The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set Page 88

by Rosie Sams

  Alvin and Melody sat across from him.

  “I admit, in a past life, I probably wouldn’t have. I trusted you, but now I know who I should really trust – my wife and my dog.

  Melody couldn’t help but smile at his words.

  “The lab is testing your belt to make it official. I’m confident the results will come back in Francine’s favor. You may as well tell us what happened. It’s over, Otto.”

  Otto looked around the room. It was a room, he was very familiar with, except he was usually sitting on the other side of the table, asking the questions. He laughed sardonically. “Oh, the irony.”

  Alvin and Melody said nothing. Silence was sometimes the best motivator to get criminals to spill their guts. It was like they needed to fill the dead air space with words.

  “The woman was mean. She was cruel, and she was filthy rich, but no one knew it – not even her daughter. She never spent any money, but she did squirrel it away. I only realized it when she bought me that mustang. That’s an expensive gift. That car is worth about sixty-grand. She didn’t know I found out about her savings.”

  From Alvin’s office, Wilbur whistled low and long. He had invited Tara Leeson in to watch Otto confess. Together, they watched it on the monitor. “That’s a hot little car. I wonder if he’ll sell it for bail money.”

  “Once I realized how much money she had, I knew I’d have to convince her to give it to me,” Otto said.

  “How exactly did you do that?” Melody asked.

  This time, Alvin didn’t stop her from asking anything.

  “Pure, unbridled romance,” he said sarcastically, but then he came clean. “Actually, I told her the truth. Believe it or not, I did love the woman. I didn’t start the relationship looking to take her money. Things were just getting a bit desperate.”

  “Why did you need the money? You retired on a full pension.” Alvin wanted answers since Otto was behaving so out of character.

  Otto inhaled sharply and held it in for a few seconds. “Do you remember Joey D?”

  “The guy we busted for the illegal gambling ring?”

  “Yeah, well, after I retired, I went off the deep end.”

  “You didn’t.”

  “I got in deep with Joey. I was tapped out completely. Francine’s money would have helped me clear all my debts. Joey was going to hurt me, maybe kill me if I didn’t pay up. I told Francine about it thinking she would just loan me some of the money from her savings, but she refused. She insisted that the money she had was for Little Tara.”

  “So, she was looking out for her daughter all along,” Melody said.

  “Oh, yes! She loved Tara very much. She had a terrible way of showing it, but I learned that when Francine was anxious, she couldn’t handle it, and she was always worried about Little Tara.” He paused a moment, then got back on track. “But she did love me too, so she agreed to sell the shop and give me the money from the sale to pay off the debt with Joey.”

  “So, you were about to get what you wanted – why did you kill her?”

  “She started to renege on the deal.”

  “Like she did with Harriet?” Melody asked.

  Otto nodded. “Francine had planned on giving her savings to Tara, and the shop to Harriet since Harriet was a better businesswoman. The night of the party, she started to have second thoughts about selling the shop and giving me the money. Suddenly, she had a crisis of conscience about breaking her deal with Harriet. That party was a huge mistake – for me.”

  He rang his cuffed hands together as he remembered the events of the evening. “Everyone was fighting with everyone. She and Tara had another argument. Francine saw that Tara had taken supplies from the craft store to make those little decorations on the tables.”

  “The centerpieces,” Melody said.

  Otto nodded.

  “As a result, Tara stormed off. Francine got so mad that Tara left, she started to grab all of the decorations the girl made. She went from table to table, throwing them in a box, only to toss them in the dumpster.”

  “What did she do with all the stuff?” Alvin asked.

  “She stormed off toward the back exit of the restaurant. She said she was going to toss it all in the dumpster. All the while, she was cursing me like a madwoman. She told me she hated me and that I ruined her life. She insisted she was going to make things right by Harriet and Tara.”

  “So, you used your belt to strangled her?” Melody asked.

  Otto nodded as he looked down at his murderous hands. “I just… snapped. “I was following her out, pulled off my belt, and wrapped it around her neck.”

