Lost Pretty Boys

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Lost Pretty Boys Page 3

by Kailin Gow

  “John? Where is John? I would have thought this type of thing would be right up his alley.”

  “He’s in Italy for the moment,” I said. “Though he should be back in America soon.” I knew it was just wishful thinking - John had promised nothing of the kind - but I had to put it out there. I needed him more than ever. “So. How do we get started?”

  Lothario gave me a sweeping up and down glance. “As beautiful and provocative as you are, my dear Lux, I think something a little more… virginal might be appropriate. Something a little angelic.”

  I instantly frowned and looked down at my attire. “Virginal. I don’t think I have anything that fits that description.”

  “Why don’t you go up and take a look?” Lothatio insisted. “Something white would be nice.”

  Again, I looked down at my provocative tight black pants and dark grey shirt and pursed my lips. How dare he tell me to change. But I didn’t argue. “Fine. I’ll be right back.”

  “Take your time.”

  I looked at the two men; so powerful, so handsome, so head strong. What would they do if I left them alone? Shrugging, I headed up to my room and rummaged through my clothes. It was useless. I had nothing even remotely virginal or angelic, and aside from a few old t-shirts, I had nothing white. “Mom,” I muttered to myself. Surely she’d have something a little more suitable.

  I rushed to her room and went through her closet. Mom had a great sense of style, but it was far from my style. While it wasn’t necessarily stuffy, it did tend to be on the conservative side; a lot of suits, a lot of blouses and a lot of colorful scarves. But at the very back of her closet, hidden behind the crisply pressed slacks and the lightly starched shirts was a flowing white dress. I couldn’t even imagine my mother wearing such a dress.

  I pulled it out of the closet for closer inspection. The fragile spaghetti straps were sexy and while the tight white modest was equally sexy, the diaphanous chiffon overlay added the feminine and angelic feature Lothario wanted, as did the ruffled skirt that flowed like a whisper. It wasn’t perhaps as virginal as he’d like, but it would have to do.

  Reluctant to slip out of my tight black pants, I opted to simply pull my shirt over my head and slip the dress on over my pants. The full ruffled skirt did a great job of hiding my pants, and I felt more comfortable than if I’d simply worn the dress. Happy with my discovery I headed back down the stairs and overheard Lothario and Asher talking in the kitchen. Their voices were muffled and while I couldn’t make out what they were saying, the conversation seemed serious and intense.

  I closed in and leaned against the doorjamb to the kitchen.

  “I don’t think you really know what you're getting yourself into,” Lothario said.

  “Why does everyone keep saying that? John didn’t want me to do it. Lux certainly doesn’t want me to do it. And now you? I know what I’m doing. Why won’t anyone believe me?”

  “I think you should consider letting me do this instead.”

  “No,” Asher said with outrage. “Why should I let you? Lux is my girl. I feel a responsibility to her. Not only that, I want to do it for her. Look, man, I appreciate the offer, and I understand you have a certain sense of duty where she’s concerned, but I have to do this. I need to do this.”

  I nudged the door open to see them, my heart touched by Asher’s concern for me.

  “You humans,” Lothario said, throwing his arms up in the air. “I’ve been observing you for thousands of years and you still confound me; this propensity to be driven by your emotions rather than by logic.” He shrugged. “At times I’m in awe of you humans and your ability to become so attached to one another, but more often than not, I’m tempted to slap some logic into you. People are too often blinded by their emotions and it leads them into such trouble.”

  “You’re just jealous,” Asher said with a smirk.

  Lothario nodded and looked at Asher with new respect. “Perhaps I am,” he said solemnly. “Perhaps I am. I’ve at times felt something akin to the type of emotion you humans seem to be plagued with. I’ve felt a degree of tenderness for the charges I’ve protected over the centuries; Lux in particular.” He held up a finger. “But… I’ve never let it take over. My head always prevails.”

  “I think Lux has a way of bringing great emotions out of people. Watch yourself. You may lose your head yet.”

