The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set Page 71

by Rosie Sams

  “Considering the amount of money Mr. Thayer spends here, I’m sure it’s the least you can do,” Alvin said, addressing the hotel manager’s callousness.

  “In fact, do a good job in helping us find him, and he may even just compensate you for your time and effort,” Melody added sarcastically. The hotel’s losses were a penny in a bucket for Abraham.

  Sensing some tension, Alvin excused himself and went to Melody. She was standing far enough away from the door, so she didn’t interfere with the investigators as they worked. In her arms, she held Smudge to her body. Smudge’s chin rested on her shoulder. Both looked forlorn, but Smudge’s ears were turning around the hall, no doubt listening to all the officers working the scene.

  “How are you holding up?” Alvin asked quietly as he draped his arm around her shoulders and stroked Smudge’s head with his free hand.

  “I’m fine. I’m just worried that we’ll be too late to help Abraham. Pauline and Benji did a good job sending us on a wild goose chase. When I count the hours that we were distracted, I imagine all of the horrible things that they could have done to him during that time.” He gave her a tight squeeze.

  “Try not to think like that. Abraham is a resourceful guy. He didn’t get where he is by rolling over for everyone that tried to get a leg up on him.”

  “He’s got so many people against him. He must be so lonely, too. To think, his own daughter had a hand in his disappearance.”

  Smudge wriggled in Melody’s arms, indicating she wanted to be released. Melody set her down at her feet. “Stay close, girl. A lot is going on, and I don’t want you disappearing.” Smudge sat in her spot for a moment, her ears still rotating around the hallway listening to the commotion.

  “We’ll find him. The LVPD is an excellent squad. They locked down the hotel and casino already, and earlier, they told me they issued a BOLO on Abraham.”

  “BOLO?” she asked.

  “Yes, it means be on the lookout.”

  As they continued to chat about the early stages of the investigation, A young rookie officer emerged from the hotel room. He addressed the chief.

  “There’s nothing here, Chief. The room is clear. No sign of the missing person.” Melody and Alvin moved closer to listen to the rookie as he expanded his initial statement to include their findings. His interruption was enough of a distraction, and Melody didn’t notice as Smudge wandered in the direction that her ears were pointed. She had picked up on something.

  “They are still dusting for prints, but all of his belongings seem to be where he left them. The room doesn’t look trashed or burglarized, there’s no sign of blood… well, actually, there’s one thing that seems to be missing when we compared the room log. This room doesn’t have a desk chair. We’ll check with housekeeping to see if it is out for repairs.”

  Smudge lowered her nose to the floor and sniffed around the hallway as she walked farther away from Abraham’s room.

  “Are there any signs of the makeup kit that Benji used or any chemicals to make the mask?” Melody asked, but before the officer could answer, Smudge started to bark loudly and in a particular pattern to get their attention.

  Melody narrowed her eyes as she immediately hurried over to Smudge. The others followed, curious as to what the little dog had found.

  “What is it, Smudge? Did you find anything?” Melody asked as she stopped where Smudge stood. They were standing in front of the elevator that was marked “out of order.”

  “That’s odd. I don’t have a record of that elevator being out of order.” The hotel manager said as he called maintenance to verify.

  “The beeping! I heard a beeping the night Pauline first told us Abraham was missing. It was the same type of sound as when someone forces the elevator doors to stay open.” Melody pressed her ear to the doors. “Everyone, quiet, please!” As soon as everyone silenced themselves, she closed her eyes and listened. It was barely audible, but there was a sound like a very faint groan! “Yes! Get some officers over here! We need to get these doors pried open!” Quickly, she scooped up Smudge and stepped out of the way as several officers rushed over. Together, they worked on opening the elevator doors.

  They managed to pry them open enough to insert a mirror with an extended handle into the empty shaft. The elevator itself was down one floor. As the mirror rotated down, one of the officers alerted all to what she saw.