  Back in the office, Tara wept. Hearing how her mother did love her after all the years of torment warmed her heart.

  Wilbur put a hand on her shoulder, then left her for the interrogation room. He had to process Otto’s arrest.

  Chapter Two Hundred Thirty-Three

  “It’s really good to see you, Tara,” Melody said as she invited the woman into her home.

  Alvin came out from the kitchen to greet her. Smudge trotted right behind him. “How are you hanging in there, kiddo?”

  “I’m doing alright. I’ve been keeping myself busy. I’ve started my own business.”

  “Is that right? What are you doing?” Melody asked as she invited Tara to sit down. Tara shook her head. She didn’t plan on staying long.

  “I’ve decided that I want to be a party planner. Despite the outcome of the last one, I did enjoy preparing the event for my mother, and I kind of think it turned out pretty well.”

  “I think that’s great! If you want to collaborate on some specially themed cakes, I’m in!” Melody said.

  “I’ve also spoken with Hiram about using his restaurant for parties I book in the future. He loved the idea. I think it will be a fun project.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to sit and stay awhile?” Alvin asked.

  “No, that’s alright. Thank you. I really just wanted to come by and commend you for your great detective work. You both have amazing instincts.”

  “We’re nothing without Deputy Sheriff Smudge, here.” Smudge yipped and nuzzled Tara’s ankles.

  “She’s a superstar for sure, but she follows your lead. You two are going to make fine parents one day – kind parents.” With that, she hugged them both, and Smudge, too, before heading out toward her new life.

  Later that night, they ordered their favorite take-out, ate it on the couch while binge-watching their favorite movies. It would be a long time before Alvin said anything work-related, but Melody, being Melody, broke the silence first.

  “Are you alright? It must have been hard arresting your mentor.”

  “Seeing Otto’s true colors was hard. I admit it. I really looked up to that guy. But, Tara’s visit made me realize something, too.”

  “What was that?”

  “It made me realize that even though we may be out of sync from time to time, you will always be my perfect match. I also want you to know that I’m not going to rush you into anything. We’re partners in this life. We’re in it together, and we will make the decisions together.”

  Melody smiled. She read between his lines. She had yet to respond enthusiastically to his suggestions of expanding their family, and she appreciated him taking a step back on the subject. But, they had one more point of business to finish.

  "Tracking down Otto was both very brave and very stupid. Do you realize that?"

  "I do," Melody said as she dipped her chopsticks into his cardboard container.

  "And you understand that you are never to do that again, correct?"

  "I do."

  "Stop saying ‘I do.’ It reminds me of how much I love you."

  "I know."

  "Now, pass me a fortune cookie. I want to see what our future holds."

  Without saying a word, she passed him a fortune cookie, but it was already unwrapped from its little plastic pouch.

  Alvin was none the wiser and cracked it open. He read the fortune
aloud. Melody watched him with great anticipation.

  "A bundle of happiness is in your near future." He looked up at Melody wide-eyed. "Did you do this? Wait… are you saying what I think you’re saying? Do you want to go make a Little Hennessey?"

  "I do."

  The Stylist and the Deadly Cut

  Bakers and Bulldog Mysteries


  Rosie Sams

  Chapter Two Hundred Thirty-Four

  Melody Hennessey sighed as a lock of long auburn hair fell out of her hairnet and across her face. With a flour-covered hand, she reached up to push it away.

  From across the room came two girlish giggles.

  Melody looked up, annoyed, but she couldn’t help but smile at the faces of her two assistants and business partners. Kerry and Leslie were trying to hide their giggles, but it was no use.

  “What is it?” Melody asked in a tone as stern as she could manage.

  Kerry Porter-Smedley pointed at her own cheek and giggled all the more. Leslie Mathers tried to talk but failed and covered her own mouth with an equally flour-covered hand. When she pulled it away, her lips were lined white. Melody gave in to her own laughter.

