Dragon Chains

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Dragon Chains Page 11

by Becca Brayden

  After several minutes the dragon lifted its head and stretched to his full height. Not mate.

  Katy had to agree. “No, I’m not.”

  Erik wants to make a bargain.

  Uh-oh. What was she supposed to say to that? “He does.”

  I do not. I feel dragon magic in you. You belong to another.

  “Dragon magic?”

  Dragon looked down at her, his blue eyes hypnotically beautiful.

  You are true mate. He will come.

  She wanted to pretend she didn’t know who Erik’s dragon was talking about, but she knew. Ryker. Ryker would come for her. She’d known, deep in her bones, that he would come for her, and the truth of that had kept her from panicking when Erik kidnapped her. She’d known. That didn’t mean she wasn’t mad as hell and hurting and feeling stupid and betrayed.

  They stared at one another for long seconds, and Katy felt like she had made a new friend, or friends, in both Erik and his dragon.

  “You really are beautiful.”

  The dragon nodded its head as if to say thank you and reached forward with one wing.

  Fly with me.

  What? Fly? On a dragon? She wanted to, kind of, but the fear of freezing to death warred with the fear of falling off. Still, how many people had the chance to ride a freaking dragon? With a grin, she reached out to touch the soft edge of the dragon’s wing. It was softer than his face, like warm, smooth silk.

  A roar thundered through the sky, and Erik’s dragon looked up at the same time Katy did to see a dark shadow coming at them like an arrow out of the sky.

  Get back!

  Erik’s dragon used his wing to lift her and throw her toward the building. She was flailing, flying backward through the air, bracing for a very painful landing when a pair of strong arms plucked her from thin air and settled her gently on her feet. One of Erik’s Guardians stood next to her, scowling at his king.

  Erik‘s dragon launched himself into the air with an answering roar that rattled Katy’s rib cage.

  A huge black dragon reached out with sharp talons and struck at the silver, their bodies tangling above the courtyard before both beasts crashed to the ground, ripping and thrashing at one another.

  She looked at the Guardian standing next to her. “Why aren’t you doing something?”

  “My king forbids interference. He wants the fight.”

  Katy clenched her fists. She wanted to strangle the Guardian. Strangle Erik. Strangle the black beast that she somehow knew was Ryker. “You’re all idiots.”

  The Guardian crossed his arms and moved to block her body from the fight but said nothing.

  “Get out of my way,” she fumed.

  “No. You are to be protected.” He turned to her with flames dancing inside his eyes like candles. “Stand back. Do not challenge me.”

  That was the last straw. She was seething mad. “Take your fire eyes and shove them where the sun don’t shine, Mr. Guardian Man. Get out of my way.”

  The Guardian looked down at her for a few seconds. Katy glared right back.

  He laughed and the transformation was shocking. He was…gorgeous. Every single one of these damn dragon-clan people were too damn good-looking to be real. “You are a true mate. Go then. Take your dragon with you before my king decides to do something stupid.”

  “Like what?”

  “End his torment. There are only two ways a dragon can die. The executioner’s blade, or in battle with another dragon.”

  Katy looked up to see the silver and black dragons breathing fire at one another as they plummeted toward the water, neither letting go. The ultimate game of chicken.

  “Can they drown?”

  “No. They are of the earth itself. Your dragon is a king, Katy. The oldest among us.”

  “He’s not my dragon.” Katy denied the truth, but she knew it was a lie. Even now she could somehow feel the black dragon’s heartbeat, his rage, his fire. The sensation of warmth spread through her entire body, made her breasts heavy and her core ignite with desire. Memories of their time together filled her mind as the familiar heat surged in her veins.

  Was that what she’d felt that night in his arms? The heated, orgasmic, mind-numbing pleasure she’d had in Ryker’s bed? Dragon magic? Was that what Erik’s dragon had sensed in her? Had Ryker marked her somehow? Made her off-limits to other dragons?