  “It’s him! Get the Fire Department and the EMTs up here, now!”

  “Ten-four. They’re already on their way up; ETA is two minutes,” the rookie said, confirming.

  Melody and Alvin stood back with Smudge, but they could see the open doors leading to the shaft. As soon as they arrived, one of the firefighters descended into the elevator shaft.

  “EMTs, be on standby. The senior, Caucasian male is alive but drugged. Ok, people, let’s get him up and out!”

  The chief listened to the update, asked a few more questions then walked over to Melody and Alvin.

  “Mr. Thayer’s down there. It looks like they used the desk chair from his room to roll him into the shaft. He was tied to it and pushed. It also looks like the chair may have saved his life because it seemed to have helped break his fall. The fireman in the shaft said he’s unconscious and a bit banged up, but it’s nothing too severe.”

  Melody’s eyes welled up with tears. “How could they do this to him? He’s a nice old man. They did all of this over money?” Alvin held her in his arms and pressed his lips to her forehead.

  “We got him!” a voice said from the crowd of uniforms around the elevator. Smudge ran into the group, navigating through their feet until they separated, revealing Abraham still tied to the chair. She charged forward, leaping into his lap and smothered his face with kisses until he roused.

  “S-Smudge?” Abraham’s eyes fluttered open but then closed immediately after. “What are all of you doing in my dream?” he mumbled, but he was back asleep as quickly as he had roused. Smudge jumped off his lap and raced back to Melody. The EMTs took over from there and shuttled Abraham off to the hospital.

  When Melody, Alvin, and Smudge arrived at the hospital, Felicity and Winston were already in the private waiting area.

  “You are amazing,” Felicity said as she reached out to hug Melody. “We are so relieved that you found him.”

  Winston shook Alvin’s hand as the women hugged.

  “I owe you all an apology. You really came through for Abraham when everyone else, including me, seemed to only care about themselves,” Winston said.

  “Well, if it weren’t for Smudge here, we may have all been too late. She’s the one that found him when no one else seemed to have any clue where to look next,” Melody said, proud of her special girl.

  Smudge panted happily in her arms, her little pink tongue poking out the front of her mouth.

  Melody noticed that Felicity and Winston seemed uncharacteristically warm toward each other. “It’s good to see you two being civil. Abraham is going to need his team aligned, especially with Pauline in jail.”

  “After we realized Abraham was missing, Felicity and I met and hashed out our differences. We don’t want to move forward as enemies. We’re on the same page now,” he said.

  “And the company will be stronger for it,” Felicity said as she smiled up at Winston then back to Melody. “Abraham has done a lot for both of us. We owe him everything. We need to make sure he can retire with complete confidence that we have his best interest at heart and not just our own.”

  A doctor approached them in the waiting room.

  “Are you all here for Abraham?” he asked. Everyone nodded in unison. “Great! I’ve got some good news. Mr. Thayer is going to be just fine. He’s got a few bumps and bruises, he’s a little dehydrated, but there is no major damage. We’ll be keeping him overnight for observation, but we expect him to be released tomorrow and to make a full recovery. He’s resting comfortably in his room. You can all go see him now.”

  “Doctor, do you mind if I bring Smudge i
n to see him? Abraham really adores her, and she’s the one that found him,” Melody asked.

  The doctor pointed at the sign behind him. It read: The Abraham Thayer Building.

  “I’m pretty sure one of our top benefactors would be upset with me if I didn’t allow it. I’m sure he’s going to want to see his little hero when he wakes up.”

  Melody set Smudge down, who then ran up to the doctor’s leg and leaned against it. She smiled up at him, especially since he didn’t kick her away like Benji did.

  Speaking in a playful voice, the doctor said, “Yes, he’s going to be happy to see you!” Then, the doctor reached down and scratched her soft ear.

  The private room looked more like a hotel room than a hospital room. The monitors in the room were very low, and the lighting dim. It was beautifully decorated and cozy.

