Tiger Mom (Killer Moms Book 4)

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Tiger Mom (Killer Moms Book 4) Page 13

by Eve Langlais

  His phone dinged, and he held it away from his ear to see the incoming image. It showed a cruise ship with people at the rails, waving. Too small to tell much. He had the picture mirror on the screen that hung on his wall. He stepped close to it and scanned the many faces.

  “You better not have called me on a maybe.” His eyes quickly stroked left and right before pausing. There, at the top, a pair of girls with pink and cream hats, standing between a woman and a man. He zoomed in and would admit to being impressed that the software had picked up on their faces. High-quality images made things so much easier when it came to surveillance.

  “Given we were concerned that the image was a false positive, I contacted a passenger aboard the ship and got them to locate the children and send me more pictures. It’s a match.”

  “You found them.” Triumph filled him. One step closer to getting his revenge. “What of their mother?” What of his disobedient wife?

  “They are traveling with a woman who appears to be Macey, though she isn’t quite lining up with your pictures. It’s possible she’s had some facial surgery. She appears to be traveling with Mr. Grady, who changed his name to Hogan, and some woman on the manifest posing as an aunt.”

  The news that his wife remained with that man, that ex-soldier running a sham studio, burned.

  “Excellent work, Kira. Have your informant monitor my daughters and their mother until I can make arrangements for their retrieval.”

  “Unfortunately, my eyes and ears on board have been removed from the ship. But I am working on finding a new passenger or crewmember to use.”

  Ronin cut her off. “Don’t bother. Send me the itinerary. I’ll handle the rescue of my family from here on out.”

  He might even go in person so he could hear Macey grovel.

  And then he’d show his daughters what he did to those who betrayed him. It would serve as their first lesson in how to please their father.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Portia waited until they’d exited the first house, with its traffic noise and neighbors with the many barking dogs to lay into Ted. The girls had skipped ahead, intrigued when Portia had mentioned perhaps sticking around the Caribbean for a while. Getting them some tutors. It both pleased and worried her to hear children excited about a possible one-on-one education.

  As they pointed out the lovely shrubs lining the road on their way back to the ship, she hissed. “What the heck were you thinking? Previously married with a crazy ex-wife? That was your best lie?”

  He rolled his shoulders. “I panicked. Said the first thing I could think of they might consider a good enough secret. You know, you could say thank you. The only reason I had to lie was because you haven’t told them the truth.”

  Her lips thinned. “Do you really think now is the time?”

  “Yes. Or has it not occurred to you that if your ex knows you’re alive, he might, let’s say, manage to find them? What if he shows up and says, ‘Hey, I’m your daddy. Wanna come live with me since your mean mommy tried to keep us apart?’”

  “The girls would never…” She bit her lip. Portia honestly had no idea how they’d react.

  “If your ex is as good a manipulator as you claim, then he’d have no problem weaving some fairy tale where you’re the villain. And before you say that wouldn’t happen, let me add that I’ve seen it in action.”

  “I’ll just make sure he never finds them.”

  “You’re being stupid,” he said bluntly.

  “No, I’m a coward,” she admitted, seeing the girls had stopped by a vendor selling deep-fried pastries. “Telling them the truth is going to hurt them. It’s going to affect everything.” Especially their trust in their mother. She’d known that for a while. Kept her head in the sand, hoping she’d never have to deal with it, and yet, lived in daily fear that the truth would come out.

  “You’re their mother. They’ll forgive you.”

  “Will they?” They were part of the reason that Ronin still lived. She couldn’t kill their father.

  The girls each got a hot pastry rolled in sugar. Since they still had time before they had to board, they walked the beach, the girls kicking at the waves as they ate their sweet treats. Portia hadn’t gotten one for herself, but Ted had splurged for a three-scoop ice cream cone.

  She’d said no, but eyeing the melting, cold and creamy goodness, she regretted the decision.

  “Want a bite?” he offered, having noticed her hungry stare.

  She should say no. It was pure sugar. He’d licked it already.

