Billionaire's Forced Love

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Billionaire's Forced Love Page 13

by Eilish Rose

  Having Kara in his office made Jasper happy, he never thought he would ever like any girl in his office, but then again Kara was not any girl, she was his wife.

  They ate food in almost silence, only talking when Jasper asked her to have some more. But this silence was nice and comfortable. After lunch Kara had a piece of red velvet cake, but she was not eating it. Her mind wandered to her conversation with her mother.

  “What’s bothering you, Kara?”

  “Huh?…. Um… it’s nothing. Why are you asking?”

  “Because, my dear wife, you’re not eating your favorite cake. And you were staring in space.”

  “Can we talk about this later, when we go to home?”

  “Sure, stop thinking then, and enjoy the food.” He smiled at her.

  She nodded and took a bite of the cake.

  It was just four thirty in the evening when Jasper declared that they were going home because he was not able not concentrate in the work when he knew something was wrong, and he wanted to know what happened at her parents’ home.

  When they reached home, Kara was sitting on the bed silently, and Jasper was trying to find a way to start the conversation. He sighed before pinching the bridge of his nose.

  He crouched down in front of her and took her hands in his, “tell me, Kara. Why are you quiet?”

  She looked in his blue orbs, “let’s go to the garden then,” she stood up and he followed.

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her closer, “it is getting cold outside, and there’ll probably be rain in half an hour. You could get ill in this environment.”

  “But I want to go. Just for few minutes, please.” She pleaded, and Jasper was goner.

  He agreed reluctantly. They went to garden. They walked in silence for few moments, and Jasper plucked a rose and offered her. This gesture made her smile a bit, and she accepted it hesitatingly but her smile was assuring.

  She smelled it, and many emotions assaulted her. She was falling deep for this man who was sweeping her off her feet everyday with his love and care.

  She stood and sighed, “mom told me that William visited them yesterday.”

  “What!?” Jasper felt like something hit him with force, “what did he want?”

  “He knows about him and I, and he knows that I’m pregnant. He wants to be the part of this.” She spoke in one breath.

  “Son of a….ahh!!! I can’t curse him. I’ll be cursing my own mother!” Jasper was furious, he was trying to restrain himself, but William was doing everything to piss him off.

  Jasper rubbed his face, and exhaled loudly.

  He, then went closer to Kara, “and I won’t let him come closer to our lives. I’ll make him pay for what he did to you and Am. That is coming way sooner now. I promise Kara, he’ll regret doing everything, and I will not show any mercy.” He spoke in steely voice and only he knew that I was not just a promise but an oath.

  Just then, thunder boomed around them, and Kara stepped closer, “I want to be with you Jasper, only you.”

  She encircled his neck and stood on her toes to just reach near his face but he was still at least 7 inches taller than her.

  She gulped, “Jasper, I want to be with like normal husbands and wives do,” she was being bold and Jasper was proud of her, but he was scared to take things further since he knew what she had gone through. And Kara was putting every ounce of confidence she had in her to confess her feeling. She also knew she was being like this just because of pregnancy hormones.

  “Kara…” Jasper’s voice was husky and his throat went dry.

  “I want to experience this, for once in my life how does it feel to be loved when you’re in love,” she said it, and it was enough to break Jasper’s control.

  He bent down and captured her soft plump lips in his sinfully kissable ones. At first he didn’t apply much pressure, but when Kara leaned and pressed her body against his, he grabbed her nape and pulled her closer.

  Black clouds started gathering, and cool wind blew, but the passion building between them was keeping them warm.

  Kara moaned when Jasper bit her lower lip, and he thrust his tongue in her mouth.

  He jerked forward and their hips met, and he was hard in his pants. His arousal didn’t scare her but excited her. She wanted this with him.

  He broke the kiss. “Kara… I’m aching for you,” he said pleadingly looking in her green eyes, “tell me now if you want to stop because I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Jasper, please. I want this,” she said in small voice keeping the eye contact.

  He looked in her eyes for any hint to stop this, but there wasn’t any.

  “Fuck,” he groaned and pulled her in for another kiss.

  Thunder rumbled in the sky, cool wind splashed on their bodies.

  Jasper left her lips and continued to kiss her jawbone and went down her neck. She arched to give him more access. He trailed kisses along her collar bone, then he kissed her behind her ear and his made her shiver in want and desire.

  She clutched his shirt tightly and moaned loudly. He then carried her in his arms bridal style and went to their bedroom.

  Chapter 23

  It was nearly six in the morning, and Jasper was wide awake. Kara was in his arms, sleeping peacefully. He looked at her face, the first rays of the day illuminatied her face casting a beautiful shining effect. He looked at her features and a small smile made way to his lips, he bent down and kissed her temple while running his knuckles on her face.

  Last night was amazing. Their slow and sensual love making kept them awake for almost the whole night.

  Jasper was hesitant at first, he didn’t want to hurt Kara, he had no idea whether having sex during pregnancy was safe or not. But Kara assured him that it was normal as her gynecologist told her so.