  “Wow, this is better than my own bedroom back home,” Melody said quietly. She took a seat close to Abraham and stared at his peaceful face. Smudge hopped up into her lap. “I’m so happy he’s alive. He must have felt so angry and terrified.”

  “According to the doctor, he may not remember it,” Felicity said as she took another seat near the bed. She studied Abraham’s face. “Benji really did make a life-like mask. He took up the wrong career.”

  Together, they sat rehashing the events that had happened over the last few days and discussing Winston and Felicity’s unified vision to take over Abraham’s company. Then, he stirred.

  “That must have been some party for me to end up with a hangover like this!” Abraham said as he lifted his hand to his head. His eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the light. “I had the strangest dream. Pauline?”

  Smudge hopped gently onto Abraham’s bed. She snuggled in close to him and laid her head on his stomach.

  “Hi, Abraham. How are you feeling?” Melody asked softly as she touched his arm. His hand reached down and stroked Smudge’s soft fur. Melody suspected he wasn’t quite oriented with his surroundings yet.

  Maybe he still thinks he’s dreaming, she thought.

  “Me? I feel fine except for this headache. I had a dream my daughter was making a death mask of my face. Melody, is that really you?” He stroked Smudge. “Where’s Pauline?”

  “Do you remember anything other than the dream, Abraham?” she asked. He contemplated his thoughts for a moment before answering.

  “I vaguely remember a man’s voice saying that no one would think to look for me in an elevator.” He laughed. “That’s such an odd thing for someone to say, isn’t it? People come and go in elevators all day long in a hotel.”

  This observation brought soft laughter into the room because he was right, and they all knew Benji wasn’t the brightest.

  “And, I remember someone saying something about no longer needing my signature on documents.” He stopped petting Smudge just long enough to signal he was waving the random dream off then resumed stroking her. That’s when he noticed something strange. “Wait. You’re all staring at me. Where am I, and where’s Pauline?”

  Melody took his hand, while the others came closer. “Pauline’s been arrested, and here’s why.” She proceeded to explain the events that had transpired since the banquet dinner. The others supported the story as it unfolded.

  Chapter One Hundred Eighty-Seven

  “You look absolutely stunning, Kerry,” Melody said. They were in Kerry’s bridal suite making last-minute wardrobe preparations before heading to the chapel.

  Smudge was donned in a big, beautiful pink bow as she watched Melody help Kerry put on her wedding jewelry.

  “I can’t believe it’s finally happening, and no one died,” Kerry joked, but Melody scowled at her.

  “The day is still young. Don’t jinx yourself, or anyone else for that matter.”

  “You know, it was really kind for Abraham to do all of this.” By “all of this”, Kerry meant the room upgrades and the elaborate wedding venue that he insisted on funding. “Bradford and I were just going to go to one of those Elvis chapels and get hitched by the king himself with you and Alvin as our witnesses.”

  Smudge perked up and barked, reminding Kerry of her presence.

  “Yes, you too, Smudge.”

  “He is really a kind man. I think he appreciates having genuine friends around him now that he’s disowned his only daughter.”

  “Yes, and genuine friends that are not interested in his money. That’s why I feel a bit weird that he’s paying for all of this. We didn’t expect him to or ask him to.”

  “It’s just something he wants to do to show his gratitude, and honestly, Kerry, after your first marriage attempt, you and Bradford deserve something nice.”

  “I agree with that statement.”

  “Plus, I’m sure it helped that it turned out Maxwell, Bradford’s cousin worked for Abraham early on in his career.”

  “Talk about a small world! Maxwell said he was very fond of Abraham, calling him a good and honest businessman, which is rare in Las Vegas.” A knock at the door interrupted their conversation.

  “Ladies, let’s go! The bride is going to be late,” Alvin said excitedly as he clapped his hands to round them up. “You all look lovely, especially you, Smudge-a-roo.”

  An hour later, an officiate that did not look like Elvis said the magic words. “I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!”

