Saved by the Big Bad Wolf: A Darkhills Romance

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Saved by the Big Bad Wolf: A Darkhills Romance Page 6

by Elizabeth Greene

  Cayden had driven them to a hospital the next town over from Darkhills territory. He said he knew of a doctor there that was a bear shifter so would be able to keep a close eye on her grandma while she was in hospital, and more importantly would be able to ensure her paperwork turned out looking normal. Shifters tended to be robust and quick to heal, so rarely went to a hospital unless it was necessary. A woman in her 80’s with a broken collar bone and potentially other fractures fitted into that category.

  Grandma had been admitted to a ward for examination over three hours ago and Rose still hadn’t been allowed to see her or had any kind of update from the waiting area receptionist. Whenever she’d asked, she had gotten the same answer: sit back down and wait. She hadn’t been told quite as directly as that of course, the nurses had smiled pleasantly with kind eyes and used soothing voices, but the message was the same no matter how much it was sugar coated.

  Rose fidgeted while she sat, her legs bouncing furiously. Her wolf paced back and forth in time with her. Cayden had disappeared to try to find something to eat for them but honestly, she got the impression that he just used that as an excuse to avoid talking with her. She got it. It was awkward.

  He had killed the man who was attacking her then given her a kiss that was hotter than sin, only to be interrupted by her flirtatious and teasing grandma. He now had to face the consequences of his actions. They both did. Yup, the fact remained that at some point they had to talk about the seriousness of their situation, she couldn’t do that without him there.

  A small part of her wondered if he was going to come back at all. Her wolf snorted at that, incredulous at the mere suggestion.


  Maybe she was right. The lone wolf might still be a mystery to her, but he showed up when it counted, and so far, had shown Rose that he knew how to do what was right. Rose shuddered. If Cayden hadn’t turned up when he did, things could’ve been a lot worse.

  Rose was no damsel, she would’ve shifted and tried to fight the Alpha on her own, but though she considered herself to be a strong and fast wolf, the Alpha was bigger and stronger than her. He would’ve won. The consequences of that still filled her with fear. Without Cayden’s actions she had no doubt in her mind how far Sam would’ve gone to secure himself a mate.

  If her hero would just come back to the waiting room, she could thank him. Shame burned at her. She hadn’t even uttered one word of thanks. He had saved her, and she hadn’t even told him she appreciated what he had done. Maybe he was pissed with her, she had caused more than just a little trouble for him.

  Her wolf rolled her eyes this time.

  Oh, how nice it must be to know with absolute certainty the character of your mate. Rose thought back at her wolf with a snap.

  If Cayden would just come back already, she would have a better chance of knowing what he was thinking but until he did, how the hell was she supposed to know?

  Her wolf huffed at her.

  Annoyed by the internal argument she was having with herself; Rose stood and began to walk the room. She wasn’t the only person waiting on news. A few humans sat numbly in their seats, some were quietly crying, others were restless just like she was. Some had small paper cups filled with coffee. It smelt distractingly bitter. What she wouldn’t give for a cup. It would probably taste like dirt but at least it would mask the hospital smell and give her something to do.

  As if on cue, Cayden strode back into the waiting room carrying two cups of steaming coffee and a bag of what looked like candy bars. Rose rushed to meet him.

  “Oh, thank god you found coffee.” She eagerly accepted the cup offered and took her seat once more.

  “I didn’t know how you liked it, but I figured you’d appreciate the sugar.” Cayden said softly.

  “Usually, I’m a black coffee kind of gal, but this will do nicely.”

  Cayden frowned and took hold of her cup and swapped it with his own inky, steaming drink.

  “Well, that works out well for me; I prefer mine with cream and sugar.” He took a long sip of his drink and sighed.

  Rose watched his throat work as he swallowed and felt her belly do a little flip. He caught her looking and offered her an awkward, polite smile. Damn she wished she could shut off her reaction to him. Now was not the time, or the place.

  “Sorry I was gone for so long. I had a couple of things that I needed to take care of.” Cayden spoke politely, obviously trying to keep them on the straight and narrow.

