The Salvatores Collection: A Steel Saviors MC Romance

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The Salvatores Collection: A Steel Saviors MC Romance Page 9

by Ethan Egorov

  “Guess we have to find the owner of this odd item for starters.”

  He had to imagine that said owner was a member of the family. He couldn’t say if it would be Pop or his father or Tommy, but if it didn’t come from someone in the family, that was going to raise its own questions. Either way, it had to be a step in the right direction.

  After taking a few more photos of the scene, Trent walked outside and opened the door of the car his father had arranged for him and got in the backseat. The driver said nothing as Trent stared out the window during the short drive back to the mansion, contemplating just what the hell this meant for the family business. Trent worked his jaw muscles. He knew this loss was substantial.

  Trent nodded and thanked the driver once he had pulled up in front of the mansion. He walked through the entryway. It was surprisingly quiet. He took his phone out of his pocket and then hung his coat up on the coat rack. He padded through the house until he heard his father. He was in his office, talking on the phone. Antonio sat at his desk, staring at a spreadsheet and nodding. As best as Trent could tell, his father was going over some financials with someone, but like everything else in the business, it was on a need to know basis.

  “Okay, well,” Antonio said, his tone not exactly sounding happy. “We’ll just have to find out the verdict on that in the end anyway, now won’t we? Yeah, yeah. It’ll all come out in the wash, Marvin, you mark my words. Okay, okay. I’ll talk to you later. Yeah, bye.”

  Antonio hung up the phone and looked at Trent with somber grey eyes. This recent attack, Trent was starting to realize, was going beyond what he had anticipated. But more than that, everything in life seemed to be culminating in maximum stress for the Salvatore family. Saul’s stabbing, Kristina’s mysterious appearance, the attack on the docks, Pop’s age . . .

  “So, my boy, what mysteries did you solve?” Antonio said after a long, long sigh.

  “Well, Dad,” Trent said, taking a breath. “You’ve taken all your medication today, haven’t you?”

  “You boys with that blood pressure stuff. Jesus, it’s like you’ve never heard of any other way to die. Yes. Come on, let’s go talk somewhere more comfortable. Last thing I need is to be in here for another stupid phone call.”

  The pair relocated to the study, where the brown leather sofa his father kept for many years awaited. Its well-worn fabric had never lost its sheen nor its comfort. Trent grabbed his phone, hit a few buttons, and threw it to his father.

  “You’re lucky I’m a good catch. Otherwise, your fancy phone would have broken into a billion pieces,” Antonio said as he pressed his thumb to the phone. “What are you showing me here?”

  “I went back to the scene of the crime and took some photos,” Trent said. “It looks like it’s wiped out completely.”

  Trent went silent for a few moments as Antonio looked over the various photos. The look on his father’s face was nothing short of sheer frustration and disappointment, and with good reason— there wasn’t anything positive to say.

  “You weren’t kidding when you said it was bad,” Antonio said as he shook his head at the damage. “Jesus. That’s an entire shipment gone. Those supplies would have probably lasted two or three months. The supplies alone were in the hundreds of thousands. Shit. We really weren’t in a position to lose that much.”

  So what does that mean for us?

  Antonio silently looked through the photos for a few more moments, trying to take mental stock of the damage and their value. Trent didn’t need to know math to know the damages were rather high. He didn’t need to know numbers, period, to know the damages were distressingly high. He only needed to see his father’s face.

  “This won’t stop us, though,” his father finally said, but the bravado sounded as forced as Trent had ever heard it. “We’ll just up production on the North End to compensate for the lack of supply and rely on our shippers to move the product in the South. There’s always a way to bounce back, Trent. You remember that.”

  “Oh, I will,” Trent said, deciding it was better to just play along than anything else. “Also, Dad? There’s something else. I found this at the scene.”

  Trent pulled out the bright orange scarf from his pocket and waved it at his father.

  “You got any ideas about this?”

  His father suddenly looked graven, and the blood drained from his face. Trent felt some measure of excitement, curious to hear what this mysterious cloth was.

  “I don’t know who put it there. But, Trent . . . wait a second. You think that’s a scarf, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I thought maybe it got hung on the person who set the fires on their way out. Maybe it was a Mikkelson symbol or a warning shot from one of our enemies or—”

  “Trent, that’s not a Mikkelson scarf. Well, not in the way you’re thinking, it’s not.”

  What he said next proved that not only was it not a scarf, it was the most shocking thing possible.

  “That right there, that you’re holding? That’s your baby blanket.”

  No . . . no . . .

  No way.

  That has to be wrong. That’s impossible. My blanket? My baby blanket?

  No way. No.

  “No,” Trent said, but he could see from his father’s expression that he was completely serious.

  Trent’s mouth dropped open in shock. He really couldn’t believe that. Beyond making him the center of the attacks, it also meant the person who was responsible had direct access to his immediate family and his home. It meant that someone had come in from the inside.

  And his mind flashed back to that morning . . .

  It can’t be her. Kristina is too close to the family. I mean, for fuck’s sake, she’s considered family by my father and Tommy.

