The Heroin Scene in Fort Myers

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The Heroin Scene in Fort Myers Page 26

by Oliver Markus Malloy

  But I, and everyone in jail, knew that it was really the other way around. She was constantly chasing after several people at the same time, trying to sell them dreams, writing them love letters, trying to make out with them, trying to make them believe that she was in love with them and that she had never felt that way about anyone else before, while cheating on them the whole time and telling other people the same thing, often word for word. It was like she was some sort of escaped mental patient.

  I actually felt bad for her, because I knew she really did have severe mental problems from the abuse and abandonment she had to endure as a child, and the years of traumatizing sex with guys who just used her but didn't care about her as a human being. She was starving for affection. She desperately wanted to feel loved, truly loved, but really didn't know how to accomplish that. So she tried to improve her odds by throwing herself at a bunch of people at the same time. She really didn't understand that that behavior ruined her chances of ever finding real love, and ever having a deep, meaningful bond with another human being.

  Now this latest replay of the same old story, this time with Wendy, just seemed sad and pathetic. I was really hurt, but at the same time I couldn't stop thinking about how much pain Veronica was really in. She had never even known what it's like to have a normal mother and father. All she had ever known was people using her to either get sex from her, or drugs, or snacks in jail. Her sense of selfworth was nonexistent. She felt she had no value, had nothing to offer, besides sex, drugs or snacks. So she used those three things to bribe people into "loving" her.

  The more I thought about this stuff, the more I just wanted to give her a hug and tell her I love her. She had been cheating on me, and instead of feeling bad for myself, I felt bad for her. How sick is that?

  But it couldn't go on, because her cheating on me was tearing me apart inside. So I told her: "This shit with Wendy needs to end RIGHT NOW. I'm serious. This is your last chance. If you don't stop this shit behind my back, I'm done with you for good."

  She replied that there was nothing going on with Wendy, and she swore she would be good. She said it was unfair that I was acting like she was being bad again, because this time she was really innocent, she was really being good, and she was really being faithful to me.

  The next day Haley called me back and told me that everyone in jail was talking about how Wendy in dorm 3 was screaming across the hall at Veronica in dorm 4. Haley said, Wendy had been calling Veronica a lying piece of shit whore, or something along those lines. Apparently Wendy had found out that as soon as she was moved to dorm 3, Veronica was already cheating on her. She was calling Jasmine in Key West and sending more love letters to Kathleen.

  When Veronica called me, I asked her why Wendy had been screaming at her across the hall. Obviously that clearly indicated that they were in a relationship, and Wendy was jealous, because Veronica was cheating on her.

  "No, it's not like that at all. Wendy is just some silly little girl who is totally in love with me. But I don't feel that way about her at all. I only want to be with you. I love you," Veronica said.

  Haley wasn't the only one who told me that everyone in jail knew that Veronica and Wendy were dating. More and more inmates contacted me to tell me what Veronica was doing behind my back.

  When she had been cheating on me with Kim, 14 people had reached out to me to warn me. Now 9 people told me that she was cheating on me with Wendy. I told her what each and every one of those 9 people said. And every time Veronica claimed they were lying about her, because they supposedly had ulterior motives. Meanwhile she was bragging in jail that no matter what any of the other inmates told me about her, I would never leave her, because she had me wrapped around her little finger.

  Then a few people told me Veronica and Wendy went to court together and were making out in the holding cell. They were so blatant and over-the-top, some of the other girls in the cell were offended by it, and when they got back to jail after court, they told the other inmates how obnoxious Veronica and Wendy were.

  I had a viso with Veronica later that same day. I asked her again if there was anything going on between her and Wendy. She swore there wasn't. But I just wouldn't drop it. I asked her again and again. Finally she gave in and said: "Alright, fine. Yeah, Wendy and I have been flirting a little. But it's no big deal."

  "I fucking hate you," I said, got up, and left.

  I had it with her. She was obviously never ever going to change. I was so sick of feeling hurt and betrayed all the time. I remembered how she reacted when I told her that I had sex with Anita. I figured the only way to make her understand how destructive her behavior is, is to do it back to her. I decided to call a bunch of girls I hadn't talked to in a while.

  I hadn't talked to Anita in months, ever since Veronica had been arrested. Anita was now living with her grandmother in Cape Coral. I told her about all the crazy stuff that happened with Veronica since the last time we talked.

  Anita replied: "I told you a long time ago, Veronica will never change. She's a piece of shit. She even stole money out of my purse when we were roommates. And she's lying about not tricking. She fucked a bunch of guys before you got there, and even when you were living with us. Why would you want to waste any more of your time with a stupid little girl like Veronica, when you could have a woman like me? I am ready to settle down. I want to have a normal life and a family. I would love to have a good man like you in my life."

  I picked her up at her grandmother's house and she spent the night at my place. We had sex a few times. But I knew I couldn't be in a relationship with her, because she was still tricking, and doing drugs. She would just be a clone of Veronica.