  Lothario laughed then clamped his hand over Asher’s shoulder. “No matter what happens, Lux will always have her angels watching over her, but if you should have a change of heart, you can count on me.”

  “I won’t.”

  Chapter 4

  I pushed through the kitchen door and twirled around in my newfound dress. “How’s this?” I stopped twirling and face them.

  Both men turned to me, their eyes instantly turning dark with lust and their jaws slack with hunger.

  “Waw,” Asher let out.

  “Is that your idea of virginal?” Lothario said with a wicked grin curving his lips.

  “Well… it’s white.” Holding out the feather light panels of the skirt on either side of me, I turned again. “There is something angelic about it, don’t you think?”

  Asher shook his head. “I’ve never seen an angel look quite so hot.”

  “It’s the best thing I could find.”

  “Well, then it’ll have to do,” Lothario said. “Now. Where do you propose we perform this ritual? I hardly doubt this kitchen will do.” As he spoke, he opened a kitchen drawer and examined the contents. He pulled out a variety of knives only to put them back. Finally he held up Mom’s new William’s carving knife. “However, this is more like it. Yes, this will do quite nicely.”

  Staring at the knife, Asher narrowed his eyes.

  “Any lingering doubts?” Lothario said as he rummaged through the upper cabinets and pulled out a large glass salad bowl.

  “None.” Asher said.

  Going through the linen drawer, Lothario pulled out one of Mom’s cherished hand embroidered tea towel.

  “Lothario, my grandmother embroidered that. It’s a prayer my mom really loves. You can’t take it.”

  Looking at the tea towel again, he nodded his approval. “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you…” He mumbled the rest of the prayer stitched into the towel. “Your mother has wonderful tastes in prayers. It’s also one of my favorites.”

  “Then, can you put it away?”

  “I’ll give it back when we’re done.”


  “Lux, do you want to do this the right way or not?”

  Groaning, I muttered, “Fine.”

  “So. Have you decided where this ritual is to take place?”

  “I think my bedroom would be the best suited room for this.”

  “Let’s do this,” Lothario said, taking the lead. He thundered up the stairs, humming and singing a gospel hymn. “Watch Thou my wayward feet, guide me with counsel sweet.” He hummed some more. “Purer in heart, help me to be.” More humming. “Teach me to do Thy will most lovingly.”

  Once in my room, he closed the door behind us and set the knife, bowl and tea towel reverently on the dresser then turned to Asher. “Strip down to your drawers.”

  “My… My what?”

  “Your briefs. Your boxers. Whatever you’ve got going on down there. Take everything off, but for heaven’s sake, keep your knickers on.”

  Asher hesitated.

  “Oh, for crying out loud. Don’t tell me you're going commando.”

  “No. You just caught me off guard, that’s all.” Asher pulled his shirt over his head, exposing the smooth skin of his shoulders and strong chest.

  He was a beautiful sight to see, and his sudden bashfulness only made him more appealing. With a quick glance my way, he turned to unfasten his jeans and pull them off, revealing tight white boxer briefs.

  “All right. Let us begin,” Lothario said. “Lux, please fill that bowl with water.”

  I hurried to my bathroom and filled the bo
wl with cool water before returning to my room. “Here you go.”

  With a reverent nod, Lothario took the bowl and set it down on the tea towel.

  “De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine,” Lothario murmured as he made a sign of the cross over the water with his fingers. “Domine, exaudi vocem meam.” With his thumb nail, he made a small cross on his forehead. “Fiant aures tuae intendentes, in vocem deprecationis meae.” Walking around to Asher’s back, he dipped his fingers into the water and sprinkled it over Asher’s back and feathered white wings. “Si iniquitates observaveris, Domine.”

  Turning suddenly to the knife on the dresser, he picked it up and it immediately lit up with a brilliant white light. “Domine, quis sustinebit? Quia apud te propitiation est.”

  I held my breath, afraid for Asher, afraid of what was to come. Biting my lip, I closed my eyes and muttered a simple prayer to keep Asher safe, but it wasn’t enough. The fear built up and while a part of me knew it had to be done, I couldn’t bear it. I looked at Asher’s perfectly smooth, soft skin and couldn’t bear the thought of it being cut.

