The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set Page 69

by Rosie Sams

  “When is the last time you saw him?” he asked as he slowly peeled Pauline’s arms from his shoulders. He kept his tone gentle as he questioned her.

  “I... don’t remember. I’m just so worried he’s wandering the strip right now. He’s not as with it as everyone thinks. You saw how he was at dinner. He was so confused and vulnerable.” She sobbed into her hands. “What if he’s somewhere dead in a ditch?” Melody placed a hand on Pauline’s shoulder.

  “Your father seems pretty spry for his years, and he sounded pretty confident in his decision,” Melody said, somewhat defending Abraham. Even though she had only known him a short time, she felt for the man, especially since those around him seemed to be most concerned with their own interests.

  “I know my father better than anyone, and I know that right now, he’s not himself.” Pauline glared at Melody through watery eyes. “Winston can be a very persuasive man. There’s a reason he’s in the position he is. He was very aggressive with my father last night. I don’t know what I would do if he... hurt him.”

  “Your father didn’t feel Winston was really a threat. Do you have any reason to believe he would physically harm your father?” Alvin asked.

  “I don’t know, but I wouldn’t put it past him. Felicity is another one I’m worried about. She stands to gain an enormous amount of money and power once my father is gone, and it would be a lot easier for her if my father was dead sooner rather than later. The longer she’s not in power, the more she has to lose.” Overcome with grief, Pauline sobbed until her shoulders shook. “She is definitely not as sweet as she seems!”

  “I will talk to Felicity and see what she knows,” Alvin said as he ran a hand through his messy bed head.

  “Oh, that would be wonderful! Thank you so much, but please be discrete. If the shareholders find out he’s missing, I’m afraid they will make some rash decisions and put Felicity in charge, before my father has a chance to put his affairs in order. That would only help her cause.”

  “I understand. When I speak to Felicity, I’ll be sure to be discrete.”

  Pauline breathed a deep sigh of relief. “Thank you so much. My father had luck on his side when he met you two.”

  Smudge barked, ensuring she was not left out. Pauline looked down at her.

  “Yes, you too, little dog.” Pauline smiled, but Melody sensed it was fake.

  “Her name is Smudge,” Melody said flatly.

  Smudge put her paws up on the shut door and looked at Pauline. Melody presumed she wanted to go inside and see Abraham, but Pauline seemed to interpret her action as something else.

  “What a smart little dog! She knows the door is locked! Thank you, Smudge, but don’t you worry. I have my key.” Pauline smiled at them. “These doors are always locking, so I carry it with me all the time. I hate how loud they are when they slam back against the lock. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about - when you use the lock to stop the door from closing all the way?” Melody nodded. It was a popular hotel tactic guests used to prevent from getting locked out.

  “Yes, we heard some slamming. That’s what woke us up,” Melody said.

  “Come on, Mel. Let’s get dressed and go track down Felicity.” Alan took her hand. “Goodnight, Pauline. Try to get some sleep. We’ll wake you if we find anything.”

  Smudge lingered a bit until Melody called her to her side. “Let’s go, girl. We’ve got work to do.” Pauline waved as they made their way down the hallway, then went back inside.

  It took Alvin seconds to change into suitable interrogation attire. He looked invigorated.

  “So, that’s all it took to cheer you up - a potential crime?”

  “Whatever do you mean? I just want to help find your friend,” Alvin said as he blushed a bit, realizing he was a bit cheerier now that police work was on the vacation agenda.

  “And to think, I could have enticed you to come to Vegas just by reciting their crime rate.” Melody laughed as she finished dressing. “Let the real vacation begin!”

  Smudge barked and wagged her bottom eagerly as she faced the door, ready to go sleuth out some clues.

  Chapter One Hundred Eighty

  “Missing? But we just saw him at the event.” Felicity’s emerald green eyes reflected her concern. She appeared stunned to hear the news. Alvin, Melody, and Smudge had joined her in her room to ask her a few questions.

