Unwanted Inheritance

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Unwanted Inheritance Page 23

by K. Forest

  “Careful, Angelo, you aren’t the only one compiling the weaknesses of individuals.” Uncle states, staring at him. “I’m sure you can handle Maria and keep your brother updated on the final conclusions.” He turns back to me with genuine smile. “Thank you again, Santos, for the dinner. Give Katarina my best regards. Let us catch up again soon, maybe lunch at the hotel like old times.” He winks and then turns back to my brother, all humor gone. “I will see you at my office tomorrow to discuss the Ferrari Winery bottle distribution for the hotels and restaurants.”

  He strides out the door, not waiting for Angelo’s response. Angelo gets up and starts pouring another glass. He gestures towards my cup. “No thanks, one glass is enough for me.” I say.

  “Well, I guess I hit a nerve with GF. He usually takes those jabs well. I think he really must like this one. Weird too as she kind of resembles Mom when she was younger.” He takes a sip, shrugs his shoulders, and then sits back down.

  I shake my head, not wanting to think about a woman who resembles my mother having sexual relations with my uncle.

  “I see your cogs moving, Sonny. What are your thoughts on the information I gave you?” God, why does Angelo have the habit of leaving me with colorful thoughts I don’t want running around may head?

  “If it pans out that Sabato’s stepmother is from Greece, we will have an unannounced sit down with both of them.” I state.

  “You mentioned Len sent you info regarding a distillery not far from the boarding school. We can kill two birds with one stone. What do you think?” He asks.

  “I want as much information as we can retrieve on both of them before going in guns blasting. Continue digging for information, and keep an eye on them both. Thanks again, Angie, for always covering my back.”

  He swallows his drink and clinks the glass down on the table. “Fine, agreed. Don’t thank me; we’re brothers, and we take care of each other. You are surprisingly much more accommodating to deal with than Father and Tony. Well, I need to get going. Have to go check on Ass at the stable before I head to bed. See you in the morning.” He gives me a pat on the shoulders and starts walking out.

  “You go to bed so early these days; that’s new for you.” I joke.

  “I guess legit life has cleaned me up for the better. I was never really a good night owl. Father use to complain that I would fall asleep at late night meetings.” He laughs holding the door ajar for Rat to follow him.

  Leaving the office, I notice the lights are out in the kitchen. Oskar must have retired to his accommodations already. I make my way up the stairs, the sounds of the steps’ creeks varying with each step I take. Walking into the bedroom, I see that my wife is not in bed yet. Unbuttoning my white dress shirt, I head to the bathroom where I find her in the bath. Her honeyed locks are piled above her head, and she has headphones over her ears. She must have been in the tub a while as the bubbles were diminishing, revealing her now very visible pregnant belly. After all these months, she still stops me in my tracks with her beauty.

  Watching her as I discard my shirt followed by everything else, I see her eyes widen with desire. She huskily says, “You’re late. The water is cold, and the bubbles are almost gone.”

  “What are you listening to?” I ask as I finish undressing and join her, wrapping my rapacious body around her. She slowly pulls off her headphones and hands them to me. “Put them on, close your eyes, and listen.” She directs me.

  Closing my eyes, I do as she asks and am astounded to be hearing very familiar music. It’s me playing the piano. I open my eyes, asking her how.

  “I’ve been recording you during my nightly private concerts. I usually let the baby listen along. Tonight, I was being selfish and wanted the music all to myself.” God, this woman keeps surprising me with her pure love.

  With one sweeping movement, I pick her wet body up and turn her, so her back is against me. Leaning into my chest, I hear her give a sensual sigh. I run my hands leisurely down her already sensitive breasts towards her baby mound, and I whisper, “Sorry, little one. Mommy and Daddy need a little one on one time. Close your baby ears.”

  BEING AWAY FROM THE lake and coming out of winter, I opt for a daily run in the early mornings before weight training. In the basement of our new home, I created my personal gym with machines. Angelo and I have great workouts together, especially on days when stress is high.

