Billionaire's Forced Love

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Billionaire's Forced Love Page 9

by Eilish Rose

Jasper kept her in his arms and lied down before covering themselves with the covers.

  Kara tried to move away, but he tightened his hold, “don’t, Mrs. Black. It’s our wedding night.” He said huskily and Kara blushed at his remark.

  She didn’t try to move away; she put her head on his chest and closed her eyes while listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat.


  The next week went into blur, and Kara was less skittish around Jasper now. Although they shared the room, but she couldn’t make herself sleep in his arms. There was always a gap between them; however, a couple times they woke up cuddled into each other. And before sleeping, Jasper would kiss her forehead. Their intimacy didn’t go beyond that. Not even once Jasper made her uncomfortable.

  She started feeling like herself again because of her husband; he was considerate of her health, always helped her through her morning sickness. He forced her to eat more even when her tummy was full. He called her everyday to check on her, even asked her to go on walk in their estate garden every evening. She cherished their slow walks among all the flowers, and this was the one activity she always looked forward to do with him.

  During the whole week nobody motioned William, not even their families. Kara was somewhat surprised as a part of her believed that her husband had to do something with this.

  Only media was making his return a sensation, and they transformed the whole ordeal into love triangle. But the news died down after two days as Aaron poked his nose in this matter as the head of Jasper’s security along with Jasper suing the two publications for hundreds of millions.

  One evening Amelia visited them, and they were having great time as Amelia was sharing stories of her school. Apparently she bumped into Noah at school during her athletic practice, and they had some verbal match on, in which she won. Obviously! This little girl was bullying the captain of football team. It was quite

  When doorbell rang, and Mrs. Hudson went to open it.

  “Hey brother.” A voice echoed in the living room freezing everyone on their spot.

  Kara’s hands started to shake and Amelia also went pale. Amelia inched closer to Kara and Jasper’s peripheral vision caught this action.

  Kara was dreading this moment the most because her fears were going to be alive again; she was living in a protected shell but now the shell had broken and she had to face this regardless the fact that she wasn’t ready for this, not just yet.

  She wanted to scream, but no sound came out of her mouth. Jasper inched closer to the girls, and put a hand on Kara’s shoulder, but she flinched and turned to him. Her eyes blurred with tears as her hold on Amelia’s hand tightened.

  “What do you want?” he didn’t bother to greet or acknowledge his brother by taking his name. He just wanted wanted to throw him out because his wife was clearly in distress.

  William stood awkwardly, “um… I was just wondering if we could spend some time together. You didn’t come to meet me since I came back. I was just missing my big brother.”

  “And this is not the place to hang out.”

  “Don’t ignore me Jasper. Just tell me what I did wrong that you’re not seeing me? I want some answers as I don’t remember past two years of my life,” his eyes traveled towards both Kara and Amelia, and both girls flinched slightly before looking at each other. He smiled at them innocently but his eyes held something mysterious.

  Jasper went to say something but William cut to him, “we can order food,and have little chat in your kitchen,” he was being persistent and he used to have his way as he never back away from what he wanted.

  Well it was going to change about!

  Jasper’s phone pinged with a notification, and a plan formed in his mind to shoo away his brother.

  “Sorry little brother, can’t have this dinner with you. I just got a reminder that Kara and I have to go to dinner at Ethan’s place. It was long due, and there’s no way I can cancel it. You know we both are quite busy men, barely get time out of our work,” Jasper nodded meaningfully.

  William’s face went rigid and his jaw worked as if he gritted his teeth in annoyance. He stood there and looked at three figures in front of him as if he was trying to imprint this picture in his memory, and with one defeated look he left the house.

  Kara was numb, and Amelia’s innocent eyes went towards Jasper who was looking at the retreating figure of his brother with stoic face.

  Amelia touched his hand and his gaze jerked towards her, and something tugged at his heart when he saw vulnerability in those emerald orbs.