  “What is wrong with you two today?” Melody asked as she moved across the kitchen of the Decadently Delicious Bakery to check her face in a mirror they kept for just such occasions. Sure enough, there was a large smudge of white across her cheek. Thinking of smudges, she looked over to the corner of the room. There, curled up on her little pink, fluffy bed was Smudge. The blue-grey French Bulldog was fast asleep with a squeaky green frog in her mouth. The white smudge on her back moved as her paws ran in some exciting dream. The sight was enough to warm Melody’s heart, and she let out a sigh. Why was she feeling so out of sorts?

  “We know what’s wrong with you, don’t we, Leslie, it’s plain to see to everyone,” Kerry was already on her fourth cup of coffee and it was only an hour into their busy day. As always, she spoke too fast and rambled on and on before getting to a point.

  Leslie bumped her gently, to stop her talking, as she made her own way to the mirror. Once she looked at her face, she started laughing again.

  Melody had to admit the sound of laughter was good, so why didn’t she feel like joining in? Her life was perfect. Recently married to the most wonderful man, Sheriff Alvin Hennessey. She had a great business, with good friends as partners, a fabulous dog.

  As if on cue, Smudge made exciting little grunts in her sleep.

  And yet, Melody felt all out of sorts.

  “You know what it is, don’t you, Leslie. We all do,” Kerry was speaking fast and waving her arms, and yet she still managed to perfectly cut off the top of each lemon muffin.

  It was Melody’s job to add the flavored cream, and Leslie would add a slice of candied lemon. As Kerry continued to speak at 100 miles an hour without really getting anywhere, the muffins were piling up.

  Feeling guilty, Melody, washed her hands and rushed back to her station. Picking up the icing bag, she half-listened to Kerry. Sometimes these one-sided conversations would go on for ages before Kerry finally got to the point. But today was going to be different.

  “You need a mystery,” Kerry said and then rubbed her hands together.

  Melody’s mouth fell open in shock. She was not sure if it was the fact that Kerry had finished her part of the two-hundred muffins or if it was because she feared her friend was right. It had been three whole months since the last mystery. It was simply a missing pendant, and Smudge had sniffed it out in no time. Melody hadn’t even needed to call Alvin, which was a shame. She suddenly realized that she missed their teamwork. The three of them, her Smudge and Alvin made the best crime-fighting team that Port Warren had ever seen.

  Could that really be what was wrong? She shook her head to deny it just as a green squeaky frog landed at her feet. Before she could react, Smudge rushed over, grabbed the frog, squeaked it twice, and then sat at her feet. Staring up at her with her sweet brown eyes, the cute pup was adorable with the frog between her lips. Melody could swear she was smiling.

  “See,” Kerry said. “I even mention a mystery, and Smudge is ready for action. That little dog was born to fight crime.”

  Melody held up her hand as a wave of guilt washed over her. How could she want a mystery when it meant someone was hurt or worse, dead? This had to be something else. She let out a long sigh, and another lock of hair escaped her hairnet. That was it. She had had enough. Tucking it back, she looked the two bakers in the eye. “I don’t need a mystery, I need a haircut.”

  “No, your hair is amazing,” Leslie said. Her own black hair was cut short and made her look like a pixie. It complimented her dark eyes that looked almost black. “I would love to have long flowing auburn locks like you. If mine grows any longer, it is all fly away and out of control. Many times, I’ve dreamed of long hair that I can toss over my shoulder like they do in the commercials.”

  Kerry and Melody started to giggle.

  “What?” Leslie asked.

  “How much coffee have you had this morning?” Melody asked.

  Leslie shook her head. “Why?”

  Kerry giggled. “You sounded just like me.”

  The friends all laughed. Melody knew she felt better. She loved her job, and she loved working with these two great friends. What more could she ask for? At her feet, Smudge whined and rubbed against her legs. Melody reached over to the other counter and pulled a butter cookie out of a special jar. Giving it to Smudge, she blew her a kiss. “Now, on your bed, my little sweetie, I’d better get these muffins filled.”

