Lost Pretty Boys

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Lost Pretty Boys Page 12

by Kailin Gow

  “Never. You’re the only one for me. You’re the one I want, Lux, and I’m the only one you should want.”

  I smiled as I caught my breath. “In that case, I can’t wait to be with you, too, Alpha.” Damn, he was so good-looking. I wanted to melt into his eyes, melt into his arms. I glanced back at the girls still guarding my seat.

  “Don’t let them rattle you,” Romeo said. “They’re just playing. Meanwhile, I mean what I said about wanting only you.” He looked up to the two girls. “Cinda! Hilda! Leave Lux alone.”

  The girls sneered and snarled as I made my way back to my desk. With them staring menacingly at me throughout class, it seemed like hours later when the bell finally rang and all the students left. All except Cinda and Hilda who stayed behind a moment.

  “You can run along, girls,” Romeo said. “I have a tutoring session.”

  “Really?” Cinda said. “Tutoring? Is that what they’re calling it nowadays?”

  “Think what you’d like Ms. Thompson, so long as you leave my class.” Professor Romeo looked at her, his eyes cool and detached.

  Cinda sneered and snarled, hooked her arm into her sister’s and tossed her long flowing blond hair over her shoulder. Turning on their fashionable heels, the twins left the class with a huff.

  “Alone at last,” Romeo said, grabbing me by the hand and pulling me into his tiny little office. “Let’s not waste time. I missed you, Lux. When I don’t see you in a day… Ah! I’m hungry and I want you now!”

  He sat me on his desk, jacked up my skirt and plunged into me like a man possessed. After an exhausting moment of non-stop frenzied thrusting, he sat in his chair and invited me to come ride him. I played it slow despite his desire to play it fast.

  “I didn’t like the way those girls were looking at me,” I cooed as I straddled him and settled onto his shaft. “And I certainly didn’t like the way they were looking at you.”

  “I think the Thompson twins might be a little jealous of you,” he said as he kneaded my ass. He groaned. “What a nice fuckable ass you have, Lux. Ignore them. They’re just jealous.”

  “Great,” I muttered as I ground my hips against him. “And why is that?”

  “I think they’ve figured out that there’s something going on between us, and they’re not too happy about it.”

  “We’ve been careful. How could they have figured it out so fast? Besides, they just started your class.”

  “I guess word gets around fast,” he whispered.

  He raked his fingers through my hair and pulled my face away from him to look at me as I continued to ride him. “I have to believe that it shows there’s something between us. Just look at you now. Fuck, you’re sexy as all hell and everyone knows it. We’re in here almost every day. People are bound to figure out that. Hell, I’m just a man…a hot-blooded man like everyone else. How am I supposed to control myself with you around? You’re my favorite, Lux. My very favorite student. But my unquenchable desire. I can’t get enough of you. I always want more, and I have to hold myself back when I’m with you.”

  He pulled me to him, hugging me tight as I continued the slow ride for a moment longer before stopping completely.

  “Alph, maybe we should just stop before this gets out of hand,” I suggested. I felt his cock throb inside me and wondered if stopping was even possible at this point.

  “Are you kidding me?” he said. “Hell no. I don’t even know if I can. I want you all the time.”

  “I do really need to focus on Latin. Maybe we should just take our respective roles more seriously. You teach me Latin and I’ll learn it.”

  He grabbed my ass and rammed his cock up deeper inside me. “I thought you liked me fucking you.”

  “I do,” she said with a restrained groan. “I do. I like it too much.”

  “Then let me keep fucking you, Lux.” He brought his hand to my face, stroking my cheek with his fingers while his thumb ran sensually over my lips. “Let me fuck you forever, Lux. Let me make love to you all the time. Why stop?”

  “You’re my professor. And I’ve been ignoring my friends and family. I’m here on a mission and you’re derailing me. It’s like I’ve become a sex fiend since I’ve met you.”

  He gripped her hips. “So you want us to stop?”

  She squirmed over him. “No, don’t stop.”