  The classy afternoon affair was held in the most elaborate of the banquet halls that the hotel had to offer. Not only did Abraham insist on paying for all the expenses, but he also surprised Kerry and Bradford by flying in their families for the event. Maxwell helped make those arrangements.

  As Kerry and Bradford took to the dance floor for the first time as Mr. and Mrs., Melody took a seat next to Abraham. “Thank you, Abraham, for making this day special for them. It’s truly kind of you,” Melody said as Smudge leaped into his lap.

  “It was the very least I could do for everything all of you have done for me. Thankfully, my guardian angels came along just when I needed them.” He took her hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I wouldn’t be sitting here otherwise.”

  Smudge nuzzled Abraham’s hand, encouraging him to stroke her head.

  “I do hope the littlest angel is enjoying the tray of butter cookies I had flown in from a certain Port Warren bakery, just for her.”

  Smudge smiled up at him as she made a contented snuffling, grumbly sound.

  “Are you kidding? If she was a cat she’d be purring right now,” Melody said with a laugh. After a silent pause between them, she said, “You’re going to have another wedding to attend soon. I hope you don’t mind making the trip across the country.”

  “I would love to visit Port Warren. Have you and Alvin set a date yet?”

  “Not yet, but I think it’s time I locked that man down. He’s pretty special, don’t you think?”

  “He’s a good man and a smart man.” Abraham gave her hand another squeeze.

  Melody leaned in toward Abraham and placed a kiss on his cheek. “You’re a good man, too, Abraham,” she said.

  “You just better keep me informed of every detail. Let me be involved, Melody. I insist on it. Please, it would be my gift to you, Alvin, and Smudge.” Melody smiled, knowing it must be hard for him to not be able to see his own daughter marry someday and to spoil her with a lavish wedding. She opened her mouth to refuse his offer but was interrupted before she could say a word.

  “Kissing other men while I’m distracted by the shrimp cocktail?” Alvin asked, approaching them empty-handed.

  “Did you bring me any?”

  “No, but I brought something better.”

  “Oh? What did you bring me?”

  “Me.” He opened his arms wide, then spun on the balls of his feet, only to extend an open hand her way. “May I have this dance?” Without hesitation, she placed her hand in his.

  “Yes, but only if you promise not to step on my toes,” she said jokingly.

  “I will do my best, my love, but
no promises.”

  “Good, but next time, bring the shrimp cocktail.”

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  The Murder and the Magician

  Bakers and Bulldog Mysteries


  Rosie Sams

  Chapter One Hundred Eighty-Eight

  “I love the smell of home, sweet home!” Melody Marshall inhaled deeply as she entered the Deliciously Decadent bakery, her bakery. Alvin Hennessey, her fiancé, and Smudge, her beloved French bulldog, were right behind her.

  “Well, look at the two of you all nice and tanned from that hot, Las Vegas sun,” Leslie Mathers said as she slipped a fresh tray of croissants into one of the glass displays. She spotted Smudge. “Hey, girl! Did you enjoy Vegas, too?” She took a butter cookie from one of the trays and held it out to the little blue-gray pup.

  Smudge trotted over, her head high, her bottom wiggling. She rubbed her body against Leslie’s legs and gave a little yip of joy.

  “I think she missed me… a little. Didn’t you, sweetie?”

  Smudge sat obediently at Leslie’s feet. She looked up at her with soulful chocolate eyes that were impossible to resist. As anyone would be, Leslie was entranced. She reached for a second butter cookie and rewarded Smudge once more!

  “She’s taking advantage of you,” Alvin said, observing how Smudge skillfully manipulated Leslie into doubling her offer.

  “Yeah, yeah. How can I resist that face?” Leslie asked rhetorically as she bent down and scratched Smudge’s ears. “So, did you two come home with some freshly printed money?”

  Alvin scoffed. “Haven’t you heard the saying ‘What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’ - including the money?”


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