  Today I’m doing my usual loop, ending up at the meadow where Obsidian stands waiting to greet me, followed closely by his now ever-near buddy, Ass. Not out of any particular deep affection for me, but rather because of their greedy love of sugar cubes. Obsidian and Ass keep me company by walking with me slowly back to the stables. I’ve come to appreciate this time of serenity to go over my plans for the day. I think Obsidian likes it as well, as the two of us are both deep in quiet thought as the dawn light appears over the meadow.

  Just then, I hear disgruntled heehaws from Ass followed by the beep, beep of a car horn. It’s amazing how quickly Angelo and Ass can disrupt the harmony in a perfect morning. They are perfect for each other.

  “You always seem to have impeccable timing, dear brother.” I shout out over his Porsche’s engine. He rolls to a stop, rolling his window down with his music at just a hum.

  “Top of the morning to you, brother.” He says. “I’m heading to the hotel to meet GF, and then I’m meeting up with Sam.”

  “Why so early?” I ask, alarmed that something may be brewing that I’m not aware of.

  “I like Oskar’s cooking, but Germano knows all my likes. I should give Oskar a list to help speed up his learning curve.” He gives me his patent smile.

  “Oh really? Please say hello to Germano for me. I haven’t seen him since the holidays.”

  “Will do, brother. I’ll be home later tonight. Do me a favor, stop giving my donkey sugar cubes. He’s still on probation.” Off he roars, with the music turned up and the base overpowering the engine. I find myself smiling at how Angelo always seems to make his surroundings chaotic and rousing at the same time.

  Continuing our casual walk back to the house I catch myself thinking of Maria. We will soon be coming up on a year that she’s been in our lives, as well as part of our family. Having mentored her, I was extremely proud of her accomplishments. She had proven herself by keeping an easy four-point-o average at school, while still using her computer expertise for me as needed. She’s given me no reason not to trust her yet. Angelo had inquired what my gut was telling me. My gut was telling me she might not be doing anything to undermine me personally, but her need to know her heritage and the overwhelming need for revenge may at some point override her loyalty to me.

  I’ll wait for her to come to me. Meanwhile, I’ll keep collecting intel and keep Angelo focused. While I am glad Angelo does his homework, he seems a little too zealous in his investigations of Maria. Or it could just be his inner Don coming out.

  I’m interrupted again, this time by Obsidian making his territorial grunting sound. Usually he gives me a nicker, and we part ways. Glancing at him, I see his head is elevated, and his mouth is open, giving a strong whinny in the direction of the stables. I see my beauty, dressed for the day, walking toward us. Turning to Obsidian, I mutter, “She’s mine, you beast. I just pretend that she’s ours.”

  Grunting yet again, he notches up his prancing, trying to get her attention while keeping Ass from going to her. “Good morning my two tall, dark, and handsome men, and good morning A! How was your morning bonding session?”

  “It got interrupted by Ass and Angelo.” I complain.

  She is beaming with a smile as she takes out a sugar cube, licks it, and then gives it to Obsidian. She rubs his nose and gives him a quick pat before he is off racing down the field in joy. Ass makes his way cautiously over, and she gives him a carrot. She looks at me and shrugs. “Angelo is strict since his kicking incident. No cubes until he makes more headway.” She giggles slowly, as she walks over to me. Stepping up on her tip toes, she waits for her m
orning greeting.

  Swooping in, I gently graze her full, sugary lips. After getting my fill of her, I back away mirroring her smile.

  “Please don’t say it.” She says.

  “Don’t say what?” I ask innocently.

  “That this is your favorite kiss because it’s not. You like all our kisses.” She wraps her arms around my waist and gives me a tight hug. Wrapping my arm around her shoulders, we stroll back to the house together.

  “What are your plans today, my beautiful wife?”

  “My mother is coming over, and we are putting up the wallpaper your mother sent. I can’t wait to show you.”

  I kiss the top of her head. “I’m sure it will be exquisite, and she will love it.”