  The thought should upset her, but somehow the idea that a magical bond existed between her and Ryker was reassuring. Ryker had known the whole time who she was. Knew he was making love to her that first time, not Emily. He’d said as much at the ball.

  And he belonged to her. What that meant, she had no idea, but was overcome with the need to find out.

  She moved to push past the Guardian.

  “Stay back!” He lifted her from her feet and shoved her several steps behind him just as Ryker and Erik, still battling in their dragon forms, crashed to the courtyard on their sides, claws and tails thrashing and ripping one another to pieces. Blood sprayed in every direction, soaking the cobblestones and turning the courtyard from a beautiful, serene oasis to a nightmare scene from the worst kind of horror movie.

  Ryker had his jaws locked around Eric’s throat just as Eric had a talon pressed to Ryker’s long dragon neck. They remained locked together, unmoving. Bleeding. Each a hair's breadth from death.

  Katy ran around the Guardian and walked straight toward both dragons, her heart about to jump out of her throat as two pairs of eyes locked onto her movements. One blue sapphire, the other black diamond. Neither dragon moved an inch, unrelenting in their death grip on the other.

  “Ryker, let him go. Right now. He didn’t hurt me.”

  The ground under her feet rumbled again.

  Took you. Kill him.

  The voice in her head this time was distinctly different from that of Erik’s dragon, and she knew she was speaking, for the very first time, to Ryker’s dragon. Her dragon. The one who thought she was his true mate, whatever that meant. “Let. Him. Go. Now.”

  Inside her mind, the silver dragon issued a warning. Stand back, human. He is in a killing rage. I will kill him. Protect you.

  “No!” Unable to bear the thought of Ryker’s death, Katy ran toward the two dragons. Locked together as they were, she didn’t have far to climb to reach the place where the Ryker’s teeth were locked around Eric’s silver throat. With shaking hands, she reached toward Ryker’s jaw and pulled with every ounce of force she possessed. “Let. Him. Go.”

  Foolish, Eric rumbled.

  Dangerous, growled Ryker.

  “Stop fighting!” she shouted furiously at both of them.

  Eric’s dragon slowly, deliberately lifted his claw from Ryker’s bleeding neck. Once the pressure was gone, Ryker opened his maw to allow Eric to break free.

  Katy rolled to the ground as the two dragons stepped back from one another, dripping blood, eyes locked on each other’s movements. They circled her like warring tigers separated by a referee.

  “Enough. Ryker, I want to talk to you. Now. You have some explaining to do.”

  Right in front of her eyes the black dragon disappeared in the magical fog of light she’d first seen with Erik, replaced by the man she knew, the man whose touch made her forget her own name. The man who treated her like a queen. The man she’d fallen in love with despite of the lies, the deception. She had even betrayed her own sister for him.

  Ryker watched her, his chest heaving. Behind her she felt the magic of Erik’s change, but her focus was on only one man. “Ryker.”

  He walked toward her, lifting the golden necklace, the Elven dragon chains he always wore, over his head, tossed the chain to the side and scooped her into his arms, cradling her against his chest. “Are you hurt?”


  Ryker lifted his head to where Erik stood behind her. “For that, I will let you live.”

  Erik growled. “My dragon senses that you have marked her but not yet claimed her. She is vulnerable to attack. Take care
of your mate, Ryker. She will spark hope among our people. We cannot afford to lose her.”

  Ryker lowered his chin to acknowledge Erik’s words, then turned and walked to the edge of the courtyard. Far below them, white-capped water churned against the cliff.

  “Ryker? That’s a long—”

  Ryker leaped off the balcony.

  Katy screamed.



  * * *

  The black dragon’s chest pressed to Katy’s cheek. His talons cradled her like precious cargo. For the first few minutes, she’d closed her eyes in panic. Once the fear gave way to wonder, she watched the land flow beneath them like a river as the dragon carried her…somewhere. She had no idea where he was taking her, but he wouldn’t hurt her. That was the only thing she was sure of.

  If he’d wanted to kill her, she’d given him the perfect opportunity while crawling up his neck to pull at the dragon’s jaw. Like that would have worked. I can’t bench press a hundred pounds on my best day.

