Our Bloodline

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Our Bloodline Page 14

by KC Kean

  Roman is reluctant to let her go, as she picks the letter up from the floor, and turns to Kai. Folding it up, just as it was, she holds it out for him to take.

  “I’ll go through it when you’re napping, Sakura. Right now, we’re all here for you,” Kai mutters, and she smiles down at him, swiftly leaning over to place a kiss on his lips, before turning back to the bag beside me.

  “If it’s too much, angel, I can pull the items from the bag, and then you can take them if you want to, or I can put them back,” I offer, and she nods, tears pooling in her eyes again as she sits beside Oscar.

  When she finally mutters, “Okay.” I look into the bag, my heart pounding with nerves, as her trust washes over me. I can’t curb the worry of invading her privacy, so I quickly pull out the first item, a soft orange blanket.

  “Oh my god!” she calls out in surprise, grabbing the blanket from my hands. Oscar, Kai, and I all watch in surprise, as she brings the blanket to her nose. Inhaling its scent, she looks down at it with wonder. “This is my blanket from when I was a baby. God, I remember how much I loved this thing. A memory has never come so naturally to me before.”

  “Loved that thing? Princess, you brought it everywhere! It was the most annoying thing, Meu…” he cuts himself off instantly, frozen in place at the slip of his tongue. Clearing his throat, Luna stops him.

  “It’s okay, Roman. I’m not saying I can handle hearing the words every five seconds, but don’t stop yourself from saying it,” she whispers, and he drops to his knees before her. He strokes the blanket in her lap, basking in his own memory for a moment.

  “I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy, Luna.” Looking up to search her eyes, he continues. “I said those same words to you when I was five years old, and you got this damn blanket stuck on a branch when you tried to climb a tree. Nearly broke my leg trying to get it back for you,” he murmurs, and she lightly chuckles.

  “I remember.”

  Without pause, he kisses her. I can feel the happiness coming from him, that she remembers a shared memory, one which doesn’t cause her pain. Finally pulling back, Luna looks at me with glossy eyes, encouraging me to pull something else out of the bag.

  Peeking inside the bag, I’m surprised only a stack of what look to be family photos remain.

  “This is everything that was in the bag,” I say, as I hold out the pictures for her to take. Her fingers stroke over the top picture, as tears begin to fall again.

  “I know this is a lot for you, Sakura, but we’re all really proud of you,” Kai tells Luna, and I couldn’t agree more. As I remember back to Washington, how she handled learning Roman’s secret then, is a massive difference to now. She’s come a long way emotionally since then, we all have.

  “Thank you, all of you. I can’t tell you how much it means for you to be here with me.” She smiles, going back to the pictures. She seems lost in her own world as she flips through them. No one says a word as we watch her smile grow with each passing photo. When she’s finally looked through them all, she holds them to her chest, as a sense of calmness seems to wash over her.

  Yawning, she glances at Oscar, “I want to lie down now.”

  He nods in agreement, “Of course, baby girl. Why don’t you get comfortable, and I’ll be there in a second, okay?”

  I’m surprised he doesn’t go instantly, it’s not like him to leave her be. Luna doesn’t seem to mind, smiling and heading straight for the bedroom. I stand to follow her, because I really don't want her to be alone. Oscar’s hand clamps down on my shoulder, holding me in place until she’s left the room.

  “Kai, I need you to read that letter, then I need you to research the safe house they want me to blow up for my assignment. I’ve held off on it, and now I’m glad because something doesn’t feel right about it, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence,” Oscar whispers, concern building around us.

  How is it, every time we find an answer to something, ten more questions form?



  Waking up this morning with my new-found knowledge has me feeling a little off-balance. My father, Bryce Steele, is alive. Alive. My heart still leaps out of my chest, every time that word bounces around in my head. I can’t help but feel frustrated with myself for not opening the bag the second I arrived at Featherstone. I just wasn’t brave enough to open it, not until Special Agent Dominic Bridge told me to.

