Eyes Of Crimson : Vampire Paranormal Romance (Transfusion Saga Book 8)

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Eyes Of Crimson : Vampire Paranormal Romance (Transfusion Saga Book 8) Page 3

by Stephanie Hudson

  “No, no! I didn’t do anything! I didn’t…” Lucius grabbed hold of his horn once more and twisted it enough that it forced his head to the side in what looked like a painful way, making him grimace. However, Lucius’ gauntleted hand simply tightened and twisted further before he got closer to him informing him in a dangerous tone,

  “Ah, but you did Drude, you just don’t remember your crimes, for I had them stolen from you.” I sucked in a deep breath the second I discovered what kind of demon he was…he was the same as Dante.

  Although my guess was that he was a different breed, as he obviously fed from sexual deviancy not just from the dreams of others. The Drude looked immediately to the man who had rid him of those memories. This made Lucius’ right hand man smirk back at the same time tapping two fingers to the side of his head, doing so to indicate just exactly where those memories were being kept now. The demon’s eyes widened before he shot a panicked look back up at his King.

  “My crimes?” he asked in confusion, but it was no use as this was when Lucius nodded for his guards to let him go. Lucius then lowered himself even closer to the demon that was still on his knees and at the same time taking hold of the other horn, so they were both in his unyielding grasp. Once in his hold, Lucius answered him with dangerous calm that was viciously snarled at the end,

  “The crime of…touching what is mine!” He ended this with a tighter grip before a quick twist in opposite directions was all it took for Lucius to rip both horns right out of the top of his face. This left the demon both howling in pain and with two large gaping holes above his eyes that quickly drenched the rest of his agonized face in demon blood. The demon was then left to slump forward with his shaking hands going to his missing horns. Lucius used this as a chance to issue a warning to the rest of his people.

  “Let this be a warning to all as you witness what happens to those who TOUCH WHAT BELONGS TO ME!” He roared this last part as he held the two dripping horns out by his sides, before he cast them angrily aside, making me jump as they skidded along the floor behind him, only stopping at the first step. The demon had hopelessly tried to use this opportunity to try and crawl away, no doubt praying that this would be the end of his Master’s wrath. But then the second Lucius’ eyes focused on the demon’s movements in trying to escape him, they narrowed despite the grin that lay beneath the surface. It was obvious to all in the room that the impending death of the demon jailor was one that excited their King. Because just when I thought that this was punishment enough, Lucius started walking slowly towards the grey mass of muscles trying in vain to get away. Long black, bloodied streaks along stark white marble became a gruesome pathway for Lucius to walk along to get to his prey. But the blood from where his horns had once been that were now being discarded like trash behind him, soon became the least of his problems. Because Lucius soon reached him with nothing more than a few determined strides and was stood over him. He then wasted no time before reaching down to get a firm grasp on the roots of his white hair, using this punishing hold to haul him to his knees. This made the Drude try to twist free, but he wasn’t given long to continue to try as Lucius dipped his head and let his demon roar out,


  After this Lucius raised back to his full height so he could deliver the killing blow, which started when his armour became liquid once more. Only this time it flowed down his arm with speed, leaving it bare in three seconds as it became that of a thick and deadly black sword in his hand. One that in his grasp became so much more than just a weapon…

  It was a message.

  A message delivered as he raised the sword high for all his people to see what happened to those that defied him and touched what was his. A killing blow that came quickly after letting go of the demon’s hair for a mere whisper of time. The sword grasped in both his hands before their King plunged it straight down into the back of the demon’s neck so that it travelled the full length of his spine.

  The dying roar of my would-be rapist didn’t last long as Lucius speared him down the centre as if making him ready to be put on a roasting spit. But then he let go of the sword and let the very dead Drude fall face forward with an echoing crack upon the marble. After this he turned to face me and with his bare right hand now held behind him, he walked back up the steps towards me. I watched open mouthed and in shock as the hilt of his black sword, one that was stuck out of the demon’s dead, hardened flesh, started to reform.

  It slithered from its victim and snaked along the white marble quickly with the sole purpose of returning back to its Master. It did this by reaching up to his awaiting fingertips as though it was being reunited with its body. Once there it continued to flow back up his arm until by the time his feet hit the top of the steps, the last drops of the black liquid was back in place, and reformed once more as the solid plates of his armour.

  After this he came straight to me, and said in a stern voice,

  “Now, that is how you kill a Stone Drude.” And yep, one look at the guy and he was right, that would pretty much do it. After this he grasped my chin to turn my face away from the gruesome sight. One the growing pool of black blood was creating with a Yin Yang effect on the once pristine white floor.

  But soon my vision of black and white was gone and a sinister depth coloured my world once more with,

  Eyes of Crimson.


  Mortal Pet

  “I think my attempt at killing Drude days are over,” I muttered before stopping myself, as my hands flew to my lips too late. However, instead of the backlash I had been expecting, he simply raised a brow and I swear I even saw his lips twitch slightly in what I could only hope for was amusement.

