The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set Page 58

by Rosie Sams

  Melody thought her shoulders were uncharacteristically slumped for a potential pageant queen as she took in the scene. The woman wore a satin and sequins gown, the color of magenta. The front of her skirt was puffed up in her lap from the layers of tulle beneath it. Her eyes were just as puffy even though she was careful to dab, not rub.

  She looks so sad, Melody thought.

  Smudge whined softly.

  "It's just the stress of the pageant, it gets to me sometimes,” the blonde said, reaching for another round of tissues. “I'm not sure why I even do this to myself."

  Melody nodded, understanding. "When I'm feeling stressed out, I like to treat myself to something sweet. I'm here to supply the desserts for the press event. How about I go grab you some delicious Lemon Chiffon petit fours to cheer you up? Or maybe you prefer something more decadent and chocolatey? I guarantee they'll melt your blues away."

  "Well, in that case, I just might have to have a little taste even though I'm watching my figure. But, then again, I'm always watching my figure." A twinkle appeared momentarily in her eye, and then quickly faded as she came to that realization.

  Melody looked down at Smudge and inclined her head toward the woman. Maybe Smudge could cheer her up.

  "Is that your dog?" she asked curiously between sniffles.

  "Yes!" Melody realized she hadn't appropriately introduced herself or her pup. "I'm Melody Marshall, and this is my darling girl, Smudge. She's super smart and very friendly."

  "Hi, Smudge. I'm Ramona. Ramona Newman."

  Smudge's ears shot up straight when she heard her own name. She nuzzled Ramona's ankles, then looked up at her with big soulful brown eyes. Her blue-gray fur was silky to the touch, and when Ramona stroked it, she smiled instantly.

  "Wow, she's so soft. Come here, girl."

  If ever Smudge heard an invitation, that was one, so she jumped up into Ramona's puffy skirted lap and snuggled her. "I think she's the sweetest dog I've ever met." Ramona let out a freeing laugh as Smudge nuzzled her chin.

  Melody had to give it to Smudge; she was sweeter than Lemon Chiffon with fewer calories. Melody delighted in watching her cheer up Ramona until a shrill voice cut through the laughter.

  "Get that filthy mutt away from my precious daughter!"

  Chapter One Hundred Forty-Eight

  "Excuse me?"

  "What do you think you are doing bringing that beast back here? It's going to get hair all over her evening gown! Do you know how much that dress cost? My daughter has to impress the press and the judges at the reception… if this creature hasn’t already ruined her chances!" The woman was furious.

  Melody's mouth dropped open in shock as Ramona quickly and sheepishly guided Smudge off her lap.

  “Uh, Melody, this is my mother, Denise Newman."

  "I assure you, Ms. Newman, Smudge is very clean-"

  "And I assure you, Ms. Whatever-Your-Name-Is, that dog shouldn't be back here on pageant day!" Denise was red-faced with anger as she thrust her hand inside a large designer bag hooked over her other arm. Like radar, she immediately found what she was looking for and unsheathed a huge lint roller.

  Melody knew they were excellent for removing fabric fuzz, lint, and yes, even pet hair. The lint roller's outer layer of stickiness was covered with magenta fibers that matched Ramona's gown. Melody deduced it wasn't Denise's first time wielding the lint roller today. With expert skill, Denise tore off the outer used layer of stickiness to reveal a clean sheet and began rolling it across Ramona's lap.

  "Stand up!"

  Ramona looked contritely at Melody and Smudge. Silently, she mouthed an apology. Her shoulders slumped forward, and the smile was gone from her face. It looked like all the stress Smudge had released was back ten-fold.

  "You sounded flat during rehearsal. How can you expect to win anything croaking like a flat frog? Now, turn around. If you have any hope of taking that crown home, you're going to have to dazzle the press and the judges at the reception.

  "Ms. Newman, perhaps you can go a little easy with Ramona. She was quite upset earlier. Maybe she can rest up a bit before the event?" For the sake of Ramona, Melody kept her tone positive as she addressed Denise even though the woman had insulted Smudge.

  "My daughter will be more upset if she loses - not that it's any business of yours." Denise glared at Melody and then at Smudge before tearing off a second dirty lint-covered sheet and starting again with a vengeance. "Now, I suggest you and your mutt beat it before I call security."