  “Where are we going?” She spoke aloud, experience over the last few hours proof that the dragon could hear her perfectly, for she had received the same one-word reply to every question she asked during the flight.


  Katy’s lips twitched. She wasn’t quite ready to outright laugh at the dragon, but she was getting close. “Okay. Mine. Mine. Mine. But where are we going?”

  The dragon ignored her. There was literally nothing she could do but wait.

  An hour could have passed, or three, she had no idea, enthralled by the most exciting ride of her life. Slowly, Ryker began doing lazy flips and turns for no other reason she could fathom except it made her scream and laugh. Katy suspected more than once that the big black dragon was trying to impress her, as if just being a dragon wouldn’t do the trick.

  Ryker slowly spiraled down toward the ground. She peeked out from between his claws and spotted a tiny cottage sitting atop a cliff overlooking a vast expanse of ocean with nothing else around as far as she could see.

  “Is this place yours?”

  Yes. Ryker owns. Mine.

  Okay, so Ryker owned a tiny cottage by the sea. And he was a dragon. A gorgeous black dragon the color of sparkling black diamonds on top and deep obsidian beneath.

  “Are all dragons this beautiful?” she asked. “And you’re not allowed to say ‘mine’ again.” The long ride with the dragon had worked its own kind of magic, and her fear of him was entirely gone. Well, mostly gone.

  The dragon preened. Dragon beautiful to mate.

  Katy laughed out loud this time at his smug reply. Dragons, she was discovering, could be charming when they chose.

  Smell other Draquonir magic on mate. Remove smell. Mine.

  “What does that mean?”

  Katy looked down at herself, looked at the jeans and sweater Erik loaned her along with a pair of very comfortable shoes. Nothing out of the ordinary there. She twisted her upper body so that she could check behind her. Nope. Still nothing.

  The dragon didn’t elaborate as he flew lower and lower before landing just outside the cottage door. He opened his claw slowly, and she slid down his finger and talon like it was a child’s slide. The moment her feet touched the ground, Ryker transformed into his human self. “You reek of Erik’s magic.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  With a grunt that sounded like he was in pain, he took her elbow and gently escorted her toward the cottage. The door opened, and he pulled her inside. Built from peat or sod, the structure gave her the sense that it was hundreds of years old. Maybe older. “What is this place?”

  “I was born here.”


  “We didn’t keep records back then. A long time ago.” He walked toward one corner of the room where a large, claw-foot tub rested next to the wall. There was no curtain and a hand pump for water. Ryker filled the tub.

  Katy’s heart thundered. “How long ago? I mean, how old are you, exactly?”

  He looked up at her, really looked at her for the first time since she’d discovered who and what he really was. She saw something in his eyes he’d never allowed her to see before. Pain. Fear. Regret.

  “I lost track at twelve hundred.”


  “Yes. I stopped counting after that.”

  “Oh my God.” Katy looked around the cottage where Ryker had been born and took in the ancient, heavy wooden beams that held the ceiling. An old-fashioned stone firepit and chimney stood in one corner of the room with a bed in the opposite corner. The space was smaller than a studio flat back home and gave off a rustic feeling. A single dusty oil lantern hung from a hook next to the fireplace. It was daylight now, the door stood open behind them, but she could easily imagine how cozy the small cottage would be at night with nothing but firelight and candles to push back the darkness.

  No sooner had the thought crossed her mind than Ryker waved a hand and closed the door, shutting out the cold. He turned to the firepit next. Katy gasped as a spark flew from his finger straight into the dry kindling left behind, burning hot and fast until the logs caught fire, flickering and crackling, no doubt for the first time in many years. Soft shadows danced along the wall and the scent of pine filled the small cottage.

  She had no idea what to say as Ryker filled a tub with water, then tested the temperature with his fingertips. Leaning down, he placed both hands inside. They glowed black, like sparkling glitter beneath the water until hot steam curled languidly around them.

