My Paranormal Valentine: A Paranormal Romance Box Set

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My Paranormal Valentine: A Paranormal Romance Box Set Page 8

by Michelle M. Pillow

  “So you’re saying that…” Bridget blinked, a tear slipping over her cheek. “You’re saying that I’m trapped on the ocean floor with a bunch of fish, and I can’t be a scientist? This is Deep Ocean. The Abyss! Do you know how many undocumented species are out there just waiting to be discovered?”

  “Undocumented to whom?” Aidan asked. He gave her arm a light pull when she stopped moving. “We already know what’s out there. The Merr have known for years—centuries.”

  “Then I can’t…? They won’t let me…?” Bridget felt faint. She raised her hands helplessly to the side. “Married? To whom? To do what? Be a wife? An antiquated wife that cooks and cleans and does other wifely things? For all eternity?” Bridget breathed hard, panting wildly as she started to hyperventilate. Aidan fanned her face. “I’m in hell. I’ve died and this is hell.”

  “You can choose your husband,” he said as if that helped.

  Bridget snorted. “Then I choose none.”

  “Then you’re under Caderyn’s guardianship.”

  “What does that mean exactly? Under his guardianship?”

  “It means he will take care of you. He approves those seeking your hand and allows them to court you.” Aidan stopped at a narrow door.

  “Court me?” Bridget tensed. This just kept getting worse and worse. “But, I don’t wish to be courted. Don’t I have a say in who courts me?”

  Reality was hitting her hard today. She guessed the numbness over her situation could have only lasted so long. This was forever. This world. These people. This life. It was forever. Until she could prove otherwise, those were her facts. She became angry—angry at Caderyn for saving her, angry at fate for delivering her down here, angry at the Merr society for even existing.

  Anger was so much easier to feel than rejection and unrequited desires. Bridget took a deep breath. Caderyn was the one who’d brought her here, so he was the one to be angry at.

  “It’s actually our hope that you’ll be able to help us with what we’ve found,” Aidan admitted. “Any knowledge you have would be appreciated.”

  “I just bet it would,” she muttered between her teeth, not thinking as she answered the man. “I just bet it would.”

  Chapter 11

  “Bridget? Bridget?”

  Bridget heard Aidan’s voice through the angry fog settling over her body. She didn’t listen to him, didn’t heed him. How could she? Apparently Caderyn had her on the market!

  Her body shook as she turned to the door. Before she knew it, she was storming through the palace to the banquet hall. Laughter sounded, and the sound only fueled her outrage. She lifted her hand, mildly surprised to see a knife gripped in her palm.

  “Bridget, wait,” Aidan said behind her. She felt him touch her arm lightly, and she jerked away.

  “You son of a bitch!” Bridget screamed, pleased when the hall instantly became quiet. She was tired of tiptoeing around them, worrying about what they thought, watching every word for fear she’d mess up and insult them.

  Bridget stormed to the head table, glaring at Caderyn. She refused to let her heart flutter at the sight of him, though the treacherous organ did try. He sat next to the king, drinking wine as if it were just another day and everything was right in his perfect little undersea world. Slowly, he lowered his goblet and watched her. It was like looking at him for the first time—his chiseled face, his handsome features. So what if he was attractive? She’d rather spend the rest of her life masturbating and alone than sleep with him right now. Caderyn didn’t move and that pissed her off more. “You no good, son of a bitch. How dare you!”

  “I see the euphoria has worn off,” King Lucius said, chuckling slightly. He stood, slapping Caderyn on the shoulder. “She didn’t show favor, so she’s all yours until she cools off.”

  Bridget glared at the king. He glanced down at the knife in her hand and laughed harder, prompting several of those nearby to do the same. Caderyn’s face was blank as he slowly rose to his feet.

  “Good luck,” the king said, falling back into his chair. “You’re going to need it.”

  “You’re going to need more than luck when I finish with you,” Bridget warned.

  “Lady Bridget—”

  “Don’t you ‘Lady Bridget’ me, buddy,” Bridget fumed. “Who gave you the right to try and pawn me off on someone? In fact, who gave you the right to save me in the first place? Maybe I didn’t want to be saved. Maybe I was doing fine until you and your little boat-smashing friends came along.”

