Billionaire's Forced Love

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Billionaire's Forced Love Page 3

by Eilish Rose

  “Where were you? I have been calling for the last 10 minutes,” an angry voice greeted her.

  She furrowed her brows, tried to recognize the voice.

  “And who are you? How dare you speak to me like this.”

  “Oh! Now you don’t recognize the voice of your soon-to-be husband.”

  She gasped loudly, “Jasper, it is you?”

  “Is there anyone else who you are going to marry.” He mocked in his not so serious tone, but his remark made Kara little guilty.

  She went silent, and Jasper cursed inaudibly on the other side of the line. Amelia was watching whole scene with huge grin on her face, and when Kara caught her eye she looked away smilingly.

  “How did you get my number?”

  “Come on Kara. You are my fiancée and I think it is absolutely fine to have your fiancée’s number.”

  “But I don’t have yours.” She spoke without thinking before wincing on her words. She sounded like a real fiancée. She shook her head, and steeled herself. She needed to be strong to deal with this man, the man who was a lawyer, who knew how to manipulate people. It was in his blood.

  “So you think I’m your fiancé.” He made a statement.

  “No, not at all. And could you please tell me, why did you call me?”

  “Check your massages and reply back.” Saying this he hung the phone.

  How rude! Bipolar much.

  She glared at phone as if this device would magically teleport her to Jasper, so that she could kill him.

  She huffed and opened the messages.

  There were pictures. Pictures of rings.

  He sent her the photos of the rings. Her legs trembled, and Amelia was there in an instant. She helped her to sit on bed.

  She took her phone and checked the reason for her sister’s startled expressions.

  “Wow! These rings are so beautiful.” She said in dreamy voice. “He really did put effort in this. Kara you need to give this man a chance.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous Amelia. It won’t happen. There is no future in this marriage.”

  Amelia put the phone down and sit on bed Indian style. She cupped her sister’s face in her hands.

  “Don’t be hard on yourself. Please promise me that you won’t let past control you if something happens in future. You need to take care of your child as well, Kara. How would you do that if you worried so much about little changes in your life. And –”

  “Amelia, stop sayi—”

  “No, let me finish. You need to accept your future, and this future from my point of view isn’t dark or sad. You’ll find peace and happiness eventually, but you need to let go some things, especially your insecurities.

  “Now you can say anything.” Amelia stood and carried the try with fruits, sandwiches and milk to Kara, and sat beside her.

  Kara picked a sandwich as she was feeling extremely hungry since she didn’t eat whole day except the breakfast which she vomited.

  “Amelia, it feels bad. It feels as if I’m betraying William. I was supposed to marry him not his brother. I am afraid that people will point fingers on my character since I’m pregnant with William’s child but marrying his brother.”

  “Do you hear yourself. You words have no logic. William is not here, and yes, you’re pregnant. And marrying Jasper has nothing to do with your character. People talk Kara. Let them. You can’t control anyone’s mouth.”

  “You seriously astonish me sometimes. It is hard to believe that you’re just 12 but you sound like my big sister.”

  “Oh, I will be big sister if it is needed to keep your mind away from irrelevant things. Besides, school teaches you so much.” She winked at her sister.

  “I think I should complete my homework. And you should complete yours,” she said pointing her finger towards her phone. “And if you need any help, you know where to find me.” She winked at her sister before exiting the room.

  Chapter 5

  It was almost midnight, and sleep was miles away from Kara’s eyes. She was adamant not to choose the ring; however her traitor heart didn’t follow her brain. She was swiping the photos of rings, right and left.

  She liked all the designs but one stood out. And she loved it. It was a princess cut with a big diamond surrounded by small sapphires.

  She was admiring the ring when her phone vibrated indicating a text message.

  Bipolar Jerk: What is your decision?

  It was Jasper.

  She ignored his text.

  Her phone pinged again indicating another message.

  Bipolar Jerk: Ignoring my messages won’t do any good. Reply now!

  Wow! Still in bossy mood.

  She ignored again.

  She was back to looking at photos, but she startled when her phone rang.

  She contemplated the idea to pick it, but then she dropped this urge and ignored his call.

  He called three times again, but she didn’t answer it.

  Then it was calm. Kara exhaled thinking that Jasper would stop bugging her.

  Forty five minutes later, she heard her door bell. Furrowing her brows she checked the time and it was almost half past one in the morning.

  Who could be at this time? She thought.

  Bell rang again, the person let it rang for few seconds longer.

  Everyone was asleep, and she didn’t want their sleep to be disturbed.

  She got up from the bed, and went to door. While walking to the door, her brain started overthinking. She played thousand bad scenarios in her mind. And in all the versions, she pictured her death.

  She stepped closer to the door and checked the security monitor on the wall. Relief washed over her when she saw Jasper standing on the other side.


  She was in shock. It was very unusual. He was here, in her home. Well, not in. He was still behind the closed door.

  She came out of her trance when she saw he became impatient and went to ring the bell again.

  She hurried to the door and opened it with force before he could press the button again.

