The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set Page 67

by Rosie Sams

  “Don’t be such a killjoy!” She slapped his arm with the magazine. “It’s Kerry and Bradford’s wedding! It’s going to be great, we need to be supportive!”

  “You remember what happened at their last attempt at a wedding.” Alvin whistled low, thinking about it. “That was a doozy.”

  “Oh, you mean the murdered server that ruined their fairy tale day?” she asked sarcastically. “It wasn’t exactly part of their agenda.”

  “I know, but this is Vegas, baby.” He mocked a current tourism campaign for the city that he’d ironically heard on the radio repeatedly just days before their trip. “Stuff like that happens all the time here. Do you know how many murders there are in Las Vegas per year compared to Port Warren?”

  “Ok, that’s it,” she said as she faced forward in her seat. “No more Crime Scene TV for you.” Melody shook her head as she went back to her magazine. A thought crossed her mind, and she pursued the conversation. “What if it’s my dream… my fairy tale wedding, for us to get married in Las Vegas? Are you going to leave me at the alter … with Elvis?”

  “Oh, no!” Alvin shook his head vigorously. “We are not getting married by some Elvis impersonator shaking his hips lewdly at you.” By his tone, Melody knew he was adamant. It was a good job she was teasing. She laughed loudly at his response, causing him to turn and look at her.

  “Why is that funny?”

  “Because you are funny when you are grumpy.” She leaned toward him and placed a sweet kiss on his lips, letting it linger just a bit longer than usual. Alvin didn’t refuse her advances. He met the offer of her lips and raised it with a few kisses of his own.

  “You should be careful,” he said between kisses. His breath tickled her lips. It smelled of peppermint, reminding her that he always sucked one when traveling by plane to help keep his ears from clogging with the increased altitudes. “The cranky flight attendant police may scold you for publicly displaying affection.” With a mischievous twinkle in his warm brown eyes, Alvin stole another kiss.

  Melody sensed his mood was lightening, but from the aisle, someone cleared her throat to gain their attention.

  “She’s standing right behind me, isn’t she?” he asked quietly. Melody shifted her eyes to check. Her nose crinkled as she nodded quickly. She bit her lip to keep from laughing. Even though she knew Alvin was sour on traveling across-country, she couldn’t resist showing her amusement.

  Alvin turned slowly to face the flight attendant. There she stood waiting impatiently to serve the two trays of food she held in her hands. He offered her a forced smile of his own and pulled down his lap tray. Melody pulled down hers, too, stifling her grin.

  “Chicken with wild rice.” She pushed the tray toward Melody politely, who took it quickly with a grateful smile.

  “Penne with butter, and a side of plain broccoli.” She set the tray down roughly on Alvin’s lap tray, causing it to bang against his knees. This time, her level of politeness was minimal at best. Without haste, she started to wheel the cart to the next row of passengers.

  “Excuse me, miss,” he said quickly before she could make a clean getaway. “I pre-ordered the chicken with wild rice as well.”

  The flight attendant slumped her shoulders for a moment revealing her frustration. Immediately, she righted herself, took a step back to his row, and addressed the issue.

  “I’m sorry, sir. We ran out.”

  “That’s it? You ran out?” he asked, unsatisfied with her answer.

  Well, there goes any chance I had of lifting his mood, Melody thought. “We can trade or share, Al.” Melody automatically reached to swap the trays. Alvin put his hand over his tray, gently stopping her, but without taking his eyes off the flight attendant. He was waiting for the attendant to provide a better solution.

  “Yes, sir, we ran out.” Then, as if she had memorized the response from her years of experience, she said, “The airline does apologize for the inconvenience, and as a sign of our appreciation of your understanding, we’d like to offer two free cocktails.” She flashed another forced smile that disappeared as quickly as it came then moved on before Alvin could decline her offer.

  With his mouth open and a finger in the air, as if he was about to make a proclamation, he watched her roll away without a second thought for him or his dinner.