  “Bridget,” Caderyn said, his voice full of warning.

  “No!” she yelled, holding up her hands, not caring if the entire hall heard her. “You don’t get to talk to me. You tried to make me have…“ Bridget stuttered as she tried to think of the right word. Somehow, ‘you tried to pimp me out’ seemed too crass. She pointed the blade at him. “Suitors.”

  He placed his hand on the table and leaped over it in one graceful movement to stand before her. Her pulse sped. Okay, so that was a really impressive stunt. She shook her head, refusing to be swayed by his physical prowess. Wielding the knife though she didn’t know what she was going to do with it, she tried to look stern and mean. It wasn’t like she could stab him with it, and he didn’t seem too scared that she would try.

  “In fact, you are no longer my guardian,” she declared. A gasp went over the crowd and then murmurs of surprise.

  Caderyn arched a brow, a smile curling one side of his mouth. “Bridget? You’re sure? That is what you wish?”

  “Of course, I’m sure!” Bridget fumed. He didn’t have to look so damned happy about it. He was the one who had saved her. She hadn’t put him in that position to begin with. He had done that himself. “I don’t want you trying to pawn me off on every man who walks by just because you don’t want to deal with me.”

  “Then I accept,” he said, grinning wider. “When?”

  “Right away,” she answered. What did he mean when? Why shouldn’t her decree to be free of him take effect immediately?

  Caderyn nodded.

  “Good,” she huffed. Bridget frowned. Then, glancing down at the knife, she grimaced and handed it to him. He took it, his finger lingering as it brushed next to hers. “I’m glad you show some reason because I would’ve stabbed you if you hadn’t.”

  She started to turn when Caderyn stepped forward and pulled her into his arms. It was the last thing she expected. He kissed her, not just a polite little peck on the mouth, but a kiss. A real kiss. The kind of kiss she felt all the way to her curling toes. The kind of mind-altering pleasure that claimed her soul even as it made her nipples tingle, and her sex ache to be filled. Her body heated and she couldn’t suppress the moan that filtered past her mouth. The hall cheered.

  Caderyn pulled back, holding her close. Very softly, he said, “There was no need to threaten me with a knife. I would’ve said aye had you just asked me.”

  “What—?” Bridget began, confused. She had a feeling there was more going on than she knew, but it was too hard to concentrate with desire running a mad course through her veins.

  Before she could focus beyond the taste of him on her mouth and finish a complete, coherent thought, Caderyn turned her around to face the crowd. “My king, people of Atlas, may I present my wife, Lady Bridget of the Hunter.”

  The hall cheered. Bridget stared at Caderyn. His what? His what?!

  Oh, gawd.

  Oh, gawd.

  Oh. My. Gawd.

  “My king, may I have your blessing?” Caderyn asked, yelling over the cheers.

  The king smiled and waved his hand lightly as if to say, ‘so be it.’ The cheers grew louder. Lucius glanced briefly at her before nodding his head. “Let it be known that from this day forward Caderyn the Hunter has taken a wife.”

  “Where’s that knife?” Bridget swore under her breath, reaching to grab the knife from Caderyn’s hand. He let it go, giving it to her without protest. When he looked at her, he was grinning, a wide smile spread over his features.
She contemplated stabbing him with the blade, but knew she could never harm another person. With a growl, she turned and stormed down the hall. She had to get away from him. All of the Merr people were insane.

  Aidan stared at her with his jaw hanging open. She brushed past him. Bridget knew her temper, knew that she needed to get away from the situation before she did anything stupid—well, more stupid than she’d already done. First she’d put the knife back before she hurt herself. Then she’d run far away from the palace and hide.

  Oh. My. Gawd.


  Caderyn was stunned. Bridget had chosen him. His fear that she would reject him wasn’t founded. She chose him. She wanted him as her husband, picked him above the king.

