Juanty's Hope

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Juanty's Hope Page 5

by T C Underwood

She smiled. “You have no idea.”

  Chapter Five

  Juanty let the cool water from the shower run down her face and body to settle between her thighs. She was delightfully tender there. Flashbacks of events from the night before etched in her mind and made her sweet core jump uncontrollably. She wanted more. She wanted more of him, but how did last night even happen? The two had made love for hours, and Johnathon's appetite seemed insatiable, which was perfect for her because, after decades without good sex, she was eager to make up for lost time. She cleaned her overly stimulated body, groomed herself, and headed downstairs naked, where her roommates were waiting impatiently.

  "What kind of shenanigans did you get into last night that had you sleeping all day like Rip Van Winkle?" Ayana asked with one eyebrow raised. She was always grouchy just before a meal, and it was pretty much the only time you noticed her mood was less than effervescent. She was hungry and had been waiting all morning for Juanty to get up.

  On most days, the ladies hunted together. They enjoyed the cool mornings when things were quiet, and they could bond. They would trap their meal and pray together before eating. Anything left over, they brought home to cut, clean and store for snacks. For some reason, Ayanna took this family tradition seriously, and when one of the sisters was late or a no show, she would get her panties in a bunch about it.

  Juanty smiled. She couldn’t help herself. She had not stopped smiling since she arrived home a few short hours ago. "Well, ladies, if you must know, I had an incredible evening with Johnathon Reid, so please excuse my tardiness. A girl needed her beauty sleep after the night I had." Squeals from the ladies echoed throughout the room.

  "Wait a minute! Is he dead?" Pearl questioned."I guess another one has bit the damn dust. Jay, you have to stop this shit with the humans. Five to ten seconds worth of sex is hardly considered lovemaking. Where is he now? Did you cut his pecker off, too? You know you be on that sick shit.”

  Juanty rolled her eyes, continuing her descend down the stairs.

  Ziare stood up, walked over, and stood next to Pearl, who was sitting in her favorite spot, on the chaise. “I guess ten seconds is welcomed when you haven't had any in a hundred years. Now that you got it out of your system, you can move on to bigger and better things."

  "Ettu, Brutus?" Juanty crossed her arms and rested against the staircase.

  Ziare laughed. “Sorry, Jay. I just don’t understand what you find attractive about humans.”

  "Ziare does have a point,” Ayanna chimed in. “Human sex ain't the greatest, Jay. I mean, it's a disaster waiting to happen. You couldn’t possibly want anything serious with him. He’s not worth it. Why are you wasting your time with someone who is not your equal? A friend, okay, but sex with this guy? You tripping."

  Juanty’s blood boiled. She couldn’t explain it, but she felt protective of Johnathon and did not want anyone bashing her man. Her man? She could hardly call him that. She barely knew him. What she did know was that he sexed her through multiple orgasms, and she wanted to see him again. He made her smile. He was interesting, and she liked him. She could bust their bubbles and let them in on the fact that last night was mind-blowing, but she couldn’t explain it herself how he was able to satisfy her so thoroughly. The throbbing sensations her yoni was experiencing just thinking about him was proof. She would wait until she got to know him better. Once she figured out the mystery behind Johnathon Reid, she would let them in on everything. For now, not having support from her sisters made her want to tear their heads off. She deserved a chance at happiness. It didn’t matter if he was human. Did it?

  “You guys are no different from every other racist, sexist and homophobic out there, judging people because they are different. I suggest you three keep your negative comments to yourself. You don’t even know him. Give him a chance. He’s a really cool guy.”

  “Yeah,for all of about ten seconds,”Ayanna joked.

  Juanty exploded. She shifted, making Ayana her target. She leaped on top of her, knocking her into a wall, leaving a long crack when Ayana's body slammed into it. Ayanna came to her feet and leaped at Juanty, shifting in the process, and the two collided. Juanty’s huge canines bit her sister, causing a gash in her cheek. Blood spilled and a red stain smeared across her white fur. Ayanna retaliated. She used her two hind paws to kick Juanty. The force was enough to send Juanty’s wolf smashing into the coffee table. Glass shattered into a million pieces across the hardwood floors.

