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The Dragon Slayer

Page 5

by D L Colon

  They start walking the trail that used to lead to the house where Glaycol grew up, but now leads to the graves of the family that the dragons destroyed. As they walk along the trail, Elaine and Falror are talking about how they used to hunt in the forest for food every night and how they used to play who would get the beast faster, with Glaycol. Falror would always get it before Glaycol. Recalling those memories makes Glaycol chuckle at how careless he was then, how everything was happy. Now all that remains is the sadness and the pain of a loss he can’t recover from.

  Glaycol is pushing himself despite the pain that is shooting through his body. Pain that is a constant reminder of how stupid he was to allow his emotions to consume him and losing control. Once he arrives he notices that some nobles are there paying their respect to his family and he wonders what’s going on. Never seeing the nobles there before, Glaycol walks toward the graves and asks his grandparents, “Do you know if mom or dad had some friends in the nobles of the kingdom?”

  Falror and Elaine look at each other then to the nobles before Falror answers. “Yes, your parents were highly respected throughout the nobles of the Kingdom. You could also say they were feared by many of them, but they never did anything against your parents.”

  Glaycol cuts through the nobles to stand in front of the graves. After a moment he drops to one knee in front of his mother’s grave. “I’m back again, mom. I wish you could have finished the words you were trying to say to me that day.”

  Elaine puts a hand on one of his shoulders and Falror on the other, and they give them a slight squeeze. Glaycol stands up and turns around to see the nobles on their knees, paying their respects, and he feels his anger rise so he walks away. After he is out of earshot, one of the noble’s approaches Elaine and asks, “When are you going to tell him? His heritage will begin to show and he won’t be able to do anything about. It is just matter of when and where.”

  Elaine nods and looks over to where Glaycol disappeared into the trees, “I have the parchment his mother left him, but I won’t tell him anything about her heritage. I will let him live his life until his heritage shows, because after that he will have to follow his duty.”

  The nobles make way for Elaine and Falror to leave. Once they are out of earshot Falror looks at Elaine and asks, “Is this the right choice, dear?”

  Elaine sighs and shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t know, Falror. He is so young and he already has the duty of the Dragon Master. I can’t drop this on him yet. I hope what I am doing will help.”

  They keep walking in silence until they arrive at the carriage where Glaycol is waiting for them. As soon as they get in they start the journey back to the city.

  They ride in silence for a while as the carriage heads towards the city. After a time passes Glaycol, keeping his eyes focused on the road, starts talking “I know that you have been wondering what happened when Hyglarur attacked two years ago. I am ready to tell you about it now. I bet that by the time I am finished you will wish you didn’t know what happened. This morning I had to relive that nightmare in my dreams.”

  Elaine and Falror both nod, and Glaycol tells them, with crude detail, what he lived through the day his family was attacked by Rotwar and Hyglarur. He omits the words his mother told him and as he delves into the memory Elaine fights back the tears that threaten to fall. Falror keeps an emotionless face, because he now understands the pain, tears, and suffering that Glaycol had lived through that day. The day where everything changed for him, forever. Glaycol finishes telling them what happened and pauses for a moment to collect his emotions before adding, “I don’t want you two to do anything differently than you already are, but I have to tell you that two days ago I killed the dragon controlling your city. Now I leave it to you to find who will fill the spot that the noble family left empty since there is no other in line for succession. I will keep amassing my money, and little by little I will buy the whole continent one way or the other. If there is no one to follow the line of succession make the nobles come together and chose who the new reigning family will be.”

  The carriage comes to a stop just as Glaycol finishes talking and he looks out the window to see that there are a lot of people in front of the city waiting for their carriage. Among those people are Ethan and Jasorian. Elaine and Falror get out first, but when Glaycol comes out of the carriage the people start cheering loudly, chanting Dragon Slayer over and over again. Glaycol looks at them in amazement at their response to his arrival, even some of the nobles are standing there, waiting for Glaycol to say something to them all.

  Glaycol raises his left hand and the people instantly go quiet. He takes a deep breath and starts talking, “It seems the news of me killing Commander Zaz of the Dragon Empire has reached your ears. I won’t deny that if it wasn’t for my new crew, which consists of Ethan an Elf and Jasorian Jondariun a monk, I probably wouldn’t be alive today. I will warn you that war is coming. People, I won’t sugar coat things for you like Glaceila is doing to keep you out of the loop, I am planning to bring down the Dragon Empire and bring the continent back to the people. I will give you fair warning, I am not going to sacrifice myself in this war so we can keep waging war between ourselves. If it becomes necessary, I will personally bring the Kingdom to the ground. The royal family of this city has been killed, or are in hiding, I don’t know which, but I will leave that to the nobles to clarify. If they are all dead then we need new, strong leaders. I will also leave that choice to the nobles of the Kingdom.”

  The people applaud Glaycol’s words. Even though fear at the prospect of him turning against them is in the back of their minds, they know that what he speaks of is true and he will fulfill his word to the people.

