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Billionaire's Forced Love

Page 17

by Eilish Rose

  As the winter season was near, the sun was already setting low, and in some twenty minutes, it’d be dark. And that was not good to carry out a silent operation.

  “What is the situation?” Jasper asked.

  “Ethan followed Fiona, and she led him here. When she pulled up here, one man was already taking unconscious Amelia inside. She is definitely in it. Take this gun, and the extra clips. They have weapons,” Aaron handed him gun with bullet proof jacket. “Ethan has managed to get inside, but I don’t think more of us could get in. Before, our communication lost, he told me there are already five men inside. And I couldn’t get hold of him. There is some kind of jammer device. Phone’s not workin,” Aaron told Jasper as they made their way to the back of the abandoned building while hiding in the shadows.

  “There are seven floors, they could be at any. We need an inside-intel, and our best bet right now is Ethan,” Jasper concluded when they reached near the building.

  “There are more cars for an abandoned building, and my gut is telling me there would be more than five people,” they both hid behind a car to see from where they could enter.

  “They’re on floor five,” Aaron spoke.


  “Ethan has seen us coming, he just flashed a Morse Code with his signature number,” Aaron gestured towards a tall pole on which Ethan flashed laser beam to send his message.

  Aaron gestured one of his agents to come forward.

  “Asriel, you lead one team and cover first four floors. Don’t let anyone escape. Rather than shooting, try to taze or knock them out, we need them alive” Aaron gave orders to one of his best agents.

  Jasper and Aaron moved forwards and found a narrow exit to enter the building.

  They reached fifth floor, and Ethan was there. When they hey went to him, Aaron handed him bullet-proof jacket and extra gun and bullets.

  “They have taken Amelia to 6th floor, and William is here,” Ethan eyed Jasper while delivering the news. Jasper clenched his jaw, barely containing his anger.

  “What is the plan?” Jasper asked, ignoring the emotions building inside him.

  “From the outside, it looks like this is an abandoned construction site, but from inside it is quite well-maintained one. So expect there would be hidden spots or rooms. So far no one has came down except that man,” Ethan gestured behind him where a man was lying unconscious. “I have knocked him out about fifteen minutes ago, I think somebody would come down looking for him. And the most important thing, I believe there are some other hostages as well. This is not just a small kidnapping thing, it is bigger,” Ethan told them whatever information he had gathered.

  Aaron sighed, “it seems like Chicago all over again.”

  Jasper and Ethan stilled, they knew what he was talking about.

  “Aaron, if…” Jasper began but Aaron shook his head.

  “Don’t worry about me. I can handle this. Now lets move.” Aaron took few seconds to inject him to keep that man unconscious.

  They nodded and put on their ski-masks. Ethan went ahead, covering for his friends.

  They ascended stairs quietly and scattered to various directions while hiding behind the walls.

  They could see a body lying on the floor, and Fiona Walker sat beside it. It was definitely Amelia.

  Aaron gestured Jasper to move forward. He walked behind her without making any noise and held his gun on her head. Room wasn’t well lit but it enough to see clearly.

  She stiffened when she felt something nudging her head.

  “Don’t move,” Jasper warned. “Where is William?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she spoke in scared voice.

  By then Aaron moved forward to get closer to Amelia while pointing his gun at her. He bent down to check the pulse and nodded at his friends when he felt one. A sigh escaped from their lips.

  “Fiona, call Mark. Where the hell has he went,” William came down from upstairs pissed off, but the scene in front of him stopped him in his tracks.

  He didn’t see it coming when Aaron pointed his gun at his head. William looked around and he knew he’d been caught.

  “What is upstairs?” Aaron asked in deep voice, but William kept looking at Jasper. Although he was not able to look his face because of ski-mask and dim light, he was mostly sure who that man was. Jasper also kept glaring at him.

  “Check yourself,” William shrugged. “Why would I help you when I know I’m fucked.”