  His hand halted mid air when door opened, and there stood his soon to be bride in pajamas, little flushed and bare of all make up.

  He looked at her, taking in her appearance, and this made Kara both uncomfortable and excited.

  He settled his narrowed eyes on her, remembering the fact that she bluntly ignored his messages and calls.

  He was still in his dress shirt, but his hair were ruffled as if he raked his hands in them thousand times. He looked like as if he just came back from the office, all tired but still managed to look handsome with sharp features.

  Kara scowled and mentally cursed herself for feeling anything like this.

  “Do you have a watch?” she asked.

  He didn’t reply, just stood still watching her.

  His behavior was making her nervous.

  “It seems to me that you don’t have a watch since you are standing in my doorway at this time. Unlike you, others value their time and need rest. So you don’t go and disturb them when they are asleep.” She was pissed.

  “Were you asleep?” finally he spoke, mocking her a bit. He knew she was wide awake.

  “Reason for your presence?”

  “Your answer.”

  “Answer? Regarding what?” she pretended to be confused.

  He smirked at her act.

  “Where is your phone?” he asked narrowing his eyes on her.

  “None of your business.”

  She was being real tough. Even she was surprised that she was talking in this way, and that too with Jasper fucking Black.

  Perhaps! Pregnancy hormones do really make women bold. She thought.

  “Do you really want to play this game? Because I can do it all day,” he winked at her, and her cheeks flushed pink.

  She stilled, knowing very well that it was dangerous to poke him further.

  “Hurry up! I don’t have much time to waste.” He snapped at her, and she flinched in reflex.<
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  Jasper kept his poker face on her reaction; he was beyond pissed because this girl had the audacity to ignore his messages and calls which nobody did.

  He grabbed her wrist and jerked her closer before shoving his phone in her hand.

  “Check these photos now, and give me your answer.” He told her in no-nonsense tone.

  Kara was fuming inside because of his behavior as he was hell bent on making her choose her ring. She didn’t want this. She didn’t want anything that happened and was happening her life.

  She gripped his phone tightly as if she wanted to break it; however she didn’t have that kind of strength.

  Reluctantly, she gave once over to all the photos. Her gaze lingered few seconds longer on the ring which she liked. Then she swiped quickly and showed him the next picture.

  He took his phone back and shoved in his pocket. Narrowing his eyes, he stepped closer, and she took a step back. He kept on walking towards her and she was walking backwards, keeping a good gap between them.

  They took few steps and then he reached forward and grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. Her body collided with his, arms went to his shoulders. Her eyes bulged; with clear panic and excitement in them.

  His big hands on her waist gave her comfort which she didn’t expect. He leaned down, and inhaled her scent. Then he ran his nose on her neck. Her body shivered in response, and closing her eyes, she circled her arms around his neck.

  A gasp escaped her mouth when his stubble scratched her soft skin. Involuntarily, she arched her neck, giving him more space. She moaned when he placed a small kiss just below her ear.

  “Which ring did you like?” he asked in husky tone.

  She kept silent as she was still in her senses a little bit if not completely.

  When he got no answer, he started roaming his hands on her back ever so slowly as if he was trying to imprint her body in his mind. She trembled in his hold.

  “Answer me, Kara. Or I won’t stop until I get an answer out of you.” He said in seductive tone, hinting a little that he wouldn’t mind taking things one step further. He started placing feather light kisses on her neck. She gulped and moaned at his assault.

  “Jasper, please.”

  “Please what, Kara?”

  “Pl…Please.” She couldn’t comprehend a sane sentence.

  “Which ring?” he persisted.

  “Pri…Princess cut with…sapphires.” She blurted with a moan as his breath on her neck caused tingling sensation.

  He stepped back instantly when she gave her answer. She swayed a little since her both body and mind were in haze. She looked up at him in complete confusion.

  When that lusty fog disappeared from her mind, she came to her senses. Her cheeks flamed red with embarrassment when she registered the fact that this man seduced an answer out of her.

  She turned red a shade deeper when she remembered the she responded to his advances instead of pushing him away.

  You are such a slut! A voice echoed in her brain; and tears brimmed in her eyes. She hated herself in that moment.

  She gulped nervously. Her hand went to her neck where he kissed couple minutes ago, on its own accord. Her eyes never left his. There was no emotion in his eyes. They were cold and distant. She stepped back, and tears started running down her eyes.

  Jasper’s jaw ticked when he saw her tears. It took everything in him to stay put.

  “Get out!” she spat with so much venom. She didn’t want to look at his face.

  He kissed her; he played with her body. He manipulated an answer out of her. That too in her own house! She was angrier at herself than him.

  He turned around and left her without uttering any word.

  She ran back to her room crying. She curved herself in a ball; trying to be invisible. She clutched comforter in her hand and buried her face in it.

  This whole scene was way beyond scarier than her dream!

  With these kinds of thoughts she drifted back to sleep when fatigue took over her body.

  Chapter 6

  Morning sickness was the worst thing to go through for Kara. She puked her guts twice, and still felt like throwing up.

