Book Read Free

Full Circle

Page 12

by Linden Carroll

  “Fiona, I was wrong to send your mother and father away but they were so young, they couldn’t look after you and I didn’t see any other way of handling the situation. Your father insisted on paying all education for you. It was his wish that no expense would be spared on your advancement and the attainment of a profession of your choice. He has contributed monthly to your trust fund for the last twenty years.”

  Amy raised her eyes and looked steadfastly at her mother but said nothing. Her mother continued to address her granddaughter.

  “I sent them away and you became my legal ward of court. They had no choice. They wanted the best for you but they were both too young to care for you, just kids themselves.”

  Fiona looked from one to the other, noting her mother’s tiny worn frame echoing the years of regret. Going forward, she clasped her mother to her.

  “I’m so very happy to meet you at last. We have quite a bit of catching up to do.”

  And that was an understatement.

  Chapter 14

  England Beckons

  Alex had a window seat and the approach to Vancouver was more spectacular that he could ever have envisaged with its mountain ranges, valleys and lakes. Following his usual travel path, he had booked into a hotel near the airport in downtown Vancouver until he got his bearings. The city offered a huge range of good restaurants but for the first night, he elected to eat in the hotel dining room and get an early night. Plenty of time to look around, he thought, as his meeting with Rick, his prospective employer, was not until the following Wednesday; give him a chance to get his bearings and familiarise himself with the area.


  Sitting across the table from Rick in the Vancouver pub a few days later, Alex was feeling very optimistic. The pair of them obviously liked each other immensely and found they had common interests.

  “So, Alex, how do you like Vancouver so far?”

  “I’m very impressed. It’s really easy to get around and not so big that it’s overwhelming. I believe I have my bearings now. I know which way the streets run and I have to say Burrard Inlet and English Bay are something else.”

  “Yes I really like this coast, I’ve been all over Canada but this is it for me.”

  Rick was very pleased with himself, thinking he’d hit the jackpot with Alex, a good choice and felt very much at home with him.

  They chatted for a while and Rick gave a good overview of his business which he operated out of Vancouver, running tours to Vancouver Island, through Howe Sound, Sunshine Coast and to the Gulf Islands. Alex could see from the business documents Rick had brought with him for review, that the operation was extremely profitable. His job would be as Rick’s backup and right-hand man, which suited him very well as he wanted to learn what he could about the tour boat business without taking the full responsibility at this stage.

  Both were very excited about their first meeting and when they had finished talking business, Rick took Alex on a tour of the cruiser berthed off Vancouver. Alex had never felt envy in his life but this was a cruiser he would, well almost kill for, absolutely perfect, well maybe a little big for his purposes. Rick understood that Alex had to see other prospective employers and following up on their previous discussions, made him an offer surpassing Alex’s expectations, obviously extremely keen to get him onboard. The arrangement was that they would touch base the following week when Alex had explored and reviewed his other prospects. Alex subsequently accepted Rick’s offer and that was the beginning of a team effort spanning several years hence.


  Accommodation, thought Alex as he enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, that’s the next priority. He was feeling really good about yesterday’s meeting with Rick and optimistic about the future. Leafing through the ads in the local newspaper and a couple of real estate leaflets for a rental, his eyes searched out those with a water view, the main stipulation, as always. They were all pretty expensive but he reasoned his day to day living was modest which would offset the monthly outlay. A few days later had him signed up with a one year lease. The chosen apartment catered to all his basic needs and although small, came with an outstanding view of English Bay and beyond.


  The next few months were staggeringly busy for both men with business booming and much to learn for Alex. Rick was completely enamoured with his new crew member admiring him for his work ethic and general approach to life, much the same as his own, they were definitely on the same wavelength. Each day was a new adventure for Alex. What a truly beautiful country. His first trip to the Gulf Islands, encompassing over two hundred islands, had left him in awe. Rick focussed mainly on Gabriola, Pender and Salt Spring for his tours, each with many diverse activities and sights from the more commercial resorts to the rustic, offering havens for hikers and nature seekers. En route they were sometimes accompanied by whales and dolphins and had actually seen pods of whales following the boat.

  Alex was particularly taken with Salt Spring Island, a popular centre for the arts, music and dance. The community’s famed Saturday market played host to many offshore and local artists and visitors. Rick always allowed time on this particular stop over for both of them to go snorkelling and experience the exquisite array of intertidal marine life spread out before them. Snorkelling was something completely new to Alex and the Gulf Islands offered some of the best in the world. When they weren’t underwater, their cycling trips through soft, pastoral meadows and the glass of ale at the end of a long ride was always a welcome respite for both of them.

  Following one of their trips and having a few days off while the boat underwent some checks, Rick arranged for a foursome. Although doubtful about the whole affair, Alex agreed to make up the numbers.

  “You need to do a bit of socialising, get out of yourself for a while. You’re far too reclusive,” Rick had said. His girlfriend Sandy had a friend and he had been trying for months to get Alex to accompany them on a night out. Alex had steadfastly declined but Rick had caught him this time when his guard was down and being in a festive mood, he made a snap decision to meet the three of them in a downtown bar for drinks before dinner.