  But it’s always the ones you least expect.

  “That can’t be it,” Trent said, as much pleading with reality as with his father. “Who would have taken that? I mean, hasn’t it been in the attic for a million years with the rest of our things? Besides, who uses a silk baby blanket? I thought those were knitted.”

  “I couldn’t tell you, Trent. I’m sorry. But the truth is, that is your baby blanket. There’s no question about it.”

  Trent just stared at the blanket for what felt like minutes, trying to make sense of it. But in the absence of further clues and context, there was no making sense of anything. If it was Kristina— which, in his gut, he could not believe, no matter how much evidence was presented to the contrary— then why would she bring him to a hotel room later that night? If she was, in fact, the guilty party, then she was basically inviting him to kill her. And while he would never do that, it was still too much of a leap for her to take.

  “Wow,” Trent murmured.

  He racked his brain, but he came up with nothing. Maybe it was a cousin who had gone rogue. But if his father didn’t have any idea, that possibility was unlikely.

  “Okay. Dad, I have a request for you,” Trent said, deciding there just wasn’t anything to be figured out. “After your paperwork, go up to the attic and see if there’s anything else missing from all the boxes. That should give us some clue or at least something to look for to find out who the culprit is. I’m not sure there will be, but . . .”

  “And what are you gonna do in the interim?”

  Trent bit his lip. He had come in with a few goals for the day, and it was now late afternoon.

  Now, it was time to focus on what was to happen that evening, something that had his blood pumping and his heart racing far faster than any visit to the docks would.

  “I have another pressing business matter to take care of first,” Trent said, thinking of later in the evening. “But I’m still going to be hunting down some evidence. It’s . . . I’ve got it taken care of. Just, you be careful, okay?”

  Antonio just laughed. Trent didn’t think he was going to get called out, but he had been pretty circumspect.

  “Oh, trust me, all the guards have been briefed, and we improved security al
ready. Also, I got my pal with me at all times. I may be an old man now, but I still got ears, Trent. I can handle myself, don’t worry.”

  Well, dodged a bullet there, I guess.

  As satisfied as he could be, Trent nodded and walked out of the mansion, deciding he would again ask for the assistance of one of their drivers. After finding out about the baby blanket, he didn’t feel as safe being out in the open. Once again, the driver nodded at him and did as instructed. He waited for him in the lot in front of his apartment building.

  Safely in his apartment, it was time to prepare for the evening, both professionally, to try and make sense of what the hell was going on and personally to try and make sense of what Kristina was up to.

  Feeling dirty from the warehouse visit, he showered again, quickly lathering and washing his hair, then did the same with his torso, making certain he smelled much better. Fortunately, this time, no surprises were waiting for him when he opened his front door.

  Or is it, unfortunately? I mean, I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t some thrill to being naked before that woman again.

  But that didn’t mean Kristina wasn’t about to be back in the picture in some way. In fact, she was already there.

  Trent knew he had to be at the hotel in just a couple hours, so he toweled off quickly and pulled on an old, worn pair of jeans and threw on an old sweatshirt that he used to wear solely to go to the batting cages. Trent then threw on a baseball cap and grabbed a leather jacket that didn’t smell like smoke and sulfur. He placed his wallet in his back pocket and grabbed his keys as well. Though he was a little underdressed, there was a part of him that hoped by coming in a little more casually than Kristina, it would slow things down enough for him to get some information out of her.

  Of course, in reality, there was a terribly decent chance that she just wouldn’t care, the two of them would be naked in seconds, and their feelings would get intertwined and confused all over again.

  Before he left, he made sure to bring one more thing, his spare Colt .45, placing it underneath his jacket and securing it between his belt and jeans. He hoped he wouldn’t have to use it, but at the same time, he knew that as long as he had the weapon, he could at least protect himself if he was in trouble.

  Or, if he had to, yes, he would protect Kristina. If going there revealed the person who hired her and put them in danger, he had no problem resorting to violence.

  After all, that’s what his plan was, to find out exactly who hired her and why she was suddenly so cryptic.

  And if it means I start getting a little more personal with the family business, well, after the blanket . . . I don’t care. If one of the Mikkelsons hired her or someone else did, they’re going to suffer worse than they could have ever imagined.

  He grabbed his “birthday present” and walked out. Trent then stretched himself into the backseat of the waiting car and gave the driver instructions on which hotel he wanted to go to. He silently closed his eyes, once again trying to make sense of the insensible.

  He still couldn’t believe Kristina would just suddenly show up out of the blue like that. It was one thing to make a surprise appearance, but it was another thing to act flirtatious and even a little seductive. And it was a very different thing to break into his apartment, stand there while he was naked, and make no attempt to hide her interest in his naked body before asking him to put pants on so he could have his surprise.

  I mean, what part of that made any sense?

  She did have a history of creating drama, though. He just hoped he was in time to clean up any messes she may have gotten herself into, and that he kept enough distance to avoid falling into any she wanted to pull him into. He didn’t mind eventually hooking up with her, but he told himself he needed to remain above the fray long enough to get some information from her.

  Easier said than done, of course.