  It was enough for Aaron to inject him, and he was unconscious. Jasper followed him, and did the same to Fiona, as they wanted both of them alive. Jasper knew it was the time to save Amelia, the interrogation could wait another few hours. Ethan stayed at his position to keep everything clear.

  Aaron went to window and flashed another Morse Code to call one team of eight. He sent two agents on fifth floor, and told two of them to stay on sixth floor.

  “Asriel, there is one man a floor down, take all three to our interrogation facility, and try to be as quiet as possible, also try to find that jammer device and deactivate it,” Aaron ordered Asriel when he came with agents.

  They took unconscious Fiona and William. Jasper bent down and tried to wake Amelia up, but it didn’t work.

  “Sir, a paramedic team is near the road, they could check.” Jasper nodded at Asriel, and carried her in his arms to take her away from that disgusting place.


  Sun sat down, and darkness engulfed the light. Hospital staff rushed Amelia inside. After the checkup, doctor told them that Amelia had concussion and the medical help she received before reaching hospital would help her to recover. Jasper brought her just in time. They all felt relieved hearing this since they knew head injury could cause severe damage to the overall health of the person.

  Kara was out of surgery, and she was shifted to a room. She had miscarriage, but the real cause was not yet clear. Doctors waited for the lab results. Doctor allowed Jasper to go inside but he was also instructed that Kara didn’t know about the miscarriage, and she was still under drug influence, she might feel sleepy.

  It was not easy to bear this news, and tears welled up in his eyes. He took deep breaths and went inside her room.

  His heart clenched when he saw her hooked to machines and tubes. She looked weak and pale.

  Jasper sat down and took her soft hand in his rough ones. He stood and looked up when Kara flexed her fingers. She opened her eyes and looked around. Uncertainty took over her features, “where am I?” she asked, she saw a figure looming over her as her vision was not clear.

  “You’re in a hospital, honey,” she blinked her eyes as she recognized Jasper’s voice.

  “Why? What happened?” she asked hurriedly and frantically as a foreign fear started engulfing her.

  “Hey. Hey… calm down. You’re just out of a surgery,” he replied in hushed voice while rubbing his knuckles on her cheek.

  Kara grabbed his hand, “please tell me, Jasper. Don’t hide from me. Is the baby fine?”

  “Um… Kara. I’m sorry,” his helpless voice was the answer for Kara.

  A sob escaped her mouth with a force, and tears started falling down uncontrollably. Kara shook her hand, “no…no…no….” She cried.

  Jasper bent down and took her in his arms, his heart also in pain. He also felt the loss as if it was his own blood. In a way, the child was his. Jasper’s tears also found their way. When he received the news of William’s death was the last day he cried, but the loss he felt now was incomparable.

  He had seen death during his service in army. He had rescued hostages, killed terrorists. He’d seen helplessness up close. But nothing prepared him for this loss.

  Kara placed her hand on her stomach, there was a child a few hours ago, and now she felt empty.

  Jasper wiped her tears gently, as his own eyes were moist.

  She looked into his eyes, and the emptiness slashed his heart. He cupped her face a placed a feathery soft kiss.

er chin trembled. She was in debt of this man who showed her love and stood beside her, encouraging her, but above all he mended her battered heart and gave strength.

  However, in this moment, he didn’t look like the confident lawyer who fought vigorously, be it battlefield or courtroom.

  Kara hid her face in his chest and cried for several minutes which seemed like hours, and Jasper held her.

  “I want to honor this child, Jasper,” she spoke.

  Jasper looked at her, “what do you mean, Kara,” he asked gently.

  “I don’t want this child’s memory fade away. I want to name him or her, so everyone remembers him or her,” she asked with hope.

  “Of course, love. What name do you have in your mind?”

  “Alex. I think it’s the perfect name as we don’t know the gender. What do you think?”

  “I couldn’t agree with you more,” Jasper kissed her cheek, and then her forehead.

