"No! Nobody ever quarrelled."
"And did the money never melt away?"
"No! Nobody could ever spend it all."
"And did none of them ever grow older?"
"No! Nobody ever grew older after that."
"And did none of them ever die?"
"O, no, no, no, Gran!" exclaimed our dear boy, laying his cheek upon herbreast, and drawing her closer to him. "Nobody ever died."
"Ah, Major, Major!" says my respected friend, smiling benignly upon me,"this beats our stories. Let us end with the Boy's story, Major, for theBoy's story is the best that is ever told!"
In submission to which request on the part of the best of women, I havehere noted it down as faithfully as my best abilities, coupled with mybest intentions, would admit, subscribing it with my name,
Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgings Page 9