  Pearl backed away and climbed onto the kitchen island. She knew how ugly this could get. Juanty recovered and stared at Ayanna with piercing gold eyes. “Leave my man alone,” she shouted into Ayana’s head. Ayanna snarled and charged full throttle. She tried to sink her teeth into Juanty’s neck, but Juanty moved out of the way. The two rolled around, scratching and biting each other. Juanty rolled on top of Ayanna. Using her powerful muscles, she stepped on Ayanna’s shoulder, almost crushing the bone. Ayanna yelped in pain.

  Ziare shifted next, and with long, meaningful strides, she reached Juanty first. She sank her claws into Juanty's back. A curdling yowl escaped Juanty’s throat, and the next thing she knew, she was slung into the bar stools. "Stand down," Ziare roared.

  Ziare's animal was a beauty to behold. She was a black, spotted leopard, stout, and massive. Clearly, a queen who knew how to handle her clan. Juanty's low growl was evident, along with her agitation.

  Everyone breathed heavy, and saliva dripped as Juanty snarled. She stared at her sisters. She loved them, but she needed them to understand that Johnathon was off limits. They got the hint.

  Pearl jumped off the island."Well, damn. I guess there's nothing left to do except eat."

  Being the last to shift, she led the Panthers out of the house, and into the territory of forest that surrounded their home.

  The land’s thick canopy boasted white oak, tulip, poplar, and Georgia pines, some as high as 156 feet tall. The lush, deciduous backwoods were ideal for big cats. The sisters were a clan, who against the tradition of leopards, traveled together. Their bond was unbreakable, despite the bickering that went on from time to time. Juanty loved her sisters. She had been with the clan since 1836 when they saved her from certain death, as well as the rotten stench of slavery. That fateful night of Juanty's lynching doubled as her new beginning; a life of freedom, answering to no one. She was strong and beautiful. She could easily pass for a woman of twenty-five but was actually one hundred and eighty-one. Immortality was rewarding but did not come without a price.

  Juanty woke up with an awful headache. Her mouth was as dry as the Sahara. She was nauseous, yet hungry. Her headache caused her to be disoriented, and she could not get a handle on where she was or even who she was. She fought to focus when she felt a hand gently stroke her hair.

  "It's gonna be okay," the voice said. "We won't leave you. You're safe now."

  Juanty turned in the direction of the voice. “Who you?”

  A different voice spoke this time. "Yanna, I think she only speaks slave. Let me try. “Okay, gal, you's is gonna be just fine. You's is free now."

  Juanty struggled to speak, but managed to whisper, "Where my baby?"

  "We don't know," the first voice reasoned.

  "I gotta go back. My baby," Juanty croaked out.

  "Uh, we don't know nothin' ’bout birthin' no babies, gal."

  "Pearl, stop it," Yanna fussed. "Let me talk to her. You are going to have her more disoriented than she already is.”

  “Where is your baby?" The woman gently took Juanty’s hand, and she felt safe for the moment.

  "The Misses got her. Please, help me. I can’t leave her there with that demon." She sat up, grabbing the woman’s hand, trying desperately to focus.

  "Juanty, try to relax. Once you are better, I promise we will help you find her. Until then, you will let us help you get better."

  "How you know my name?"

  "We heard your master call your name before he left you to die like a dog." The stranger’s voice was strain

  "Oh, God. Am I dead?" Juanty was frantic.

  "Technically, no, but we can discuss that when you're feeling better, dear. Today is the first day you are even awake and alert. You have been sleeping here for four days. I know you must be famished. We will bring you fresh food to eat. Until then, rest."

  Juanty's thoughts came into focus. She had been dangling from a rope, her body heavy and limp, blood and rain mixed with the searing pain that goes along with a lack of oxygen and snapped larynx. I thought I was dead, she thought.

  "Who you? “Juanty managed to sit up on her own. The bed she was on was soft and smelled good.

  "I'm Ayanna." She was a Native American beauty with big, doe eyes the color of amber. She had freckles along her cheek line and bore a sweetness that made Juanty feel welcomed. "There is a lot you need to learn about your new life, but I promise we will help you along the way. We will protect you. You are our family now. We are sisters."