  “Yes, Pauline is distraught over his disappearance. She gave us the impression that he may not be in his right mind. Do you know anything about that?” Melody asked.

  “No, Abraham’s mind is quite sound. I mean, he may have had a little too much to drink at the party, but a lot of people did. I walked him back to his room, and he was perfectly fine other than being a bit tipsy.”

  “Did you happen to join him in his room for a nightcap?” Alvin asked. Melody noticed how he always kept his expressions overly serious when asking sensitive questions.

  “How dare you ask such a thing? Abraham and I maintain a strictly professional relationship!” Felicity was offended by Alvin’s notion of such an affair.

  “It’s a reasonable question, and I’m not implying you had an intimate relationship. I’m simply asking if you entered the room with Mr. Thayer for another drink.”

  “I’m sure you can understand, Sheriff Hennessey, why I would resent such an implication. It’s bad enough that the shareholders and Winston think I’ve slept my way to the top. I assure you; Abraham was perfectly fine when I left him outside his hotel room door last night after the event. That is the last time I’ve seen or communicated with him. Now, I’d like you to leave. I didn’t need to be woken at this ungodly hour just to be accused of being a woman of questionable morals.”

  Without further hesitation, Felicity opened the door for them. Alvin opened his mouth as if to ask another question, but Felicity pointed to the door as she turned her head away from him. Having no real jurisdiction and not officially being on the case, he had no choice but to leave. Melody and Smudge followed.

  As they stood outside Felicity’s door, they heard a noise down the hall.


  Alvin turned to look. He thrust his hand protectively in front of Melody in an attempt to keep her safe from whatever this surprise was.

  “Psst. Over here,” the voice said from the emergency stairwell. The door to the stairs was slightly ajar, and through it, a man’s hand motioned for them to come closer. Smudge barked at the sight of the man’s hand through the door.

  “Shhh. Shut that dog up,” the man said in a hushed but urgent tone.

  Melody, being the fiery redhead that she was, stormed toward the hand.

  Shut that dog up? Oh, you bet I’m going to shut something up, she thought. Alvin had to grab her arm to hold her back. With his hand, he motioned for her to calm down then he led them carefully toward it.

  He was the first to look through the doorway, then sighed, relieved. “You’re the waiter from last night, right?” he asked, recognizing the man’s face.

  “Yes, Benji Marx,” the waiter said, reintroducing himself. “Well, I’m really an actor. You might have seen me on a few shows? Multiple Personalities was a big hit overseas. I played a bunch of different parts, like a master of disguise.” He checked their faces for a temperature read.

  “Then, how would we recognize you as you?” Melody asked.

  “Good point.” Benji frowned, resigning to the fact that they had never seen him before last night.

  “Yes, fine, I was serving in the banquet hall last night.”

  “Right. You were helping Mr. Thayer a bit. He seemed to know you well. Maybe you know where he is,” Melody asked.

  “That’s why I called you into my ‘office’,” he said, motioning comically to the emergency stairwell decorated in the drab colors of early “prison.” By the expressions on Alvin and Melody’s faces, Benji took a cue. “I overheard you talking to Pauline about Mr. Thayer, and now, it’s my turn. I have information for you.”

and Alvin shared a glance, and Smudge sat, looking up expectantly and waiting for the information.

  Chapter One Hundred Eighty-One

  “So, go on. Tell us what you know,” Alvin said.

  “You felt the vibe in the room, you get it, right? I pick up on those sorts of things. I’m an actor really, and picking up on cues is important. This Vegas gig is just temporary.”

  Alvin furrowed his brow as he tried to follow Benji’s rambling. Benji must have picked up on that cue because he started talking fast in an attempt to get to the point.

  “Well, it wasn’t pleasant. I was worried about Abe, so after the event ended, I went to check on him in his room. I brought him a little cheese snack platter. He loves those. They have grapes, too…”

  “Do you usually visit guests in their rooms?” Melody asked, cutting his food platter critique short.

  “Abraham hosts all his events here, so we’re pretty familiar with him. He’s like family, really. I like the guy. He always takes care of us.”

