Collaring the Saber-Tooth

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Collaring the Saber-Tooth Page 6

by Trinity Blacio

  The cat inside her purred at the male display of power. Maya knew if she shifted right now her cat would want to mate, but the woman part of her was not ready. Her body burned for his, the sexual tension strong for the past few hours, but fear was also there.

  Akaos squeezed her and met her gaze as he carried her through the compound. “There is no hurry, when you are ready. We would do nothing to hurt you, Maya.”

  “I know, thank you.” Maya peeked behind him and watched her family follow Akaos through a set of large wooden doors. It was as if it was another complex inside the bigger one.

  “We have to live separate from the others. Even in sleep our powers can hurt others that aren’t of our kind.” He smiled at her and lowered her feet.

  She frowned and looked at her family. “Will you hurt them?”

  He tweaked her nose. “No, they’re not Vampire. There are over fifteen rooms here and each one is always kept up. Mine and Maya’s quarters are at the end there. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. You each have a phone in your room. Dial one and you will get our room. Dial twenty-three and you will get the kitchen.” He ran his hand through her hair.

  “Can your discussion with Lacey wait till we sleep or do you need to talk to her now?”

  Once more her body betrayed her and she could have sworn the temperature outside just rose twenty degrees. “We can talk tomorrow, before we see Dan.” She broke her gaze away from his to find Lacey smiling.

  “We can meet here in the courtyard. I think all of you should be here. The more minds we have working on this, the better. And Lacey, knock it off.” She rolled her eyes and all of the girls laughed relaxing a little more, except for Eden, who stod close to Lacey, but she also nodded.

  She squirmed out of Akaos’ arms and stepped up to the woman. “Are you going to be okay?” Maya brushed her hair back and took her hands.

  “I’m right here if you need me, Eden. And Lacey will be in the same room with you.”

  Eden glanced at her, then at the ground. “I’m sorry, but this reminds me of the Durhan. What they did…” She broke off and tears ran down her cheek.

  Maya hugged her tight. “I can ease the pain if you would like? Sort of what Akaos did for me.”

  Shaking her head, Eden stepped back. “I’m not ready for that, but soon, I promise. Thank you.”

  Lacey wrapped her arm around Eden and took her to the room closest to them, while the other girls moved to the quarter further down the hallway.

  Akaos twined his fingers into hers while Warden slid his arm around her waist. “She’ll come around when she is ready. I’d like to offer my assistance, if she’ll let me. I know of this place she talks of and it’s not a place for any woman.”

  They led her into a large suite, with green plants everywhere. A bar at one end, along with a small kitchen, she moved into the room, suddenly nervous.

  “This is beautiful. Do you stay here often?” Her voice squeaked and she moaned. Maya peeked into the door to the left and stood there, stunned. The room looked like the set of a porn movie. There was a Saint Andrew’s cross in one corner. Whips, toys and gags hung on the far wall. She glanced up to see a swing that was attached to the ceiling, but was tucked away.

  “Why do I have the feeling I’m going to be swallowed whole? That I’m going to lose myself.” She slowly entered the room running her hand along the wall where the paddles and whips hung. A small chill rode up her spine at the thought of her men tying her down and spanking her.

  “Do you have one of these rooms everywhere you stay? Is there someone waiting for you?” Maya snarled the last part and claws dug into the wall as she fingered one of the whips. She ripped it in half before she realized what she was doing.

  “Opps sorry.” She growled and moved to a bench-like thing. “I suppose you bend her over this and spank her too?” Maya turned to see both of them lean against the wall, one on either side of the door frame. She ran her claws down the leather of the bench, all the while her gaze never left his.

  “Are you finished marking everything?” One minute Akaos was at the door, the next she was over his shoulder and moving out of the room with Warden right behind them, a smirk on his face.

  “You’re tired and I will let some of what you said go, but you will never question my loyalty again.” He dumped her on an enormous bed and glared down at her.