  “Do our families know about this?” she asked.

  “Yes, they are here, waiting outside.”

  “And how did this happen?” her voice broke again.

  “Doctors are running the tests now.”

  “Why I’m feeling like I’m one of the unfortunate people in this world, and God is punishing me for something I don’t know.”

  “No love, you’re not unfortunate. You have your whole family supporting you. There are people out there who have beyond worse life. You’re the victim here, but not unfortunate one,” he said soothingly and Kara understood what he meant.

  “Is Amelia fine? I was about to call her when you showed up.”

  He didn’t know how to answer but keeping truth from her was not an option. She deserved to know.

  “She is…,” he stopped and sat straight when door opened and doctor came in.

  “How are you feeling, Mrs. Black?” doctor, in his mid-forties, asked.

  Kara nodded as a bile rose up again when the reality of her situation hit again.

  “We need to keep you for observation tonight. If everything seems under control, you can go home tomorrow. And I’m very sorry for loss,” he sympathized. “Mr. Black would you please come out; we have to discuss something important.”

  Jasper became alerted, and Kara also read between the lines. She looked at her husband with scared and fearful eyes, uncertainty shining in her eyes.

  “I’ll be back soon, and I’m sure our parents also want to meet you,” he kissed her forehead and went out with doctor after giving her lingering glance.

  Jasper asked their families to go inside, so they could keep her mind off of her miscarriage. But he also told them not to talk about Amelia as she was not in condition of handling another blow.

  Doctor told him that Amelia was fine, but currently sleeping.

  He went to doctor’s office.

  “Mr. Black…”

  “Please call me Jasper,” he sat down.

  “Okay, Jasper. It was not a natural miscarriage. We found heavy traces of Mifepristone in your wife’s body. Someone gave her the drug.”

  Jasper was shocked although deep inside he knew this was not an accident.

  But who could do this? He suspected William but then again, he made sure that that didn’t come near his family. If this was not William then who could have done this?

  But he pledged if William was behind this, he would make his life living hell.

  They also talked about Kara and Amelia’s health, prescriptions and precautions. After meeting doctor, he went to Amelia’s room as she was awake and he wanted to know what actually happened.

  “Hello bear! How are you feeling?” he asked in a bit happy tone as he wanted to make her smile, and she smiled huge.

  “Hey not-so-handsome man, you’re looking sleep deprived,” she replied jokingly.

  “I know. But seriously, how are you?” Jasper sat near her.

  “I’m okay. Just feeling too lazy like my body doesn’t have power.”

  “Painkillers make you feel like this.”

  “What really happened?” Jasper asked when silence settled for too long.

  “I was talking to Noah when my car pulled up. She sat inside, but I knew something was off because partition screen was up which was unusual. Then I knocked on it so I could ask Derick to play music. But he didn’t roll down the screen. As I was about to knock again, the car came to a stop and a man sat inside pushing me aside roughly. Before I could scream or understand anything, he hit me on the head and I lost conscious. And the next time I opened my eyes, I was already in this room,” she told him. “How I came here, Jasper?”

  “I brought you here.”

  Jasper was processing everything.

  “Was it William who did this to me?” she asked in low voice.

  “Yes, doll. I’m sorry I wasn’t there when this happened,” he apologized while gently squeezing her hand.

  “It is not your fault, Jasper. We really don’t know him. And how did you find me?”

  “Noah called me when he saw Derick with bloody head, and then Ethan told that he saw Fiona and followed her to the building and informed us then Aaron and I reached the building and saw you unconscious. William was there.

  “Oh! Where is he and Ms. Walker now?” Amelia was shocked that her coach was really involved in this. Having suspicion was one thing, but realty was whole another level.

  “They have been held.”

  “Is Kara fine?”

  Jasper thought about lying to her but he knew it would do no good.

  “Er… yes. She is resting in another room. And she has lost the baby.”

  “What?!” Amelia almost shouted.