  Hmm. That wasn’t a deterrent, actually. She reached for it, wrapping her hand around his to draw it to her mouth.

  She took a long lick, conscious that he watched, his gaze smoldering.

  “My turn.” He angled it to bite at the section she’d just licked, holding her gaze the entire time.

  Her next taste was openmouthed, over the top. She was pretty sure she heard him groan.

  His free hand curled around her waist and drew her nearer. Part of the act, or did he feel the heat between them, too?

  Was it just because it had been so long? Did she imagine the passion simmering within him? The ice cream stood between them, neither of them eating it, their gazes locked. What would happen if she kissed him?


  “Aaaawww!” The sharp shriek doused her with cold reality.

  “Lin!” She shouted her daughter’s name as she whirled, her hand sliding into her pocket to the slit that gave her access to a small pistol. She lunged forward, ready to sprint, only to find herself grinding to a halt. She glared at the fingers hooked in the waistband of her shorts.

  “Let go,” she growled.

  “Don’t you dare pull that gun. The girls are fine.”

  “But Lin…” Screeched again as a wave rolled onto the beach, and something slimy touched Lin’s ankle. Which led to Mae mocking her.

  There was no danger, and yet Portia had almost pulled a gun in public. That wouldn’t have ended well.

  “We need to go back to the ship.” At least, she did. Because Mae was right. Paranoia was ruling her decisions. And if she wasn’t careful, it would ruin their lives. “Can you watch them? I need to freshen up.”

  She went ahead, but it wasn’t long before the girls joined her, Ted bringing up the rear. Small hands slipped into hers as they skipped.

  “Why so sad, Mommy?” Lin asked.

  “Not sad. Just tired and hot.” Her wan smile probably helped with that lie.

  “Your mom just needs a good night’s sleep, I think.”

  “Can we have dinner in our room tonight?” Mae asked. “We’re tired, too.”

  Portia shook her head. “You’re just saying that because of me. We’ll go to dinner, and whatever tonight’s entertainment is.”

  “Actually,” Mae said, “we were kind of hoping to go star watching tonight. We found out that we can borrow a telescope, and there’s supposed to be a meteor shower.”

  “I guess I can—”

  Mae interrupted. “Aunt Joanna already said she’d take us if it’s okay with you.”

  “Can we?” Lin exclaimed, bouncing ahead and clasping her hands.

  Portia’s first impulse was to utter a resounding “no,” but with what excuse? Joanna could watch over the girls. She was tired. And this was exactly the type of thing the girls enjoyed.

  “Fine. But straight to your room after.”

  “Yes, Mother. We’ll be sure to be quiet too so we don’t wake you or Daddy.”

  There was nothing else to say, and she was quite relieved to find out that the man who’d talked to them that morning at breakfast had been put ashore. They’d be fine.

  Still, as she paced the room, Ted couldn’t help but remark, “Helicopter much?”


  “Hover. Suffocate. Panic over everything.”

  She scowled. “You wouldn’t understand. You’re not a parent.”

  “No, I’m not. But look at you. What do you really think can ha
ppen on a ship?”

  “Would you like a list?” Because she had plenty of suggestions.

  “How many of the items on it are realistic?”

  “The danger that my girls are in isn’t run-of-the-mill.”

  “No, but at the same time, be careful that your protective actions don’t become worse than the thing you’re protecting them from.”

  “Are you implying that I’m as bad as Ronin?”

  “No. But you are a tiger.”

  She knew exactly in what context he meant it, and she wasn’t ashamed. Not one bit. “Damned straight, I’m a tiger. Which is worse than a soccer mom or a bear mom. I know I take paranoia to a new level. I’m a doctor, I’ve seen some of the worst things out there,” she huffed. “I am fully aware that I’m crazy, but you know I do it to keep them safe.”

  “You can’t turn them into prisoners while doing so.”

  “They’re free…” She trailed off. Free to do what exactly? She’d torn them from their lives. Forbidden them from having any contact with it. Would be turning them into new people. She couldn’t give them a choice. The cage she’d put them in didn’t have visible bars.