  “You sure?”


  “Then I won’t stop. I’ll never stop. There’s something special between us, Lux. This is more than just sex. This is something so deep, so profound, so eternal.”

  “My boys… I have to lead them,” I mumbled, trying to find the strength to make the right decision. But my body wouldn’t let me. “I have to get them back.”

  “Forget about boys. You have a man in front of you. A full-grown red-blooded man. I alone can make you happy, fulfill you, complete you.” He leaned in to kiss my neck as his climax built up. “I need you, baby. I need you so much. I need you to be with me. Only me.”

  Torn between the hunger she felt for this man and the loyalty and love I felt for my boys, I became increasingly confused as my body betrayed me and erupted into the wildest orgasm ever.

  Chapter 17

  Once outside her Latin class, I headed to the girl’s bathroom. I needed to collect my thoughts and consider what I was really doing at the academy. My goal was to get better and stronger, to learn all I needed to know in order to get Moore and Brax back, yet here I was fooling around with my professor every day. It had to stop.

  I pushed the door to a stall to check if someone was there but was brutally pushed into the stall instead. I caught a glimpse of long strands of glistening blond hair and assumed it was Cinda or Hilda… or both. I tried to keep my balance, but fell forward.

  A kick on the calf sent me falling to my knees in front of the toilet and when a strong fist collected a handful of my hair and pulled back, I was certain I was going to hit the side of the toilet bowl hard.

  I quickly swept my leg around and tripped up the assaulting girl. Once on the ground, I saw that I’d caught Hilda who now lay on the tiled floor, blood seeping from her mouth where she’d hit the side of the wall. But I could hear Cinda close by. I looked up to see Cinda coming but before she could get any closer, I sprang to my feet and kicked Cinda in the gut, sending the pretty girl falling back into the sinks.

  “We won’t forget this,” Hilda hissed as she wiped the blood from her mouth and collected her twin. “We won’t forget.”

  After a victorious moment of patting myself on the back for having so deftly defended myself, I suddenly felt weak and woozy. I sat on the toilet a moment, trying to calm the sudden sense of discomfort that overtook me. My energy was gone and all I wanted to do was lie down.

  Instead, I took a deep breath and forced myself up and walked out of the girl’s room.

  “You okay?” Lucas said as he came by. “You look awful.”

  Sully pushed my hair off my face. “Awful in the sense that you’re beautiful, but you look awfully sick.”

  “I don’t know what happened. I just don’t feel very good.”

  “Come on,” Lucas said. “I think we need to take you to the hospital.”

  “I don’t think this is something a hospital can take care of,” I said. “I just feel… I don’t know. I feel kind of empty inside.”

  Asher came and joined them. “What’s going on?” He looked at me. “Ooh, what happened to you?”

  I glared at him. Did I really look that awful?

  “You sure showed up fast enough,” Sully said. “Did you sense something was off?”

  “Yeah.” Asher looked at me. “What’s up, Lux.”

  “I don’t know. I feel strange.”

  Asher, Lucas and Sully looked at one another.

  “Strange timing, don’t you think?” Lucas said. “Asher and I found evidence of a succubus here on campus; a drained body. And now Lux is feeling strange.”

  “Feeling drained,” Asher added.

; “Anyone new in your life lately?” Lucas asked me. “Anyone that you’ve started hanging out with other than us?”

  “There’s someone new in my life, but I haven’t exactly been hanging out with them.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I was attacked in the bathroom by two new girls in my Latin class. Twins.”

  “You were attacked?” Asher cried out, roaring with rage.

  “Are you talking about the Thompson twins?” Sully said, his fists clenched in anger.

  I nodded.

  “Shit,” Lucas spit between his teeth. “Don’t worry. I’ll have mum look into their records. I want to know how they ended up here.”

  “You could find out about all the new students while you’re at it,” Sully said.

