Book Read Free

Playing the Game

Page 8

by L. M. Reid

  Quinn reaches for the chair, but I stop her. “Allow me,” I whisper as I pull out the chair for her.

  “Thank you,” she says as she sits. She looks uncomfortable, and it dawns on me that no one has probably ever done that for her. No one has ever treated her with the respect that she deserves. It’s about time that somebody does. And I am more than happy to be that guy.

  Her hands are folded in her lap and she’s sitting so straight that looking at her is making my back hurt. I like that she’s trying, I’m just not sure exactly what it is that she’s trying for. Did Layla really come off as that prim and proper?

  “Relax a little,” I say as I press a kiss to her temple, my arm resting on the back of her chair as we wait for our meal to arrive.

  “Quit kissing me.” While so soft I can barely hear them, the words are a direct order. One that very much opposes the fake smile currently plastered on her face.

  “Why? Because you like it?”

  “Hardly,” she replies. I smile because the hitch of her breath says otherwise.

  Unable to resist, I snuggle in a little closer. I love the way Quinn responds to me. I like that I make her nervous. I really like that she enjoys when I kiss her even though she won’t admit it. “You know, at some point, we are going to have to actually kiss. Are you going to be able to handle that?”

  She scoffs at my question. “Bring it on, Adams. I can handle anything you have to dish.”

  “You keep on thinking that.” I sit back in my chair with a smirk on my face. I know her well enough to know that she’s going to argue with me. Before she can, I turn my attention to Hayley. “Quite the full agenda you’ve got for us, Hayls.”

  “I just wanted to make sure that everyone made the most of their time while they’re here. Oh, and Quinn,” Hayley says. “It’s not on the agenda we gave Hunter, but on Thursday, us girls will be doing a spa day. You should join us.”

  “Oh… uh…” Quinn stutters.

  “That sounds like fun, baby,” I say. “I’m sure you’ll have a great time. And don’t worry about me, I’m sure I can find something to keep me busy.”

  “I can’t wait,” she says with a phony smile and a look in her eyes that says I am in deep shit.

  Much to Quinn’s satisfaction, Hayley consumes most of the conversation over lunch leaving Quinn to be able to eat and relax a bit. That is until my mother suggests that we have breakfast with them tomorrow – so they can get to know her better.

  “Sounds great, mom,” I say as we exit the patio. “We’re looking forward to it. Aren’t we, baby?”

  “Yes, of course. Can’t wait.”

  My mother presses a kiss to each of our cheeks before dashing off with Hayley and her mother to do more wedding things.

  “Enjoy your afternoon to yourself kids,” Hudson says. “It’s the last free moment you have. It’s the last free moment we all have.”

  “Come on Hud, I’ll buy you a drink,” Mason says putting his arm around my brother’s shoulders.

  “You’re here for free,” Hudson says.

  “All the better for me to buy you a drink – with your money,” Mason laughs as they walk away.

  Quinn and I are left standing in the hotel lobby. Alone.

  “So, what should we do now?” I ask.

  Where she was fun and pliable earlier, Quinn seems to have reverted back to her old self. “I don’t give a damn what you do. I’m going to the beach.”

  “I’ll join you,” I reply, my hand resting on her waist.

  “I would prefer if you didn’t. Why don’t you go drink with Hudson and Mason or something?”

  I scoot in closer, our bodies touching. And mine is loving every minute of it. “Because I want to be with you, baby.”

  “Quit calling me that.”

  “I’m sorry. Do you prefer honey? Or sweetheart? Maybe snookum’s?”

  She gives me a glare before stomping away. I have every intention of going after her because I may not be able to have her, but I sure as hell am not going to deprive myself of the opportunity to see her in a bathing suit.

  Chapter 14


  That was the most awkward, most uncomfortable situation I have ever had to endure. I could feel Mrs. Adams sizing me up. Hayley kept throwing me suspicious glances. And without having to even look, I could feel the daggers that Layla was shooting at me. The whole while, Hunter sat there completely oblivious to it all.