  Juanty only heard one word, "free”. She was overwhelmed and she fell into Ayanna's arms in tears. In between the sobs, she repeated, "I'm free," over and over again. “I’m free.”

  Two days later, Juanty felt better and was getting used to her new environment. Zaire, who acted as their leader, watched every move Juanty made. One afternoon, she decided to wash her dress in the lake near their small home.

  "Juanty, rise," Zaire commanded. Juanty liked the Amazonian beauty and had not learned how to say no, so she did as she was told.

  "You're different now, and soon, your body will change. It is time for you to learn how to harness what you have become."

  "What you mean, what I become?"

  "You are no longer human. Five days ago was the beginning of your new life."

  "Yes. Ayanna told me I free. I know I free, but I’m no stranger to hard work. Once I get my baby, I will earn my keep around here. We will be no trouble. I promise."

  Zaire shook her head. "Humans know much about nothing. There is so much for you to learn, girl. You are a beautiful woman. Your animal will be even more beautiful than your human form. Today, your body will make a drastic shift, and you will live a life you have never dreamed or imagined. You have the blood of royalty flowing through your veins now. Don't be afraid. Embrace your new body. It will never betray you. You will live, prosper and be a slave to no one. We will be with you to help you with your transition."

  Juanty hung on to every word, fear beginning to permeate her being. She was confused and dreading the worst. What was going to happen to her?

  Zaire sensed her trepidation. "Don't be afraid. Come." Juanty followed Zaire to a brush near the beautiful lake.

  "Look! There is the moon that will take you into your new life. Sit with me and relax."

  "Is it painful?"

  "Yes, at first. However, your body will quickly adjust to its new form. Are you hungry?"

  "Yes, very much. More than usual." Juanty dropped her head.

  "That is your body guiding you. It is time to hunt."

  "Hunt? Oh, God. I don’t like guns. What wehuntin’ for?"

  "Do you see that beautiful deer through the brush?"

  "Yes." Juanty's stomach growled, and she began to perspire.

  "That's right. You feel it. That is instinct."

  Juanty felt disgust brewing. It was finally sinking in what would happen to her, but before she could question it, Ziare's flesh began to tear from her body, and her eyes were blue moons, glowing back at her. Juanty fell back on her bottom in horror. She tried to breathe but struggled as she felt her own belly ache. She doubled over in pain and let out a gurgled growl.

  "Don't fight it, girl. It will only be more painful." Juanty could not tell where the voice was coming from. It seemed to be Zaire’s voice booming inside her head.


  She felt her insides turning into whatever horror movie this was becoming. Her next scream was followed by a snapping and crunching sound in her jawbone. Her canines extended by inches, as did her bloody claws. The beautiful woman she used to be had morphed into something that was unfamiliar. She was petrified of what she had become. She was now on her hands and knees, watching as fur darker than midnight spread across her skin like Kudzu. She was angry, very angry. An ear-splitting roar tore from her own lungs. Her bones continued to crack until she stood on strong, lengthy limbs. She was all beast. She licked her shiny, black coat, then paced back and forth, watching Zaire’s animal closely, waiting for any sudden moves.

  "You are beautiful, just as I knew you would be," came the confident voice inside her head again.

  Juanty moved slowly, adjusting to the two extra legs she had inherited.

  "I feel free."

  "And you are a quick learner, too. You can communicate with me and your sisters at will through telepathy in both your animal and human form from now on."

  Juanty concentrated on her thoughts. "What am I?"

  "I saved your life, girl. You were dying with that rope around your neck. My sisters and I found you and made you one of us. You are stronger, faster, and far more dangerous than any human. Pearl and Ayanna carry my bloodline, and now, so do you. My blood flows through your veins. You, my sweet sister, are royalty, and one of the most beautiful Black Panthers I have ever seen. You are a shapeshifter. A descendant from the Ilumu African shifter. Come, my beauty! Let’s eat.”


  The four cats took to the woods and open air, exercising their limbs and searching for lunch. Ayanna climbed a tree to gaze on the terrain while the others laid low within the brush.

  Pearl crouched low and growled. “Fuck, ladies. We have a visitor.”