  “It doesn’t have to be this difficult. Talk to them. Explain everything.”

  “They’ll hate me.” She suddenly collapsed in on herself, her ass hitting the edge of the bed, her shoulders rounding with defeat. “They won’t understand, and I can’t stop myself from acting like this. They’re all I have, and I’m afraid I’ll lose them.”

  She leaned forward, her face buried in her hands. The bed dipped as he sat beside her. His arm stretched around her in a hug. She leaned into him.

  “I can’t imagine what it’s like living like that,” he said softly.

  “You have nightmares when you sleep. Mine happen when I’m awake.”

  “And those are even more terrifying.” Said in a low rumble. “They are why I used to do the drugs and drink. I’d see a face and be reminded. A noise would set me off.”

  “How do you stop it?”

  “You don’t. It will always be there to a certain extent. It’s how you handle it that makes a difference.”

  “Your nightmares are about things you did in the past, though. For me, it’s about what could still happen while Ronin is out there.”

  “The worst thing being…what?”

  She blinked at him. “I’d say that’s obvious. Him taking the girls.”

  “I would have said killing you.”

  She shook her head. “My life means nothing if it keeps them safe. But the thought of him having his daughters, of him being able to influence them, maybe even hurt them…” She shook her head.

  “Meaning you won’t ever relax until he’s dead.”

  “What if that’s worse?” She glanced at the fingers clasped in her lap as she kept silent about her other fear.

  What if Ronin died because of her? And she lived with the guilt of having killed the twins’ father. Or worse, what if the girls found out what she’d done, and she lost them forever?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Her shoulders shook, and he didn’t know what to do. Macey had hit her rock bottom, and now she couldn’t see a way out.

  There were no words Ted could really use to help. No magical cure. The thing about terror was that it wasn’t always rational. But it certainly was pervasive.

  Ted had only meant to try and relax her, his fingers kneading the flesh of her shoulders, digging into the knots that kept her tense.

  As she relaxed, she moaned, and her head fell back, exposing the smooth column of her throat. He couldn’t help but kiss it. She shivered, and her lips parted.

  Had she told him to stop, he would have. Probably would have left the room and swum laps until he collapsed. But instead, she turned and cupped his face, drawing his mouth to hers.

  Asking for a kiss.

  She got a storm.

  His passion, barely leashed, spilled forth, and he kissed her back, hard, demanding. She replied in kind, her breath hot. He ended up sitting on the couch with her in his lap, making out. His hands roamed her body, and she leaned away from him so he could strip her shirt, leaving her clad in only a bra on top.

  He buried his face in her cleavage, but that wasn’t enough. He slid to the side so she sat on the couch, and then he knelt on the floor. He tugged at her shorts, pulling them down over her legs. The holster with her gun was strapped to her thigh, and his fingers might have trembled a bit as he undid the clasp. He lay it within arm’s reach, her gaze following its path.

  “Relax,” he whispered.

  “I don’t know how.” Spoken as she sat in her underwear, beautiful, her eyes at half-mast, her lips full and pouty.

  “Then let me help you.”

  His hands cupped her hips and drew her forward on the couch so she sat on the edge. He placed a kiss between her breasts, then lower, on her upper belly. Then lower still. Macey trembled with desire. He could smell her through the thin fabric of her panties as arousal moistened her cleft. He used his teeth to tug, and when that didn’t work so well, his hands made quick work of the material in his way.

  He pressed his face against her mound and nipped, a signal for her to part her legs. Her sex gleamed, pink and wet. Tasty, he’d wager. He blew softly, and her sex quivered. Next, the wet tip of his tongue traced the edges of her lips, the feathery touch drawing a moan.

  The sound emboldened him, and he gripped her hips tighter, drawing her to his mouth. He licked her slit, a long, wet stroke of his tongue that had her moaning again.

  Then, as if shocked by the noise, she shoved a fist into her mouth. But she didn’t ask him to stop, so he licked her again, and again, delving between her lips, thrusting his tongue into her pussy. Macey clutched the couch cushions, her hips thrusting slightly as she met the cadence that he set.