  Smudge spun in a circle before racing to her bed with the cookie.

  Melody picked up the icing bag again, and everyone got back to work. As Melody iced, Leslie finished off, and Kerry placed the muffins in trays ready for collection. They were a well-oiled team.

  “It wouldn’t hurt for you to have a new style,” Kerry said.

  “No, I love Mel’s hair,” Leslie disagreed.

  Melody knew that if she didn’t intercede, these two would get into one of their famous arguments. It was all in good fun, now, though in the past there had been a lot of tension. Still, Melody didn’t feel up to their bickering today, and the thought of a new hairstyle was starting to grow on her. She had a new life, a new husband. A warm glow filled her from her toes to her nose at the thought of Alvin. Why not have a new hairstyle? Should she mention it to Al first? No, he wouldn’t mind, and it would be a lovely surprise.

  “A new hairstyle, that is exactly what I need,” Melody said as she finished the last muffin. There was a good 10 minutes before the customer was due to collect them. After that, they would open up the shop for the morning rush.

  Holding up her hand to stop any dissension, Melody placed the three spare muffins on plates and took them over to a little table in the corner. Soon they were all drinking coffee and enjoying the delicious muffins. Smudge had miraculously appeared and sat at their side, her little pink tongue lolling out as she waited for a treat.

  “Smudge, you should be as big as a house with all the treats you get,” Leslie said, handing the pup a tiny bit of muffin.

  “Do you think I spoil her too much?” Melody asked, eyeing the French Bulldog, who was in perfect shape.

  Smudge whined, spun in a circle three times, and then balanced on her back legs. Giving a little yip, she spun again and sat, waiting patiently.

  The three friends laughed.

  “I think she burns off too much energy to ever be fat,” Kelly said. “Now me, on the other hand. I can get fat by just looking at a cake. It is hard work being around all this deliciousness every day.”

  “What about your hair, are you going for it?” Leslie asked, stopping Kerry, who was still talking.

  Mel thought about it and knew it felt right. “I am, but where should I go. I want something new and different. Jennifer, who used to do my hair, she retired last month.”

  They munched on the muffins deep in thought.

“I know,” Leslie said. “I’ve heard really good things about Short Cuts. It’s not far, you could walk.”

  “I know it, what have you heard?” Melody asked, feeling a tingle of excitement. The thought of Alvin’s face when he saw her amazing new style brought a glow to her cheeks.

  Kerry took the last bite of her muffin and then tried to speak. “Yeah, I heard that they are…”

  “Ker,” Leslie called. “We can hardly understand you, slow down, swallow, or let me.” Leslie winked at her friend. “I’ve heard that they are great at reinventing you, as in you the customer. It is all over town how wonderful they are at finding the real you in a new style.”

  “I have to go,” Melody said. “I think a new me is just what I need.”

  “Well, we’ve got the hardest job done today, I took an hour off yesterday, and Leslie had Wednesday morning off. You deserve a break, why not walk over and see what they can do?” Kerry said.

  Melody felt a smile spread across her face. “I will, after the morning rush. Smudge could do with a walk. Thanks, you two are the best.”

  As if on cue, the first customer appeared at the door. For the next hour, they were run off their feet as people came in for something to take to work. At last, it started to calm down.

  “Are you going?” Leslie asked.

  Melody nodded. “Yes, I think I am.”

  Smudge did a little spin on the spot before running over and grabbing her lead from a peg on the wall near her bed.

  “I don’t know,” Leslie said. “Your hair really is lovely, shouldn’t you to speak to Alvin first? What if he loves it long and luscious?”

  Melody laughed. “No, Alvin loves me, not my hair; besides, he would understand. See you soon, as the new me.”

  With that, Melody clipped the lead on Smudge and left the shop by the back door. As it closed behind her, she knew she was doing the right thing. Al would be fine with it, wouldn’t he?

  Chapter Two Hundred Thirty-Five


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