  The minute it ended, I had to get away. I needed to catch my breath and clear my head.

  Because between all the awkward moments, there were his kisses and touches. The whispering in my ear. Him telling me that I was beautiful this morning. A word that no one has ever used to describe me. And it felt nice. It also made my heart race and jolts of electricity to surge through me.

  What is happening to me?

  Why am I even considering any of this as anything more than what it is – a charade?

  I just need a minute to collect myself, to wrap my head around all of it.

  “You don’t deserve him, you know.”

  The voice, similar to the sound of nails on a chalkboard, may very well be right. But if I don’t deserve him, she sure as hell doesn’t either.

  “Looks like that makes two of us, then,” I say as I turn to face Layla. This little innocent act she’s putting on is ridiculous. She cheated on him. Now she’s standing here saying that I don’t deserve him? “Maybe you should worry about your boyfriend and let me worry about mine.”

  “You don’t actually think I buy this, do you?” she snorts.

  “Frankly, Layla, I don’t give a damn what you think,” I tell her. “I’m the one here with Hunter and you’re not. That’s all that matters.”

  “He could never love someone like you,” she says. Saying the words don’t sting would be a lie because they do. Mostly because I know she’s right. It’s not that I want Hunter to love me, but the idea that someone like him, a nice guy, never would – it just solidifies what I already know. For a moment, I let his words make me forget that I am not good enough for Hunter. I never will be. “I mean, look at you.”

  Her laughter fills the air.

  I don’t need to look at me because I’m looking at her. Physically, she is the perfect match for Hunter. She’s absolutely gorgeous even when she’s being a complete bitch. And I am nothing like her. Not even close. While she doesn’t deserve him for the things she’s done, either do I. Not that I want him. But if I did…

  “I’m looking,” Hunter’s voice says. He’s only a few steps away from us. “And all I see is a beautiful woman who makes me happy.” He looks at Layla and smiles. “Can’t say the same about you.” His gaze returns to me, his hand reaches for mine. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Hunter,” Layla says. Her voice is commanding and demanding, and Hunter is having none of it. He’s looking at me, his hand waiting for mine. Little does he know just how much I deserve what she said and what she was about to say.

  This isn’t about me, though. This is about him and showing this evil witch that he doesn’t need her. Except suddenly, I don’t feel like I was the best option here. Out of all the women in the world, why would Hunter want a mess like me?

  Still, for him, I place my hand in his. And I follow him. Throwing the biggest fuck you smile in Layla’s direction that I can muster.

  “You okay?” Hunter asks when we’re out of earshot.

  “I’m fine,” I say. “I’m sorry, Hunter.”

  “Sorry? For what?”

  “No one is buying this little charade. Especially not Layla. I don’t know why….”

  His hand cups my cheek. “Hey. Let them believe what they want. Let’s just enjoy the trip.”

  “The reason I’m here is to make everyone believe that we’re together. And…”

  “And I don’t care about that anymore,” he says. “If it’s going to drive you crazy and make you worry unnecessarily, it’s not worth it.”

  “Don’t Hunter me. I mean it. Now, how about we head to the beach like we were going to before we got interrupted?”

  I look at him like he’s crazy. There’s amusement in my voice. “No, I was going to the beach. You were going to go do whatever it is that men do when their alone.”

  There’s a slight shake of his head, but I can see he’s smiling. “Cute. But… You’re not the boss of me. It’s a free beach, I can go there too if I want.”

  There’s this comical, playful sound to his voice that sounds so cute and so out of character, I can’t help the laughter that bubbles over. I like this side of him. It makes me want to go to the beach with him and discover what else it is that I might have been wrong about.

  “Come with me. Please?”

  “The beach was my idea. How did this turn into you inviting me?”

  “What can I say? I’m just good like that.”

  I roll my eyes at him for good measure. The last thing I need is for him to think that he’s winning me over. I might be seeing a different side of him, maybe I’m even coming around to not hating his guts. But he doesn’t need to know that… yet.