  The next day, after I dropped Anita off, I picked up Erin. I hadn't seen her in a few months either. She just got out of Collier County Jail again. She stayed with me for a couple of days and we had sex a few times. Then I dropped her off at her friend Josie's house, because Erin wanted Josie to help her dye her dark hair blond. I was supposed to pick Erin up afterwards, because she wanted to live with me and be in a real relationship.

  But since she also used to have a drug problem in the past, and she asked me to buy her a $50 bag of weed before she went to Josie's house, I was afraid things with her would end up being no different than with Veronica or Lucy.

  I probably should have given Erin more of a chance, because even after I ditched her at Josie's house, she kept calling me every day, to try to get together. She really was serious about settling down and having a serious, monogamous relationship. A week or two later, she moved in with some guy in Port Charlotte, and she has been with him ever since. As far as I know, she's still clean. Good for her. I regret not picking her up from Josie's house. But I was still too hung up on Veronica, and paying her back for all the pain she had caused me for the past 2 years.

  A bunch of girls from LCJ, who had heard my name in jail, contacted me on Facebook once they got out. I'm really not a player or a pimp. I don't want to have a bunch of trophy girls. I don't want a girl just for sex. I want one girl in my life who I can trust and build a future with. So I usually ignored all these girls who were trying to get with me, just because they knew I had taken good care of Veronica.

  But one girl was very persistent. Her name was Daisy. She wrote me on Facebook almost every day. She was only 19, and black. I hate gangsta rap and that whole illiterate ghetto mentality. But Daisy was not ghetto. She was a polite, articulate, intelligent, hard-working girl. I had been ignoring her advances for the past few weeks, but now I told her I wanted to meet her. I picked her up after work. She was a waitress at Culvers in Naples. We ended up meeting a bunch of times and had sex. She had been in dorm 2 with Veronica, so she told me how much Veronica had been cheating on me the whole time, and that she was always bragging about playing me like a fiddle.

  Hussy had moved back from Ocala a few weeks ago. She lived in LaBelle with her new boyfriend Brian now. He worked at a bamboo plantation. She told me she'd like to start seeing me a
gain, because things with her and Brian weren't working out. She caught him cheating on her. So I met up with her a bunch of times. We usually had sex at least twice a day, like we used to.

  I told her about meeting Lucy, and everything that had happened since then. Hussy was not happy at all about that, and told me to be careful. She said Lucy was a con artist who had hurt a lot of people. Look who's talking!

  Veronica and I weren't talking to each other since I found out she had been making out with Wendy in court, and she admitted that there was something going on between them, but tried to trivialize it.

  After I had a whole lot of sex with a bunch of different girls, I sent Veronica a letter and bragged about it. I told her how good they were, and how much I enjoyed fucking each of them. I told her I had so much sex every day, some days with more than one girl, I was exhausted. I hoped my letter would really get under her skin, and show her what it's like to be on the receiving end of that kind of grimey behavior.

  She called me and cried: "Why would you do that to me? Why would you hurt me like that? I hate you!"

  "Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked. "That's the kind of shit you've been doing to me for years. Now I did it to you for a week or two, and you act like I'm a monster. All I did was give you a taste of your own medicine for a few days."

  After a while we both calmed down again. She told me she loved me and still wanted to come home to me, have a baby and be together. We made up. I told her that this was really, really her last chance. If she cheated on me with Wendy or anyone else again, I would be done with her for good. I told her if I hear one more rumor about her and another girl, I was done. She said that wasn't fair, because even if she didn't do anything, people would still accuse her of being with this girl or that girl.

  When Haley called me and I told her what Veronica said, she replied: "Bullshit. Veronica is such a drama queen. Nobody gives a shit about her. People have better things to do than to make up stories about her. The only reason people talk about her is because she's a hot mess. I have a lot of friends in jail, but you don't ever hear any rumors about me being in a relationship with some other girl in jail."

  After Veronica and Wendy made out in the court holding cell, they had themselves moved into dorm 2 together. Just like Veronica had done with Kim the last time she was in jail. And just like with Kim, Veronica claimed that she and Wendy weren't even talking to each other anymore, and they were on opposite ends of the dorm.

  "I swear there is nothing going on between us anymore now," Veronica said. "The corrections officers watch us like hawks, because they know there used to be something between Wendy and me, and we were separated into two different dorms. They're not going to allow us to even talk to each other in the rehab dorm now."

  Later I found out that was all just a bunch of lies again. They never stopped dating. They were a couple the whole time they were in dorm 2 together. Veronica never stopped cheating on me for even one day.

  Remember Wigger's girlfriend Abby? He had been cheating on her with Lucy and a couple of other girls, while she was in jail. Abby had a sister, Tabby. Both of them were drug addicted hookers, and occasionally they had threesomes together with a "client." Nice.

  One of the girls Wigger was fucking behind Abby's back while she was in jail was her own sister, Tabby. Yupp, Abby's boyfriend was cheating on her with her own sister. Classy. What a guy, what a guy.