  Taking a deep breath, I remind myself that everything happens for a reason, and I wasn’t meant to learn of this until now. Fixing my hair in a secure bun at the top of my head, I glance over myself. Wearing a pair of skin-tight khaki green combat pants with a long-sleeved black t-shirt tucked in, I lace my boots up. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be to take on the second round of The Games.

  Stepping into the lounge, the guys are whispering, and I instantly know they’re trying to keep something from me.

  “Spit it out!” I shout over their discussion, and they all instantly freeze, not a single one of them willing to turn around to look at me. Hands on my hips, I sigh, annoyed we’re here again. “I thought our connection was stronger than this now, am I wrong?”

  “No, baby girl,” Oscar instantly responds, as they all finally look in my direction. I don’t say anything, just continuing to stare at them with my eyebrows raised does the trick.

  “Just tell her,” Parker murmurs, and Roman sighs, making it clear he’s going to have to be the one to do the talking.

  “Oscar asked Kai to have a look into something last night, after you went to lie down. Kai’s found out a little more information, but not enough for a solid answer. We didn’t want to tell you and distract you from today, in case it’s not what we think,” he says, looking into my eyes the whole time.

  I rub my palms over my hips, as they start to sweat with my nerves kicking in. That’s not going to be enough information for me, and they know it. I call their bluff, not needing to utter another word for them to come clean.

  “So, I don’t know if you remember our assignments,” Oscar starts, and I roll my eyes.

  “Of course, I remember. Kai had to hack into DCM’s tech systems. Parker had to make working grapplers, like he’s Batman or something, and an undetectable tracking device. Which was one of your birthday gifts, Kai,” I say, dropping where I got his birthday gift from, and I catch his glance in surprise at Parker. “Roman had to confirm a business contract with DCM Tech and provide surveillance on Special Agent Dominic Bridge. Leaving you to create a stimulant shot and destroy a safe house for the agency.” I smile at myself, pleased I reeled that off so confidently.

  Oscar shakes his head, likely surprised I remembered everything. “Right, well, you obviously know Kai hacked their system, and Rome provided surveillance on the agent because they helped with your assignments.”

  “Have you read the letter?” I ask, going off topic a little.

  “I read it, Sakura, like you asked, and explained it all to everyone else,” Kai answers, and I smile appreciatively, a weight lifting off my shoulders I hadn’t even realized was there.

  “Good, I’m worried Totem played a part in sending me to get Dominic Bridge on the books because he knows he is linked to my father, with him mentioning Dominic in his letter. It worries me that Dominic also mentioned I wasn’t the first Featherstone student to approach him,” I breathe out, as I reveal what’s been playing on my mind.

  “Well, before Kai read the letter I asked him to look into something for me because I had a bad feeling, and I think I’m right. Which is why we were discussing it just now, and not wanting to worry you with it,” Oscar replies, running a hand through his already messy hair.

  “Just tell her Oscar, dragging it out is only going to make it worse,” Roman grunts, nodding his head in my direction to encourage him along.

  Oscar looks helplessly at me for a moment, before he sighs, “Can you take a seat then, let someone hold your hand or something? I have a feeling you might need comfort.” I frown in
confusion but take a seat on the sofa with Parker who sits beside me, lacing our fingers together.

  I glance at them all, but no one wants to continue. I know if I keep my gaze on Roman he’ll just blurt it out like he always does, but I feel like this needs to come from Oscar, so I sit and wait patiently for him to find his tongue.

  “So, Parker completed both of his assignments as well, and Roman did confirm a business agreement with DCM Tech too. Which just leaves me.” Clearing his throat, he sits on the coffee table facing me, and Kai squeezes his shoulder in support. “I’ve made the stim shots for temporary paralysis, but I haven’t handed over the formula yet. I didn’t want it to be used against us in The Games, but the details are all in my suitcase, on an encrypted microchip.” His words catch me by surprise, and I can’t help but glance in the direction of the bedroom as if I’ll see what they look like from here.