  “Al,” Melody said to distract him. “Really, it’s ok. Just share mine. We can grab a nice three-course meal at the hotel as soon as we get there. Think of this as a snack.” She smiled lovingly at him, and it was her smile that calmed him — along with the loud rumble from his stomach. She saw his expression soften.

  “All right, Melody. Pasta and butter, it is. You enjoy yours. This will be fine for me.” He looked down at the tray, and as if bracing himself, he inhaled deeply. He exhaled slowly as he unwrapped the plastic utensils. He then took a few bites, smiling as he showed Melody that he was happy to eat the food.

  The overhead light flashed in time with an audible alert. It was followed by a quick bout of turbulence that caused Melody to drop a piece of her chicken on her shirt.

  “Oh, man!” Melody rummaged her hand around her bag. “I can’t find my stain stick. Let me up a second, Al. I just want to go clean this up before it sets and ruins this.”

  Carefully, Alvin lifted their trays and held them out of harm’s way as Melody hurdled his lap. With a watchful eye, he saw her disappear into the lavatory.

  “Psst, Smudge. I know it’s not the same as butter cookies, but do you want some buttered pasta?” he asked, knowing the answer.

  Smudge licked her lips happily as he pushed a forkful through the crate. “Let’s just hope the rest of the trip is better than the flight,” he said, trying to sound optimistic.

  Chapter One Hundred Seventy-Five

  “Wow! This looks just like the ad I saw in the SkyShop magazine,” Melody said excitedly as she turned in her spot. The Blue Rose Casino & Hotel was a brand-new build. Its modern design with bold colors of deep blue and magenta accents gave it a hip vibe.

  “I read that this is the Vegas hot spot for celebrities,” she said as she pushed open their guest room door. Smudge ran inside, her nose led the way as she inspected every inch of her new surroundings.

  “There is a celebrity staying here, now: Port Warren’s award-winning pastry chef and her crime-solving French bulldog,” Alvin teased as he tipped the bellman who carted in the luggage.

  “The bathroom is huge!” Melody stood in the open doorway gazing at the white and gray marble tiled room. The shower wall glittered with small silvery-blue mosaic tiles. “It’s like a fancy bathroom you see in beauty spas!”

  “I think this bed is my ‘happy place.’” Alvin sprawled across the king-sized bed. He deliberately spread his long legs from corner to corner. “Now, this is extra legroom!”

  Melody laughed as she checked out the balcony that overlooked one of the four pools. Smudge followed her. She lifted her nose to the air and closed her eyes as a warm breeze blew their way.

  “I think Smudge found her happy place, too,” Melody said as she watched Smudge enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.

  “Anyone home?” Kerry sang her words with a cheery voice through the door as she knocked.

  “We brought you some chocolate covered strawberries from the shop in the lobby. They are amazing!” Bradford said as he presented the box. The hotel’s lobby was, basically, a shopping plaza guests had to pass through before finding the reception desk. The shops were all upscale name-brand stores.

  “Good. The food on the plane was terrible.” Alvin’s fingers flipped open the lid of the box. He stuffed two of the juicy artisan strawberries in his mouth and moaned with satisfaction over their sweet, heavenly taste. “Mel, you’ve got to try these.” But he held the box close to his chest rather than pushing it toward her. To her, he seemed to be buying into the luxury of Las Vegas at last.

  “Oh, Smudge!” Kerry said in her sing-song voice, again. She reached into a little brown shopping bag she’d b
een holding. As her hand withdrew from it, she presented Smudge with a unique cookie in the shape of a doghouse. “We have a little goody for you, too.”

  Smudge sat obediently at Kerry’s feet. She looked up at her with big chocolate eyes. In anticipation of the sweet treat, her pink tongue quickly smacked her lips.

  Kerry presented the cookie to her. The longer it took Kerry to hand over the cookie, which was milliseconds, the closer Smudge shifted to her. There was an almost magnetic attraction. The pup’s excitement was obvious too, as she wiggled her bottom, and her eyes lit up like Christmas lights.

  “Good girl, Smudge.” Kerry finally relinquished the cookie. Smudge took it gently and padded out to the balcony to dine al fresco.