  “Wait!” I shouted, my hands out to them.

  They both turned to look at me.

  “I can’t. I can’t, Asher. I can’t let you do this.” I looked to Lothario. “Don’t do it. I can’t let him.”

  “Don’t listen to her,” Asher said to Lothario. “Let’s get this over with… now.”

  “No!” I cried out. “I won’t let you.”

  “Do it, Lothario,” Asher shouted. “Now! Just cut them off.”

  I ran to them and tried to push Lothario away from Asher, but Asher pushed me onto the bed and rushed back to Lothario, turning his back to him. Before I could reach them again, Lothario had sliced off one wing.

  “Et propter legem tuam sustinui te, Domine.”

  Already, Asher’s face became a mask of pain. The color drained from his face and he was quickly as white as his wings. Lothario worked quickly through the second wing, but before it was completely severed, Asher fell to his knees.

  “Sustinuit anima mea in verbo eius.”

  “Stop!” I cried. “You’re killing him.”

  “Finish!” Asher shouted.

  Lothario sliced through the remaining flesh that held the wing in place. “Speravit anima mea in Domino.” Thick red blood trickled down from the awful wounds, quickly making its way down Asher’s back and staining his white boxer briefs.

  “Oh, my God. Lothario. What have you done? What have you done to him? How can he survive this?”

  With the bowl of water held over Asher’s back, Lothario said, “A custodia matutina usque ad noctem,” then poured the water over the open wounds. Asher cried out and tightened his fists.

  “Asher,” I cried.

  “I’m fine,” Asher said through gritted teeth.

  Lothario dabbed Asher’s wounds with my mother’s beloved tea towel. “Gloria, Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto.

  Asher suddenly began to shiver and I ran to my bed, pulled off the comforter and returned to wrap it around him.

  “Hang in there, Asher,” Lothario said. “There’s more.”

  “He won’t survive,” I argued.

  “It’s too late to turn back now, Lux. Don’t let his sacrifice be in vain.”

  Wrapping my arm around Asher’s shoulders, I kissed his temple. “Oh, Asher. I’m so sorry I got you into this. I should’ve never let you do this.”

  “I’m not sorry,” he whispered back. “It’s not as bad as it looks, Lux. Just let Lothario finish this.”

  “It’s almost over, Asher.” Lothario took a wing in each hand and held them up, up to a ceiling that seemed to have vanished. Dark clouds circled overhead and the ground beneath our feet suddenly shook violently. “Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et simper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.”

  An ominous rumbling filled the air and soon the entire house seemed to be rattling off its foundation.

  “Oh, no. Not an earthquake? Damn, of all days to...”

  “It’s not an earthquake,” Lothario said. “ ome here.”

  I came to him and with great reverence he wrapped Asher’s wings around me. “It is His power that has come to protect you. He is providing you with the protection of His angels.” He looked up to the heavens. “Cor Iesu, flagrans amore nostril. Inflamma cor nostrum amore Tui.”

  A blinding white light came from the center of the room, its imposing rays warm and comforting.

  “Take care, sweet Lux, and stay on the path,” Lothario shouted above the din. “You are strong, so much stronger than you know. You were chosen for this task, and now, you have the power to save the ones you love.” He turned around suddenly and went to stand beside Asher, saving him and taking his place before finally disappearing.

  It seemed like hours passed as the brilliant white light became more and more concentrated, narrowing and tightening until it was as sharp as a blade. In a final and dramatic flash, it came to me, searing me and filling me with unfathomable brightness.

  I suddenly felt indestructible. I had the strength and brilliance of not one, but two angels with me. I’d been angel marked and was now ready to make my way to Hades. “I’m coming for you Moore and Braxton. I’m coming.”

  Chapter 5

  “How are you feeling?” I asked Asher as he staggered to his feet.

  “A little woozy, but okay.”

  “What are we supposed to do now?”