  She gives me a little tap on my stomach. “Stop saying it’s a girl; it’s going to be a boy. You know that the baby will be in our room to begin with since I plan on nursing him.” She looks up at me, smirking.

  “Yes, I know. You should also know that watching you nurse our baby will only make me want you more. I will still worship you with our baby in our room,” I tell her teasingly. “There’s no stopping me.” I say giving her my best leer as I wiggle my eyebrows.

  “You are a menace.” She is shaking with laughter at my antics.

  “I’m your menace, who, as you are surely aware by now, is madly in love with you.”

  As I pick her up, she does her usual monkey latching on to me. Her belly is keeping us further apart by the week. I give her a quick kiss. “Let’s go feed you girls. You both will need to have energy for the rest of the day. Tonight, I’m going to request a replay of last night’s bubble vacation date in the tub.”

  The remainder of the day is spent mainly with my contractors and Benjamin Sabato going over the town ordinances and blueprints for my new architectural office. Local authorities didn’t approve our permits for the structures. There are strong regulations claiming historical ordinance. For crying out loud, the whole country is historical. With the added stables and guest residence, we have maxed out our building quota permit according to the new city executive.

  “Mr. Ferrari, I’ve gone over the disclaimers, and the only loophole is a five-year wait period. We can appeal after that period with possible permission in one year for adding an addition to an existing structure on the property. If we proceed now, we would be in violation.” Sabato pushes back his black glasses that keep sliding down his nose as he finishes his explanation. What he says is true; I had my uncle’s lawyer verify it as a backup. “What is the fine if we do move ahead?” I ask.

  “The fine will cost a thousand to ten thousand euros. Plus, there is the possibility of a criminal citation to make an example of you and the Ferrari name. It all depends on the judge.”

  While the fine itself would not be an issue, the last thing I want is having the Ferrari name associated with a ridiculous crime regarding building permits. “Would the judge or mayor be amenable to a donation of some sorts to the town?” I ask, leaving nothing on the table. I don’t want to go that route; I’m hesitant to follow the Ferrari way of doing business. I can always set up shop elsewhere, but I am hoping to stay on property for convenience and security.

  “So far he seems like a strictly by the books kind of person. I’ll see what would be of interest should he choose to receive a donation.”

  “Very well, thank you gentleman for meeting me. Let us all stay in communication and find a resolution to this before more time slips by.” My phone rings, and I see its Angelo. “I need to take this. That will be all for now.” I start walking back up towards the house when I hit accept to Angelo’s call. “Hey, what’s going on?” I ask.

  “You have no idea what I just found out.” He shouts.

  “Well, enlighten me, please.” Doing the dance with Angelo used to be exhausting, now it’s just part of the everyday, or the new normal. “So, my gut’s intuition is confirmed. Ben’s birth mother died of leukemia when he was two. His stepmother was Damara Manikas. She raised him since he was five. His father is Luca Sabato. After Damara and Sabato married, they had a daughter, Macaria Manikas-Sabato. Damara was disowned by her family when she married Sabato and was stripped of her inheritance. They didn’t approve of him and refused her any financial help. Now, this is where it gets interesting. Krista was the one who found a disclaimer in the will going back to Damara’s grandfather. He had always favored his granddaughter; in fact, not wanting to alienate his son completely, he re-wrote the will, leaving the bulk of his estate to a living great grandchild.

  “While it would skip Damara entirely, the bulk of his estate goes directly to her first born upon turning twenty-one.” He’s talking so fast; he has to stop to take a deep breath. “We are now trying to find out more about the trust authenticity that’s included in the great grandfather’s will. Sonny, if this is all accurate, Maria is heiress to the entire Manikas Shipping Company. Our little orphan computer whiz is in position to be one of the youngest and wealthiest women in the world. What we don’t know yet is how much does Ben knows or, for that matter, how much of this Maria knows.”

  “This is majorly unexpected news, Angie.” This could ignite out of control if we are not strategic about unfolding this new information. “Let us speak with Maria after Bianca’s graduation in a couple of weeks. I think it’s in our best interest as well as Maria’s that we orchestrate this private meeting before involving Sabato into the mix. It will give us more time to get more information on Ben and figure if he is involved in this puzzle.”