  The acceptance had just spilled out of him before he could think to stop it. His desires had been tormented by her since that first touch underwater. He wanted her so badly, only fear had kept him from telling her how he felt. It had been so hard not to deepen the kisses she gave him. But, until he said the words, made his intentions known to her, he couldn’t dishonor her like that.

  When Lucius wanted a right to stake his claim, like a fool Caderyn had said aye and stepped aside. It had been hell watching the king press his suit. He’d almost died when Lucius walked her from the banquet hall, sure he’d come back with her so she could declare her decision. Who could pass up the opportunity to be queen for all eternity?

  But she had. She’d chosen him.

  Caderyn moved to follow her, wanting her back in his arms. The tailors hadn’t finished her clothes, and she still wore the plain white tunics borrowed from Althea. He didn’t care. She would look beautiful in anything.

  Arousal was hot inside him, lifting his desires and stirring in his blood. If she’d allow him, he’d make love to her all night. And he’d make sure she was brought to pleasure each and every time.

  She’d chosen him.

  Chapter 12

  Marriage? To Caderyn?

  “Wait, Bridget,” Caderyn called. “Slow down. Wait.”

  Bridget walked faster to get away from him. The cheering in the banquet hall lessened by degrees the farther she walked.

  “You know you could have warned me before doing that,” he said.

  “I didn’t do anything. I didn’t ask to be your anything,” she growled, clutching the knife’s hilt backward in her hand for safety, so the blade wasn’t swinging wildly about as she walked. Spinning around to face him, she was surprised when the blade met with flesh, especially after she’d been careful while storming the halls with it. Caderyn’s eyes widened. A long, stunned silence passed between them. She felt blood trickling over her fingers. The anger instantly let go of her. They both looked down at the same time. Breathless, she said, “Oh, my. I didn’t mean to…”

  Bridget let go of the knife, unable to hold on. It stuck in her side. She’d stabbed herself. Almost delayed, the sharp pain shot through her and she gasped, shaking terribly.

  “Bridget?” Caderyn looked horrified. The white gown soaked up the red of her blood. She watched his hands shake as he tore the blade from her. Almost instantly, her knees weakened and she dropped. He caught her in his strong embrace, lifting her up. She trembled, weakened by the pain. What had she done?

  Foolish woman! What did you do?

  Caderyn pulled Bridget close to his chest, sprinting for his home. Her eyes closed as she passed out, falling limply against his chest.

  “Caderyn?” King Lucius said from behind him. “What has happened?”

  Caderyn kept running. He knew the king was concerned, but he couldn’t stop, not now. Bridget was his wife. He would take care of her the only way he knew how. She was still too new to Ataran to heal on her own.

  Caderyn shoved through his door and kicked it shut behind him. Without stopping, he lay Bridget on the bed and ripped open her tunic. Blood seeped from the wound, staining his bed. He didn’t care. Beds could be replaced, but it had taken him a near eternity to find Bridget.

  Pulling back, he quickly shed his clothing. He had to give her his energy. She was weakening too fast for just his hands. His wife needed his whole body, and he was more than willing to give it to her, even if it killed him.

  Caderyn put his naked body over hers. His thighs straddled her legs. He placed his hand over her wounded side, firmly pressing down on it. She whimpered, thrashing her head back and forth. He concentrated on healing her, on giving her his strength. Warmth left his hand, spreading out over his body. His flesh became sensitive to the touch, and he felt every place her naked body pressed into his. Her nipples hardened against him, just as his shaft tightened and hardened against her.

  Energy flowed out of him, into her, a steady stream of life that joined them. Bridget wiggled, and he nearly groaned at the feel of her soft stomach pressing up against his erection. Her lips parted and he couldn’t resist. He had to kiss her. Not once did he think to stop. She was his wife. She chose to be with him. Besides, she was moaning in pleasure and who was he to deny her what she wanted?

  Their lips touched and he thrust his tongue into her mouth. She tasted so good. Her lips were so much softer, so much sweeter than the pleasure nymph’s. Vaguely, he thought of how he’d never need the thing again. A rush of pleasure washed over him. He had a wife. He had Bridget.

