Christmas Chocolates and Crimes

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Christmas Chocolates and Crimes Page 10

by Cindy Bell

  “I’m sorry about that.” She decided to tell him about running into Trudy. “Trudy is back. I just saw her outside. Did you talk to her?”

  “She’s back? No, I didn’t see her.” He sighed.

  “She didn’t even know about Martin.”

  “You had to break the news?”


  “Did she have anything important to say.”

  “No, I think she’s still in shock.”

  “Well, I hope she can shed some light on all of this.”

  “Me too.” Charlotte smiled, but she already knew that she probably wouldn’t. If the crime was going to be solved, it was going to take more than just asking a few questions.

  “I’m going to be a little late to the party tonight, but I will be there.”

  “Party?” She blinked, then nodded. “I almost forgot.”

  “We should try to be a bit festive.”

  “Yes, we should!” Charlotte smiled with determination.

  Chapter 13

  Ally drove home from the shop, exhausted, but determined to head back within an hour to get more orders done. For the first time she understood her grandmother’s dedication to the shop. Sure, most of the time it wasn’t very difficult work, but there were times when it demanded blood, sweat, and tears. Those were the times when she was relieved that she loved working in the shop. When she arrived at home, she smiled at the sight of her car in the driveway. Her grandmother was using it while Ally used the van from the chocolate shop. When she opened the door she found Charlotte feeding the animals.

  “Oh thanks, Mee-Maw, I’m so late. They are probably ready to make an escape plan.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Don’t worry about it. They are tougher than you think.” She tilted her head towards Peaches. “This one played dead until I opened the can of cat food, then she was scampering everywhere.”

  “Naughty Peaches.” She laughed.

  “I have so much to tell you.” Charlotte leaned against the counter and filled Ally in on seeing Trudy, and Jeff having his apartment broken into, while Ally threw some leftovers on a plate.

  “So how did Trudy seem? Do you think it might be her?”

  “I don’t know. She seemed shocked, to be honest.”

  “Hmm.” Ally pulled the plate out of the microwave. “And now Jeff was broken into? That’s odd.”

  “Yes, it is. Don’t forget, we have a party to attend.” Charlotte flopped down on Ally’s couch.

  “No, you have a party to attend.” Ally pinned her brown hair up on the top of her head. “I’ve got to get back to the shop and take care of some orders that backed up today. I got caught up talking to Mrs. Cale, Mrs. White, and Mrs. Bing, and missed a few calls. Then I forgot to check the messages until closing. Luckily, Nina has agreed to meet me there to help out.”

  “Are you sure? I could come and help.” Charlotte studied her. “You’re wearing yourself out, Ally.”

  “I’m fine, really, Mee-Maw. I want you to go to the party. You might be able to find out more information. Plus, I might pick Nina’s brain a bit. I think she knows more about all of this than she’s saying.”

  “Why is that?” Charlotte raised an eyebrow.

  “Something she said to Mrs. White today. She said the crime would be easy to solve if the investigators looked close to home. That the murderer is often the obvious suspect.” She shook her head. “I know she reads a lot of mystery novels, but it just felt like she meant something else by it. You know?”

  “Yes.” She nodded. “I hear you. I’ll see what I can find out tonight. It just seems a little strange to go to a Christmas party after what happened to Martin.”

  “Mee-Maw, I know this must be hard for you.” Ally sat down beside her. “But I don’t think Martin would have wanted you to miss out on your favorite party of the year.” She rubbed her grandmother’s back as she continued to speak. “Maybe being around friends, music, and good food, will help you relax.”

  “I’m sure it would.” She folded her hands in her lap. “And you’re right, Martin wouldn’t want me to miss it. He loved Christmas. But the main reason I’m going is to find out more information.”

  “Exactly. We’re stuck right now. Victoria seems to have an alibi. We can’t prove that it was Trudy, and even Beth seems like a flimsy suspect. Maybe all of the interaction will shake something loose that we haven’t thought of.”

  “Maybe.” Charlotte nodded as she gave Ally’s hand a squeeze. “All right, I’ll find something to wear. I’m so lucky to have you.”