  “You know we are very sexual creatures. I’m sorry that room has angered you, but I had no idea you were my bonded or that I would find my bonded. Yes, there are women waiting for me…”

  She shifted instantly, the pain so fierce she thought her heart would break. Her roar-cry shook the windows as she leaped off the bed and raced towards the exit, but he was there in front of her just as Warden was behind her.

  Chapter Six

  Akaos leaped on top of her, but kept his weight off of her as much as possible, even though he knew the big cat could carry him easily. He ran his hand down her back and whispered to her.

  “I told Anthony earlier to have the woman leave and have the room made over. The room was made for you Maya, only for you. Now please shift. You need to rest and we want to hold you.” Both he and Warden ran their hands down her body, her as fur thick and wild as she was.

  The big cat snarled, turning her big head inches away from his neck. “If it is your wish, do so,” he said and sat down on the ground next to her.

  Warden leaned in and kissed her nose before sitting next to him. The both of them stared at her and waited.

  “I’m tired Maya, it’s been a long day and tomorrow, I have a feeling, will be longer. I love your fur, but I love your hair better. It’s so thick, full and long. Your breasts fill my hands and I want to kiss them and suck them. One day you will suckle our child there.”

  He rubbed his face against the big cat’s head and kissed her nose. “I’d rather be kissing your ruby lips, tasting what is you. Your legs are strong and powerful, but I want your human limbs so they can wrap around me during the night or when we are making love. I want my skin touching against yours.” He continued his stroking down her back.

  “There will be no other women for us ever. In my world, we have only one that completes us. We would die without that person, where you would survive without us. You are our omphalos-center Maya. You complete us all and bind us all together. Would you rather I lie to you? I want truth, only truth in our bonding. Is that wrong?” He sighed and leaned against the wall. He stared into her big eyes.

  “At least rest your head here. Let me tell you about our world. Maybe it will help you understand.” Akaos waited and very slowly the big cat rested. And she was big, not the normal size of her pre-Ice Age ancestors, but a smaller daintier version. He grinned when he heard the small snort in his head, before she curled up between them, resting her head on his lap.

  “I come from a very large family. I have fifteen brothers and two sisters. On our world, women are jewels. They are the center of the family unit. Families have been trying to have females for years, but so far no one has produced a female. I only have two sisters because they are half-sisters. My mother had them before she met my father.” He ran his fingers through her fur on her head.

  “My two sisters are spoiled and get a little annoyed at us, their brothers. We are a very protective family. You will love my mother. Actually, you’ll give her the hope she has been hiding inside of her. My father has been worried about her.” Maya scooted closer and rested her head in his lap.

  “With so many sons and no females, we were given no choice but to go into the different realms that we were protecting to search for females who could bond with us. This was not the only realm we’ve visited.”

  Warden snorted next to him. “We’ve been searching for centuries, Maya. It’s one of the reasons I was so ready to give up up on life. If Akaos and Tesuss hadn’t found me when they did, I wouldn’t be here. With each realm-world we searched there was risk that we could be killed. The longer the search takes, the more likel
y we would give up, get careless, and be killed. Thank you, Maya for giving me back my life. Making me believe again. I know it’s not going to be easy for you to have three dominate males, but we’ll love you like no one else can” Warden said, and clasped his hand into Akaos’ as they rested it onto her head.

  “Now, you’ll give my mother and our people hope. Would you like to watch and listen, while I call them to inform them about you? I think you’ll like the way we communicate between realms. My father actually came up with the invention. He’s a very smart man.”

  Bones crunched under his hand and he glanced down to his Maya staring up at him. “Thank you for giving me the time to calm down. I always want the truth min kammerat.” She rubbed her cheek against his leg. “Can’t you talk to him in your head like you do to us? I’d like to take a nice hot bath. Why don’t you contact them while I’m in the tub? I can talk to them another time.”