  Then Tabby got arrested and ended up being Veronica's new bunkie in dorm 4, after Wendy had been moved from dorm 4 back to dorm 3. Veronica started cheating on me, and on Wendy, with Tabby. Once Veronica was moved to dorm 2, she continued to write Tabby love letters behind Wendy's back. And she continued to write love letters to Kathleen, who was in dorm 2 with Veronica and Wendy. Are you getting a headache yet?

  Haley kept telling me that Veronica was still lying to me. Veronica denied it. Other people told me Haley was telling me the truth. Veronica claimed they were all just a bunch of haters. She said if I wanted to know the truth about what she was doing in dorm 2, I should ask the girls she was hanging out with, like her friend Cassidy. She would tell me that Veronica was being good, and that she told everyone she was my girlfriend, nobody else's, and that she wasn't seeing anyone else behind my back anymore.

  After Veronica had made several other girls lie to me in the past, I had no intention of asking the people she told me to ask. I figured if I asked Cassidy anything, Veronica would bribe her with some snacks to tell me whatever Veronica told her to say.

  I decided to pick my own two girls in dorm 2 and ask them what was really going on between Veronica and Wendy now. One of them was Morgan, the girl who used to be Kayla's best friend. I hadn't talked to her in two years, ever since I had dropped a garbage bag with her things off, after she had cheated on me with her baby daddy for some heroin.

  Morgan had violated her probation a few months ago and was now also in jail. Even though I hadn't talked to her in ages, I hoped she still cared about me enough not to let Veronica keep hurting me like that, and that she would tell me what was really going on behind my back.

  Then there was Greta. She was one of Haley's best friends. Since she knew Haley and I were very close, I believed she would tell me the truth as well.

  I wrote both of them a letter, asking them to please be honest with me and not let Veronica play games with my heart anymore. I told them how much she had hurt me for the past two years, and that enough was enough. Neither one of them wrote me back. Instead they gave my letters to Veronica. Traitors! She called me up and bragged about it.

  A day or two later, Greta was released from jail. I contacted her on Facebook, and now she told me that Veronica was cheating on me with Wendy the whole time.

  Then, a few days later, Wendy screamed at Kathleen, because she found out that Veronica was still writing her love letters. The officers sent Wendy to D pod. It's the jail within jail. Usually the inmates are allowed to roam around in a large dorm, but if they break the rules, they get locked up in small cells in D pod.

  I just couldn't lie to myself anymore. Veronica was still the same old lowlife, still lying and cheating on me. She really was never going to change, no matter how many times she swore she was going to be faithful to me from now on.

  I sent Veronica one final letter. I told her what a pathetic lowlife piece of shit she was. And then I decided to give her a taste of her own medicine one last time.

  I had sex with a couple of different girls over the next few days, and I took a picture of each one of them sitting on my bed. Then I printed each picture as a postcard, and mailed them all to Veronica. On the back of each postcard, I wrote a spiteful little comment, about how much sexier this girl was than Veronica, or how much better that girl was at making me feel good. And behind each comment, I drew a carefree little smiley face. I wanted her to picture us laughing at her, because we were.

  Veronica had written me a while ago, that if she ever found another girl in "our" bed, she would kill me and the other girl. So I figured it would get under her skin to see all these girls on "our" bed.

  And while looking at each picture, she would know that each of these beautiful girls had been naked in "our" bed and spread her legs for me.

  Each of the girls I asked was happy to participate in my little revenge plot, because none of them liked Veronica, and they all knew what a lying, cheating lowlife she was, and how much she had hurt me and many other people with her psychotic games.

  Later some girl called me from dorm 2, and told me that the whole dorm was laughing about Veronica behind her back, because she had been bragging that she was a master manipulator and that she controlled me like a mindless little puppy who would do whatever she said. So those postcards kinda cramped her jailhouse swag a bit.

  And every time another one of my postcards arrived, and the officer yelled Veronica's name across the dorm during mail call, her face got beat red with embarrassment on her walk of shame, to go get the card. Everyone knew it was another picture of another girl
I fucked, while thumbing my nose at Veronica.

  I had learned during my hacking days, how to really get under someone's skin, if I wanted to. And it worked. I heard from other inmates that Veronica's jaw dropped to the floor when she started getting those cards from her "obedient puppy."

  I heard that she was ripping them up in a fit of rage, as soon as she got them, and then pieced them back together afterwards, to get another look. When I sent her a picture of Lucy, she couldn't rip it up fast enough with her hands, because the glossy photo paper was too strong, so she tore it to pieces with her teeth.

  I heard that even inmates who usually didn't get involved in petty jail house drama thought it was great that I put Veronica in her place with my entertaining little stunt.

  How ya like me now, bitch?

  Veronica continued to throw herself at Wendy, Kathleen, a girl called Moira and a bunch of other girls in several different dorms, telling each of them that she supposedly loved them oh so much. It was just sad. She was making a spectacle of herself. But that wasn't my problem anymore.

  I was done with her. Really, really, really done this time.


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