  “The feeling is mutual.” She kissed her grandmother’s cheek just before she stood up. “Listen, I didn’t mention it earlier as I was hoping it might all get worked out, but it looks like Luke might not make it back for Christmas.”

  “Oh no, Ally, I’m so sorry.” She frowned.

  “It’s all right, the important thing for me is that he’s safe. We’ll still have a wonderful dinner.”

  “Yes, we will.” Charlotte gave her one more hug. “I’d better get going if I’m going to change.”

  “If you need anything, just call me. Jeff will be with you, right?”

  “Yes, he’s supposed to be meeting me there.”

  “Good.” Ally took a deep breath. “Then I’m going to stuff this in my belly, and head back to the shop. Have fun, Mee-Maw.” She waved to her as she left the cottage.

  As Ally ate she was joined by Peaches on the couch. “Playing dead for treats, hmm?” She winked at her as she fed her a small piece of her chicken. “I know, I know, it doesn’t feel much like Christmas, does it?” She closed her eyes and thought about all of the wonderful holidays she’d spent at the cottage. The majority of her happiest moments happened under this roof. She could only hope that she could create another happy moment when she held Christmas dinner there. She smiled as her phone rang. It was Luke.

  “Hey, sweetie.”

  “Hi, I wanted to check in and make sure that Jeff was still alive.”

  “He is.” She laughed. “Actually, Mee-Maw trusted him. He claims they were getting together to knit. A little odd, yes, but if Mee-Maw believes him, I believe him, too.”

  “Interesting. I’m glad that you took it easy on him. I hope you’ll do the same for me. I still haven’t been able to get a ticket home.”

  “Don’t worry. We will have lots of holidays to spend together. Just promise me you’ll stay warm.” She patted Arnold’s back as he wiggled past her.

  “I promise. Though nothing could be as warm as your arms, and that fireplace.”

  “Soon enough you’ll be home.”

  As she hung up the phone, she did experience that warm familiar feeling. She’d love for him to be home for Christmas, but the truth was if the murder didn’t get solved, he’d return home to a ton of work.

  As Charlotte stepped into the recreation center, she was surprised by how it had been transformed in such a short time. It felt a bit like walking into a winter wonderland with all of the white fluff and silver tinsel. Near the door, she spotted Beth. She looked transformed as well, in a dark green dress lined at the cuffs and the hem with white faux fur.

  “The decorations are exquisite.” Charlotte smiled as she swept her gaze over the holly, garland, and sparkling lights. “It’s magical.”

  “Thanks.” Beth smiled. “I wanted to use everything I’ve learned about decorating over the past year. Honestly, it didn’t cost very much to put together. It was a bit of work, though.”

  “I imagine it was. Did you have any help?” She followed her towards a small table near the back wall.

  “Not really. Everyone is so skittish over Martin’s death that no one wanted to leave their apartments to help out. But it all got done, and that’s the important thing, right?” She shrugged.

  “Right.” Charlotte studied her for a few moments. “How are you holding up with all of this?”

  “Better than I should be, I suppose. I just keep thinking about how Martin and I were once friends. It h
urts me to think that all of our bad history is being brought up again. I heard that Trudy was back, so hopefully all of this will get settled soon.” She pursed her lips.

  “Do you really believe that Trudy would kill him?” Charlotte studied her expression.

  “I think it’s possible, yes. You didn’t know them the way I did. Martin was so focused on money. That was the problem with our business. He wanted my money, not my opinion. He liked to be in control of everything. You’d think that Trudy would have been a third partner, but she wasn’t. He wouldn’t let her anywhere near the business.” She sighed. “He kept their money locked up tight. I’m not sure that Trudy ever even had a dime to spend. He never bought her anything, but every year he would spend so much money on things for himself and new Christmas decorations.”

  “Wow, I didn’t realize that.” She frowned. “That must have been very difficult for Trudy. Did she ever fight with him about it?”