  “I hope that’s for you. You’re a mess.” And he was. Covered in blood and gashes from his fight with Erik, she wasn’t sure how he was still on his feet.

  “This is nothing. And no, this is for you, mate. Dragon cannot wait any longer to claim you.”

  Katy frowned; her brow creased in confusion. “I don’t understand. What does that mean, exactly? To be claimed by a dragon?”

  “Trust me.” Ryker’s tone was seductive now, his eyes growing darker as he closed the distance between them. He lifted his palms to pull her to his side, her cheek settling against his chest. “I would never hurt you, my mate.”

  Warmth spread throughout her limbs. Desire. A languid sense of safety, of being cared for, protected, filled her heart. She was tired of fighting. Tired of struggling to survive. Tired of being alone and in pain.

  Katy wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed. She didn’t ever want him to let her go. Didn’t want to return to the daily struggle she’d faced before she knew him, alone and lonely. Fighting the whole world by herself every time her sister went off traipsing around the globe, leaving Katy to take care of everything.

  She closed her eyes and breathed him in as the warmth turned to crackling flames. With a gasp, she looked down to see her clothing disintegrate before her eyes, black flames consuming the material yet leaving her skin untouched. Magic. She shivered, half afraid of the flames and half in awe.

  “Much better.” Ryker lifted her naked body to his chest then stepped into the water, his eyes sparkling with mischief as his own clothes disappeared as well.

  “You can make clothes?”

  “We are dragons. Made from the magic of Earth itself. We can manipulate anything that is part of us. The elements. Earth. Air. Fire. Water. Spirit. You were covered in Erik’s magic, the clothing you wore created by his dragonfire. I cannot stand to sense his energy or catch his scent on you. It makes my dragon insane.”

  Mine. The loud, insistent voice she’d heard repeatedly during the flight burst into her mind in agreement.

  Ryker laughed as he lowered them both into the steaming water. “See? I told you.”

  Katy relaxed in his arms and let Ryker have his way with her. He was gentle, soaping and rinsing her hair before running his hands over every inch of her body. His touch was careful, tender, and not at all what she wanted right now.

  Turning in his arms, she pressed her naked breasts to his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck, pleased to see that nearly all his w
ounds had healed. Taking the soap from his hand, she washed the remaining signs of battle from his body and kissed him. Hard. Deep. Demanding.

  He answered in kind, taking control of the kiss, his arms moving to hold her closer. Tighter.

  No! Mine!

  “Damn it, Dragon.” Ryker tore his lips from hers and pressed his forehead to hers, staring into her eyes. “He is tired of waiting. I cannot control him. I took off my dragon chains.”

  “Is he going to hurt me?”

  Dragon’s telepathic denial came the same instant Ryker responded.


  “Okay. Then I’m ready to meet your dragon. Officially. As long as he promises not to fly away with me again, especially when I’m naked.”

  With a grin, Ryker stood, lifting her from the tub as he rose. The cooler air in the cottage made her shiver. A moment later she was covered in magical black fire. When it was gone, she was wearing some sort of gown, similar to the one she’d worn to the ball. Black. Shimmering. Beautiful. Her hair and skin were dry, her feet covered in thick slippers.

  Ryker, still naked himself, set her on her feet, took her hand and walked her outside until they stood looking out over the cliffs. Together they watched the seagulls fly, darting into the water to catch fish. The surf was so far below them it was a quiet, rhythmic, peaceful sound. Katy remained quiet as Ryker looked pensively out at the sea far below.

  Finally, he turned to her. “Long ago I dreamed of finding my true mate and bringing her here, to my ancient home, to claim her.” Ryker looked deeply into her eyes. “I love you, Katy. I am yours. Dragon is yours. If you’ll have us.”

  Katy took in the sight of her gorgeous, muscled god of a lover looking at her with the stars themselves in his eyes. No one had ever looked at her like that; like she was everything. Her heart melted.

  The magical blur she knew meant Ryker was changing into his dragon form filled her vision, and then it was just her and the dragon, staring at one another.



  “I don’t know what that means.”


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