  Smudge let out a low growl at the woman. Ramona was near to tears again.

  "Well, I can see who won't be winning the Miss Congeniality award today!” Melody said. “Ramona, it was a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I’m here if you need me." Then, Melody turned her back on them and called for Smudge to follow suit.

  Denise gasped at the insult and then glared at her daughter, who had tried to stifle a giggle. She was unsuccessful.

  Melody reluctantly left them to it. "Do you believe the nerve of that woman, Smudge? How dare she call you a dirty mutt and a beast! No wonder her daughter is a ball of stress."

  Smudge huffed in agreement as she followed Melody, who went back to her search for Penelope.

  "Let's try this room." Melody's hand turned the doorknob of a closed wooden door. "Excuse me! I'm so sorry." Quickly, she closed the door, her cheeks as red as her hair. "That was definitely not Penelope."

  Inside, Melody had spied a woman who appeared to be another contestant, but she wasn't alone. She was in the arms of a very distinguished older gentleman wearing a jet-black tuxedo. The two of them had been locked in a passionate kiss.

  "Smudge," she whispered, "let's go wait for Penelope upfront. It's starting to feel like a bad telenovela back here."

  Smudge barked in agreement, wagging her whole body before spinning in a circle and giving another little yip.

  Chapter One Hundred Forty-Nine

  "I do hope everyone is ready! We must make a good impression for the sake of the art of Pageantry," Penelope said as she conducted one final inspection of the reception area.

  "I hope you're pleased with the dessert display." Melody swept her hand through the air with a bit of a flourish inviting Penelope's approach.

  "Yes! This is exactly what I envisioned. It's perfect."

  Melody smiled proudly as she watched Penelope's bright eyes move across the station, inspecting the tasty treats topped with little crowns made of sugar crystals. An assortment of colorful and decadent petit fours was arranged on elegant, afternoon-tea style china that sat atop multi-tiered gold stands of varying heights. Kerry and Leslie stood behind the station. They both made minor last-minute adjustments, ensuring every detail of the presentation was perfect.

  "These are my business partners, Kerry Porter and Leslie Mathers. They've done a fantastic job. Don't you think?" Melody wasn't surprised as to how lovely the station looked. The two women proved time and again that they were very dedicated to the success of the bakery.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you both." Penelope offered a friendly smile, but her eyes lingered on Kerry just a little bit longer than they did with Leslie. "You look familiar. You've won a competition recently, haven't you? Weren't you Miss Nantucket County last year?"

  "Me? No. Of course, not!" Kerry scoffed at the thought.

  Melody glared at her.

  Quickly, she cleared her throat and corrected her tone toward their client. "I mean, I'm flattered, but no. I never had the opportunity to compete." Kerry plastered a smile on her face as her eyes darted back to Melody, seeking approval. Her cheeks flushed from embarrassment. Leslie struggled to stifle a giggle.

  "Ms. Cross, it's time to get started." An assistant appeared just in time to distract the coordinator.

  "Positions, everyone! It's showtime!" Penelope clapped her hands together twice. Once she had everyone's attention, she positioned herself in the center of the room, facing the main doors. She struck a premeditated pose and fixed a perfect smile upon her pai
nted face. Her satin and organza tea-length cocktail dress the color of goldenrod shimmered in the light. With a flick of her wrist, she motioned for the doormen to open the doors.

  "Ok, ladies, look sharp," Melody said as she joined Kerry behind the station. Down at their feet, Smudge rested on a small cushion.

  "Maybe Kerry would be better suited for tray service. Miss Nantucket County could practice her smile, wave, and walk." Teasingly, Leslie donned a blank stare and plastic smile as she picked up a tray with one hand and waved with the other.

  "And if the crown goes missing, we'll know who to name as the number one suspect," Kerry shot back at Leslie with a glare.

  “Well, that was uncalled for-”

  "Cool it, you two! Stay focused. I don’t want any bad press right now.” Melody glared at them both.

  “I can see the headlines now: Bakers Overheat at Press Reception – News at 11,” Leslie chimed in one last time before she picked up a full tray and walked away.