  They were still naked under the the sheets, and Jasper wanted to devourer her once again but he restrained himself; she was extremely tired after last night and needed rest. He sighed when he realized that he was behaving like a teenage boy. Kara was the reason that his control was slipping away.

  He traced his thumb on her lips, and this made her to stir a bit. Kara snuggled closer and hid her face in his shoulder. Her soft breathing on his neck caused tingles and he gulped.

  Jasper closed his eyes and took long breath and held her closer.

  Their last day conversation started to play in his mind, and waves of jealousy surged through his body. He was getting angrier on his brother.

  It was like a hard blow to his heart when Kara told him that William wanted to be the part of their life.

  Like hell he would allow that man anywhere near his Kara or his child!

  He had accepted this unborn child, and he would do everything in his power to shield him or her from his brother. Even if it meant that he had to expose every sick thing he had ever done.

  Jasper was deep in thoughts, but a slight movement jerked him to reality. Kara woke up and took in her surrounding. A hand trailed down her body when she realized she was lying on something hard. She removed her hair from her eyes and met her husband’s eyes. Those eyes looked at her with emotions and her mouth went dry.

  “Good morning,” he gently rubbed her lower lip with the back of his index finger.

  “Morning,” her voice came out bit hoarse.

  Kara tried to get away when she realized she was lying on his husband, naked.

  Jasper stopped her movement.

  “It’s Saturday, and no office. I think we can stay in the bed,” he smiled at Kara.

  “Um… I need to go to the bathroom,” her small voice reached his ear.

  Only then Jasper loosened his hold and Kara laid on her back on bed.

  When she didn’t get up, Jasper asked, “what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I’m not wearing anything. Could you please…,” she couldn’t complete her sentence because Jasper bent down and picked his shirt which was on the ground near his side.

  “Wear it.”


  But even then Kara didn’t get up.

  “Now what?” he asked with a smirk on his lips.

  “I need some privacy. Please close your eyes,” her face was hot as the images of their love making were paying in her mind. And the smirk on Jasper’s face was not helping either.

  Jasper caged her in his arms, “privacy, really?” he was amused.

  “After last night, I think we have long crossed that bridge,” he said in husky and low voice.

  “I know, and I don’t regret this. But I can’t turn into a bold girl overnight. Even though I want to be bold and open with you, but I would take some time,” she said.

  “I know, love. I know. Take your time as long as you are with me and safe.”

  Their faces were mere inches apart, but nobody moved. This was comfortable for them and they both knew they would be together forever.

  “Um… privacy please.”

  “Of course wifey.”

  Jasper freed her as he laid on his back and covered his eyes with his arm. Kara took this opportunity, and wore his shirt which was very loose on her thin frame. She went to the bathroom and looked herself in the mirror. He face glowed. Although her hair were mess, she looked beautiful.

  She looked at her face, and the scenes from last night started to play in her brain. She smiled at her reflection, but this smile was short lived when a wave of nausea hit her. Her morning sickness was back, and she felt light head, but thankfully it was short.

  After puking her guts out, she brushed and took shower. Warm water soothed her muscles, and she felt relaxed and tired at the same time.

  She wore the bath robe as she didn’t carry any clothes with her and went out of the bathroom. Jasper was still in the bed typing on his phone, bed covers on the floor, but he was in his track pants, his muscled chest was on display. He looked up and his eyes traveled down her body slowly. His eyes had the hunger again.

  Kara just ran to the walk in closet with beating heart. After getting dressed, she came out, but Jasper was not in the bed. He went to take shower; a cold one.

  Kara cleaned the room and made the bed, and then laid down as she was still sleepy.

  When she heard the door open, she didn’t get up. She kept her eyes closed as she knew Jasper would only be in his towel. And she was feeling shy too.

  She was bit sleepy when two arm held her and spooned her.



  “Would you go with me somewhere?”


  “Anywhere. I just want to go away from here this weekend.”

  The despair in his voice got her attention. She turned around and faced him before placing her hand on his cheek.

  “What’s troubling you, Jasper?”

  He held her hand and kissed her wrist.

  “It is weekend, and I can’t stay in the city as I would not be able to control myself. And I know will certainly do something that I would regret later.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like confronting William and beat him to death.”

  Kara sucked in harsh breath.

  “Please, Jasper. Don’t lose your peace of mind. Don’t let him mess with your head. I didn’t tell you to make you worry.”

  “Hey! Stop, baby. Don’t doubt yourself. You didn’t do anything wrong by sharing this with me. It is a normal human instinct that I’m feeling, and I have every right to be angry as a human.”

  “I wish I could go with you, but I can’t. I’m sorry.”


  “Amelia is here, and I don’t want to go away from her. I know I’m being unreasonable but being in the same city just gives me satisfaction that I could reach her anytime.”

  “She can come with us.”

  Kara laughed at his suggestion.

  “Why are you laughing? I’m serious.”

  “I know, but for a lawyer you sure are being pretty dumb now.”

  Jasper squeezed her a bit, “would you please explain Mrs. Black why your husband is being dumb?”