  “What kind of things?” The question came out before she had a chance to check herself. “Sorry, that’s none of my business.”

  “No, no, it’s fine. Just had to make some arrangements is all.” Cayden’s eyes lifted to glance around the waiting room.

  Rose nodded her understanding. It was advisable not to talk about shifter stuff in front of humans who were blissfully unaware of their existence.

  “I assume you haven’t heard anything yet?” Cayden asked, shifting the conversation on, reminding Rose of her frustration.

  “Nope, nothing yet. I don’t understand what’s taking so long. She wasn’t that bad, unless she was in a lot more pain than she was letting on. She could have internal bleeding or multiple fractures,” Rose’s voice trembled, taking her by surprise.

  This morning her grandma had been happy, and they were planning a nice afternoon visit, but since then, she’d gone from thinking her grandma was dead, to relief that she was alive, to now fearing that she was going to lose her after all.

  “Hey now,” Cayden threw his arm around her.

  His clothes smelt slightly musty but the warmth from his skin was divine. The solid, hard bulk of his body felt like a shield wrapped around her. She hadn’t realized how much she just needed to be held.

  “Your grandmother doesn’t strike me as the kind of lady who gives up easily. They just have to run a lot of checks and tests is all.”

  Rose nodded silently against his chest. She knew he was making sense, but until she could see her grandma again, she would worry.

  “Do you know, while I was hunting down the coffee machine, I think I overheard some of the nurses saying they’d never met a patient who could chew out an entire medical team while having her blood pressure tested.”

  Rose snorted at that. Encouraged by her small response, Cayden continued.

  “Think they said a whole crew of orderlies had to be called in just to restrain the woman so that they could check her temperature.”

  Rose chuckled at the image he had conjured up.

  “Was that before or after they shot her with the tranq gun?” Rose pitched in.

  “After, so I heard. But I’m sure they weren’t talking about your grandmother. That sweet lady wouldn’t make an ounce of trouble.”

  Rose lifted her face from his chest and looked up into his lightly teasing smile, his amber eyes shining with kindness.

  He really was a good kind of wolf, not the bad and dangerous creature everyone made lone wolves out to be. From what she’d experienced today, the wolves she should be wary of, were those within her own pack.

  No, Cayden was the kind of wolf who knew right from wrong, the kind that lived by an ingrained code of honour. The kind made for mating. Even if it did mean starting a life away from her pack. For the first time in her life Rose questioned whether perhaps she’d be better off without them.

  Her eyes dipped to his mouth. Memories of their passionate and frantic kiss flooded her, and she wondered if Cayden could be as gentle with his lips as he was being with her fragile emotions. The thought made her wet her lips and inch closer. A little hum began to spread through her body, one that she was beginning to recognize was a unique reaction to being with him. Just one small taste wouldn’t hurt, wouldn’t cause too much of a scene.

  “Rose.” Cayden warned huskily as he too seemed unable to resist leaning down to meet her halfway.

  “Miss Woods?” The distinctive voice of a female doctor drew Rose out of her momentary warm glow with a jolt.

  Within a second, she had jumped out of Cayden’s arms and was on her feet.

  “Yes, I’m Miss Woods.”

  The woman stood in the corridor holding a clipboard, long dark curls framed her pretty heart shaped face and she smiled politely. She was tall and elegantly dressed in a form fitting tailored dress under her white coat and wore modest but glossy high heels. Rose expected someone wearing scrubs and looking slightly harassed, that’s what doctors looked like on TV shows. This woman was more put together than Rose had ever been. She did own a pair of high heels, she just never wore them, preferring her kicks or sneakers instead. As Rose approached, the woman held out her hand and delivered a firm and quick handshake.

  “Thank you for waiting, I’m Doctor Rivers. Shall we move to a private room?”

  The woman’s eyes were a deep chocolate brown and shone with compassion. Rose didn’t want kindness, she wanted to hear that her grandmother was OK, and a private room sounded like she wasn’t going to like what the doctor had to tell her. She firmly planted her feet where she stood in the corridor and refused to be intimidated by the professional woman who, admittedly towered above her.