  He crouched down in front of the sofa and grabbed Kara’s hand which was holding Amelia’s. With other, he gave a slight tug on Amelia’s cheek and bent forward to place a kiss on her head. Amelia had a sweet smile on her face and unshed tears in her eyes which held a hope.

  His gaze went to Kara, and she was looking into distance oblivious to her surroundings. Jasper stood on his knees and cupped her face and touched his forehead with hers.

  “Give your brain little rest, and we have to get ready for the dinner,” he rubbed his nose with hers. She blinked at him with such innocence and it was his undoing. Unable to ignore his feelings, he leaned forward and pecked her lips when all he wanted to do was kiss her senselessly to make her forget everything except himself. There was child in front of him and he didn’t want to corrupt his sister. Only he knew how he was controlling himself.

  “Dinner?” Kara asked, “you didn’t mention it earlier.” She was baffled.

  “Because there was no dinner just few minutes ago, but one can be arranged right now.” He winked at her.

  She was still not following him. “You only have to get ready, leave every thing on me.”

  Kara went to her room to get ready, but Amelia stayed behind as she requested him to drop her off at her home.

  “Let’s go Am. It’ll be fun.”

  “No Jasper, I have a lot of homework to do. Besides I have to think about more pranks to play on Noah.” She smiled at him.

  “Just go little easy on my brother, but go all tough if plays any prank on you. I’ll back you up,” they high fived.

  Amelia also went to Kara, and Jasper got the opportunity to call his friend.

  “Kara and I are coming to your home for the dinner tonight,” he spoke when Ethan picked the call.

  “What? Dinner? When did I invite you? And I’m not home yet.” He growled at his friend.

  “Invite me for dinner or I’ll have to hang out with William, and I won’t be able to control myself from pulling the trigger in his company as I’m discovering disturbing things everyday.” He spoke through clenched teeth, showing the utmost level of his patience.

  “Fine, I’ll try to arrange it. Be there in one hour.” Ethan hung up on him.


  It was the first time Kara was going out with Jasper, and she was nervous.

  Although he told her that she was looking beautiful, she couldn’t help getting nervous as she was about to meet his friend’s wife. She didn’t know what kind of person she was. It was a big step for Kara because she was stepping into the role of Mrs. Jasper black by socializing with his circle.

  Her hesitation and nervousness went away when she met Crystal— Ethan’s wife. Although there was little awkwardness at beginning when they met as they had nothing to say to each other but when Kara mentioned that she was an illustrator and knew many authors their conversation went to whole new level. They both found something common in both of them. And it was art.

  Both Kara and Crystal were in kitchen, chatting and working on a dish when there was a growl behind them.

  Crystal turned and smiled at Tyson— Ethan’s German Shepherd dog. He came closer eying two beauties in the room.

  Crystal bent down and scratched at the back of his ear, “Tyson meet Kara,” she gestured to her new best friend. “And Kara, he is Tyson— Your Highness of this estate.” She chuckled and Tyson ba
rked as if he was pleased. He kept wandering around the ladies whole time, and he even sniffed Kara and nuzzled at her side. Kara also rubbed the spot where Crystal did.

  As the ladies were in the kitchen, the both men were in Ethan’s office while Aaron was on video conference.

  “DNA reports have come, and the dead man is obviously not your brother,” Aaron smirked.

  They both rolled their eyes, “you suck at creating dramatic revelations,” Jasper gritted his teeth in annoyance.

  “Come to the point Aaron, my wife is currently outside talking about books and colors with his wife, and if she continued talking about this shit, she’d spend whole week day-dreaming about god knows what. And that version of hers is difficult to handle.” Ethan growled at him.

  “What? You start having inappropriate thoughts about her?” Arron chucked at him.

  “Shut up,” Ethan shot back.

  “Fine, the man killed in that accident was just a low life. He didn’t have any family, she was an easy target. His prints came up in the system.”