  She was sleep deprived, hormonal mess, and she was noticing changes in her body. Some of her clothes felt tight. She was not sure if it was possible that early in pregnancy. Perhaps! Every woman’s body go through different changes at different paces.

  She was still angry and frustrated with the events of last night. She tried to erase the thoughts of Jasper’s hand on her body. His lips on her neck and his sexy and husky voice.

  Just thinking about last night caused her tremble in anticipation and excitement. She felt herself wet.

  You’re such a slut! That voice echoed in her brain, again.

  She gulped cold water to dampen her body reaction.

  She had no right to think like that.

  She was William’s fiancé. Thinking about Jasper in such intimate way felt like a sin to her.

  Sighing and blinking back unwanted tears she got up to get ready for the office.

  “Good morning Kara. How are you feeling now?” Amelia entered her room, and hugged her sister when she was trying a dress to wear.

  “Good morning and I’m good. Did you sleep well?” she hugged her back.

  “Yup, and you?” she asked narrowing her eyes.

  “Of course, I slept like a child.” She said playfully.

  Amelia plopped herself on her bed, watching her sister frowning at the mess she made of clothes.

  “Urrhh!! None of my formal clothes fit me now. These clothes are little tight now. I don’t know why this is happening this early. And why did I buy fitted dresses?” She released a frustrated breath.

  “Your body is changing. It is all hormonal. Believe me.”

  “The Internet?” Kara raided a brow in her sister’s direction.

  “Yup,” she said while nodding with a smile.

  “I think, you need go on shopping spree.”

  “You think?” she scrunched her nose. “It is obvious. I guess, I’m going to wear casuals for the office.”

  “And nobody is going to sue you for not following the dress code. You are the boss.” Amelia added.

  “Right.” She smiled at Amelia.

  “Let’s go for the shopping in the evening. And you need a new wedding dress.”

  Mention of wedding dress stopped her in her tracks. She let out a shaky breath and sat down with Amelia, events of last night were still fresh in her mind.

  “Why are you not ready for school?”

  “Oh! We have off for 3 days because of some event which is going to be held in our school.”

  “Lucky you,” she smiled at her.

  “I know.”

  20 minutes later Kara settled on a loose sweatshirt and a stretchable pair of jeans. She had no other choice.


  Kara was giving the final touches to the illustration that she was working on when Amelia entered in her office.

  Her office building was just a floor. She started it just 3 months ago, defying William, and he was livid about her decision; she had to quit Black Publications. Because she wanted to build her career on her own.

  Hence, she rented a floor on a 50 story corporate building investing her life savings in this business. She had the savings to invest, thanks to her decision to sell her art online when she was still in school. Otherwise, she would have to ask her parents to invest in her business, and they would have done so in a heartbeat.

  Amelia rounded her office desk and went to stand beside her sister. She peered down on the paper on which Kara was drawing. She hugged her from side.

  “Wow, Kara you are really talented, and this illustration is beautiful. Kids will love this in the book.” She praised.

  Kara giggled a bit, and hugged her sister briefly after putting her pen down.

  “Okay, are you ready for the shopping.”

  “Do I have a choice?” Kara scowled at the idea of goin
g to the shopping.

  It was nearly 4 in the evening when both sisters left for the office.

  After shopping for 2 hours, they bought so much stuff: clothes, shoes, lingerie and some art supplies.

  “Now, one last stop before we call it a day,” Amelia said.

  “Which is that?”

  “Lauren’s Boutique for your wedding dress, and I think I’ll also buy my dress from Lauren’s.”

  “Do we have to do it today, please we’ll go this weekend but not today,” Kara whined.


  After half an hour, Kara was in Lauren’s Boutique frowning at a wedding dress. She was not in mood of wedding dress shopping; however, Amelia was excited and trying as many dresses as she can, and occasionally pulled one or two dresses for Kara.

  “Kara, try that dress on,” Amelia shouted from the doorway of changing room, pointing at the dress in her hand.

  “It is backless,” she said in low voice.

  Amelia didn’t hear quite good, and she was about to ask her that what she was saying when her eyes drifted to the door of the shop, and a tall, broad and handsome man walked in and approached the ladies in the store.

  Amelia’s face broke into smile.

  “Hey Jasper, how do I look?”

  Hearing his name, Kara turned towards him. And her breath got hitched. He looked handsome, and the other women in the shop stole glances at him.

  “More beautiful than a princess,” he said with a charming smile, and Amelia blushed at his compliment.

  Having him near her after last night’s incident was making Kara nervous, and a foreign feeling was emerging in her: rage.

  He manipulated her last night.

  Upon remembering his action of last night, she glared at him hard.

  Jasper narrowed his eyes at her, and a mocking smirk adorned his handsome face as if he read her mind.

  “Are you going to choose a dress or waiting for me to help you?” he asked in low voice with a glint in his eyes; daring Kara to the limit.

  “Yes, please help her! She is the most boring bride, you know.”

  “Amelia go and find your dress, will you?” she was angry.


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