  “Calm down, doll. You’re also not well.”

  “But she was fine on the weekend. How did this happen?” doctors are running the tests now.

  “Enough doll. You need to rest.”

  “Can I meet her?”

  He thought for some time, “sure, but I believe your parents want to see you first. Meanwhile I arrange your visit. Okay?”

  “Yes, and thank you Jasper.”

  “For what?”

  “For trusting us. We were strangers to you,” she said.

  “You’re not stranger, Am. I have seen people doing unthinkable and most of them have families. I was not that big of a shock, but I do wonder why he did this. And I’ll get the answer very soon.”

  He then left the room after kissing her on her head.

  Amelia spent some time with his family, and they cried when she told them everything she and Kara went through.

  She apologized for numerous times for failing as a parent, and took promise from her that she’d not hide anything from them from now on.

  Meanwhile, asked the doctor if Amelia and Kara could be in the same room. So, doctor advised to move them in a suite, and hospital staff helped them to settle in one room. It was a luxury room with big bed.

  When Kara saw Am she opened her arms and Amelia walked as fast as she could and hugged her big sister. They cried.

  “Kara, I have to tell you something,” Jasper spoke and both sisters sat silently while holding each other’s hands

  She looked at her husband.

  “William abducted Amelia today.”

  Kara was socked and looked at her younger sister.

  “What? Are you okay baby?” she tried to look for an injury.

  “I’m fine, Kara. Although a man hit me in the head, but I wasn’t hurt bad. Besides, Jasper and his friends saved me,” she assured her.

  “Thank you,” Kara turned towards Jasper.

  He shook his head and walked to her before cupping her face. He leaned down and pecked her lips.

  “Stop saying, thank you. I’ll do anything to protect both you. I think you both must be hungry by now. Right?” Amelia nodded slightly but Kara kept looking in his eyes.

  “I send someone with food, and I have to go somewhere for some time. You both are safe here, and can stay with each other. I’ll be back by midnight,” Jasper told them a
nd went out after giving a hug to both of them.

  He wanted to stay with the for whole night, but the text he got from Aaron while the girls shifted in new room was serious and he could no longer prolong the inevitable.

  He drove to the holding facility outside the city for getting some answers from the monster whom he called brother for his whole life.


  “What is the status?” Jasper asked Aaron when he reached the building. Ethan had gone to pantry to get some coffee.

  “I don’t know what should I say. I can’t decide whether this is good or bad. We captured four other girls, aging from eight to sixteen with seven men and two women. They were on the top floor. Girls were drugged. After rescuing them, we called the Feds. They have all of them in custody, and they are trying to find the families of those children,” Aaron explained.

  “Do they…”

  “No, they don’t know about William, Fiona and Amelia, and they won’t know.”

  “I want to see him,” Jasper went to the side table and took the ski-mask to put on.

  “No need to wear it. He knows you were one of the men,” Aaron informed him. “And, honestly, he had been yelling for you for the past two hours. He is being a maniac.”

  Aaron took his coffee from Ethan when he entered the room.

  “What are you doing here? You should be at home,” Jasper asked Ethan.

  “Please not you now! I’m not going anywhere until I get some answers. And I have informed Crystal that I’d be late. She has called Ashlyn to come over for tonight.”

  Aaron then informed him about many other findings about the videos and pictures along with his ties to some shady people.

  “Alright. Let’s go,” Jasper stood straight and went out of the room.

  Before going inside the interrogation room, they went into observation room to have a look on their culprit.

  William was tied to a chair, and his face didn’t look good. The punches which Jasper threw on him in the evening had started to show their effect.

  He had dark blue marks on his face, and left side of his face was swollen.

  His once shiny dirty blond hair looked greasy and real dirty. His crumpled clothes made him to look like a homeless man, and he was bare feet. It was a mild torture as winter was near, the nights became bit cold. The coldness seeping through floor was enough to numb his feet.


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