  “Fine,” I give in. Just for a little while. Just to appease him and enjoy the sun and sand.

  He presses a kiss to my forehead. “That’s my girl.”

  I glance around looking for signs of Layla or anyone associated with the wedding, but we’re basically alone. So where did that kiss come from? Then, he laces his fingers with mine and walks us out to the beach stopping as we arrive at two lounge chairs that are secluded but still close to the water.

  “How’s this?” he asks.

  It’s the exact location I would have picked if I were alone. I just don’t understand why he chose it when we should be visible. We should be showing off. “It’s perfect,” I say.

  A staff member comes up to us offering towels, water, and sunscreen which Hunter promptly purchases. We had been so wrapped up in the moment that we came out here with nothing. Or at least, I had been wrapped up in it. It’s not often I get treated by a man the way Hunter is treating me. I plan on reveling in every moment of it, even if it is only for show.

  “You really are a gentleman.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing,” he laughs.

  “No, of course not. It’s just not something I’m used to,” I admit. I hand him the bottle of lotion trying to deflect the question that I know is coming. “Will you put some on my back?” I swear I hear a guttural groan just before his hands meet my skin. “You okay?”

  “Yep, just peachy,” he groans. This time the sound is laced with frustration.

  A frustration that I too feel to my core the moment his large, strong hands touch my skin. He massages the lotion in ever so slowly, taking his time and making sure he doesn’t miss a single spot. As good as it feels and as much as I don’t want it to end, I’m not sure how much longer either of us could manage this because the chemistry between us is undeniable and off the charts.

  “I’m pretty sure I’m good,” I say softly.

  “Can’t be too careful.”

  “Right. Want me to do yours?”

  “What?” his eyes widen and it’s the cutest damn thing I’ve ever seen.

  “Lotion? On your back?”

  “No, I’m good.”

  I lean back in the lounge chair and look out at the water than back at Hunter. He’s still sitting forward looking out at the ocean.

  “Why don’t you lay back and relax?” I suggest. It is what we came here to do.

  “I’m good.”

  That’s when it dawns on me. The reason he’s sitting like that and why he is refusing to let me return the favor.

  “Oh. My. God.” I burst out laughing. This hard problem he’s having to endure causing me way too much enjoyment as is apparent by the look he’s giving me. My name falls from his lips as a warning. One that I very much do not heed. “Awe, is someone having a hard day? Feeling a little… stiff?”

  “You’re a riot, you know that?” Even though his words tell me he wants to be pissed at me, the slight curl of his lips and the shake of his head says that he isn’t.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, it’s a hard problem to deal with. Give yourself a hand.”

  “Ha-ha,” he laughs. “You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?”

  “Not a chance.” I give him a sugary sweet smile before I lie back and close my eyes. The temptation to look, to see exactly what having his hands on me did to him is too strong.

  Besides, I don’t have much time. I’d like to get a little rest and relaxation in before I figure out how in the hell I am going to make Hunter and I a more believable couple.

  Chapter 15


  “What is taking you so long?” I groan as I lean against the bathroom door.

  After spending some time at the beach, and teasing me relentlessly, Quinn excused herself and ran off. I have no clue where she went or what she was up to, but the minute that she got back to the room she ran into the bathroom and hasn’t come out since. The cocktail party starts in less than fifteen minutes and if she isn’t out soon, we’re going to be late.

  “Quit rushing me,” she shouts.

  “It’s been an hour. I don’t think that’s rushing you,” I argue.

  “Well, I think it is.”

  “Do you always have to be so damn argumen…” The words die on my tongue as I watch her emerge from the bathroom. Whatever I planned to say is forgotten and only one word comes to mind. “Wow.”


  “You look…” There isn’t a strong enough word to describe just how amazing she looks.

  “I look what? You’re making me nervous.” Her hands run over the material that covers her body. The dress, so much more reserved than anything I’ve ever seen her in before, makes her look sexy yet elegant.