  “What the hell? What in the ugly is that thing?” Ayanna said. The creature was bent over; eating what appeared to be a fox.

  Juanty’s eyes, which were normally bright gold, became dark. Her nerve endings stood at attention. She salivated and began to pant. Her ears were erect, and she was poised to attack.

  “Eeeew. That thing looks like the product of a hyena that fucked a possum real, real good.” Pearl shook her coat as if she had fleas. “That thing is giving me the skivvies.”

  Zaire joined Ayanna in the tree. “My concern is why they are on our land. Almost nobody knows we are even here.”

  Atlanta is known for its beautiful forests. It is called “The City of Trees” because much of the Canopy surrounding the city was preserved. It is the reason the clan decided to settle here. Food would be plentiful, and they could live virtually unnoticed. They bought up a vast amount of land behind Fern Bank’s Natural Forest so they could build their dream home and hunt in privacy. Until today, they had enjoyed their freedom, unbothered by trespassers.

  “My concern is maintaining an appetite after seeing that thing.” Pearl dry heaved and laid down on the grass.

  “I am not sure what it is, but I know it’s evil and too familiar for my liking,” Juanty said. She moved into view of the intruders and paced back and forth. Another Hyena-Possum looking thing came forward and stood next to the first. Pearl gagged again. Ayanna and Zaire jumped from their tree and stood behind their sister.

  “What do you want?” Zaire’s mind asked the intruders, hoping they understood her language.

  “Maybe they want an extreme makeover. Help ’me out, Ayanna. You love makeup and stuff,” Pearl interjected.

  “Shut up, Pearl,” the three shouted back in unison.

  “Y’all say what you want, but I need an Alma Seltzer after seeing what I just saw. And did you notice, the male one don’t have no balls? That’s just gross.”She slowly made her way over to join the others.

  “Let’s just kill ’me. I’m ready to eat,” Ayanna spoke.

  “Unh-unh! I am not eating those things!” Pearl argued.

  “I don’t want to eat the Hyena-Possums! Pearl, go sit down. You’re making me crazy.” Pearl gagged and went back to her spot in the shade to lay down again.

  The intruders let out some sort of weird call and retreated to the woods behind them.

nbsp; “Did they just laugh at us?” Juanty asked.

  “What’s worse is they just ate our lunch and bounced. Look at that fox. They totally disrespected that thing. Ain’t nothing left on it but the toenails,” Pearl grunted.

  “I have a feeling that won’t be the last we see of them,” Juanty said.

  Pearl dropped her head and gagged.

  Ayanna stood next to Juanty and licked her face. She bumped her head against Juanty’s cheek and purred.

  “I’m sorry,” made its way into Juanty’s mind, and she knew her sister meant it.

  “I love you,” Juanty sent back.

  “I love you, too, sister.”

  Chapter Six

  Johnathon pulled into the parking garage at Atlantic Station. The trendy area was filled with shopping, restaurants, and entertainment. He was meeting Juanty for the first time since their incredible love making session. Could he call it lovemaking? I mean, they hardly knew each other, and could not possibly be in love. With that being said, never ever had he experienced such an exotic intimacy with any woman before her, not even with his wife. Feelings of confusion and desire began to surface. He tried to cut off his thoughts about that night in her office. He knew it would get his blood flowing, and he did not want to embarrass himself by walking into the restaurant with a stiff one. He took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

  When he was ready, he hopped out of his truck and entered the restaurant where she was waiting. He spotted her immediately. Damn, she was beautiful. Those golden eyes against her smooth, chocolate skin were going to ruin him for any other woman if he was not careful. Actually, he wasn’t sure he wanted to be careful when it came to her. It had only been three days since their encounter, and he already missed her like crazy, although he wasn’t ready to admit that to anyone, not even himself.

  "Hello, beautiful."

  She smiled when she saw her sex god."Johnathon, please sit."

  She was a vision to behold. She was wearing a black, strapless jumper that complemented her rich skin and gold irises. Her hair was in her signature curly afro with a side part and a gold pin that accented her style. Her gold choker set off the ensemble, making her easily the most beautiful woman in the building. She was svelte, but her ethnicity encouraged her curvy hips and plump bottom.


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