  As the guests entered, Penelope greeted them and invited them to try the refreshments. Once everyone was inside, the doormen moved to the set of doors that led to the main hall. There, they waited for Penelope's second cue.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, if I may have your attention. I'd like to thank you all for attending our very special event. This is an excellent opportunity for all of you to engage the girls and get to know them on an up-close and personal level."

  "Up close and personal is right. You see that toothy guy over there in the black tuxedo?" Melody kept her voice low as she pointed to a man standing to Penelope's right.

  Kerry's eyes followed her finger. "I saw that guy making out with one of the contestants earlier. I hope he's not a judge."

  Kerry frowned disapprovingly.

  "Thank you to the town of Port Warren for its continued support and to the press for providing favorable coverage,” Penelope continued with her speech. “I'd also like to thank Decadently Delicious for their lovely refreshments. Please be sure to try the Lemon Chiffon. It's my personal favorite. Lastly, I'd like to thank our sponsors, including this handsome gentleman to my right, Mr. Ronald Atkins of Atkins Jewelry. He not only made a generous donation, but he also loaned the girls their accessories, and I’m sure you will all agree, they are spectacular pieces!"

  "Thank you! It's the contestants that are spectacular. Jewels just enhance their natural beauty," Ronald said.

  "Nope, that's not creepy at all." Melody frowned to Kerry.

  "I bet he's all about the ladies."

  "Without further ado, let's bring on the lovely contestants!" Penelope cued the doormen, who dutifully opened the double doors revealing a line of beautiful women dressed in gorgeous dresses. Their necks and ears glittered with various gems complimenting their gown choices. As the women entered the room, Penelope announced their names.

  "Monica Paul, Lorraine Brickford, Alexis Garnett, Ramona Newman, Colleen Thorne-"

  "There ... that one. That's the one Ronald was kissing backstage." Melody nudged Kerry with her elbow as Colleen Thorne appeared. She was a tall, leggy blonde wearing a shimmering column dress that clung to her figure. Melody noticed that as she entered, her blue eyes were locked on Ronald.

  "She can't be older than 22," Kerry said, then asked, "How old do you think he is?"

  "Not sure, but he's definitely old enough to be her father."

  "He may be old enough to be her grandfather – and look at the women. They look like Stepford wives chaperoning a prom circa 1997 with their empty expressions and fake smiles."

  "You sound so bitter. Did you lose your title of Homecoming Queen back in the day?" Leslie asked sarcastically as she reappeared to swap trays.

  Penelope introduced the remaining contestants then released them to mingle.

  "Shush. Incoming. Look natural," Melody warned them as she smiled to Colleen, who approached the table.

  Leslie rolled her eyes and headed back into the crowd with a fresh tray of sweets.

  "Well, look at all these goodies!" Colleen licked her lips as she studied the table.

  "We have a lot of flavors today. Do you prefer something light and fruity or dark and decadent?" I'd say decadent knowing who you were kissing backstage, Melody thought.

  "Oh, I just couldn't take a bite. As you can see, this dress is tight enough already." Colleen's eyes inspected Melody’s and Kerry’s figures, and by her expression, Melody sensed she was unimpressed. "But, thank you for bringing such sweetness to the event!"

  Thank you for your approval.

  Without looking, Melody had sensed Kerry was steaming from her ears.

  Despite her refusal to try one of the little rectangular bites, Colleen chose one of the chocolate mocha flavored cakes. She carried it off without touching it and brought it directly to Ronald.

  From a distance, Melody watched as he smiled wolfishly. She wasn't sure if the hungry smile was for the sweet offering or for Colleen.

  Colleen giggled as Ronald took the treat with one hand and placed his other hand on the small of her back. He pulled her close and whispered something in her ear. His words, or perhaps the feeling of his breath on the girl's neck, made her blush and giggle again. Melody cringed at the sight of the couple, but so did another woman as she, too, watched them from afar.

  From the corner of her eye, Melody watched as the contestant named Alexis Garnett stormed up to Colleen and Ronald. It happened so fast! Like watching a movie in slow motion, Melody witnessed Alexis throw her cranberry cocktail in his face! Colleen recoiled as some of the drink rebounded off Ronald and splashed her form-fitting dress.