  “And what about William’s credit card details?”

  “He had been traveling before this accident as his credit card was used on different locations, and on the day of the accident he came back. And that too just five minutes before those photos were taken. Something big is going on.” Aaron disclosed what he gathered.

  “We need to act fast. He has reached my home, and the way both Amelia and Kara reacted was startling. And for a brief moment I felt like he was pretending to have an amnesia. And she is pregnant, and worrying about this will only make things worse for her and the child.”

  “Aren’t you afraid that William is the father?” Ethan asked the same question he was not ready to answer.

  “I don’t know, we haven’t talked much about the child. I have no idea what kind of life this baby is going to have, but I will do everything in my power to keep this baby safe. I’ll be the father, and I’m mentally preparing myself for this role. I just don’t want to fail this child. He is innocent in all this.” He spoke honestly and saying it loud made him much better.

  “Arrange more security, even for Amelia. I’m sorry to say, but I think she’s also involved in this,” Ethan said.

  “Sure, but nobody could know that they both are under watch, it’d only alarm him,” Jasper agreed.

  “Jasper, send those photos to me, I need to check them again. We might find new clue,” Aaron was definitely having something on his mind.

  Jasper nodded, and they all went silent.

  “How are you holding up mate?” Ethan broke the silence.

  “It’s difficult. If I had my way, I would have killed the man who hurt my girl thousand times by now.”

  “Your feelings are running deep.” Aaron concluded.

  “Yeah,” Jasper looked up in his eyes. “I misunderstood her. I thought she was weak and clumsy with messy personality, but it was the version my brother created of her in my mind. Now I’m living with her, I’m finding her intriguing and strong. Emotionally, she is way stronger than me, and I admire her. But our journey is not going to be easy; I have to be her rock.” Jasper bared his soul and feelings in front of two men he trusted the most.

  “Hmm…” Ethan hummed while drifting away in his thoughts.

  They talked about another five minutes before Ethan suggested them to go to have their dinner.

  Kara was in the kitchen and Tyson went out to wander in big garden while Crystal was setting the table.

  Jasper stood in the doorway of kitchen and observed his wife who was covering a bowl with lid.

  He went closer and hugged her from the back, burring his head in her hair. He inhaled the strawberry scent of her hair.

  Kara stiffened as he placed a small kiss on her neck, and then he turned her around and slammed his lips on her soft ones. This startled Kara, and she gasped. It was an enough opportunity for him to push his tongue in her mouth and she moaned when his tongue touched hers. Heat pooled between her legs as his expert tongue stroked her tongue mercilessly making her legs weak.

  He moved while kissing her and pinned her against the kitchen counter. He nibbled her upper lip a couple times and then ran his tongue on it. Kara’s hands grabbed handful of his hair and she tugged on them when he took her bottom lip in between his teeth and bit it softly. He then molded their lips again in a sensual lip-lock and his hands kept moving on her back.

  His mind screamed at him to stop but he was not in his senses anymore. Kara’s soft body was inviting him to do more. He wanted to stop, but at the same time he wanted the time to freeze.

  His lips kept on assaulting hers and they both were out of breath, still they didn’t part as if they were afraid that the moment they parted, the magic would disappear.

  The bell rang and the spell broke. They looked into each other’s and confessed their feelings through their love filled gaze.


  All seated at the dinner table, and there were new guests as well— Ethan’s parents—who were actually an unwanted company, and Ethan was pissed at this. Crystal was also little distressed as her step mother-in-law was a little nasty piece of shit wrapped in beautiful designer dress. Her loud pitched voice was causing headache, and Ethan’s jaw ticked.

  Jasper and Ethan tried to talk about business to make her shut up but she didn’t take the hint, or perhaps she was interjecting them on purpose.

  Kara and crystal seated together, and they both quite enjoyed each others’ company while talking about some books. Every now and then Ethan looked in their direction, and Jasper had an amused expression on his face as he knew that Crystal would make her husband crazy.

