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by Kyusaku Yumeno

    [10] Mystery about the Kure family

   WharfHekitoIn addition to picking it up to the right during the four discussionsalsoAlso, A place that can imply that there is a certain genetic in the psychology of Kureichiro that should be able to attack such a crazy excursion尠SukunaIt looks like it ’s ridiculous. That is, as shown on the left.

  = During the conversation of Kureichiro = Chiyoko, the mother of mother, explains that she has a clear mind that is unusual for women, and that she has a strong personality.NonOhDespite being defended, the fate or fate of the two mothers and children is somewhat inexorable to the girl's psychology, inferred from the fact that she is extremely persistent in the superordinary and stupid superstition. The suspicion of the melancholy can be suspicious of being constantly present.

  = Same = I 'm called a teacherFortunetellerUnwilling"You are somebodyChewingSlow`` I'm afraid, '' she said during the dialogue with her, guessing some facts contained in her words,ThisOrく云いたるに非ずやと疑わるる事。

  =八代子の談話中= 直方のうがた署の留置場に於て、初めて呉一郎に面会したる際「お前は何か夢を見ていやしなかったか」と尋ねしは「嘗かつて夢遊病の事を耳にせしためなり」云々と弁明せるが、一婦人、特に農家の一主婦としての教養以外に、何等の高等なる学識を有せざるべき筈の八代子が、此かくの如き非常事件に際し、かかる超常識的に高等なる、精神科学的現象の存在の、可能なる事を考え得るさえも、不可思議というべきに、更にこれを実地に当て嵌はめて、直ちに事件の裡面の真相を穿うがたんと試みたるが如きは、真に驚くべき事実にして、仮令たとい同婦人が如何に慧敏けいびん、且つ果敢なる判断力を有するものと見るも、尚且つ、不自然の感を免れず。但し、同婦人が常に、何等かの痛切なる事情に迫られて、かかる問題を念頭にかけおり、此かくの如き事実に関する風説又は説明等に就て、鋭き注意を傾注しおりたるものとすれば、かかる際、かかる質問を発するは強あながちに不自然と云い得べからざること。

  =同= 同婦人は、姪めいの浜はまなる実家に、近き親戚の尠すくなき旨を洩らせるが、田舎の富家には往々にして此の如く血縁的に孤立せる家系あり。而して、その孤立の原因は多くの場合、その家柄もしくはその血統に絡まる伝統的の悪風評もしくは、或る忌いむべき遺伝的の素質あるがために、附近の者が姻戚関係を結ぶを好まざる結果なるを以て、呉家も、或はその種の家柄に非ずやと疑わるる事。

  =同= 妹千世子が家出の原因は刺繍と絵画の修業を目的とせるものに外ほかならざる旨、繰返して弁明せるも、前項の疑点と照合する時は、尚、別の意味をも含まれいるものの如し。すなわち千世子は、姉と共に同家に居りては、到底結婚の不可能なるべきを予感し、又は他国に於て、呉家の血統を繋つなぎ残すべく、姉との黙契の下に家出したるものにして、これあるがために、その行衛ゆくえ捜索に対する姉の態度は、稍々やや不熱心の嫌きらいThere is room for suspicion of non-freeness. And both sisters are unusual for women.SpiritSeriousnessFrom this fact, it can be imagined that a silent agreement between the two people can be established.DifficultyPersonDon't be fooled.

  = Matsuko Matsumura's discussions = When we combine the above-mentioned facts with the rumors that Chiyoko is a famous man-eating,ThisAnywayA sneak peek of her later behavior窺UkagaThat should be enough.

   Through the suspicions of each of the above, the sisters of Yatsuko and Chiyoko, who have traditional and extremely fearful things in the Kure no Hamama family, and the last lineage of the family, It should be seen that the fact that you are familiar with has already been sufficiently implied since the beginning of this incident.

  [Eleven] When the remaining, seizures of crazy Sleepwalking of in GoIchiro to this incident " of any kind of psychological inheritance , any degree of more is the upcoming ones Nari Ya done manifestation becomes a problem."