  “I’m good here, thank you. How is my grandma? Is she going to be OK?”

  Rose felt rather than heard Cayden step up behind her. His presence sent a rush of warmth and strength through her, boosting her confidence.

  “I understand you’re anxious Miss Woods but let me assure you that your grandmother will be just fine, in time.” The woman’s smile widened, “However, I’d like to discuss your grandmother’s injuries in a private space, so if you and Cayden would like to join me, I’ll be right in here.” The woman gestured to several small cubicles that lined the corridor and turned and strode towards one, her heels leaving clicking echoes as she went.

  Clearly this woman was used to getting her way and admittedly she had made it impossible for Rose not to do as she requested. If she wanted more information about her grandma, she had to follow. There was also the small matter of how, Doctor Rivers knew Cayden’s name. Curiosity and jealousy rumbled low in Rose’s gut.

  “How did she know your name? Is this the Doctor you know?” Rose asked Cayden in a hushed tone as they followed in the beautiful woman’s wake.

  Cayden nodded silently.

  Rose didn’t like it. She had just assumed that the shifter Cayden knew was some kind of older, male, father figure type of doctor. Not a stunningly beautiful, curvaceous, smart and assertive female shifter in her prime. Her inner wolf growled low. Rose agreed. She didn’t know how her mate knew this woman, but she didn’t like it one bit.

  Rose took a seat opposite the doctor and waited until Cayden closed the door and sat down beside her before speaking.

  “So how do you two know each other?” Rose knew the first question she had should have been about her grandmother, but fierce jealousy was building a small fire in her belly.

  Dr. Rivers seemed to almost be expecting the question and sat back in her chair, crossing her legs at the ankle. Cayden stiffened beside her and cleared his throat.

  “Cayden and I met in a bar a few years back and have been friends since.” She smiled at Cayden when she said the word friends. “Why is that important?” The woman looked back at Rose, her eyes twinkling with some unknown merriment.

  “It’s not,” Cayden replied quickly.

  Rose held up her hand to quieten him. “It’s important Dr. Rivers because I would like to understand and know all of my mate’s acquaintances.”

  Cayden inhaled sharply and tightened his grip on the chair. Rose could feel his eyes boring into the side of her face, but Rose was more interested in the woman’s reaction.

  Yeah, that’s right she’d said it.

  He was her mate. Her inner wolf nodded its approval. Saying it out loud felt powerful and she wouldn’t take it back now even if she could. If Cayden was her true mate, then any other females needed to know about it.

  Dr. Rivers beamed and shook her head as though amused.

  “Who am I to argue with that?” She relaxed in her chair and laughed lightly, casting a teasing look at Cayden. “You’ll have no issues with me, I only wish you’d say that again so I can watch the big guy squirm.”

  Rose was taken aback. She expected animosity, not amusement and camaraderie. She turned to look at Cayden. He was indeed battling with something.

  “Say what again? That Cayden is my mate?”

  He stiffened visibly and closed his eyes as if searching for control. What was wrong with him? The rising laughter of the good doctor drew Rose’s attention.

  “Well would you look at that. Mr. Tall, Dark and Lonesome has finally woken up to the fact that he’s an idiot.” The woman smiled and stood to get herself a cup of water from the cooler in the corner of the room. “I have to admit this is better than I thought it would be.”

  “Cayden, are you OK?” Rose asked in a hushed whisper, a frown marring her brow.

  “Oh, girl he’ll be fine, it’s just that his mating instinct is in the driving seat right now. I’m Samantha by the way.” Dr Rivers said over her shoulder as she filled her cup.

  “Hi. Rose.” Rose quickly introduced herself. “I’m sorry but I don’t understand, his mating instinct? He was fine a minute ago.”

  “Yup, and then you called him your mate in front of others, and forgive me for saying but I can scent that you two haven’t consummated your mate bond yet, so your little proclamation just made him go into possessive overdrive. He’s feeling the need to secure the bond and mark his territory, so to speak.” Samantha explained, returning to her chair with a wry grin lighting up her face. “Don’t worry he shouldn’t pee on you or anything.”

