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Playing the Game

Page 15

by L. M. Reid

  I slap him on the shoulder. “Keep telling yourself that.” Without continuing the argument that I know is bound to start, I jog to catch up to Quinn and pull her into my arms.

  “Hunter,” she squeals with excitement as her feet leave the ground.

  Chapter 26


  The glass-bottom boat was even more beautiful than I expected. I’d never been on a boat, let alone one with a glass bottom where I could see every wondrous thing beneath us. Hunter studied me as I snapped photos with my phone of both of the ocean and of him. The latter of which he was not particularly fond of. He implored me to stop, eventually silencing me with searing kiss after searing kiss.

  If he thinks punishments like that are going to get me to behave, he’s sorely mistaken. If anything, it was nothing more than an invitation to behave even more badly.

  Layla’s eyes were on us the entire time. If our charade hadn’t been working. It sure as hell is now. Not that any part of this is a charade anymore. It’s one hundred percent real and I still can’t believe it. Even more unbelievable than the idea of us being together is how easy it is. We fell into this comfort zone so quickly, so flawlessly. For him, maybe that’s just how things are. Effortless. For me though, I’ve always struggled with people and relationships. Even with Claire. It takes me time.

  I’m not sure if it’s the familiarity that we have with each other having known each other a great deal of our lives or if it’s just the way Hunter is, but there was no hesitation on my part like there usually is. Even after what Shane put me through, I find it easy to trust Hunter. To know that what he says is the truth.

  Still, I wish I knew what Layla’s game was. Something doesn’t add up. Her cheating. Her staring. Her clear desire to be with Hunter. I can tell just by looking at her that she still loves him. So why? Why do this to him? To them? Did she simply make a mistake? It’s not as though even the best of us are immune to doing it. Would he be willing to forgive her?

  That, right there, is the biggest problem. My main problem. What if Hunter finds it in himself to forgive her? What if whatever this is between us just isn’t enough?

  Every fear runs through my head as I get ready for the nights event. Itinerary item number seven thousand thirty-two – Rush Nightclub.

  At least it’s more of an atmosphere that I’m prepared for. Short dresses, loud music, sexy moves. Much more my style than the more reserved feeling Hayley has imposed on the rest of this trip. That’s not to say that all the activities are bad. The ATV rides, the glass-bottom boat. Those were both amazing. There were just some items, like the bingo game on the patio yesterday that just weren’t quite my speed.

  The look on Hunter’s face when I step out of the bathroom is priceless. Without even trying to hide it, he takes me in. A low whistle escaping him when his eyes finally land on mine. “I’m speechless.”

  It’s a nightclub, so I opted for one of the dresses that I already own. A sexy little blue number with the sides cut out at the waist so when Hunter’s hands are on me, there is plenty of skin for him to burn.

  “I’m not sure if I should cover you up or strip you down,” he says as his tongue darts out to wet his lips.

  “I could always do a strip tease for you. Maybe a little lap dance?”

  It’s my turn to admire him. The black dress pants that fit him like perfection, giving me and the whole world a view of his perfect taut ass. The gray button-down shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows looking like arm porn you never want to stop taking in. His blonde hair mussed, messy, and so sexy that I want to run my fingers through it leaving my mind to wander to how I did just that last night while his head was buried between my thighs.

  “Do we have to go?” I whine as I sidle up to him. My fingers toy with the buttons of his shirt. “I’m sure I can find something much more entertaining for us to do.”

  “I don’t doubt that, but…”

  I bat my eyelashes at him. “Please, Hunter.”

  The crack of his neck, the groan he emits – I know I’ve got him. We’re not going anywhere tonight.

  At least we wouldn’t be if it weren’t for the incessant pounding on the door that Mason is doing. Followed by the shouting to open the door.

  “Raincheck?” Hunter asks, as if I could say no to him.

  Hunter opens the door allowing Mason and some red head to walk into the room. Hunter smiles at her and I feel a twinge of jealousy at the familiarity between the two even after the moment he and I just shared.