   That isGeneralShahanIn the first seizure, the tangible suggestion that should be seen as a direct incentive to the madness is simply a beauty of one woman's sleeping face. The degree of suggestion to the tremendous psychological inheritance that belongs to the uniqueness of the Kure familyalsoAlsoIt seems to be a very shallow thing. Therefore, there is only one “hanging” to match the contents of the crazy tour with the contents of the psychogenetics unique to the family (see later).RemainderJiyoMoved on to the derailment and crazy excursion that comes from the implications of the skeleton and its appearance, and showed no further psychogenetic content.thinkingNewDo it well.

   MetaOnlyThus, the solution and explanation for all the fundamental questions regarding the above items depends on the circumstances appearing on the left, the second seizure, which appears about two years after the occurrence of this rectangular incident, Be sure to clarify thoroughly.

       Second seizure

  ◆ first reference discourse of Tokura SenGoro

  ▼ Listing date April 26th, 1915 (So-calledSo-called,AshinohamaMei no HamaOn the day of the bride's murder case)

  ▼ Hearing place: 2427, Ashinohama-cho, Sahara-gun, Fukuoka

  ▼ sit person Tokura SenGoro (Yayoko Wu wayPermanent employmentGood nightFarmer, 55 years old at that time)ExtraYo(Mr. W) ―End―

     [Caution] Write in close proximity to the standard language with a humorous dialect.

   -Yeah, I don't want to see such a terrible thing. At that momentladderLadderMy hips fell from my tippen and hurt like this,Small useLike thisAlso這IsI ’m going to come, I ’m sorry.Life mourningLifeI was there where I was going. But,this morningKesaFrom abouteggplantEggplantDrink black liquor with sake and, as you can see,crucian carpHunaThanks to the crushing and pasting, thanks to the painRelaxedRelaxIt seems like it is.

   -Kure's house is called Yoichi Senjo, and it is the great peasant who is said to be the best in this area. others,sericultureKaikoFromPoultry farmingChickenFrom what to what, Yatsushiro who is now the homemaker is aloneabacusAbacusTheBulletHajiBecauseRansomI'm sorryI'm fat ... I don't know hundreds of thousands or millions,AustraliaYeahI'll be with you. If the school is a school that you have built yourself, the temple is also a temple that your ancestors built,Heir heirAftertasteYoung husband (Kuichiro)Great happinessHappy stuffI was able to do something unexpected.

   --Young husbandWarmthAdultFresh尠SukunaNoGojinPeopleI was there.NogataNogataFrom here to hererearLaterIt seems that I always sat down studying in the back room,EmployerYatoininEven the neighbors did not take the ceremony and were truly reputed. In addition, even if I say the Kure family until now, I'll cut into two with Yatsushiro and my daughter Omoyo.HousehomeThe inside was somehow disgusting,Two years agoOtotoshiWhen the young husband came from the spring of the day, it was strange, the house became somewhat cheerful, and we felt like we were working and worthwhile. . Over the course of this spring, the young husband graduated from Fukuoka High School with the highest grade, and once again came to Fukuoka University for the first time. , Young husband and Omoyo-sanCongratulationsCongratulationsSo, Mr. Kure's house is already a kind of surviving anger ... Hey ...

   --HoweverDegreeJustyesterdayYesterday(April 25th) FukuokaInabaInaba butterflyIt seems that there was a high school student's English speech in a large Western pavilion, a memorial hall, but the young husband was then the president of the graduate and took the first speech Mr. Yatsushiro stopped trying to wear high school clothes, and tried to put on new clothes for college students. At that time, the young husband laughs hard and never wears it. Mr. Yatsushiro forcibly dressed as he was trying to escape because it was still early, and was happily wiping his tears while seeing off.attitudeLikeBut still in my eyes縋As expectedI am. If you think from now on, that time would have been the arrival of young husban
d's college clothes.

   ――By the way, today, as I said today, the young husband and Mr. Omoyo,Degree of emergenceMedeBecause it was a long day, we alsoday before yesterdayDay before yesterdayWe came to help with staying overnight. Omoyo is also in TakashimadaResultYuTo the grass-colored kimonoRed foxI love AkadaI worked in cliffs, but no matter whatColorKiryoHaha, the ancestor ’sRokumiMutsumiThe image of Mr.temperamentReadyReallyMeeknessStillso,"BeautifulKiryo"Thousands, thousand temperament, and the other thousand are up to you." Also, my husband says that the year is20 years oldHatsuAlthough it is said that it is separation, it is good, it is good, and even if it is nearly thirty people can not catch up and sit down, especially the man is going to see it again in the view,Public parkBaldSince there was a good manner of conduct, there was a rumor that there was no such couple in Hakata. …… and it ’s money againSatAhIn order to make it into a bowl-shaped form from a young husband,BorderJizakaiCrushing the spearLeaving homeHanareA kimono is tailored from Fukuoka's Kyoya kimono store. Even those who cookyesterdayYesterdayFrom the best in FukuokaUoyoshiUokichiWith the momentum that the caterer brought in and noisy, if you wanted to reassure the back family, it was a big deal.