  “No, I can only talk with my bonded now when we are that far away. If they were closer, or on Earth, yes,” Akaos said.

  She jumped up easily and smiled down at them. “I don’t know if I’m ready to meet the in-laws yet. Let alone three sets of them.” Maya frowned before she glanced around the room. “Why hasn’t Tesuss come or, for that matter, contacted you? Do you know where my bags are?”

  He slowly raised his gaze, moving it up her body. “Your bags are there on the floor next to the bed. I don’t know what is going on with Tesuss, but I will find out soon, I promise you. He’s being rude and we need to finish the bond. Go take your bath, but I’m afraid you’ll be meeting my family sooner than you think.” Akaos reached inside his suit jacket and took out the small round communicator.

  Maya stepped closer to him and glanced down at his hand, staring at it. “It looks like a ball of fuzz?” She stared back up at him, hesitant. “What do you mean I’ll be seeing your family sooner than I know?” Then she looked at Warden. “Is your family coming too?”

  Activating the communicator, the large image hologram of a man and a portion of another room appeared next to them. Maya jumped and snarled. “You did that on purpose.”

  Akaos grinned. “Good evening brother, Isaac. I hope all is well at home?” He latched onto Maya’s hand and squeezed. Warden placed his hand on her shoulder from behind, holding her in place next to them as they faced Akaos’ brother.

  “We have a problem here. Have you tried to access the gate recently? Or have any of our other brothers from this Earth realm? Hello Warden, nice to see you again?” His brother acknowledged him before going on.

  “There was a ripple in the doorway, not strong, but like someone was trying to come through. Father believes it was done by some unnatural process.”

  Akaos released his hold on Maya and shook his head. “No, we have no reason to come home, well except for now.”

  Maya placed her hand on his shoulder. “Excuse me for interrupting, but in order to travel to your realm do you use organic materials to open the doorway by any chance?” She tapped her foot and he could almost see the wheels turning in her head.

  He tried to slip into her mind, but his father’s voice drew his attention as his image moved into the hologram. “Who is this human female and why is she questioning our scientific matters? Haven’t you trained your human females on Earth yet, Akaos?”

  The snarl was low, but he heard it and so did his father. “Father, this is my partner, Maya.”

  She turned towards him and glared at him. “Train? We will speak of this later, but we are not going to get any sleep…” her phone went off and she answered it on the first ring.

  “Dee what’s wrong?” Maya paced back and forth in the room watching him. “Yes, we’ll be there as soon as we can and Dee…we have company coming, so prepare the outer rooms. I love you.”

  “Akaos!” His father yelled and he frowned wondering who this Dee was as his attention went back to his father.

  “We will be there on your next morning. Prepare for the family to come and let your other brothers know also. Give me your coordinates please.” His father was all business, but again Maya stepped forward.

  He twined his hand with hers and tried to stop her, but she hissed at him. “Hush, we won’t be here. We have to leave now, to California. I’ll explain later. I have to call my jet and ready it.” She stopped talking and frowned.

  “When you come through this doorway, will it alert others, say if they are trying to break your code to come to your world?” Her other hand flew up and once more he could see her brain working.

  “No one knows when we come here, Maya, or how we got here.” He tried to reassure her, but she shook his head.

  “No, that is not right. I think Randolph knows. You didn’t get a chance to look at that scroll he took, but I did. I think he’s trying to get to your realm, or another realm, creating a new doorway.” She smiled at Warden who hadn’t said a word, but watched everything she did.

  It was only a matter of time before he moved to take control of their run away-mate, while Akaos dealt with other matters.

  She ran her hand through her hair. “I think it best if your family is going to come, to do it now. Here, that way if I’m correct, and Randolph has fled to California, like I think, he won’t know that your family have come and he won’t be able to feel the disturbance it causes when you open a door. The least this prick knows better. Your family can fly with us to California.”