  “Yeah. I don’t understand what’s going on.” Lucas looked at me. “You’ve probably noticed all the new students. There’s been a rash of late enrollments lately. Something strange is going on. We shouldn’t be seeing this many enrollments. We’re a specialized academy. We shouldn’t be seeing these numbers.”

  Sully pounded his fist into his open palm. “Damn it. I can’t believe someone tried to hurt you.” He came over to take me in his arms.

  “Calm down, Sully,” Lucas said. “We’ll figure it out.”

  “We were only six in the Latin class last week,” I said. “This week, the class was overflowing.”

  Asher looked knowingly at me.

  “Beautiful beings?” I said.

  Asher nodded. “Or succubus, or hybrids… and they’re here at the academy.”

  “Semper vigilans,” I said.

  “Come again?” Sully said.

  “It means we have to be even more vigilant,” Asher said.

  Chapter 18

  I awoke to the smell of pancakes and quickly dressed to make her way downstairs. As I tied a sash around my delicate red cotton dress with white piping, I looked at her reflection.

  The color had returned to her cheeks and she looked like herself. Hopefully the look would stick. She hated the dismal shade of green she’d been the day before.

  “Asher? Are you making my favorite chocolate chip pancakes?” I called out as I made my way down the stairs. I knew the answer just by the increasingly intense sweet scent.

  “How d’you guess?” he said with a wry smile. As handsome as ever, he stood at the stove with a spatula in hand. He was adorable.

  “How come you’re not in class this morning?” I said as I sat on a stool at the breakfast counter.

  “No classes this morning for me. I only have a few classes this afternoon.” He poured coffee into my cup and set it in front of me. “I guess you could say that I’m doing quite well in college. I’m ahead in a lot of classes.”

  “So what’s the special occasion? Why are you making my favorite?” I took a sip of coffee and let the hot liquid warm my insides.

  “Because, Lux, I know you’ve been going through a lot lately with the Thompson twins and all, and I just wanted to offer you a special treat.” He paused and looked at me longingly. “And I love you. Since school started, you’ve been so busy with classes, I hardly see you. It takes you getting hurt for us to be close again. I really miss you, Lux. I want to be here for you. I want to protect you."

  With misty eyes, I stood and went around the counter to give Asher a big hug as he tended to the pancakes. “You’re so sweet. Thank you.”

  Asher flipped the pancake onto a plate. “Anything for you. Anything just to see that smile.”

  He bent down to kiss me, and I remembered how much I desired his kisses, his touch, and his lovemaking. I kissed him back, and soon we were kissing passionately, with pent up desires and longing. When the smell of burning pancakes made Asher pull away, I pulled back, relishing his soothing but passionate touch.

  I returned to my seat and Asher set the plate in front of me. I inhaled deeply, letting the sweet, chocolaty scent fill me.

  “Dig in,” Asher said as he leaned on the counter in front of me and leisurely sipped his coffee.

  “What are you going to be doing this morning if you don’t have classes?” I took a huge bite of my pancake and let the chocolate melt in my mouth.

  “I want to try to find out more about the empty shell we found. I want to know if we have a succubus on our hands.”

  “Or several.”


  “Well, I have my first martial arts class today.”

  “I didn’t know you were taking martial arts. Is it because of the Thompson twins?” Asher broke off a piece of my pancake and popped it into his mouth.

  “Sort of. I was scheduled to have a few classes later on in the semester, but I asked to have them bumped up a bit.” I took a bite of pancake and thought about my fight with Cinda and Hilda. While I was happy I’d been able to fend them off, I wasn’t completely satisfied with the speed with which I’d defeated them.

  Looking back at the fight, I was slow and felt the fight could have easily gone the other way.

  “You okay?” Asher asked when I remained silent.

  I looked at him and pressed my lips together as I analyzed my emotions. “I’m feeling a little nervous lately. A bit jittery. It’s not like me.”

  Asher put his hand over mine. “You’ve been through a lot. You have Brax and Moore to think about. I think it’s normal that you feel a little jittery. But I’m here for you. If you need help with anything, if you just want to talk about it all, let me know. Even if you wake up in the middle of the night and you can’t sleep because that annoying hamster just keeps running around on that eternal wheel in your head, come see me.”