  “Just a friendly get together.” Alex had stressed, “I’m not looking for a relationship.”

  Having second thoughts and regretting his decision to meet up that night, Alex moved towards the bar, his gaze falling on a woman idly stirring her Bloody Mary with a stick of celery at the end of the counter. She turned her head slightly, obviously waiting for somebody. Alex stopped dead in his tracks. The resemblance to Amy was uncanny, except that she was a bigger version and her hair was dark but her mannerisms were remarkably familiar to him. She was smiling now and her eyes firmly fixed on him. Her gaze was discerningly unwavering and he felt mildly uncomfortable. Having directed the barman on his needs, he settled himself a safe distance down the bar putting enough space between them without appearing obviously rude. They each sat nursing their drinks, casting glances slyly at each other, disconcerting when their eyes met, particularly as she was obviously deriving much amusement from his embarrassment. Alex had never been practised in the art of concealment when it came to his emotions and was about to finish his drink and leave as the situation was becoming annoying, when he heard Rick’s voice.

  “Hi there, Alex, how are you doing friend? Let’s get the party going. Angela come over here and meet Alex.”

  To Alex’s amazement, she un-twirled her long legs from the bar stool and eased her way towards them. He had to admit she was gorgeous and as she closed in on him, he could see that her resemblance to Amy had been only fleeting. She had her own set of attributes; she didn’t need to ‘piggy back’ on anybody else’s.

  The evening was fun for all four and concluded with a walk along the shore. The sunsets at English Bay were generally spectacular with the added plus that different musical groups would generally strike a few chords on warm balmy evenings. That night, it was Caribbean with all the fire and sensuality typical of the music. A couple danced barefoot
in careless abandonment; their shoes flung casually to one side with the same desertion.

  He knew Angela wanted to dance as she linked her arm intimately through his but he held back. It didn’t escape him that Rick was watching them in a devilish way, catching his eye in what Alex recognised as a matchmaker in progress. Firmly disengaging himself from his warm companion, he called over to his friend.

  “Think it’s getting pretty late. Maybe we should make a move. We have a really early start in the morning.”

  “Yes, you’re absolutely right and we still have to go over some paperwork before the first group arrive. Okay girls, party’s over.”

  Rick was right back in the work mode.

  Alex chose to ignore the disappointment on Angela’s face.

  “Well, it’s been a great evening and a real pleasure meeting you Angela.”

  Making his exit quickly but graciously he headed back to his apartment.


  “Well,” said Rick in exasperation the next morning.

  “You haven’t said one word about her, or made one comment about the evening.”

  “It was a terrific evening.”

  “You know that’s not what I meant. How did you get on with her?”

  “She’s a nice woman.”

  “Nice,” Rick spluttered.

  “My God, man, she’s more than nice. She has a great job, she’s super smart and not hard on the eyes either and she obviously has a thing for you already.”

  Alex just grinned.

  “Yes, it was a nice evening, really terrific.”

  “Okay, okay got your drift. Talk about stiff upper lip; typical Brit.”

  “No really, it was a good evening and I was just being friendly to her, nothing more and I mean nothing more Rick. I’m not in the market.”

  “Okay well I hope we’ll be able to make a foursome again as it was so enjoyable. It was a good break which we both needed. Sandy’s been getting a bit up tight lately as we’re spending so much time working.”

  “Yes, it was a good break and sure we’ll do it again when we get time.”

  Rick was to hold him to that and ease Angela into Alex’s world whenever he got the chance.


  As the months passed, whenever business was a little slower, Rick would allow Sandy and Angela to accompany them by arrangement as they both needed notice to take time out from work.

  This was one such trip; they were going to the Sunshine Coast, a short hop from Vancouver past English Bay and Bikini Beach. Rick explained that the beach was so named by the locals because many years previously a group of young people got together at every opportunity sporting scant swimwear, their aim being to alternate between swimming and frying their bodies in the sun. The years had lessened their number but not the enthusiasm of those remaining. These long standing diehards still gathered except their once golden, firm bodies were now coriaceous and worn, succumbing to gravity and poor versions of the sun worshippers of bygone days, albeit all were still excellent swimmers.

  The journey continued via a sheltered bay, shaped by magnificent cliffs into a horseshoe and named accordingly as Horseshoe Bay and then across to the small community of Gibsons. The weather couldn’t be improved upon and all four were in the best of spirits.

  Alex and Rick waited for the two girls as they explored one of the little craft shops. The backcloth of Gibsons Landing was outstanding with its view of Howe Sound and the coastal mountains, mesmerising the friends as they stood.

  “I just can’t believe my eyes.” Alex was repeating himself again.

  “It’s got to be one of the most sought after countries in the world. Rick if we get a chance, I wouldn’t mind seeing the Art Gallery while we’re here, I’ve heard so much about it.”

  “Of course, it’s just a short stroll from here and we’ll stop and have a fresh fish lunch, I know just the place.”

  The excited chatter behind them cut into their conversation as Sandy and Angela came bursting out of the little store sporting a couple of packages each. The four had many such days, filled with pleasure and fun but in his quieter moments, Alex’s thoughts were never far from his home. The months became years and he buried the longing for his homeland deep within him.