  “This room must cost a fortune, Kerry. Please, let us help pay….” Kerry held up a hand abruptly, cutting Melody off mid-sentence.

  “No. You, Alvin, and Smudge are our guests. This is what we want to do for our dear friends.”

  “You guys are always there for us. You traveled all this way for our wedding. This is the least we can do. The trip is on us.” Bradford chimed in as he hooked an arm around Kerry’s waist.

  Alvin nodded thankfully as he stuffed another two strawberries into his mouth.

  “We’re going to finish getting ourselves settled as well, but do you guys want to meet up in about an hour and go look around? Maybe, we can get something to eat.” Bradford said as he opened the door for Kerry.

  “That sounds great! We’ll meet you downstairs.” Melody said in agreement. Once they had gone, she started to unpack Smudge’s things first.

  “I can’t wait to check out the rest of the hotel. They have several five-star restaurants.”

  “I think I’ll stay here with Smudge and order room service, but you go on and explore with Kerry and Bradford.” Alvin laid back on the bed again. Melody stopped unpacking.

  “Absolutely not. This casino allows pets on the floor, and I want Smudge to enjoy the experience.” They both glanced at the balcony to see Smudge lying on her back, her belly to the sun.

  “She looks pretty happy to me right where she is,” Alvin said.

  “We’re going. I don’t want to disappoint Kerry and Bradford. Besides, think of how cool it would be to play roulette next to a St. Bernard.” Melody hoped the humor would lighten Alvin’s mood and motivate him to want to enjoy the Las Vegas experience, himself.

  “Fine, but if he runs across the table to chase the spinning ball, all bets are off.” Alvin pushed himself up off the bed and headed for the shower.

  Relieved she’d convinced him to get into the spirit of the trip, Melody continued to unpack until she heard what sounded like a loud argument through the door. While she couldn’t make out what was being said, it sounded like two people shouting at each other. She opened it and peeked down the hallway noticing nothing unusual other than that one of the elevators was out of order. A moment later, she heard the voices again. Her curiosity got the better of her. She stepped into the hallway to investigate, leaving her door slightly ajar, using its own lock to block it from closing all the way.

  Her eyes inspected each door as she walked further down the hallway in the direction of the voices until she noticed one that was slightly ajar - just as she had left her own.

  “Hello?” she said cautiously as she knocked. When no one answered, she pushed the door open and gasped at what she saw!

  Chapter One Hundred Seventy-Six

  A rolling desk chair was turned over on its side next to a man. “Oh, my goodness! Are you all right?” Melody asked as she ran to the man collapsed on the floor.

  “I’m fine, don’t worry,” he said calmly, trying to get to his feet. He was an older man who appeared to be in his late 70s with a full head of messy white hair. “I dropped the phone and took a bit of a tumble while trying to pick it up. Honestly, it just seemed easier for me to get on the floor with it!” He laughed at his own joke as Melody hooked her arms under his and lifted.

  “Are you sure you’re not injured?”

  The man grunted as she helped him but dismissed her concern. “I’m perfectly fine except for needing a pretty redhead to help me up.” He paused for a moment then said, “Actually, now that I think of it, I’m pretty fine with that, too.” He winked playfully at her.

  “I’m sorry for intruding, but now I’m kind of glad I did!” she said.

  “Oh, no. I should be the one apologizing. I’m sorry I disturbed you. I’m Abraham Thayer.” He extended his hand. “And you must be my guardian angel? I’ve been waiting for you all my life.”

  Melody blushed.

  “No apologies necessary. I thought I heard an argument.” She shook his hand and introduced herself. “I’m Melody Marshall. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Thayer.”

  “I will not have my guardian angel calling me by my father’s name. I insist you call me Abraham.”

  “Will do.”

  “As for the argument, that was with my daughter, Pauline. She worries too much. I’m hosting a banquet tonight for my shareholders. I’ve hosted them for years, and sometimes several times a year. Yet, she feels the need to micro-manage the event as if it’s the first time, every time. To think, I’ve run companies my whole life, and now my daughter thinks I can’t manage to get myself to a dinner party. But I’ll tell you a secret, Melody.” He motioned for her to lean in a bit closer.