  “Sometimes.” Beth folded her hands together in front of her. Charlotte noticed that she squeezed them tight. “But then she learned not to.”

  “Learned not to?” Charlotte’s heart lurched.

  “If they had an argument, he would threaten to leave her, to kick her out on the street with not a penny to her name. He would detail how he could do it. It was terrible.” She shivered. “Diana was there, too. It was when she first started renting the apartment from them.”

  “Wait, what?” Charlotte cleared her throat. “Are you saying that Martin owned Diana’s apartment?”

  “Sure. He bought it when they first moved into Freely Lakes. He considered it an investment. I actually hooked them up with Diana, as she was in a women’s business group with me. Blue River Belles.” She rolled her eyes. “That’s so long ago now.”

  “I had no idea.”

  “Most people don’t. It’s kind of frowned upon. Most people expect residents to own their own apartments, but when Freely Lakes first opened they were eager to sell as many apartments as they could. Anyway, I’m not sure what she’ll do now. I guess it depends on what happens with Trudy.”

  “Yes, I guess it does. Excuse me, Beth.” Charlotte spotted Diana working her way through the crowd of people. She wanted to speak to her while she had the chance.

  As she approached she could hear the conversation Diana was having with Gail.

  “Did you like my gift?” She grinned.

  “Oh yes I did, I ate all the candies.” Gail smiled. “I didn’t even save any for my husband.”

  “Naughty!” Diana laughed, then turned towards Bill. “What about you, Bill, have you opened my gift, yet?”

  “I have. I know I should have waited till Christmas, but I couldn’t help myself. I have already eaten about half the box. I can’t thank you enough for the treat. And the box that you painted is very nice.”

  “Oh, thank you.” She waved to someone on the other side of the room. “Excuse me, I see someone I need to speak to.”

  As she hurried across the room Charlotte noticed that she pulled out a notebook and made a mark on it before she paused near another woman. “Sheila, have you had a chance to open the gift I dropped off to you?”

  “The gift?” She blinked. “Oh yes, now I remember, I opened it, but I haven’t had any yet. I’m trying to lose weight before New Year’s so I won’t have any before next year. But I’m sure they’re delicious. I really like the box you made, too.”

  “Oh wonderful.” She smiled. “It took a lot of time to make them. I’m so glad that you liked it.”

  Charlotte was surprised that she was so blatantly seeking compliments for her gifts. It seemed a bit impolite. But then maybe she was just so excited about the gifts and the holidays that she couldn’t resist. She tapped her lightly on the shoulder.


  “Oh!” She jumped as she spun around. “Charlotte, you scared me.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. Do you have a minute to talk?”

  “Sure, just a minute though, I have some friends waiting for me to join them.” She smiled at Sheila as she walked off.

  “I won’t keep you, I promise. I just heard that Martin owned your apartment. Do you have any idea what you will do now that he’s gone?” She studied her.

  “Oh, uh, well. Hopefully Trudy will let me keep renting it. I mean, if she isn’t convicted for his murder. Other than that, I’m not really sure.” She shrugged. “Time will tell I suppose.”

  “You’re not worried?” Charlotte raised an eyebrow.

  “It’s Christmas, Charlotte. I’m going to enjoy it, no matter what. Now I have to get going.” She started to walk away then turned back. “Did Jeff eat his candies, yet?”

  “Oh uh…yes.” Charlotte’s voice wavered slightly. She couldn’t tell her that Jeff had given his gift away.

  “He did?” She looked at her with a strange look in her eyes. “I felt a little silly after I realized who I’d given the candies to. I’m sure he gets to have them all of the time.”

  “He does, but it’s always special to get a gift from a friend.” Did Diana know Jeff had given her gift away? Is that why she was fishing?

  “Yes, it is.” She smiled once more, then walked away towards a group of women. Charlotte started to turn away, as she did she found Jeff behind her.

  “Charlotte, you are a sight for sore eyes.”

  “Jeff, I just found out something interesting.” She met his eyes.

  “Wait.” He smiled. “First I just want to dance with you. Okay?”

  “Okay.” She laughed as he led her on to the dance floor.