  “It’s good to see you, Ivy,” he says as he pulls her in for a quick hug. I’m about to clear my throat to end their embrace when Hunter lets her go. “Ivy, this is my girlfriend, Quinn.”

  “It’s so nice to meet you, Quinn,” Ivy says a full, genuine smile on her face.

  But I can’t respond. I’m too awestruck by Hunter’s words. Yes, I know we’re together, but there is something about hearing him call me his girlfriend that just seems so surreal.

  “You okay?” Hunter asks.

  “Yes, I’m sorry. I just… your dress is stunning,” I say to Ivy. And it is, the short cream dress with black and gold beading on it is just that – stunning. Just like the rest of her. “It’s nice to meet you, Ivy.”

  “Shall we?” Hunter says as he moves back toward me, his hand on the small of my back.

  I nod and the four of us head out the door.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” he whispers the question into my ear as we wait for the elevator lobby.

  “I’m perfect,” I say leaning into him a little more. “You calling me your girlfriend, it just caught me off guard.”

  “Sorry. I don’t have to. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

  “You didn’t. I liked it. I guess I just still need to get used to the idea.”

  “You still want that? Don’t you?”

  The elevator dings and Mason and Ivy step inside. I look up at Hunter and take his hands in mine. My back is to the elevator.

  “More than anything,” I tell him. I step back toward the elevator tugging him with me.

  We arrive at the club and are immediately escorted to a VIP area. The lounge is filled with liquor, food, and everything you could possibly want. All except a dance floor, sweaty horny people, and the energy of the club. I had always wondered what a VIP area would be like, what it would be like to be the person inside of it. Who they must be and how they must live. And now that I’m experiencing it firsthand, I’m not as impressed as I thought I would be.

  “Not up to your… standards?” Layla asks when she approaches me.

  “No, you’re not.”

  “That’s rich, coming from you of all people,” she says.

  I wish Hunter would get back with our drinks already. The sooner I down it, the sooner I can get him on the dance floor.

  “Is there something I can do for you?” I ask trying to appear unaffected by her presence when in reality I am bubbling inside with rage.

  There are dozens of people here for this wedding. Most of which I have never even spoken to or made eye contact with. This woman though, the one who cheated on her boyfriend and is here with her new one, you would think would be slinked away in a corner somewhere or at least trying to maintain her distance. Oh, no. Not Layla. She makes sure she is front at center at all times.

  “I just wanted to let you know that I will figure out what it is that you’re hiding. And when I do?”

  Her pause after the question is overly dramatic for her.

  “You’ll what?” I ask with little emotion to my voice. My lack of concern over her threats infuriates her.

  “I’ll out you to Hunter.” She stands there looking proud with her hands on her hips and a smug smile on her face.

  “Unlike in your relationship with Hunter, he already knows all my secrets,” I lie hoping to deter her from pursing her endeavor. If she were to find out about Shane and tell Hunter? There isn’t a doubt in my mind he would hate me.

  “We’ll see abo
ut that.” Layla tosses an evil smile my way before walking toward her new boyfriend.

  The minute Hunter returns, I plead with him to dance with me. My fingers are gripping his shirt trying to get him to budge.

  “What’s the rush?” he asks. “Did something happen?”

  “I just really want to dance,” I assure him. “Please? If you dance with me. I promise I will take every inch of your cock into my mouth until it hits the back of my throat and let you…”


  I smile against his ear. He didn’t tell me stop because he thinks I’m being inappropriate or because this isn’t the time or place. No, it’s because of the hardened appendage I feel pressed against my stomach.

  “Your damn mouth can make me come without even being on me,” he whispers back to me. “Dance floor. Now.”

  Dancing does little to help his situation though. If anything, it only makes it worse. Harder to deal with.

  Most of the group has made their way down to the dance floor. Even Mason and Ivy. We’re all dancing all having a great time. Even Hayley has seemed to warm up to me. Maybe she can see the difference too. Maybe she finally sees Hunter and I as together.

  “I’m going to get a drink,” I shout.