  “Something that shouldn’t be a problem for you in the future and to ensure such…” He paused, before looking down at the discarded chains of my new reality and opening a fist so they obeyed the silent demand. Meaning they shot from the floor in a flash of movement and were clutched in his hand before he continued with his intentions,

  “Time for your collar and a fucking leash…one I should have tied you to years ago!” After Lucius had pretty much growled this at me, I sucked in a violent breath as I questioned just how close to the edge this game he played was built on a foundation of truth? Just how many words spoken were ones he had always wanted to say but felt too restrained to do so?

  I knew Lucius liked control. I knew he was a dominant lover, as well as being the one who liked to call all the shots. And for the most part, I allowed him, for the simple fact that he knew his own world far better than I ever could. Facts I was well aware of, as I was far from numb to the situation around me, even if right now, I wished for it. Because the same could be said for this world, a place I suspected he had to rule with more than just an iron fist but one that held the Venom of God.

  “Throw that shit stain out!” Lucius snapped making me jump.

  “Well, I must say, I didn’t know what was more entertaining, her encounter with him or the execution because of it,” the man to his right said with a chuckle, one that died the second Lucius snarled angrily at him before issuing a warning,

  “Careful Šeš, for ridding him of life still hasn’t cooled my temper in discovering the one who put her there,” he said making it clear who he blamed, making the man scoff before telling him,

  “And what would you have had me do, allow a snake to lie in wait in your bed, when my belief was justified?” he braved saying in return. I frowned and it was one that only barely matched Lucius’, for his was more of a scowl that could have stripped a being of his courage in a heartbeat. Telling me this man was either suicidal or he was more powerful than I knew.

  “No, I would have chained her to it!” Lucius snapped back in reply to his question, one that was challenged once more,

  “She was believed to be in no danger at the time, a prison that—”

  “A prison she was in by your command, one you had no place to make!” Lucius growled back cutting him off by putting him i
n his place. But whoever the identity of the man was, it was clear he was someone high enough up in the rankings not to feel threatened by Lucius as he argued further,

  “And once again, as I said earlier, the reason being for such action was she carries the witch’s Hex.” Lucius snarled angrily before releasing a sigh of frustration and then ordering me in a stern yet restrained tone,

  “Turn around, my Pet.” I did as he said, and the moment I looked up to take in the crowd, he barked out a snap of an order,

  “Eyes down.”

  I don’t know why this was said, but had to question if it was because he had noticed me looking at Trice before? Did he know something or was jealous? I hoped not, as I didn’t think that would mean good things for either of us. And although I knew Lucius wouldn’t hurt me, I couldn’t yet make that same claim for my friend.

  So, after doing as he ordered, I heard the sound of metal clattering to the floor as he had obviously let go of the collar and leash for a second time. I felt my hair being swept off my back and positioned over one shoulder for him to be able to see the Hex for himself. Two things happened after this, and that was a hiss of air being sucked through gritted teeth followed by the rumbling of a growl. A furious sound that became the polar opposite of the gentle touch that followed as his fingertips outlined the marks the witch had made.

  Again, it gave me hope.

  “So now you see why she ended up in your prison,” the other man said, and without being allowed to look at him, I could only just make out the sight of him leaning casually against one of the pure white pillars. It was one of many that framed the higher platform, showcasing the importance of who sat upon the throne of bones, of what I guessed was enemies conquered.

  Lucius growled low again and snarled,

  “You believed me responsible for having this Hex cast?”

  “I gathered you still had the use of your own witch and it is a Summoning Hex after all…besides, I think you will agree, Šeš that it has the stench of the witch you had me hunting all over it.” He said, calling him that Šeš name again, that was pronounced like you would say ‘ceasefire’. But it surprised me to discover that he had this person, whoever he may be, hunting the witch, and I hated to admit it but there was obviously so much I still didn’t know when it came to Lucius.

  “It was the witch,” Lucius admitted making the man then ask,

  “Question remains now is why would the witch bother to Hex this mortal girl, who you yourself has claimed is nothing more than a favourite pet of yours?” I stiffened at his words. Lucius also felt it as he still had his hand exploring my back and I swear he could hear my heart pounding in my chest. Lucius’ hand skimmed down my back until getting to my waist and giving it a squeeze. After this seemingly tender move I couldn’t help but wonder if he was trying to reassure me without words? After all, we had been in this position once before, where he had to pretend not to care in hopes of saving me.

  Was this what all this was now?

  It was starting to look that way more and more each minute. After all, I couldn’t forget the note I found in the basket of food telling me to ‘play along’. And well, other than Trice, no one else knew I was a Princess other than the man at my back comforting me with his gentle touch.

  I continued to try and convince myself that this was the case, despite the pain his next words inflicted.

  “The witch does so to toy with me no doubt…besides, well trained submissive slaves like this one are hard to come by, and I grow tired of the thought of training another, especially when she fits my cock so well.” Lucius said as he stroked the top of my head, like…well like a damn pet! Gods, but how I really hoped this was all for show.