  Chapter 14

  Ally had the chocolate melting when she heard the door open. She’d left it open for Nina so that she could get started on some of the orders.

  “Back here, Nina!” She stirred the chocolate and savored the smell.

  “Ally?” Mrs. White made her way into the kitchen.

  “Oh! Mrs. White, I thought you were Nina. I’m sorry. We’re closed.” She was startled by the woman’s presence, but not alarmed.

  “I know, sweetheart. I probably should have called you, but what I have to say needed to be said in person.” She stepped closer to her. “You know, I don’t usually gossip.”

  “What is it, Mrs. White?” Ally locked eyes with her.

  “Everyone’s at the party tonight. But I just couldn’t enjoy it. I’ve had something on my mind, and I need to tell someone. I’m not certain about it, so I didn’t want to go to the police. But I think you should know.” She reached out and took Ally’s hand. “Please understand that what I’m about to say is only a suspicion.”

  “I’m listening.” Ally ignored the smell of the chocolate as it began to burn.

  “Diana came to me last week. She was beside herself with concern. She said that Martin was intent on selling his apartment and hers. She had nowhere to go, and said she couldn’t possibly afford to rent another place let alone the cost of moving. I suggested that she try to find a roommate situation, but that only made her more upset. She insisted that Freely Lakes was her home, it was all she had, and that she’d rather die than move. Honestly, I thought I’d talked her through it. I advised her to talk to Martin, to explain everything she’d just told me, and that I was sure he’d be reasonable. This was just a few days before he was killed.” She pressed her hand against her stomach. “I asked her today what the plan was for her apartment. She said that she and Trudy had an understanding. Something about the way she said it, just left me unsettled. I don’t know, Ally, do you think I’m crazy?”

  “I don’t think you’re crazy, no.” Ally smiled. “But as far as I know Diana was with Andy handing out her gifts the night that Martin was killed. I don’t think she would have been able to commit the crime.”

  “Oh, that’s a relief!” She sighed. “I’m so sorry I even thought it, to be honest. I do love Diana.”

  “You should always trust your instincts, Mrs. White.” She turned the heat off, and frowned. “I’ll make sure I mention it to Luke. It coul
d have been something they overlooked. At this point I think the police will look into any lead they can get. I know their eyes are on Trudy, but I doubt they will find any evidence against her.”

  “Do they need it?” Mrs. White shook her head. “Sometimes I think a wife is guilty until proven innocent.”

  “It seems to be that way.”

  “I’m sorry to interrupt you, Ally. But you should be more careful. I was surprised to find that the door was open.” Mrs. White met Ally’s eyes with a stern look. “You never know where danger is lurking.”

  “Yes, you’re right. Thank you, Mrs. White.” She walked her to the door, and greeted Nina as she stepped in.

  “Hi, Nina.”

  “Hi.” She smiled at Mrs. White. “Sorry I’m a little late.”

  “It’s all right. Thanks again, Mrs. White.” Ally closed the door behind her and locked it. She didn’t think Diana could have anything to do with the murder, but she also didn’t want to eliminate any possibilities. Was Diana really handing out chocolates during Martin’s murder? She decided she would try to find out. But first, there was chocolate to make.

  “What was she doing here?” Nina pulled on an apron. “She looked upset.”

  “She just had something she wanted to discuss with me.” Ally shrugged and led her into the kitchen.

  “You can tell me, you know, I won’t repeat it.” Nina washed up at the sink.

  “I just don’t know if there is anything to tell. Do you know Diana well? You said she gave you a box of chocolates, right?”

  “Yes, like I said she’s in one of my classes.” She hesitated for a moment. “She’s a good woman.”

  “So, you do know her well?” Ally began to stir a fresh batch of chocolate.

  “We’re close. I don’t know many people here and I don’t have much of a connection with my own mother. So, in some ways she’s taken over that role for me.” She set up some molds for Ally to pour the chocolate into.

  “She has some financial trouble, doesn’t she?” She glanced over at Nina before she started to pour the chocolate.


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