  One of the nobles steps forward and addresses everyone, “As of right now there is only one member of the Royal bloodline who is still alive, but we still have to find him. Until that time, we are going to set a substitute to hold the Kingdom together until the royal member is found. If, by chance, we don’t find him, we will make you, the people, choose a King and Queen from between nobles who are currently in position within the Kingdom. As for who is going to be the substitute, we are going to leave that choice to the Dragon Slayer.”

  Everyone around nods their heads in approval of how things are going so far. Knowing that it’s his responsibility to put the new people in power, since he was the one who took the power from the Dragons, Glaycol nods and looks at the people with a serious expression on his face. “I don’t know any of the nobles of this city, but my grandparents, Falror and Elaine, do so I will give them the power to manage the city. After all, they are also the best blacksmiths in the whole Continent of Istagar. It may seem weird to many of you that I chose my family to lead the city, but they are the only people I know who can take care of the city, and they are the only ones I trust with my eyes closed. I know they will never join the Dragon Empire because they can’t be persuaded to join them. They lost everything thanks to the dragons. If you have anything against my appointment let it be known now, because I am leaving this city in a few days and I will not be back for a while. I’m heading to the next city to help with the hunts and search for the dragon that controls them.”

  Nobody voices any concerns or says anything about being against it. A few nobles murmur between themselves and Glaycol motions for them to speak up, but none of them move to speak so Glaycol looks at the people and sees them nodding their heads in approval of the situation as a temporary measure.

  After the approval of the people, the nobles started to talk to Glaycol. They told him they were going to create a parchment that would put Falror and Elaine as the substitutes for the time being, and they would have the power to make decisions on the matters of the Kingdom, but they wouldn’t be able to make any changes on any policies or laws that have been passed down, except to be able to raise taxes if the situation were to arise.

  “They won’t increase taxes, but we could switch that power and give them the power to change or implement laws if some
thing isn’t working the way it was intended.”

  Before anyone can respond, they are interrupted by a guard that walks up and asks, harshly. “What is the meaning of this crowd standing in the way?”

  The nobles’ faces change to fear upon seeing the guard and the noble that came with him. Glaycol look at them as a noble from the city asks, “What brings a guard and a noble from the capital here?”

  The noble smirks and answers, “To increase taxes and collect this period’s revenue.”

  Chapter 10

  They manage to stall a meeting with the noble from the capital for a few hours while they meet and discuss what course of action they should take. Knowing the city really needs the money they are sending every month, they decide to break relations with the capital and keep the city running independently hoping it will bring other cities to join them and force the dragons to leave the cities. Glaycol proposes the idea of killing them, but the nobles don’t want to make the matter worse and bring the full force of the capital down on them.

  Elaine comes up with a peaceful solution. “Why don’t we pay them, but send a message to the capital letting them know that they will no longer get any money from us?”

  At this suggestion one of the nobles asks, “But isn’t that making the situation worse?”

  Ethan cuts him off by saying, “Allow me to explain. No matter what we decide it will bring the full force of the capital down on us, but by giving them the money it shows that we have paid our last dracones to them and now we will use every penny we have for the benefits of the city. This, in turn, forces us to stop asking for money to be lent to us, but it will also make us use the money wisely. We have the power to make sure the guards from the capital will stay away from here.”

  One of the nobles stammers out a soft, “How?” before going silent once again.

  “With this,” Jasorian says as he points to a large, covered object on a small wagon beside him. When he reaches over and uncovers the head of Commander Zaz the nobles present gasp in horror.

  Glaycol smiles at the look of horror on the nobles’ faces as they gaze upon the head of the dragon that held control over the city with fear. Now his head is in front of them, being protected by the energy that Jasorian used.

  Elaine and Falror look at Glaycol and see the smirk on his face that tells them he has defeated Commander Zaz of the Dragon Empire. Falror smiles and says, “This will show them that they are not stronger than the Dragon Slayer and that will strike fear into them and make sure they stay in in the capital. Only dragons will be able to attack. We know Glarur has already gone to his father with the news, but they won’t know until the noble goes back and presents them with the head.”

  Everyone seems to agree to the idea, understanding now how everything will play out.

  Glaycol watches everyone for a moment before he asks, “Now to the matter at hand. How much money do we have to pay the capital?”

  The nobles gulp in unison as one answers, “Five thousand gold dracones. We managed to get them, but the city won’t be able to handle another increase. It will cause the civil war that the capital is looking for so they can annihilate the city and everyone in it.”

  Glaycol looks at Falror and Elaine and they nod, letting him know that he has the money to cover that and more. Then Glaycol looks back at the noble and says, “Here’s the deal. I will provide the money for this payment, just consider it a loan from me to the city that I won’t ask to be paid back. All I ask is that you to make sure to let every other race on the continent know that war is coming and the Dragon Slayer is the leader of it. Tell them they are welcome to join the army that will push the dragons out of the Continent. I am going to meet with the King of the Elves and the King of the Dwarves because we are going to need their support.”

  The nobles stare at Glaycol in shock. His demands are easy to meet, and they know that they could use the money for the benefit of the city, so they pledge that his demands will be met and everyone in every corner of the kingdom will hear the news.