  At times, her thighs turned into tight vises around his head. As if he cared. He teased her and tasted. Flicked his tongue against her clit and almost got whiplash as she bucked. He grabbed hold of her clit with his lips and sucked on her sensitive flesh.

  She trembled and uttered a low moan that vibrated past the fist in her mouth. When her orgasm hit, he caught it, and then kept stroking it, leaving her panting for more.

  She shoved at him, and he thought: this is it, we’re done.

  But his ass hit the floor, and then she hit him as she dove on top of him, her hands tugging at his shirt. He helped her strip it from his body, exposing his hard form. His turn to tremble as she stroked a hand down his chest to the waistband of his pants.

  He couldn’t remove them while sitting, so he stood, and had the pleasure of looking down to see her on her knees, tugging at them. Exposing him in all his erect glory. She reached out and grabbed him, drawing a hiss.

  His hips thrust.

  She laughed. “My turn.”

  “Maybe later.” Because if she kept touching him, he’d spill, and then he wouldn’t know the pleasure of sinking into her body.

  He drew her to her feet and against him, his cock trapped between their bodies, but he reveled in the skin-to-skin contact. His lips latched on to hers, and she opened to him, their tongues, breath, and passion entwining.

  Her nipples pebbled against his chest, berries he suddenly had to taste. Ted leaned her far enough back that he could bend and take one into his mouth.

  Macey moaned and bucked her pelvis as his tongue swirled around the tip. He thrust a thigh between her legs, and she rode it, rubbing her wet cleft against him, drawing a pleased growl.

  She was everything he ever wanted in a woman. Passionate. Sweet. Responsive to his touch.


  He wanted to join with her. To feel her surrounding him. He turned so he could once more sit on the couch, but he drew her down with him, getting her to straddle his lap, his cock trapped under her cleft.

  She rocked against him, teasing him with the heat of her core, lubing him with her cream. She lifted herself enough that his cock bobbed upright. The head of his
prick rubbed the entrance to her sex. She wiggled a bit, teasing.

  His fingers dug into her hips as he resisted the instinct to slam into her.

  He didn’t want to go too fast, but he might just die if—

  She sat down, and he gasped as the heat of her surrounded him. Pulsed. Clenched him tightly.

  “Oh, that’s nice,” she murmured.

  “Nice?” he grumbled.

  “Perfect,” she amended as she began rocking atop him. It took an already pleasurable sensation and multiplied it by infinity. He fit her snugly, his cock buried to the hilt, her pussy squeezing. Her breath hot and panting.

  Together, they moved in rhythm, his hands on her waist, his hips doing their best to grind while she rocked.

  He didn’t need to feel the tension in her body to know that she was about to come again. On his cock.

  Her breathing turned ragged. Her nails dug into his shoulders as the pleasure coiled inside her.

  At the moment of climax, she opened her eyes, and their gazes locked.

  Ted knew he couldn’t yell his pleasure, and the fact that he couldn’t made it more intense. He bucked, his hips thrusting up, deep.


  She came even harder.

  Then collapsed against him.

  He carried her to bed, where they spooned and talked softly. Of nothing and everything. It led to them making love a second time, with him sliding into her from behind, and falling asleep spooned.

  There were no nightmares that night. Nothing but trust and comfort and blushes in the morning as a knock came from the door.

  “Hey, I think you locked us out,” Lin yelled through the door.

  A good thing they’d locked it from their side. It gave them time to dress before they faced the girls and Joanna’s knowing smirk.

  But the best part of all, the pink blush in Macey’s cheeks every time she looked at him.

  Chapter Sixteen

  They spent the day at sea, picking and choosing what activities they wanted to participate in. As a family.

  It was beyond strange as Portia got to indulge in what having a man around could be like. Ted catered to her, bringing her fruity, iced drinks, no alcohol, respecting the fact that she wasn’t a drinker. A good number of people had a tendency to be pushy when they found out that she preferred to remain completely sober. Insisted it was just one drink. It wouldn’t hurt.


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