  “I’ll come with you,” Hunter says. There is an eager look in his eyes. As tempted as I am to take advantage of that, I’m having fun. For the first time in my life I feel like a part of the group, not the girl on the outside looking in.

  I shake my head. “I’ll be right back.”

  A chaste kiss and I’m on my way.

  More than just a drink, I needed a moment to breathe, to take in the life that I’m living currently. It’s so unlike anything I’ve known. I’m not talking about being in paradise, or the fancy resort we’re staying at. I’m talking about Hunter. About happiness. Real true happiness for the first time in my life. As I take a sip of the drink in my hand, I look down at the club beneath me. Hunter is still on the dance floor, albeit much less animated than he had been before but he’s trying.

  Maybe he’s right. Maybe I do deserve this. I sure as hell am enjoying it.

  “All alone?” a masculine voice says from behind me.

  When I turn to see who it’s coming from, I’m surprised to find Maddox standing there. “I just needed a break,” I tell him before turning my attention back to Hunter.

  “Me too,” he says. This time his voice is much closer, much deeper.

  “I’ll leave you to it.” I try to skirt past him, but he blocks me. I sigh. “What? What do you want?”

  “You,” he says.

  “Not happening.”

  I move again, but his hand presses against my stomach and presses me against the window. He gives me a wicked smile.

  “You don’t have to fight it. I saw the way you’ve been looking at me.”

  “You’re delusional.” Why in the hell would I bother looking at him when I have Hunter? I haven’t taken my eyes, or my hands for that matter, off him all night.

  Maddox’s presence suddenly feels like a set-up. A way for Layla to get Hunter alone maybe? A way to make me look like a cheater in front of Hunter?

  “Whatever it is that you think you’re doing; it’s not going to work.”

  “It already is,” he says. I glance down at the dance floor and watch as Layla approaches Hunter. Before I can see anymore, Maddox grabs my chin and yanks my head toward him. “Now, where were we?”

  Chapter 27


  Layla’s standing in front of me. Quinn still hasn’t returned.

  Something doesn’t feel right. Something feels off.

  “Where’s Maddox?” I ask Layla.

  “Don’t worry. I’m sure he’s being occupied,” she smiles.

  My hands grab her arms and pull her away from me. “Where the hell is he?”

  Her eyes widen at the tone I take with her, the one that despite the raging music is clear as day. She still doesn’t speak though. She just stares at me, stunned.

  “Tell me,” I shout.

  “Up…upstairs,” she stutters.

  I release her before rushing back to the VIP room where I am certain Quinn is alone with Maddox. I’m also certain I’m going to find them in some kind of compromising position. All I can think is to rescue Quinn. Because whatever is going on, it’s not by her choice. And she has had enough men in her life trying to make her do things she doesn’t want to do.

  When I walk into the room, the picture before me is exactly what I expected. Maddox’s hands are on Quinn and there is a terrified look in her eyes. The sight infuriates me. It makes me see red and provokes me to do things I wouldn’t normally do. Like unleash on this asshole.

  “Get. Your. Hands. Off. Her.” I say the words calmly. I’m giving him a chance. One chance.

  When he doesn’t do as instructed, I lose it. He laughs as I charge toward him. The wrecking ball that I am on the football field taking over the teddy bear that I usually am off it. “I said get your Goddamn hands off her.” This time I shout the words with an intensity that even startles me. My hands grab his shirt as I pull him off her and throw him to the floor. I drop to my knees, my fist cocked back ready to pummel him.

  “Hunter, no,” Quinn calls out. I focus on the desperation in her voice, the fear. Fear that he put there. Fear that her father’s “friends” put there. I may not be able to teach those assholes a lesson, but I sure as hell can teach this one.

  I feel my fist connect with Maddox’s cheek. Then again. Then everything goes dark, blank until I feel hands on my arms pulling me back, Mason’s voice backing them telling me to stop.

  It isn’t until he shouts “Enough!” that his voice truly breaks through though.