  "How could you?" Alexis was furious. Her dark eyes were as wild as her brunette hair. Compared to the other pristine competitors, her sash was wrinkled and sloppily splattered with red stains, no doubt from her cocktail.

  "Stop it now!" Penelope pushed her way through the crowd with the two doormen in tow. "Please escort Ms. Garnett to her dressing room so she can sleep off her bad behavior. Ronald, I'm so sorry. Here, let's get you cleaned up!" Penelope shoved an open hand at Kerry, palm up, waiting for her to hand over some napkins.

  "No need to fuss, everyone! I'm fine." Ronald pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his face as he laughed. "Please, go back to enjoying yourself. I'll just get cleaned up. It's nothing to worry about – it’s not the first time I’ve had a drink thrown in my face, and I’m sure it won’t be the last." Everyone within earshot laughed at his joke, but Melody knew there was truth in the jest.

  Penelope ensured the doormen escorted Alexis out of the reception area then attempted to re-direct the guests’ attention back toward the other well-behaved contestants.

  Irritated, Colleen stood very still as she surveyed the damage done to her dress. Ronald, however, saw her frustrated expression and whispered something in her ear. Colleen let out a loud laugh that drew stares.

  "He's probably offering to buy her a new one," Kerry said in a whisper to Melody.

  "Or offering to help her out of it."

  Chapter One Hundred Fifty

  Melody kept her eyes on Colleen and Ronald a bit longer until Ramona caught her attention. Her brow furrowed at the sight of the girl. There, in the corner, Ramona sat sadly watching Colleen and Ronald. Again, she was near to tears.

  "I'm going to check on Ramona. You two keep serving."

  As Melody made her way through the crowd, she noticed Colleen duck out of the party. She presumed she was going to change.

  "Would you like to step outside for a breath of fresh air?" Melody asked Ramona.

  "You saw Colleen and Ronald? Well, that was me up until a few days ago. I thought we had something special." Ramona's eyes were like lasers burning into Ronald as he laughed with other partygoers.

  To Melody, he appeared wholly unaffected by Alexis throwing a drink in his face. "But now, I'm another one of his used dolls while he plays with a new, prettier one," Ramona said.

  "You’re beautiful, and he's just a dirty old man. He's like... a collector.
You don't need a man like that in your life."

  "He made promises. He said I could trust him. I think I'm going to be sick." Ramona's shoulders shook forcefully as she sobbed.

  "You again! Step away from my daughter!"

  Both Melody and Ramona looked up suddenly. It was Denise, Ramona's controlling mother.

  "Now, Mrs. Newman-"

  "I don’t want to hear one word from you. You upset my daughter twice today, and I will not permit it a third time. Leave now, or I will have you escorted out at once!"

  "I did not upset Ramona! That man did." Melody pointed at Ronald, but Ramona pushed her hand down as quickly as it went up.

  "Everyone, please stop! I need to be alone!" She gathered up her puffy skirt, clumsily, and stormed off. Denise glared at Melody then rushed after Ramona.

  Frustrated, Melody turned back toward the dessert station but slammed unexpectedly into a man. He had appeared out of nowhere - it was the man of the hour, Ronald Atkins.

  "You know," he said with a hungry grin on his lips, "You are just magnificent. I'm about due for a redhead. I'm curious - are you as sweet as your treats?" His eyes roamed over Melody's figure salaciously.

  Does this creep have any more lines he’d like to throw at me? Melody thought.

  She stepped back, repulsed by the man standing in her personal space. Her hands went up to block him from closing the distance she’d just created.

  "Excuse me, but I do not date men old enough to be my father."

  "You should give it a try. Consider me an equal opportunity lover, that's well-versed." He wiggled his eyebrows at her, and she visibly cringed.

  Melody's stomach churned. Before she could refuse any more of his advances, Ronald was reaching for something in his pocket.

  "How about you put your number in my phone and I'll come by your bakery some time to sample your goodies?" As he patted his pocket, however, his eyebrows knitted with confusion. "That's odd." His hands patted his other pockets, all coming up empty. "My phone’s missing ... have you seen it? It’s in a gold case engraved with my initials on the back."


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