  Smudge took an interest in Benji’s pants. Getting up, she moved close enough to sniff them. He noticed her nearing and pulled his leg back casually.

  “Who do you mean when you say ‘us?’” Melody lifted a brow as she waited for his answer.

  “Us, as in the staff. Abe really tips well, and that’s important for me as a starving artist.”

  “So, you wanted to make sure the gravy train was still running and that the old man wasn’t checked out yet,” Alvin said, presuming a theory.

  “No! I was legitimately worried about him. That’s it, there’s nothing more.”

  Smudge quietly leaned in, sniffing Benji’s pants again. Melody noticed but didn’t think much of it.

  He probably has food on his pants. After all, he is a waiter, she thought. Smudge may have caught a sniff. This time, Benji jerked his leg away.

  “When you went to the room, did you see Felicity with him or in the vicinity?” Alvin asked, changing the direction of his questioning.

  “Felicity? No. Winston, yes! I guess he wasn’t satisfied with the argument he and Abraham had at dinner. He looked like he wanted to continue debating until he got his way. He basically tried to bully Abraham into putting him in charge and into dumping Felicity.”

  “Do you think Winston could have and would have hurt Abraham if he refused?” Melody asked.

  He nodded his head but said no more.

  “You said yourself they have events here all the time. How has Winston treated Abraham in the past… have they disagreed?” Melody pursued.

  “I believe so, yes. I’ve seen Winston lose his temper before, and honestly, not just with Abraham if you know what I mean.”

  “I don’t think I do know what you mean,” Alvin said.

  “You know, this is Vegas. Certain women keep certain men company. Winston is used to getting what he wants, whether it’s from Abraham or from anyone else, for that matter. On the latter count, he has been known to lose his temper, I can explain if you want?”

  “Ok, ok.” Alvin held up his hands to end a conversation that his fiancée didn’t necessarily need to hear. “Do you know where Winston would be now, or maybe his room number?”

  Benji nodded. “He’s staying in room 3305, but usually he’s in the casino about this time. Hey, get away from me!”

  Smudge had rubbed her body against his pant leg much the way dogs do when they want to wear a new scent they’ve discovered, but Benji didn’t like it one bit. Agitated, he jerked his leg reflexively, nearly kicking her away. Melody didn’t hesitate to scoop her up protectively in her arms. Her eyes were wide with anger as she glared at Benji. Alvin looked at him as if he were crazy.

  “What gives, Benji? You nearly hurt her!” Alvin said as he created a protective wall with his body between Benji and Melody as she held Smudge.

  “I’m so sorry!” Benji threw up his hands and lowered his head in shame, “I didn’t mean to do that! I just have an aversion to dogs. They freak me out, and she just kept sniffing and sniffing. I’m so sorry, Smudge.”

  Smudge planted her chin on Melody’s shoulder, refusing to look at Benji. Her only response to him was a disappointing huff.

  “You better hope you don’t land some acting job that calls for canine interaction. I’m sure the studio would keep the dog instead of you!” Melody said, snuggling Smudge close to reassure her. “Let’s go find Winston, Alvin.” Holding Smudge tightly to her, she stormed out of the stairwell with Alvin in tow shaking his head disappointedly.

  Chapter One Hundred Eighty-Two

  “Press it,” Winston instructed Marty, the croupier. He’d just hit on the number 13. Feeling lucky, he let it ride. A waitress swapped his drink with a refill quickly and efficiently, in a way that he would hardly notice. He dropped a chip on her tray without acknowledging her. Keeping his gaze on the wheel, he waited for the next spin.

  “Winston, right?” Alvin asked as if he’d just randomly spotted him as he roamed the casino. “Yes, Winston. It is you. We met at Abraham’s dinner last night. I’m Alvin Hennessey.” Alvin extended his hand toward Winston.

  Winston shook it cautiously.