  “Beautiful. You look beautiful, Quinn.” My hands are dying to reach out and touch her silky skin. The small amount of it that she’s showing compared to her usual attire.

  “Oh. Uh…” she stammers, “are you sure? I tried to find something a little more… classy? I don’t know. And I tried to get the girl at the salon to dye my hair, but she didn’t have any appointments until tomorrow and…”

  “Whoa, Quinn, slow down. Why… why would you want to change your hair? And as much as I love the way you look in this dress, I’m sure you would have looked amazing in whatever you already had.” I take a strand of the blue in her hair and twirl it around my fingers. “Why would you change anything about yourself?”

  “Let’s face it Hunter, you wouldn’t…

  “I wouldn’t what?” I ask her. My fingers brush against her cheek. There’s a hitch in her breath that has me wondering, and hoping, that whatever the hell is happening between us, she feels it too.

  “You wouldn’t date a girl that looked like me.” She says the words so matter of fact that I almost laugh. Instead, I allow my eyes to roam her body and I sure as hell don’t even bother to try and hide it.

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” I tell her.

  Everything about her in this moment is making me want her in ways that I shouldn’t. But there is just something about her, especially now when she looks so worried and vulnerable that draws me to her. Sure, she drives me crazy. But this piece of her is doing things to me, making me think things that I shouldn’t be.

  “Hunter,” the surprised exclamation falls from her lips.

  “I might be a nice guy, Quinn,” I say taking her in unabashedly one last time. “But I am not dead. And you are fucking gorgeous.”

  Her cheeks flush a bright red. “Th-thank you.”

  We stare at each other, the room around us silent. I’m drawn to her like a damn magnet. Drawn to whatever these feelings I’m having for her are. I slowly move in to kiss her, to taste those gorgeous red lips because I can’t help myself. Just as I reach her lips, just as I am about to claim them, she moves.

going to be late,” she says. Her voice wavers as she speaks, her feet moving toward the door.

  She reaches for the handle, but my hand covers hers and removes it. I’m close to her, too damn close. Yet here I am leaning in even more, my lips near her ears. “For the record, I like your hair just the way it is.” A slight gasp escapes her, and I want nothing more than to take her in my arms and show her just how beautiful she is. Fuck these assholes that told her otherwise. Or didn’t even bother to tell her at all. I open the door. “Ladies, first.”

  My hand falls to the small of her back to guide her out. I sure as hell don’t need to guide her, but I definitely want to touch her. Pain in my ass or not, right now she’s nothing short of breathtaking. And, lucky me, she’s my date for the night. Real or not.

  As we make our way to the outdoor dining area where the cocktail party is being held, I catch a glimpse of Quinn and I in the mirror. We’re strikingly different but I’ll be damned if we don’t look good together. The visual it leaves imprinted in my mind makes me smile, wonder, and want. Stepping over the threshold and into the party, all eyes fall on us.

  “Why is everyone staring?” She whispers the question through the phony smile she has plastered on her face.

  “Because you look amazing. And we look even better together,” I reply.

  “Now I know you’re lying. I’m sure we look more like a train wreck then…”

  “Shut up.”

  Her eyes widen, a look of surprise on her face. Since we’ve arrived here in paradise, Quinn and I have somehow managed to co-exist. We’ve found a footing where we can, for the most part, get along. Now, out of the blue, I revert back to the less than witty banter that we normally partake in.

  “Excuse me?” she asks, her defenses going up.

  “I’m really tired of hearing you talk about yourself that way,” I say.

  We might be standing in the middle of a party with all eyes on us, but I don’t give a damn. I can’t take hearing her speak like this. Not anymore.

  “Yeah, well…”

  Even she can’t figure out what it is she’s trying to refute right now. The fact that I complimented her once again, the fact that I’m not like the guys she dates, or the fact that standing here looking at each other there is this undeniable pull for us to kiss. God, do I want to kiss her.


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