   --HoweveryesterdayYesterdayThe role of the young husband in the speech of Noh is Hon's Chot. Even after three o'clock, I can't see the way home. Since the young husband had such a nature that would never be mistaken, I made a suspicious thing about this as a senior contributor, and everyone said, “Oh, the first speech of the speech will be delayed. I don't care about it. However, there has never been such a thing so far, so there is no pattern, and I didn't have to worry about it.BusyCoughThoughMisunderstandingMagiAnd over time,WeatherHiyoguseAnd the sky is clouded all over, and a long spring day俄gardenIt became dark like the evening crab. Then it seems that I noticed,tomorrowtomorrowThen, her mother Yatsushiro wiped wet hands and called me to beggar.20 years oldHatsuI can't make any mistakes, but I haven't returned yetpatternEveryis therelateKenCan you go and see me up there? " I was just about to think so,Steamed riceSeiroofrepairMake upClean up and smoke a cigaretteKusanagiWarabibaI went out as it was, but will this be around 4 o'clock?Light railKeibensoNishishinchoNishijin TownUntil the dead end of the train on Imagawa Bridge,Boiled shopNiuriyaI stopped by my brother's place and said, "I see my young husband."QTunaNeh, "Oh ... that young husband passed here about two hours ago and walked west without getting on the track. For the first time, I wore college clothes for the first time. SawlateKen, The two of them came out to the front and were about to leave.GoodHuh“E 婿 donjanaa” says the couple.

   --Young husbandHiraoUsuallyI don't like the smell of smoke in this orbit.Rice fieldDragonflyI will be at the place where you walked. However, from Imagawabashi to Azuma no Hama, there are no more than 2 hours, so there is no habit of taking 2 hours ... Would you like to go home around 4:30? I just came back on the track along the national highway,BeachhereClose toRoadsideMichibataThere is a quarry at the foot of the mountain on the shore. The stone we cutAwahamaishiMy nieceThis is a soft black stone that you will see if you come to see me on the way home, but if you are coming from Fukuoka or coming to Fukuoka from here, you must go by all means. I'm in a place. ...... The stone at the quarry stands out like a folding screen, and the western sun is shining red. I thought.

   ――I have bad eyes, but when I think this is the case,PlanAnnofConstantTodayI'm a young husband, sitting on Takamine's fence and seeing something like a scroll. I traveled on the quarry stones piled up there, and just came out on the head of the young husband, so if I looked out solo and stretched my neck, it was in the middle of a long long scroll. I was there, but strangely, it looked like nothing but a white paper of candy. However, it seems that something was visible to the eyes of the young husband.

   ――I’m going to Kure ’s house祟TatterI had heard of rumors since I had a picture scroll. But that's a long time ago, and there is no way in the world today. Even though there was just a story,True reverseNo wayI can't even imagine that the scroll is a sole. I thought my eyes were bad,PretentiousbutI looked as close to my face as possible, but the white paper was still white, and no matter how much my eyes were rubbed, I couldn't see what was written on it.

   --Saa I am no longer strange. When I thought about what the young husband would see, I went down the rock corner in a hurry. Then, after going around with the trick and going out in front of the young husband and matching the leopard face, the young husband seemed unconscious even though I approached, holding the half-open scroll in both hands, Seeing the sky in the red toward the west, it seems like something is wrong, and it seems like a throne. So when I coughed one and called out “Moshi Young Husband”, I was surprised and looked at my face. “Oh, Sengoro? Why? As I noticed for the first time, I smiled and smiled, holding it face down and holding the scroll I was sitting,stringStringIt was wrapped with At that time, I thought that the young husband was sitting on the ground thinking about something important, so without telling anything, I talked about what Mr. Yatsushiro was worried about. "Is it a throne of scrolls?" Then, in the meantimeBack swing mountainSeburiyamaLooking back on the person, the young husband who thought about something, also compared my face with the scroll as if he was relieved, “This is it. It ’s a scroll that you do n’t need, and when you ’re done, it ’s an important item that you ’d like to give to Tenshi. You ’re going to show it to anyone. ”