  Whenever he had any spare time, Alex usually took himself to Stanley Park. A favourite walk for him was Beaver Lake. The introduction of water lilies to the lake in the 1940s had altered the natural course of events by speeding up the return of the lake to a marsh ecosystem. While still to be enjoyed, it was apparent that the lake would be no more in the not-too-distant future.

  Warm sunny days took him also to Lost Lagoon which looked as if it had been there forever but was also a product of man’s innovative architectural abilities, earning its name by disappearing when the tide turned and the water drained. Shutting off the sea water pipes solved the problem and brought about a fresh water lake which remained constant throughout the year. Alex always carried food and water with him in his knapsack, a throwback from his childhood, preferring sunny days when he could sit by the lake on his favourite bench luxuriating in the warmth of the sun and dozing, having eaten his lunch. The benches were dotted about the park and donated by people in remembrance of their loved ones who had passed.

  On the rare occasion, he would see otters and even turtles present in the lake. The warm sunny days would entice the reptiles up onto the rocks to sun themselves. They actually appeared to communicate with the ducks, their heads moving in unison when the birds hopped up to share their space vocalising loudly.

  His hike generally continued up to the Remembrance Gardens where he meandered through the woods by a small waterfall and pond. The gardens were created shortly after the war in memory of air force personnel who lost their lives in World War II. He stooped to clear the weeds away from the British RAF plaque pausing a few moments to honour all those brave souls who had given up their very lives in the fight for freedom. His own father came to mind, now just a vague memory of him was all that remained with Alex as he struggled to recall details of the man he had so loved and lost in such a short time span.

  A man of habit, the final part of his walk invariably found him standing by a Queen Elizabeth Oak from the Royal Forest at Windsor, planted on May 12, 1937 in commemoration of the Coronation of King George V1 and Queen Elizabeth. Alex always found it incredible that the tree had been planted one year before he was even born. Displaced and struggling, it was a poor replica of the massive oak trees he had seen in England but still it stood bravely in the face of the winds which could prove quite severe blowing across from the Pacific and adjacent English Bay.


  The phone sounded in the living room. It was Angela. Did he want to go out to see a movie or something? He didn’t but thought he should make the effort as his recurring depression was resurfacing. Angela’s place was on the other side of town but a pleasant walk which he welcomed. It was a fine evening and his spirits lifted as he approached her apartment building.

  “Would you like a quick drink before we go?” she offered in welcome when she appeared, looking ravishing as always.

  “Perhaps later, maybe we should get going, don’t want to miss the show.”

  Once again, Alex was reluctant to be in close proximity to this stunning vision in her revealing but beautifully tailored red dress and shiny black high heeled shoes, high though they were, he still towered over her. Bob used to laugh all those years before as he measured Alex by lining him up against the door frame and putting new markers above the previous ones. It seemed that the youth grew another inch almost every time they went through this routine.

  The film was a good distraction and both were in good spirits when they reached her place that evening.

  “Well, are you going to have that drink now?”

  She was inviting and appealing. He didn’t want to spend the night alone and found himself following her through the door.


  Alex let
himself out quietly as dawn was breaking and walked slowly through the deserted streets. He had always loved walking in the early morning, so pristine, so quiet and had never lost the habit of his early days as a pauper on the London Streets. He grinned wryly wondering what Angela would have thought about that previous life of his, not much, of that he was sure.

  Savouring a cup of tea later on his balcony, he watched the sunrise and reflected on the previous evening. She knew he didn’t love her, purely satisfying his manly needs and sensed his irrevocable commitment to another. He saw the hurt in her eyes and hated himself for causing her pain but had no control over events. It was a two-way street, he reasoned with himself. She had pursued him relentlessly and he knew that last night had changed the entire nature of their relationship; it would never be the same again and he was right.

  Over the following weeks, their meetings were strained. It was difficult to get back onto a comfortable footing and gradually by mutual agreement, they stopped seeing each other. Rick refrained from asking and ceased arranging get-togethers for the foursome. His partner and friend was distant, obviously transported elsewhere, on many occasions his eyes just fixed on the horizon staring out to sea lost on that island sitting between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea.


  Alex stood on the shore looking over the inlet at the distant peninsular; eyes half closed against the cold, lashing wind. The land mass on the horizon was reminiscent of the Isle of Wight. It was a raw day and pulling his jacket up around his neck, he saw an angry sea and an even angrier sky with clouds racing across the horizon in black fury. A ‘Turner’ sky always came to his mind in stormy weather; particularly Turner’s 1805 Shipwreck painting. Alex likened the picture to his own experiences and the useless futility of fighting the power of an enraged sea. The paramount inferiority of man had manifested itself to him many times over the years particularly with the loss of his dear friend Jack.

  Both Constable and Turner were Alex’s favourite British artists. Both shared their common interest in British landscapes in the late 1700s to mid-1800s; Constable always calm and consistent with his beautiful soft landscapes and Turner revealing the ever-evolving light and atmospheric qualities in his seascapes.


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