  One hand stayed on her side as the other supported his weight. He had to taste more, feel more. The urge to mate with her was intense. The affliction of his body had been denied too many nights. Her hips wiggled again, thrusting against him to mimic the sex act. It was difficult, but he resisted parting her legs wide, and thrusting right in as he did with the nymph.

  Kissing a trail over her neck, he brought himself down on her body. A soft, round breast beckoned him to it. The texture of her nipple against his mouth was heaven. He played with it, tested it, flicked his tongue back and forth over the solid bud.

  Caderyn couldn’t seem to slow. Her body sucked his power from him and he wanted to give it to her. His hand left her side and in the wound’s wake was a fresh scar. The bleeding had stopped. He wiped the blood from his hand onto the sheet, as he kissed her other breast, giving the nipple the same treatment as the first.

  Caderyn’s mouth became aggressive, biting lightly to see what would happen. She moaned each and every time. Her legs worked restlessly between his thighs. They lifted up, pressing into his butt, spreading his legs wider, opening his body up in the most erotic way. The small strip of curls guarding her slit brushed along his erection, tickling him until his shaft nearly throbbed with painful need.

  Desperate, he reached between their bodies. He bumped his erection in his search for her moist heat and he nearly came all over her stomach. Caderyn grunted, holding back. He found her sex ready for him and slipped his finger along the folds, brushing up and down along her slit until he found the small pearl hidden there. Her body jerked each time until she was circling her hips up toward him, forcing his thighs further apart. He worked his hand against her several times. As he slid down, her hips thrust up, forcing a finger to slip inside the tight, wet passage of her sex.

  So warm.

  So wet.

  So tight.

  Caderyn groaned as her pussy gripped his fingers. Bridget rode his hand, pushing her body down so his finger moved in and out in a slow rhythm. His thumb bumped her clit as she worked against him. He couldn’t resist, as he slipped a second finger in with the first, feeling the tight silk of her body stretching against him.

  Caderyn watched, amazed at the ferocity in which she sought her pleasure. Bridget’s knees bent, pushing violently at his thighs. Her body bucked, arching wildly beneath him as she increased speed. She thrust herself on his fingers, pushing his hand back against his cock, which in turn thrust his cock against his hard stomach.

  “Ah,” she panted softly. “Ah! Yes. Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”

  Bridget’s pussy clamped his finger hard as she came. Her fingers trailed to her breast, rubbing the soft mound gently. He stared, watc
hing the erotic sight.

  “Argh,” he moaned, his body tense. Caderyn couldn’t hold back as her jerking orgasm thrust his hand up hard against his cock. He came, spraying his seed all over her stomach.

  Chapter 13

  Bridget felt warm all over. The pain had lessened, replaced by a pleasure so intense she wanted more, needed more. When a finger rubbed along her clit, hitting the sweet spot that always drove her wild, she needed to feel it inside her. Mindless, she thrust up. She knew how to work her hips just right to make the finger rub her like she needed to be rubbed.

  When she came, the pain drifted away. She heard someone grunt, right before a torrent of hot moisture spread over her stomach.

  Her whole body hummed with life. She felt possessed, needy. Bridget opened her eyes. Caderyn was above her. It was his seed spread over her stomach. She wanted more. It was like a force inside her demanded she take him again, drain him over and over until he passed out from sheer exhaustion.

  With that sole purpose in mind, she reached between their bodies and gripped his cock. Squeezing it, she demanded, “More.”

  Caderyn gasped and she stroked him until he was hard once more. Every brush of his skin to hers made her body sizzle with desire. His body was well-groomed, free from hair. She was wet for him. She was so sensitive. How did her body get so sensitive?

  “Mm,” she moaned, wiggling restlessly, stroking him harder. He was large in her palm, almost intimidatingly so. His erection grew the more she caressed it.

  “Bridget, wait,” he sighed, trying to pull off her fingers. “You don’t understand.”

  “I want you in me,” she groaned. Why was he backing away? She felt his cock. A man didn’t get that big if he was repulsed.

  “I’m already in you,” Caderyn gasped for breath. His eyes devoured her as he stood up from the bed. “I mean—”


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