  He shrugged, but his eyes were full of tenderness as he reached for my hand.

  “Does it hurt?” I said as I glanced at his back. Although blood still seeped from the wounds, they already seemed to be closing up.

  “Not really. It just stings a bit.”

  “That was horrible,” I whispered as the image of Lothario slicing through his skin came to mind.

  “I’ve seen worse.”

  My heart full of admiration for this man, I looked at him and squeezed his hand. Despite still being a little pale, he looked better than ever. Leaning in, I kissed his cheek. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “So am I. I’ll admit that for a minute there, I wasn’t so sure I’d make it out alive.”

  I looked around my room, the glow of the ceremony still visible, still palpable. The faint scent of something burning lingered in the air; flesh, candles, leaves. It was hard to tell what it could really be. “Okay,” I finally said as I let him go and stood. “I think we need to get to school.”

  “I really don’t think this is the time to be thinking about your education, Lux.”

  “No, silly,” I said as I picked up his shirt and tossed it at him. “To the football field… where the portal is.”

  He grinned as his head popped through the opening of his shirt. “Excuse my slow functioning brain. I did lose a lot of blood, you know.” To prove his point, he turned around to show me the blood already soaking through his shirt.

  Smiling, I hooked my arm in his. “I’ll forgive you this time, but you’ve got from here to school to get that blood rushing to your brain again.” I tucked my shoulder under his arm and helped him up. “Can you stand?”

  “Stand how hot you look?” He bit his lower lip.

  Smiling, I looked down at my white dress, now stained with Asher’s blood. “Stop being a wise guy. Can you stand up?”


  “Can you walk?”

  “If you let me just hang onto you a bit.”

  I led him down the stairs and out to the car. It was slow going, but he finally made it. “Sit tight,” I said as I opened the passenger door for him.

  He offered me a wisp of a smile as he sat down and buckled up. “I’m not so sure I enjoy being so frail in front of you.”

  I slammed the door shut and ran around to get into the driver’s seat. Turning the key in the ignition, I glanced at Asher, his eyes closed and his head tilted back. He’d made it this far; I could only pray he’d make it out of this endeavor alive.

  Driving through the streets of San Franc
isco proved tedious that morning with traffic blocking every route I tried to take; the highway had its usual array of fender benders and a few serious accidents, but even the smaller streets were blocked by something or other. One had a pick-up truck flipped over onto its side.

  “That guy must’ve really been in a rush to miss that corner.”

  The next intersection was blocked by fire trucks attacking a small fire.

  “What is going on today?”

  At the next corner city workers had the street cordoned off as they fixed a burst pipe.

  “I’m starting to get the feeling someone doesn’t want us to get to school,” I finally said.

  Asher simply groaned and looked out the window.

  “Well, whether they want us there or not, we’re coming.”

  I skirted the cones that blocked the street leading straight to the school, and ignored the shouting workers as I made my way across and finally came to the school yard.

  “Come on,” I said as I hopped out of the car. I rushed to open the gate, but realized Asher wasn’t following. He was still in the car, half asleep. “Asher.” I hurried back to the car and opened the passenger door.

  “Ready,” he said in a groggy voice. His eyelids were heavy with the need to sleep, but I shook him awake all the same. Smiling, he finally got out of the car and followed me onto the field.

  “Over there,” I said. “The portal is back there.”

  Asher trudged on behind me. “Are you sure this is it?” he said when I came to a stop.

  “Yep, this is it.” I turned to him. “So. We’re ready to do this?”

  “Ready, but the portal doesn’t seem to want to cooperate.”

  “That’s because it’s sealed.”

  Startled, Asher and I jumped and turned to see John standing behind us.

  “John! What are you doing here? I thought you were in Italy.”

  “I was. I got on the first plane out and came to find you. Funny how I knew you’d wind up here.”

  “I thought you didn’t believe me.” I looked at him, resisting the urge to give him a big hug.

  “I didn’t at first, but Asher convinced me. If he believed it was you, it had to be true.”


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