  “Oh, yeah, right. You’re a cop or something. I remember Abraham fawning over you. That guy always did have an affinity for law enforcement. He wanted to be a cop or something when he was a kid. His father made him go into the family business instead. What a trauma for him, right? He turned out to be one of the richest men in the country.” Winston took a deep swig of his fresh drink as Melody and Alvin exchanged knowing looks of concern. She knew Winston was half in the bag. Melody crinkled her nose. The man reeked of booze.

  Alvin took a seat next to him. “Yes, so here’s the thing about Abraham. He’s missing. We’ve been told that you may have been the last person to see him. Did you pay him a visit last night in his room?” Alvin asked.

  Irate, Winston jumped up from his seat, knocking his nearly drained drink to the floor. It was scotch on the rocks, and the ice tumbled across the floor like dice rolling across a crap table. With cat-like reflexes fueled by years of law enforcement training, Alvin jumped up, too.

  “Now, don’t you go on accusing me. Abraham’s an old man. He could have walked off anywhere, and what business is it of yours if I visited him? So, what if I did!? I don’t see what it is to you.” Winston poked Alvin in the chest.

  In response, Alvin lifted his hands in the air but took a step back with one foot, more police training. He positioned himself to better hold his center of gravity in case Winston pushed him again. From behind the ropes, a pit boss kept his eye on Winston’s table.

  “Abraham is our friend and his daughter, Pauline, is worried. We’re merely trying to help her find him,” Alvin said, keeping his eyes on Winston’s body and watching for the slightest sense of antagonism.

  Melody tugged Smudge’s leash, guiding it behind her to keep the little pup from harm’s way should things get violent, primarily since she’s heard from so many people that Winston tended to be aggressive.

  “I visited him all right. He owed me an honest answer as to why he passed me over for Felicity. That should have been my promotion, not hers. Everyone thinks I didn’t want her to get the job because she’s a woman. They’re wrong, that has nothing to do with it. I worked harder than her, and I’ve been with the company longer than her. I’m rightfully next in line.” He threatened to take another step closer to Alvin, but Alvin backed up to give him a wide birth. Melody stepped, back too.

  “Did the conversation heat up between you two? Did you get so frustrated that you may have gotten carried away?” Melody asked, carefully choosing her words.

  “Listen,” Winston said as he ran a hand through his hair. “I admit I may have lost my temper and pushed him, but I swear, he was perfectly fine when I left him. We aired our grievances, then I pushed him, but once I put my hands on him, I knew I had to get out of there. I went and slept off my frustrations.”

  “Well, then, it doesn’t look like you slept too
well. You’re still agitated. Maybe you need a longer nap,” Melody said.

  Alvin closed his eyes and shook his head at her words.

  “Maybe, but what time did you two last check his room?” Alvin and Melody looked at each other quickly as if expecting the other to have the answer. Winston picked up on the vibe exchanged between the two. “Wait a minute, you mean to tell me you Nancy Drew, your Hardy Boy over here, and Scooby-Doo never checked his room?” Winston laughed loudly! “Some bunch of sleuths you are. The old man is probably up there sleeping or having room service. You silly small-town hicks. This is Vegas. This is the big leagues.” Satisfied that he had proved his point and that the conversation was over, Winston turned back to his seat. “Marty, toss this black chip on double zero. If it comes out, give the winning to these two losers.”

  Alvin seethed. Melody wanted to fight Winston to the death, but deep inside her soul, she had to admit the man was right.

  How did we not check the room? she asked herself.

  “I can’t believe we didn’t go in the room,” Alvin said under his breath to Melody as he pulled her toward the roulette table next to Winston’s. It was out of service and gave them a spot to plan their next move, away from the action. The noise of the casino still hummed around them. Alvin was visibly perturbed by it. “You see, Mel, this place is designed to mess with a person’s judgment, and now we’re making rookie mistakes.”

  “I know, but it was 3am. I guess we weren’t thinking clearly.”

  “Let’s head up there now. Maybe the answer has been right under our noses this whole time. Where’s Smudge?” he asked. Melody looked behind her. She had been holding the leash a moment ago, but it was no longer around her wrist.


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