  Looking back at him, I watch as he nervously bounces his leg. His facial expression is grim, as beads of sweat begin to dot his brow lines.

  “That just leaves the safe house,” I murmur, looking down at my lap, realizing that’s the only thing left to discuss. He nods in agreement, but I’m racking my brain trying to figure out why it has him so worked up.

  We’d already discussed how all of our assignments seemed to interlink somehow, so where does this fit in? My grip on Parker’s hand tightens, as it slowly dawns on me.

  “My dad. You think my dad is at the safe house,” I whisper, as my heart beats so loud it pounds in my ears. Trying to gain control of my rapid breathing as panic kicks in, I look at Oscar. “Did … did you do your …” I can’t even finish my sentence, as I feel myself starting to hyperventilate.

  “No! No, Luna!” Oscar shouts, dropping to his knees before me, his hands cupping my face tenderly. “Baby girl, breathe for me. I haven’t done it. I haven’t completed the second assignment yet.” He frantically searches my eyes, as I watch him take deep breaths to encourage me.

  “Princess, follow his breathing,” Roman says from somewhere to my right, but I can’t pull my gaze from Oscar to look at him.

  Copying his movements, I feel my heart start to calm and the lightheaded feeling subsiding.

  “That’s it, keep going. Now tell me, what can you feel?” Roman asks.

  Clenching my hand tighter, I answer, “Parker. I can feel my Parker Parker,” I whisper, and Oscar smiles at me.

  “That’s it, Princess. Now, if you can tell me what you can smell, and see, it’ll help too,” Roman murmurs, as I take another deep breath.

  “I can see Oscar’s dreamy blue eyes,” I respond automatically, Oscar’s grin widening, as I internally scold myself for sounding so fucking girly. Taking a deep breath, “And all I can smell is vanilla since you Aceholes keep using my body wash.”

  “There she is,” Kai murmurs, and I glance at him. The movement easing the tension building inside of me.

  Every time my father has ever been mentioned before, it has sent me in a downward spiral, as my brain refused to remember my history. Panic kicks in. I’m only just learning my father is still alive, and there’s a chance Featherstone could be trying to turn him into ash. My mind went into a state of shock at the thought of something happening before I got to see him again.

  “Baby girl, I’m sorry for scaring you like that. When we heard the rumors that The Games were being brought forward, I decided I would only go through with the explosives assignment if I made it through The Games.” I turn my gaze to him, my eyes softening as I take him in. “Like I said, last night, I asked Kai to look into it because it just didn’t feel right suddenly, and once Kai read the letter and did some digging, I think I’m right.”

  “Don’t get used to it,” Roman mumbles and it makes me chuckle in surprise, lightening the mood that surrounds us.

  “Shut up, baby,” Oscar grumbles in response, using my nickname on him. “Kai found a general location of where the safe house might be located, which is two states over, and was able to pull footage of Dominic Bridge in the area after you met him at the diner.”

  I digest his words and what they mean. If he went there after I approached him at the diner, then called me on Saturday to agree to help me, he could have gone to see my father.

  “Okay, what do we do? I don’t want him out there unprotected if Featherstone knows where he is. We need to keep him safe,” I say, as I release Parker’s hand to stand, my head throbbing with the swift change in my mental state.

  “Should we tell Rafe?” Parker asks, and I nod in agreement.

  My phone is still in the bedroom, but as I head to grab it a knock sounds at the door. Shit, what time is it? I’m not ready for The Games yet, I need to get something in motion here first.

  “I’ll grab it,” Kai murmurs, opening the door to see Rafe on the other side.

  “I was just about to call you,” I say, as he steps into the room. The dark shadows under his eyes tell me he’s barely slept, at least he seems to have showered and is in fresh clothes. “Dad, what’s wrong?”

  “Sorry, Luna. I know I’m a half-hour early, but I have some more information,” he says, wrapping me in his arms. I can’t believe hugging wasn’t the norm for us until recently. The calming effect it has on me is indescribable.

  “It’s okay, the guys found something too, which is why I was about to call.”