  “Yes, she must be a very good fucking fit for your cock considering you just near tore fucking Hell apart to find her, and as for training, well then I wouldn’t praise the bitch for that too much seeing as she managed to run from you,” he said making Lucius snap and he did so by leaving my back in a heartbeat. I sneaked a look to the side to find in that second of leaving me, Lucius now had the man’s neck in his grasp and had him pinned to the column he had been stood by with his feet off the ground.

  “Be careful, my Šeš, for no one is permitted to speak of my slave in that way other than her Master! Do I make myself clear?!” The man who he had strangely named the same thing he had called Lucius, growled back and his fangs lengthened dangerously before he snarled like a wild beast, all calmness a thing of the past. But Lucius tightened his hold and banged the man’s head against the column as his wings expanded out in a show of strength. I quickly looked to the sea of demons to find them all watching this scene play out with great interest. I turned back to do the same after first granting a brief, confused look at Trice who, like everyone else, was obviously questioning the actions of his King.

  “Yield to a greater power, Šeš, and remember your fucking place, for I am not the King you once knew!” Lucius threatened making the man grimace in pain as Lucius obviously squeezed his neck harder. But before long he lowered his gaze and his fangs retracted, showing his submission. And well, if there was one thing this scene told me, then it was that whoever this person was, despite his actions, he meant something to Lucius. Because I knew that had it been any other, then Lucius wouldn’t have thought twice about just killing him.

  After this show of compliance, Lucius let him go and it was a show of strength when the man didn’t just drop to his knees as the marks Lucius had made on his flesh looked like burns. However, he just twisted his neck a little and rolled a shoulder as if trying to brush off the memory of his King’s touch.

  “Now you will tell me of this attack but first...” Lucius paused his demand with what I was soon to find out was in place of another. But this was after walking back over to me and spinning me once more until I was facing him. Then he nodded to the floor and continued his demands,

  “…Pick it up.” My eyes widened when looking up at the cruelty in his eyes before he added in a hard tone,


  I swear but if I could have clenched my teeth any harder, I would have felt them cracking. Because the impulse to tell him to fuck off was getting harder to hold back by the second. Yet despite this, I also knew that being hot headed right now wasn’t going to help me and it certainly wasn’t worth the five seconds of satisfaction it would achieve. I needed to be smart and right now that meant doing as I was told. So, with this mindset, I looked down and started to lower, when suddenly, he grabbed my arm and hauled me back up.

  “When you lower to your knees before me, I want your eyes on my own, just like I trained you…now again!” he snarled in annoyance and I gritted my teeth once more, refraining yet again from lashing out at him like I wanted to at being treated like a damn dog! But then being smart about this meant a chance of discovering the purpose of why he was acting this way. The details of which I hoped were explained to me very, very soon.

  So, I did as he demanded of me, which meant that when I lowered this time, I did so without taking my eyes from his. And my reward for this was that crimson glow that told me he liked what he saw, despite the charade he was supposed to be playing. I swallowed hard at both the heated gaze that held nothing but carnal promises and the knowledge that there was his Kingdom at my back. Because right then I felt about as far away from the title of his Queen as I could possibly get. Something that left a bitter taste in my mouth seeing as he was the one purposely putting me there. It was messing with my emotions, as trying to rationalise every minute that ticked by was becoming harder to do with every seemingly heartless action he made against me.

  Once I was down, he nodded to the demonic looking leash and the second I glanced at it, he tutted, flicked two fingers up and mouthed,


  So, I braved narrowing my own briefly, before feeling out with my hand for the leash, and the second I found it, yelped in pain as it pricked my skin. I wanted to growl at that arrogant raised brow of his, the one that silently challe
nged me. But instead of cursing his name, I concentrated on the degrading task at hand. Which meant that without looking at what I was doing, I felt around for the collar, thinking this was a safer choice…despite knowing what it was destined for.

  “Oww,” I muttered making him grin sadistically before flicking two fingers, telling me to rise. But then the moment I was up, he took the collar from my bleeding hand and started to stretch it, making it slightly bigger and doing so with startling ease. Then he put his hand through the metal loop, so it was resting at his wrist, which freed up his heavy gauntleted hands. This was done so he could gently shift my hair before he placed the collar around my neck. I knew he locked it at the back the second I heard a click and his hands lifted from my neck.

  I raised my hand up to touch it, feeling the inch-thick ring along with the weight of it now laying heavily against my skin. However, I now noticed that due to it being stretched it rested lower than my injury so it would not rub against where the prison guard had tried to strangle me to death…which meant he cared.

  After this he picked up the leash, obviously not fearing injury like I had, and wrapped a section around his fist that thankfully was enough to cause tension and lift the dangerous spikes away from touching my body. Then he ordered,

  “Come, my troublesome little Mortal, it is time to sit by your Master’s feet.” I swear my eyes nearly popped out of my head at this. But he had turned towards his throne and after a slight tug, I was prompted to follow behind him, like the slave he claimed me to be. But then he continued on a few steps beyond his throne and I was left frowning in question as to what he was planning next? However, one question soon morphed into another as he reached up with his free hand so he could fist the length of crimson material behind his throne. And it was now that it finally hit me where I had seen that image at its centre before…


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