  Glaycol nods at their agreement and tells them, “As a fair warning, I may not be here most of the time, but the new King and Queen will be and, after all, they were some of the strongest warriors in the continent. I will be told about anything that threatens to destroy the hard work they will be doing for the people. Don’t look for who they are because it will be your biggest mistake.”

  The nobles look at him with even more shock on their faces, but they know that his words are true so they nod their heads in understanding of the situation. A few minutes later they agree to make sure the guard and the noble are well taken care of. While Falror and Elaine bring the money, Glaycol prepares things so they can have the ceremony that night because Glaycol and his group will be leaving the following day.


  Falror and Elaine are escorted back to the castle with the money to pay the taxes for this period by Glaycol, Ethan and Jasorian. As they are walking everyone makes way for them, knowing that they are the new King and Queen of the city. They were respected by the people before, but now everyone admires them for taking on the responsibility of making the city better after the dragons fucked things up for so long.

  Once they arrive at the castle, the nobles are speaking with the noble from the capital. They smile and proceed to present him with the money. Once they have the money Glaycol smiles and tells them, “We have a special gift for the Dragon Emperor, Hyglarur, from the people of the city. I want you to make sure you tell him that we are happy he controls the continent.”

  Glaycol hands him the covered dragon head and a parchment that tells them the city is breaking their relationship with the capital and is now going to be an independent city, out of their control.

  The noble smiles as the guard takes everything and they head to the capital. As soon as they are gone the nobles release a collective breath they’d been holding and Glaycol starts laughing. After a moment everyone joins him. After everyone calms down he smiles and tells them, “Let’s make the preparations for the ceremony.”

  Chapter 11

  The ceremony is held the following morning without any problems and now they are making the public declaration of the King and Queen of the city. The people of the city have been eager to see their crowned monarchs, Falror and Elaine, come forward, waving to them as they cheer loudly.

  Glaycol, Ethan, and Jasorian are watching from afar, knowing they have to leave for their next destination soon. Before the public ceremony, Ethan has asked Glaycol where they were heading, but Glaycol has been evading the subject by merely answering, “You will know when it’s time to leave.”

  Ethan doesn’t like it, but he knows that he is walking a thin line with Glaycol, despite saving his life, because of what his brother wants to do with the humans. Glaycol is still weary of him and he doesn’t fault him for that.

  Glaycol, seeing that everything is in order, approaches one of the nobles and tells him to tell his grandparents he left. Glaycol heads out of the city with Ethan and Jasorian right beside him. They have everything they need and are almost out of the city when Glaycol turns toward the stables just inside the gates and walks straight to the owner. As he is walking by, Glaycol sees a black Friesian running restlessly in circles. The Friesian is a rare breed on the Continent. It is one that is hard to find, even harder to breed, and yet harder still to tame. Those who have managed to tame a Friesian have been the nobles of the Black Flame.

  The black Friesian stops running around the fence and turns to face Glaycol when he stops. Ethan looks at the Friesian then looks at Glaycol before he turns to Jasorian and casts a confused look, but Jasorian simply shrugs his shoulders, letting Ethan know that he is just as confused.

  Glaycol opens the door to the stable, looking for the owner. While he is looking he looks at the horses he passes, but none of them has made the impression the Friesian made on him. He finds the owner taking care of one of the horses towards the back and he walks toward him. When he stops beside him the own
er looks up and asks, “Is there something I can help you with, sir?”

  Glaycol looks at him and answers, “I am Glaycol Master and I am looking to buy your best three horses for me and my companions. No matter the price, I will pay it, but you have to give us your best three.”

  Upon hearing Glaycol’s last name he remembers when he used to come with his dad so he introduces himself, “I am Logan Sung. I used to make a lot of deals with your father, Bonca Master. You have grown a lot since the last time I saw you. Tell me, is there any of them that you have seen that catches your attention, son?”

  Hearing his father’s name, Glaycol is assaulted by memories of the days when he used to come here with his dad to learn how to ride horses. Ethan and Jasorian enter and Glaycol says, “You know, Logan, on a second thought, I will let them choose their ride. Ethan, Jasorian, go through the stables and choose the horse best suited for you. I will be looking for one for myself, Logan.”

  Logan tilts his head to the side, but he simply nods as he follows Glaycol out of the stables. Once they are outside Glaycol heads toward the location of the Friesian. Once they arrive at the fence, Glaycol points at the Friesian and says, “That’s the horse I want, Logan. Is that one for sale?”

  Logan scratches his head and sighs deeply before he answers, “It seems you have forgotten something Glaycol. That horse can’t be tamed by you. That’s the breed of the Kings. That breed can only be tamed by someone in the family of the nobles of the Black Flame.”

  Glaycol sighs and responds, “I’ve heard the stories, Logan, but that horse is calling to me. He is challenging me to tame him.”

  Logan turns to look at the Friesian and he can tell that he is, indeed, challenging Glaycol. He could see it in his eyes. Logan has never seen the Friesian make a challenge like this before and, for some reason, he has a feeling that Glaycol can pull it off. “Tell you what, if you want the horse you have to tame it. If you are able to do it, he is yours and you won’t have to pay for him. The only thing I will ask you to do is bring him back from time to time so we can continue his breed.”


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