  “Thank you, Asher. I really appreciate it. It’s funny how sometimes I feel so well surrounded; you, the Goods, my father… and yet sometimes I feel so all alone, as if all the problems that have been plaguing me were mine and mine alone.”

  Asher smiled. “Well, they’re not. We’re all here for you. Especially me. You know how much I love you, so much that I gave you my angel wings. I love you so much, Lux.”

  I set my fork down, and stood, pulling Asher to me for a big hug and a passionate kiss. “I love you so much, too, Asher. If you were in the same situation as Brax and Moore, I’d give up my life to save you, too. Thanks for breakfast.”

  “Anytime, Lux. You slayers need your strength.”

  “True,” I smiled. “You’re always watching out for me, Asher,” I kissed him again. “I’m so lucky to have you in my life. I love you, but I gotta go.”

  “I’ll see you later,” Asher said, kissing me on the forehead.

  I went to my usual first morning classes, then headed to my first martial arts class. The large room was empty save for the mats laid out on the floor.

  “Settle down, class,” the trainer called from the center of the room. He was a small, compact man who seemed to be all muscle.

  About thirty students settled onto the mats and looked up at the trainer. But the only students that interested me were the twins. I’d spotted them the moment I’d walked into the room.

  Increasingly, I gotten the sense they were stalking me. It seemed everywhere I turned they were there. Something was up, and I didn’t like it.

  “Okay, class,” the trainer said. “I’m Master Hong, and I’ll be your trainer for the next little while. What I want to do today, for starters, is to evaluate your various capabilities. This isn’t a test, so don’t stress out about it. It will simply help me to know where we start.”

  I quickly evaluated my own talent. I usually managed pretty well but lacked certain technical aspects.

  “So,” Master Hong said, “I’m going to pair you up based on physical height and weight. So, let’s put you and you together.” He pointed to two guys. “Then you can pair up with her,” he went on pointing to two tall, heavy set girls. “You can go with her.”

  I sighed with relief. Master Hong had just set me up with a pretty brunette and not one of the twins.

  With everyone paired up, Master
Hong invited everyone to show off their best moves. Most students started off slow and easy, showing off their moves without really attacking one another.

  I looked at my partner and struck her a few times, getting in a kick here and there while the pretty brunette took an easy laid-back attitude toward me.

  But after just a few easy moments, the brunette turned up the power and aggression. She kicked me in the ribs hard, catching me off guard.

  “Hey,” I said. “This is just an assessment, not a fight.”

  “All’s fair,” the brunette said. She spun around and kicked me again, this time at the back of the knee, sending me to the mat.

  Realizing that I’d have to get into a real fight, I stood and took on a more aggressive stance. “Okay, then,” I said. “That’s the way you want to play it? Bring it on.”

  The brunette drop kicked at me, but I backed away, dodging the blow. Smiling and ready for the next attack, I was suddenly hit from the back, sending me to my knees. I glanced back just enough to catch Hilda preparing to kick me again.

  I looked to Master Hong who was busy analyzing a pair of fighters on the other side of the class.

  Cinda joined in, smashing me in the ribs while Hilda landed a blow to the side of my head. Bloodied and finding it difficult to breath, I wanted to call out to Master Hong.

  Just as he turned to scan the class, the twins backed off, leaving me on the mat.

  “What happened her?” Master Hong said as he came to me. “Oh, this is not good. Not good at all.”

  Yeah, I thought. I’d figured as much.

  “I think we’re dealing with a bit of a clutz here,” the brunette said.

  Master Hong put his fists on his hips and looked at me with disappointment. I got to my feet and wiped the blood from my mouth. The twins were back at their respective mats. How could I tell Master Hong that I’d been ambushed?

  “I think this class may be a little too advanced for her,” the brunette went on. “She tried to kick me and lost her balance. What kind of fighter is that? She makes herself topple over.”


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