   --I finally started to understand the translation, but when I said, “What is written in it?”, The young husband became red-hearted and laughed, I know it right now, a very interesting story and a terrifying picture.DrawingOrIt is. The person was told that we had to see it before we had the ceremony ... I know now ... I know now ... ". I had a strange feeling that I knew what it was.ProclaimYouRiyo, whatUpWowofSkySkyso,HiraoAlwaysI noticed that it was so different from that,RelentlessInsistentBut once again just to be sure, “Hey. Who gave me something like that?”StareMitsumeThe young husband who had been, in the meantime, rounded her eyes as if she had been sane, and crackled twice.MomentblinkWas I was a little crying about what I thought ofMustacheKuchigo tooWhile saying "This to meKureTheWas it a person who was acquainted with a dead mother, who came back to me with a scroll that she kept secretly? The person will meet the kit me over time. I'll let you know the name at that time ... and it disappeared somewhere, but I know who the person is. But ... still nothing is said. You can't say this to others. It ’s okay… Let ’s go, let ’s go. ”俄ChickenTo be become restless, out in traffic over the stone at intervals, but now Zunzun you walk standing in my earlier, the Divinity takes on early was it ...... like a thing of the foot憑OneIt seems thatHiraoAlwaysIt was totally different. From now on, it ’s somewhat strange since thenMoeKizaThere seemed to be a shi ......

   ――As soon as the young husband arrived at home, Yatsushiro said to him, “I ’m late ... I ’m late,” but Yatsushiro asked, “Did you meet Sengoro?” “Hi. I met you at the quarry. I ’m back there now.”InstructionsYubisaAnd with SassaLeaving homeHanareI went to Mr. Yatsushiro is relieved to do so, and without asking me anything, he just says "Thank You"RelativeOyanwanOmoyo-san who had wiped side by side,Difference diagramNotOmoyo stood up embarrassed and saw the iron kettle after his young husbandOfferTheI went to leave home.

   -And then one more thing, this seems to have been translated later, but there was something strange before the sun went down. ...... I then backdoorLiongardeniaIn the trap莚RatherSpreadSmoke pipeDismissThe啣HoesWhileLast timeSaizenofSteamed riceSeiroofPatchTsukuroThe restspellingContinuedFrom there, over the branch of Isogo,internalLikeButIn front ofWhipIf you look at it without seeing it, the young husband changed his kimono in front of the desk in the tatami room, and then said something to Omoyo while drinking Omoyo-san's tea. Let me hear you ...glassGlassI don't understand my voice because it's in the shutters, but the color of my faceHiraoAlwaysPale not in, eyebrow is moving and convulsion taking allowances , which seemed also to bamboo basket scolding something like, but you look better be careful and, there is
not really. Omoyo-san, who was the partner, folded his clothes in front of him and shook his head with a red face, laughing and laughing.

   ――But when I saw it, the young husband finally became a blue face and approached Mr. Omoyo. Then you can see from here, the three of them lined upStorehouseOkuraWhile pointing to the direction of the hand and putting one hand on Omoyo's shoulder and shaking it a few times, it becomes red like a fire from the forefront.bodyBodyMr. Omoyo who was stubbornly raised his face and was with his young husbandStorehouseOkuraI saw the person, but I do not understand whether I am happy or sad before longWindNormalI just shook Shimada ’s head竪FreshWhen I shook my head, I was angry at the base of my neck, and I was drowning ... like an amby that I've seen in a new school play ... Hay ...

   -ThenattitudeLikeThe young husband who sat down looking at Jit, became a middle waist with his hand on Omoyo's shoulderglassGlassIt looked like Girojiro over the shutters, but eventuallyEavesNokisakiWhile looking up at the evening sky, I put out my white teeth as I recalled and laughed at me. And then, it seemed like I licked my tongue out with a red tongue, but the smile was pale and creepy, but I was surprised and surprised ...True reverseNo wayThat's what happensPrecursorBeforeI don't even think about my dreams. I just thought that people with academics would behave like that ...BusyCoughTo the truthMisunderstandingMagiIt ’s like I forgot ...


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