  Trent arrived at the hotel and instructed the driver to return for him in a couple of hours unless he phoned him and wanted to be picked up earlier. The lobby in the hotel was packed, and he could see droves of wealthy businessmen and women waiting to be checked in. Apparently, the hotel was planning its annual New Year’s Eve Gala, and anyone legitimate in the business world wanted to be in attendance for the event. It was an excellent time to network and meet new contacts.

  It also meant a plethora of people who were being connected in ways Trent couldn’t imagine right now. He needed to keep a low profile to avoid mingling with the wrong people. That, and these people were nothing more than a distraction at the moment, nothing more than obstacles to remove. He had to get upstairs.

  Trent bypassed the line of people waiting at the desk and immediately walked up the first flight of stairs to the elevator. He then made certain no one else followed him into the elevator car and quickly punched the button to go to the twentieth floor. This was the floor Kristina had left on the note with the box. He stepped out of the elevator and looked around to make certain he wasn’t being followed. He then quickly walked to Kristina’s room, taking several breaths along the way, his nerves increasing with every step.

  It appeared she had a room on one of the nicer floors of the hotel, one that was recently renovated. He took a few moments before he knocked on her door to make sure he was ready. Even though he just saw Kristina earlier that day, she still caught him off guard, especially when she curled her fingers in her hair and stared into his eyes. That kind of attraction was desperate and dangerous, the kind of love that didn’t build marriages but split them apart. It was longing and nothing but pure fire. If they ever did get together, surely it would fizzle and die out just as quickly as the spark began.

  Still, that didn’t mean one could keep their distance at that moment.

  “Shit. Here we go.”

  He knocked on the door several times. There was no response. Initially, he turned away, but his thirst for knowledge got the better of him. After checking his watch, he verified he was on time. There must have been a change in plans that he had missed, or perhaps Kristina was just playing him as always.

  Should have known better. Goddamnit.

  As he turned to walk away, though, he heard her hand on the doorknob and it swung open. He turned around and saw Kristina standing in the doorway, running her fingers through her long red locks. She looked every bit the part of a seductive charmer.

  And damn if Trent wasn’t going to have a near-impossible time resisting her advances.

  Actually, that was wrong. It wasn’t going to be near-impossible.

  Trent knew right away it was going to be impossible.

  “Trent,” she said, her silky voice smooth. “How nice of you to pay me a visit. And you’re early.”


  “Normally, you’re making some excuse as to why you’re running late,” Kristina said, her eyes narrowed and her smile taut. “Wow. Maybe you have changed, slugger. Come on in.”

  Trent followed her into the room. Kristina made it a point to lock the door behind him. While her contact might be showing up at some point after she has done what was requested of her, that didn’t mean Kristina wasn’t going to have some fun with Trent first. After all, he was early, which meant they might even have the chance to go multiple rounds.

  Trent seemed to be keeping his distance, but it was obvious that he was into the moment and very excited to see her. Kristina was grateful for that. The more nervous and excited he was, the easier it was for her to hide her own emotions. If her client knew how much of a mess she was being, who knew if she’d still have a contract.

  “Hey, um . . . I brought the box you wanted me to bring, Kristina,” Trent said, suddenly turning and showing the box she had given her earlier. “I hope that I’m not interrupting anything too . . . important? I know I’m early and all, but—”

  “No, for once, you actually have great timing,” she said, adopting a slightly more neutral tone. “My client has been delayed, so I probably won’t even meet with them until tomorrow night, or much, much later
tonight at the earliest. What that means is my calendar and my dance card are both free tonight.”

  It was great to have the excuse of needing to flirt with Trent. It almost acted like a liberating order, an excuse for her to be more flirtatious. And while she did expect to see her client later that evening, they really did have so much time it might as well have been tomorrow when she sees him.

  “Hey now, Trent. Have a seat. Don’t be shy.”

  Kristina took the box he offered her and cocked an eyebrow at him. Frankly, she was still surprised that he’d shown up as early as he had. She could see Trent himself was a little surprised to be in this spot, but then again, with everything going on, could anything really be called a surprise anymore?

  “Trent, let me go ahead and pour us some bubbly,” Kristina said, placing the box on the counter and grabbing the champagne that had been left in the room by her client. “It is still your birthday weekend, and we are getting ready to begin a new year. Might as well have a double-sized celebration, right?”

  Kristina led Trent to a lounge chair in the room next to the master suite, where he took off his exterior clothing. Kristina was pretty sure she saw a gun in the back of his pants that he quickly tried to hide, but that didn’t faze her at all. She had grown up with guns, and in any case, she would have been more concerned if Trent had shown up without a gun.

  Kristina took his jacket and hung it up, then poured both of them tall glasses of champagne. She made it a point to pour a little extra into Trent’s glass, especially after he seemed to tense at the amount of liquid being poured into his glass.

  “Relax, Trent,” she said as she swung her arm around his shoulder. “You know champagne doesn’t have a kick to it. This will just be enough to take the edge off tonight. You seem nervous, though I really don’t know why. It’s not like we haven’t been here before.”


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