  My first instinct is to shelter Maria and then armor her for a possible war that she will find herself in. Someone from the Manikas family did not want Maria to inherit the family fortune. We need to find out who.

  Chapter 24

  “Good morning, my beauty. How are my girls feeling today?” I ask walking into our bedroom with freshly squeezed orange juice that has a hint of ginger in it. Oskar always makes it just the way she likes it. Waking up in our home with her every day, with her tousled hair and sleepy look still on her face, is like a dream come true. Through the years, I remember having a reoccurring dream, that on waking up, had always left only vestiges of vague yearnings in my heart. Since meeting Katarina, there is a sense that she is what my heart had been searching for, my destiny. She is the other half that makes me complete.

  “Husband, in the beginning I went along with you thinking it will be a girl. Why do you still insist it could be a girl?” She asks in a mocking tone. “I still believe we will have a little boy. Do you want a girl that badly?”

  I had been the one who wanted to find out in the beginning, and she had nixed the idea. Around the six-and-half-month mark, she changed her mind and wanted to know. Now, though, we both agreed to wait until the child is born. This has been our dance every morning since we found out she was pregnant. It’s been our fun little game to play. “You are usually correct with assumptions, my beauty, but not this time. I know it’s a little mini you are incubating inside your gorgeous belly.” I kiss her nose and then her stomach, my other morning ritual. “But know, whatever we have, I will be a happy and proud father.”

  “Oh,” utters Katarina with a low moan as she clutches her stomach.

  “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” I ask, concerned.

  “Ugh! No, no, just some sharp pains. They come and go. Our mothers both said it is natural towards the end.” Towards the end? We still have a little over a month to go.

  She’s trying hard to not let me see her in pain. “I’ll call Doc and have him take a look.”

  “Santos, no, I’m fine. It will pass; it always does.” She assures me.

  Now I’m really concerned that she’s not telling the truth. “How long have you been feeling these pains?” I ask worriedly, placing my hands beside hers on her belly.

  She kisses my cheek, trying to comfort me. “Just little twinges the last few days, and not all the time. Next week, I have my final appointment. Please don’t worry; the pain has already subsided.” She gin
gerly rubs her belly, trying to show me all is well. Just then, we both feel a strong kick. “See? He is telling you to go do your job, Daddy.”

  “Fine, Angelo and I are finally going to see that horse I was telling you about. We’ll be back in plenty of time for tonight’s celebration. Don’t worry about the baby room. As you keep reminding me, she will be in our room for quite a while. For that matter, even tonight you can just say hello and then go rest again. I want you to lay down and rest as much as you need. The pain might be a sign that you’ve been pushing yourself too hard. I want you to call me if you have any more pains today, and I mean even a twinge. I will return immediately.” I say, already planning on talking to both her mother and mine.

  “Oh, that filly shows great promise. I was watching the videos of her. She will be a great addition to our breeding program.” She says, lighting up as usual whenever she is talking about horses.

  “Stop deflecting, I worry about you both.” I brush her hair behind her ear. “I’ll video you once we get there, so you can see her for yourself. You can watch Angelo do the examination of her.” That makes her smile again. Leaning into her, I give her a deep kiss, savoring the combined taste of oranges and sugar. As I nibble on her lips and tease her with my tongue, I already want more, but this will have to keep me satisfied until the next kiss.

  She’s back to being her cheery self. “Tonight, I’m finally ready to show you the baby room. It will be the big reveal after dinner. Your mother has been extremely helpful with the final touches.” She says happily.

  “Great, that should continue keeping her busy from popping pills and drinking.”

  She swats me. “Santos, she’s been very sweet and helpful, and I haven’t seen any evidence of her drinking since she’s arrived. Be nice to her.”

  “You are a positive influence on everyone you touch. I love you, my beauty. I’ll see you girls later this evening.” I answer with a smile.


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