  “He touched Quinn,” I grit out between clenched teeth. There’s a hiss of him sucking in air, air that escaped his lungs the moment why I was doing what I was doing registered. The overprotective brother taking hold.

  “Let me handle him. You get Quinn out of here.” Mason’s instructions are clear. And as much as I want to continue unleashing a punishment on this douchebag, I want her away from all this even more.

  That’s when I hear it, her voice calming the storm that’s raging in my head. “I’m okay, Hunter. Please. Just take me back to our room,” she’s pleading with me. The red I saw dissipating at the sound of her words.

  I pull out of Mason’s hold, my arms enveloping Quinn immediately. “You’re sure you’re okay?” I ask, my voice begging for the truth but hoping I don’t hear what I fear.

  “I’m okay. You got here before he could do anything,” she assures me, and I hope to hell it isn’t a lie to calm me. “Please Hunter, let’s just go.”

  “You swear to me he didn’t do anything?” I ask her as I shut the door to our room behind me.

  The entire way back here we were both silent. Me trying to get my temper under control and her trying to wrap her head around what just happened, I’m sure. Or maybe not. Maybe she’s pissed at me for interrupting or going all possessive caveman on her. I’m not really sure what to think. Especially now as I wait for her to answer.

  She stands at the floor to ceiling windows, her arms wrapped around her staring at the ocean. I shove my hands in my pockets to help stamp down my need to touch her. I want to offer her comfort, but I also know that there’s a good chance she may not want it. She may not want anything I have to offer.

  “He didn’t do anything.” Her voice is soft and sad and I’m not quite sure if I believe her. She turns to me abruptly. “Layla wants you back. I don’t know what game she’s playing or why she slept with Maddox, but… she still loves you. She still wants you. If she didn’t, she wouldn’t go to these lengths.”


  “And, if you want her if you still love her, I understand. I…”

  Two strides. That’s all it takes me to reach her. My hand framing her face, my eyes boring into hers desperate for her to see just how much emotion I hold for her. “I don’t know why or how or when
things between us changed and I sure as hell don’t know how it all happened so fast, but…” I press my lips to hers, soft and gentle. “I know I have never been happier than I have been these past few days. I don’t want Layla. I don’t love Layla. All I want is you and to see wherever this goes.”

  “You’re sure? Because I wouldn’t be upset. I mean, I would, obviously, but…”

  “Shut up,” I laugh. “There is nothing to discuss. Nothing to question. You, Quinn Ford, are it for me. The only thing I wish is that I had seen it sooner.”

  “Then prove it,” she tells me. Her hands grip my shirt, pulling it apart at the center. “Show me how much you want me. Show me how much I matter to you.”

  “Actions speak louder than words.”

  “They sure as hell do.”

  In an instant we crash together. Her hands working the belt at my waist, mine tugging the metal of her zipper down with haste. Clothes discarded, shoes stepped out of, hands becoming a frenzied mess. I pick her up, her legs wrapping around my waist and my dick begging to be inside her.

  When her lips meet mine, her tongue sweeping into my mouth dancing with my own, promises of what it would be like if she were to slide it against my cock. Fucking hell. I press her up against the door, urgency in every move, every thrust. A sting slides down my back as her nails dig into my shoulders.

  Pants, moans, and expletives fall from both of us. Needing to be deeper, needing to send her over the edge I sweep the items off the desk next to us before setting her there. She lies back, her hands gliding to her breasts, massaging them, as she waits patiently for me. I have no patience left. Not when it comes to her. There’s only want and need, greed and hunger.

  She cries out my name. The punishing motion I fuck her with only causing her to beg for more.

  Between the sounds of passion, I hear what sounds like knocking on the door. The old Hunter, he would have stopped. He would have answered the door. He would have cared if people heard her cries and pleas. Not this Hunter. Not me. I’m more than willing to let the whole world know exactly what Quinn and I are together, how amazing we are. And there isn’t a damn thing in this world that would stop me now. Not when I feel her tighten, not when I feel her orgasm ready to hit.


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