  Rose’s cheeks flamed. She’d known that males were possessive of their mates, but she hadn’t known a reaction like this. Although come to think of it, back when they were just dating Clint had once literally carried Carly out of the bar caveman style, when a customer had gotten a little flirtatious.

  “Are you done?” Cayden gritted out, shooting daggers at the doctor.

  “Almost. I just want to try one more thing.” Samantha smiled wickedly, “You sure this guy’s your mate Rose? Only, I was actually thinking I know a guy who would love to take you out for dinner.”

  Rose didn’t get the chance to answer. A rough growl filled the room and she soon found herself picked up and planted firmly back down on Cayden’s lap, his arms wrapped around her possessively and something hard digging into her ass. The speed of it made her gasp and trying to shift herself more comfortably only seemed to cause more rumblings from the man’s chest.

  The wild hoots of laughter coming from the doctor soon drowned out the low growls coming from her mate. Though she didn’t understand the intensity of his reaction the need to soothe him was powerful. With her hand placed against his chest, over his heavily thumping heart, Rose leaned in and placed a small kiss on his rough cheek.

  “I’m here. You have me.” She whispered under her breath.

  Cayden’s hand came up and covered hers over his chest while he nuzzled into her neck to take a deep lungful of her scent. The doctor’s laughter kicked up a notch again at the sight, but Rose didn’t care. Cayden’s pulse was slowing back to a steady rhythm and his hold loosened slightly. He didn’t let her go but she figured his lap was as good a seat as any.

  “Alright Samantha you’ve had your fun, now will you please do your job.” Cayden growled low, clearly still displeased with his friend’s behaviour.

  The woman sat up at his remark, looking shamefaced.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry Rose, that was unprofessional of me.” She straightened in her chair and reached out for her clipboard that was sat on the nearby desk.

  “It’s OK doc, you’ve afforded me a much more comfortable seat, so for that I’m grateful.” Rose smirked, drawing another small and mischievous smile from the woman.

  “So, it would seem.”

  Cayden coughed his annoyance again.

can you tell me about my grandma? You said she would be OK?” Rose asked, the seriousness of the situation dawning again.

  “Yes, your delightful grandmother, and I mean that sincerely, will be just fine. We had to reset her collar bone which had begun to heal at a bad angle. Doing so has caused some fresh swelling and bruising, but the bone should heal straight now.” Samantha explained. “X-rays did show up multiple smaller fractures along her ribcage which are starting to heal on their own and her skull took quite a knocking resulting in some swelling, but its within normal parameters so there is nothing to worry about there. For an elder wolf of her age, her healing abilities remain strong.” The doctor smiled warmly.

  “So, is she good to come home tonight?” Rose asked eagerly, relief flooding her.

  “Not quite, sorry.” Samantha shook her head slightly, “Although you and I know she will heal just fine thanks to her shifter blood, for the rest of the staff at this hospital she had suffered significant injuries and needs to be kept in for a few more days if not weeks.”

  Rose’s shoulders slumped and Cayden’s hands gently began rubbing circles on the small of her back.

  “Which leads me to the other complication.” Samantha sighed. “The authorities want a report on how she sustained these injuries. Your grandmother has said she took a fall down her porch steps. Now, I’m not the only doctor in this place who can tell the difference between bruises and brakes sustained from a fall and those sustained from being struck.”

  Rose stiffened. They hadn’t agreed what their story was going to be. She had just been focused on getting to the hospital and making sure her grandma was OK.

  “What are people saying?” Cayden asked cautiously.

  “The usual: domestic violence at play.” Samantha’s eyes took on a sad and haunted look. “Look, I know shifters are more prone to physical outbursts. I’m a bear for heaven’s sake, we clash heads just as much if not more than wolves, but I need to know what happened here. I’m not accusing either of you of doing this, but if you can tell me a little of what really happened, I can put something down on the report that ensures the police don’t go poking around.”


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