  Pulling away, he looks me over. “First, how are you, darling? I know yesterday was a lot, even for me, and I want to make sure you’re alright.” His deep voice washes over me, as I try to explain my true feelings.

  “Honestly? I’m so fucking pissed that he’s been alive all these years and we’ve been left to believe this giant lie.” I release a breath, refusing to let my emotions get the better of me again. “Yet, my heart glows, knowing that he’s out there and I have a chance to see my dad again, instead of fighting with my memory to piece him together.”

  Rafe squeezes my shoulder in comfort. “Darling, I completely understand. When we see him again, I’ll get him in a bear hug while you beat the shit out of him for all of our heartache, okay? Just after we’ve soaked in all his love because I know he will have been hurting too.”

  I nod at his words, as I fight back my tears. My mind overwhelmed that this is even a possibility.

  Turning to the guys, Rafe asks, “So, what details did you happen to find?”

  The guys all look around at each other, deciding who should be the one to explain and Roman sighs.

  “One of Oscar’s assignments, which he did not complete yet,” he turns to Oscar with a ‘this is how you say it’ look, before turning back to Rafe. “Was to destroy a safe house, which we believe is where Bryce could be staying.” Simple, blunt, and straight to the point. My perfect Roman Steele-Rivera. The words making me smile, a complete contrast to the woman having a breakdown earlier.

  “In Ohio?” Rafe asks, and his response catches me by surprise.

  “Yeah...” Oscar murmurs, clearly surprised too.

  “It was in my letter,” Rafe says, answering my unasked question. “I sent a team in with Reggie last night. I couldn’t go myself and leave you here.” He smiles softly at me, and I can’t bring myself to argue with him. I’m coming to learn he’s going to put me first, every time, whether I like it or not. “But when the team got there, the place was bare. No sign of forced entry or anything, just simply empty.”

  I sigh, as I scrub a hand down my face. The closest thing to a lead we have and now it’s gone.

  “Don’t worry, darling. I’ve had the team out there take pictures of everything for me to go through. If he was there, he would have left something as a sign. If I don’t see it in the pictures, when this is all over, I’ll head out there myself, okay?”

  “Together,” I respond. I’m not being kept out of this, Featherstone be damned.

  “Together,” Parker says, and my heart swells with the love I have for my family. Through thick and thin they’re here for me, for each other.

  “Not to burst our
bubble,” Kai murmurs, “But we need to head down for the second game.”

  Fuck. I shake the negativity from my mind. We just promised together, and that means in everything, including this.

  Love. Family. Freedom. That is what I want, and I’ll do whatever it takes to get it.



  Dark grey clouds fill the sky, as we make our way over to the next location for The Games. Zipping up my black hoodie, I nervously rub the sleeves.

  The SUV comes to a stop in front of what looks like a giant warehouse. When we arrived at the main room, where Luna shot Veronica, there was a sign on the door advising everyone to make their way to Zone F in the SUVs provided.

  Following Rafe’s lead out of the SUV, I look around at our surroundings. Apart from the warehouse, there is nothing but the border of the property that’s around us. The high brick wall is topped with wrought-iron and barbed wire to our left, while trees lead off into a forest to our right. Making the warehouse look completely out of place.

  “Great, a creepy warehouse in the middle of nowhere. Just how I wanted to spend my Wednesday,” Oscar murmurs, as we slowly approach the double steel doors where two guards stand waiting for us.

  As we near, I notice the metal detectors and security scanners, which I’m assuming we’re going to have to go through to get inside. Harris Franks steps out in front of the security guards, his arms outstretched wide.

  “The Steeles, how are you?” He greets, tucking his hands in his pockets. “Sorry about the new security measure, but after Mr. Steele’s trigger-happy finger, we’ve decided to limit everyone’s access to weapons outside of the actual game.”

  I follow his gaze to Parker, who simply smiles and shrugs his shoulders in response. No remorse or apology evident on his face. His confidence boost makes me grin, but Luna and Oscar get all the blame for his new behavior.


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