  Melody leaned in, eager to hear the secret. She found Abraham to be charming, and his conversation was relaxed and engaging.

  “I’m never late for dinner, it’s my favorite meal of the day!” He revealed.

  Melody chuckled, along with him.

  “May I ask what line of business you are in?” she asked.

  “Yes, of course! My guardian angel can ask anything she likes. I made my fortune in real estate. I was lucky to make some smart investments in Las Vegas realty, years ago, and then I just continued to reinvest in other thriving cities across the country. Las Vegas is my town, though, so I like to conduct business here as much as possible - business and pleasure.” He winked, the gesture was easy, friendly, and utterly charming. “It’s a great city. How about you? Are you here for business and pleasure or a bit of both? Las Vegas has it all.”

  “My fiancé and I are here for our friends’ wedding. I’m excited about it. It’s my first time in Las Vegas. The city has amazing energy.”

  “Yes, it has, your fiancé is a lucky man.”

  “My fiancé… Alvin is not as excited as I am. I think he may be a bit overwhelmed by all of the action.” Melody crinkled her nose at the thought of Alvin’s lack of enthusiasm about the trip. Spotting the phone still resting on the floor alongside the overturned chair, she picked it up, righting the chair for Abraham, and setting the phone back in its place on the desk.

  “A wedding is such a blessed event. I still remember mine. It was over 50 years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday.” He smiled appreciatively as he watched her tidy up the chair and phone. “Hey, I’ve got a great idea. Why don’t you and your friends stop by the hotel’s banquet room tonight? We usually talk business for about 15 minutes, after that, the rest is just a party. You can meet Pauline. She can thank you herself for making sure I get there on time.” He laughed.

  As Melody was about to answer, she noticed something behind her had caught Abraham’s curious eye. She turned to see what it was, and a smile crossed her face. There was Smudge standing in the hallway just outside the opened door. Her nub of a tail was wagging as she watched Melody excitedly. Melody beamed proudly. Her heart was always full when she looked at Smudge.

  “Do you see a dog in the hallway, or are my old eyes playing tricks on me? Maybe I hit my head when I fell.”

  “That’s my girl!” Melody said excitedly. “Come, Smudge! Come meet Abraham!” Melody called for her to join them, and Smudge scampered directly to Abraham, rubbing her soft blue-gray fur against his leg in greeting.

  “Wow, look at her! She’s beautiful! Hello, Smudge. It’s nice
to meet you.” Abraham said as he reached down to stroke her smooth coat.

  “Thank you for the kind offer, but I’m not sure your guests would appreciate a pup joining them for a dinner party. Oddly enough, not everyone is an animal lover.”

  “Nonsense! Don’t be silly, the more, the merrier!” Abraham stroked Smudge’s head. “How could anyone not appreciate this little beauty?” Smudge nuzzled his hand and snuffled against it. She was a charmer, too.

  “Ok, then, it sounds like a date. We’ll stop by the banquet hall tonight. Thank you for the invite!”

  Then, Abraham walked to a small table in the room and opened a package. When he returned to Smudge, he showed her a plain tea biscuit. “Can she have this?” Abraham asked Melody.

  The little pup’s nose twitched at the scent of the cookie. She looked at Melody with pleading, soulful eyes. Melody melted. Smudge knew how to play to her soft side.

  “Oh, all right. But just one, Smudge. We don’t want to spoil your dinner.”

  Chapter One Hundred Seventy-Seven

  Smudge’s eyes locked intently on the little white revolving ball as it raced around the roulette wheel. Melody had lifted her up so she could watch it turn.

  “She’s so fascinated. She’s not letting that little ball out of her sight,” Melody said with a chuckle.

  Smudge released a low guttural noise as the little ball suddenly changed its pattern. Her bat-like ears were straight up in high alert as it slowed, then she whined with anticipation as she tried to keep her eyes on the ball. Suddenly, it bounced about the wheel in a random pattern. Just when she thought it would jump again, it dropped straight down into a numbered slot!


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