  “The food is delicious,” Kara complimented Crystal and she smiled sweetly at her.

  “I agree with my wife,” Jasper chimed in, and he looked into Kara eyes for a second and smirked in her way. Ethan shook his head at his friend with amusement.

  “What are you doing tomorrow, Ethan?” his father asked.

  “Business trip to France,” he said casually while putting lasagna in his mouth.

  “Wow France! Crystal baby you must be going with him, right? I’ll give you a list of some stuff, please buy those for me.” Candice, Ethan’s step mother spoke.

  Crystal was suddenly alerted and little confused when she heard her name being called, and she was about to say something but Ethan started coughing. It was just a small cough in the beginning, but after some time his coughing became vigorous.

  Jasper became alerted, and went to his side in an instant. Everyone else stood up and had shocked expression while Crystal’s face mirrored worry. She inched closer to her husband, and shuffled on her feet not knowing what to do in this situation.

  Tyson came back running, and started barking at everyone and went closer to his owner and sniffed him.

  “What happened to him?” Candice asked feigning innocence.

  “Don’t worry, just an allergy attack. I need to inject him,” Jasper replied while checking Ethan’s pulse as he continued to coughing.

  “Crystal, please help me to get him to the room,” Jasper asked.

  “Let me help,” Daniel— Ethan’s father offered to help but she stopped him, “it is okay dad, you’ve backache, and I’m fine.”

  Jasper and Crystal took Ethan to his room, but Crystal went out as Candice followed them in their room and started to make a scene. And also Kara was alone in the dinning room, so she went to her friend.

  Tyson was there, pacing restless and barking every now and then.

  After half an hour, Jasper came and assured Crystal that her husband was going to be fine in an hour or two, and they both bid their good byes.

  “I liked Crystal, and she is nice,” Kara initiated a conversation as her mind was replying their hot kiss in the kitchen. During dinner she was little distracted while talking to Crystal, so her mind was not occupied with the kiss images only. But the air in the car started to change into sensual. She touched her lips, but dropped them i
mmediately when she realized that Jasper would know what was going through her mind.

  “Yeah, she is,” he chuckled as he knew what she was trying to do since he was also thinking about their kiss.

  They talked about other stuff to get their mind off their kiss.

  When Kara exited the car, Jasper came in front of her stopping her in her tracks. Pinning her to the car he closed the distance.

  “Are we going to talk about it?” he asked while eying her lips. Kara’s eyes widened as she didn’t know what she should answer.

  She clutched his suit jacket and gulped when he pressed his hard body on her soft one.

  “Jasper—,” she had no idea what she was going to say.


  “I have to call Amelia about some stuff,” she tried to wiggle out but he didn’t give her any opportunity.

  He kept on leaning closer; however, his phone rang and he stepped away pulling his phone out. Kara seized this opportunity and walked away hurriedly. She closed the door of their bedroom and leaned against it, her heartbeat was frantic, and her face heated up. Images of their kiss running wild.

  She got the courage and went to freshen up and took her time in the bathroom. Jasper hadn’t returned even when she came out of bathroom in her pajamas. To distract herself, Kara took her tablet to work on some pending projects. She was so focused on her work that she didn’t hear Jasper coming.

  “This witch’s nose is exactly like yours,” his deep voice near her ear startled her, and she faced him suddenly. Their faces were mere inches apart, but nobody made a move. Jasper lowered his gaze on her lips and it lingered there for several seconds before boring into her eyes

  “Yup, little crooked. From here,” he smirked and ran his thumb on her lower lip.

  Kara gulped, “this isn’t my nose but —,” she paused when Jasper’s eyes shone in glint.

  “Not a nose? Then what is this?” he probed still rubbing the seam.

  “Jasper, I—,” she trailed off as her brain couldn’t comprehend a sane sentence.


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