  “Because he is planning to take his wife somewhere and he is okay to take his sister-in-law with them. But he doesn’t know his parents-in-law would not allow their younger daughter to be a third wheel between them.”

  “Fair enough”

  They stayed in silence for sometime, but then Jasper said, “I think they would allow this.”


  “Just trust me, and pack your bag for two days.”

  He said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

  “What are you planning?” she asked while giggling.

  “Something big,” he replied before capturing her lips in long passionate kiss.


  Kara was busy packing her bag, but her mind was wandering to Jasper’s promise. She had no idea what was going through his brain, and she’d give anything to read his mind. But she knew it was of no use because her husband was sharp minded, he wouldn’t give a sight hint if he didn’t want to. And this surprising element was making her excited.

  Meanwhile, Jasper was in his study, and called his in laws to get the permission to take Amelia with them for the weekend. Like he promised Kara, they agreed, but there was still something he had to do first.

  He called Ethan but his phone was busy. After few seconds, Ethan called him back.

  “What’s up, man?” Ethan asked in so excited voice.

  “Aren’t you too much excited? And that too in the morning,” Jasper said.

  “He is getting along with Crystal to a smaller extent, and that is enough to make him excited like a five year old child,” Aaron’s voice boomed in the speaker.

  Ethan was on a call with Aaron when Jasper called, and then he added him on conference call.

  “Really? The weird treatment you had been receiving from her for almost a week is over?”

  “Seems like that. And I still have no idea why she behaved like that,” Ethan was so much confused with the way Crystal behaved with him, the mystery behind it was yet to be revealed.

  “Good for you, and I want you both to do something for me,” Jasper replied.

  “What?” Aaron asked.

  “I want to take Kara somewhere, but she doesn’t want to leave Amelia here. So I asked Martha if Am could go with us, and she said yes.”

  “So what does it have to do with us,” Ethan asked.

  “I told her that we are going in a group, not like a couple. So you guys are the part of the group. Ask Crystal to come as well.”

  “And why do you want to go in the first place,” Aaron asked.

  “Come on, man! I can’t sit and suppress the urge to kill William. You have no idea what kind of bastard he is,” Jasper gritted out.

  “Okay. I’ll be there, but would return in the evening as I have some business to attend,” Aaron said.

  “Why do we, especially I, have to become scapegoat every time William is in the scene. Go and punch him real good,” Ethan suggested.

  “Ethan, would you do this or not?” Jasper asked.

  “Fine, but we are going to my cabin. It is just two hour drive from the city.”

  Everybody agreed to go there.

  James dropped Amelia at Jasper’s house, and she was excited for this small trip.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “Somewhere nice, and I’m pretty sure you’ll like there,” Jasper answered still not disclosing the details of their trip.

  “Come on, Jasper. Tell me something,” Amelia whined and pouted.

  “There is no point of asking, Am. He won’t speak. Trust me, I have already tried,” Kara side hugged her baby sister.

  Door bell rang and Mrs. Hudson opened it.

  “Jasper, where are you?” loud dramatic voice boomed in the room and Jasper rolled his eyes as he knew what was about to happen.

  “What are you doing here, Noah?” Jasper asked crossing his arms.

  “Devil has possessed my dad, and he is annoying me with
all the grades craps, again,” he plopped down on the sofa.

  “Stop behaving like a brat, Noah. He cares for you, and you should respect him and listen to him.”

  “I can’t listen to him especially when the season is going to start, and I have big games ahead. And it is not like I’m failing, I’m just not getting top scores in the class. My rank is probably five or six but he wants me at one. Please talk to him,” he sighed.

  “Fine, will do on Monday.”

  “Monday? Why not now?”

  “Because we are going on a small trip.”

  “With whom?”

  “Obviously with his wife and his sister,” Amelia spoke as she stood behind Noah.

  “Oh! Hi Kara,” he waved at Kara. “Sorry, I kinda didn’t see any of you as my mind was in frenzy,” he jogged to her and gave a small hug.

  “Hi Noah,” she hugged him back.

  “What’s up, Shorty?” he raised a brow at Amelia.

  “Hello, elephant,” she rolled her eyes at him.

  “Am, don’t talk like that,” Kara scolded her.

  “It’s fine, Kara,” Noah gave a toothy smile to her.

  “As you see, we are busy. You can go,” Jasper said while putting a bag down.

  “Go? No way. I’m not going home. I’ll rather stay here. You guys can go and enjoy.”

  Noah was not going back to his home especially when his dad was behaving like an inspection officer.

  “And I’m not letting you stay here alone because I’d like to return to a neat and clean house which you’ll obviously turn upside down with your party stunt. So, you can’t stay here.”

  Noah thought about something for a while and then said, “I can go with you. But please don’t send me anywhere.”

  “Fine,” Jasper sighed.

  Noah ran to the room which he had occupied in Jasper’s house and took some clothes and packed roughly in a duffel bag. He ran out and threw his bag in trunk when Jasper was about to close it.

  “Sit in the back, and don’t annoy Amelia,” Jasper ordered and threatened him.

  “I don’t annoy her. She gets under my skin.”

  Noah huffed and opened the door.


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