyer,
That all Fayryes shall admyre,
The yellowes in the full-blowne Rose,
Which in the top it doth inclose 50
Like drops of gold Oare shall be hung;
Vpon her Tresses, and among
Those scattered seeds (the eye to please)
The wings of the Cantharides:
With some o’ th’ Raine-bow that doth raile
Those Moons in, in the Peacocks taile:
Whose dainty colours being mixt
With th’ other beauties, and so fixt,
Her louely Tresses shall appeare,
As though vpon a flame they were. 60
And to be sure she shall be gay,
We’ll take those feathers from the Iay;
About her eyes in Circlets set,
To be our Tita’s Coronet.
Mertilla. Then dainty Girles I make no doubt,
But we shall neatly send her out:
But let’s amongst our selues agree,
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