  She turned and made her way towards the bathroom “Now, if you excuse me, I need to call my pilot and talk to my family. Then I’m jumping into the shower and changing clothes before we leave.”

  Before he could say a word, she flipped open her phone and dialing, headed into the bathroom. “She has spirit, but Akaos, son, if what she says is true, we are needed there more than ever. We can’t allow this man to open a doorway. Think of the harm he could create and the things he could release into this world.”

  Maya popped her head out of the bathroom. “I think he already has, the killings, here in Detroit are done by an animal, but none like we have encountered. Maybe with your family here, they can help us solve these murders?” She flashed a smile. “I can hear really well.”

  Even though things were looking horrible, he couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped. “Go take your shower.” He turned to see his brother and father grinning.

  “Nice seeing you both. If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll help our bonded get clean,” Warden announced and started to strip out of his clothes as they all laughed.

  “I am gathering the family now. Your mother and brothers can’t wait to meet her, but I’m afraid she’ll have to meet your sisters at another time. They are with their father right now. We will talk soon.”

  The disconnection was instant. They already had the coordinates from the last time he’d been here.

  The shower turned on and he heard Maya’s squealed surprise and laugh.

  He moved toward the bathroom, glad the shower tub was large enough to hold six of them. Akaos smiled as he stripped out of his clothes, Warden already had Maya up against the shower wall with her hands up above her head.

  Her legs were spread and he caught her little moan when Warden cupped her ass cheeks and nibbled her neck.

  Stepping into the shower, Warden smiled and dragged Maya into his arms. Her gaze traveled up his legs, where it stayed for a few minutes. His cock jumped at the attention she paid it. He laughed. “Touch it, because soon enough it will be going inside you.”

  Drawing his cock into her small hands, Maya stroked it back and forth. “I know this is your human form, but how much bigger are you in your true form? Because if this is small, we might have a slight problem.”

  After a few moments with her hands on him Akaos was ready to explode. “Enough, yes we are much bigger, but don’t worry about that now. We’ll fit when the time comes.” He turned her around, her back towards him now.

  “On your knees, Maya. Warden needs that mouth on him. Take the edge off of him. He’s waited too long for y
ou.” He brushed her hair aside and watched as she kneeled before them taking Warden’s cock into her mouth.

  The little noises she made while sucking Warden’s cock were so adorable, but his attention was diverted to the long scar running down her back. Several small ones were along her left side and if he wasn’t mistaken, he could actually see imprints of teeth where someone had tried to literally take a bite out of her side.

  The suffering she’d undergone was tremendous and he was furious at himself for not being there for her.

  “There is no way you could have known what he was going to do. You’re here now and that is all that matters, min kammerat.”

  “Don’t’ worry about me, Maya. Concentrate on what is in front of you.” He kneeled down behind her and ran his fingers down her back to the crease of her ass. “Your ass is nice and round. I’m going to have to start stretching this back here.” He ran his finger around her tight little hole.

  She trembled and whimpered her head, bobbing up and down on Warden’s cock.

  “I can smell you. Your scent when excited is that of lilies and mint. I wonder if you taste as good as you smell.” His eyes met, Warden’s over the top of Maya’s head as she grabbed onto a handful of her hair and guided her.

  “I’m close, Little Cat, squeeze my balls carefully. That’s it! Soon you’ll have all three of us touching and tasting every inch of your body, claiming what will be ours. And you will be ours.”

  Kissing the back of her neck, Akaos leaned in and whispered into her ear. “Soon you’ll wear our collar, but you are not ready for the ultimate claim. For that you would be willing to obey…”

  She shivered when he said the word and they heard her small gasp around Warden’s cock.

  “Oh yes, Maya, when we claim you, all three of us .Make no mistake, you will listen to ever order we give you. You see it’s our duty, love, and honor to make sure you want, need, or crave for nothing. We will bathe you, clothe you and love you.” Gathering her juices, Akaos slowly slid one finger into her tight ass up to the knuckle.


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