Christmas Chocolates and Crimes

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Christmas Chocolates and Crimes Page 13

by Cindy Bell

  “The murder weapon?”

  “Yes.” The chief nodded. “Without it, it will be hard to prove that Diana committed the crime.”

  “But isn’t her presence here and what she has said the same as an admission of guilt?” Jeff crossed his arms as he looked at the chief. “Are you saying there’s a chance she could get away with this?”

  “It’s okay, Jeff.” Charlotte placed her hand on his arm.

  “It’s just that it would be easier to get a conviction with the murder weapon,” the chief said.

  “It has to turn up eventually, right?” Jeff asked.

  “Yes, hopefully not on Christmas morning. That would be an awful surprise for someone.” Charlotte’s eyes widened.

  “I’m sure we’ll find it before then.” The chief nodded to the three of them, then headed back over to Beth to speak to her.

  Ally was relieved that the murder had been solved, but left unsettled by the missing weapon.

  Chapter 17

  The next day was Christmas Eve. Ally went into the shop for a few hours in the morning, then closed up, and headed back to the cottage to prepare a feast. While she prepared some of the food, she kept her phone close. Peaches wound around her legs and wouldn’t leave her side. She smiled as she reached down to pet her. She tried to relax and take her mind off the events of the last few days by painting chocolate inside some cupcake liners to make chocolate cups. Even though she worked with chocolate for most of the day she still loved it and it helped her to relax. Once the chocolate cups were in the refrigerator setting, she began making the brandy chocolate mousse to go inside them. Charlotte had mentioned that Jeff loved brandy and she knew that Luke did, too. She licked the spoon and sighed with contentment. Rich, yet delicious. She wished that Luke was there to try some. She put the spoon in the sink and the mousse in the refrigerator.

  Now that some of the prep work was done, she settled on the couch. She couldn’t stop thinking about whether Luke would make it so she tried to distract herself by reading a magazine. Instead, she ended up staring at her phone. She willed it to ring. She had no idea if Luke’s plane had taken off, or if it would land any time soon. She hadn’t heard from him since that morning when he told her he was trying to find his way home. As much as she wanted to see him, she was more concerned about his safety. She hoped that if the weather wasn’t good, the plane didn’t take off.

  As the turkey cooked in the oven the scent of it filled the air. Soon, her grandmother and Jeff would arrive for dinner, and whether Luke made it or not, they would celebrate. Martin’s murder was solved, and Blue River could be considered safe again. As upsetting as the entire event was, Christmas would still lift spirits, and by the time the New Year came around, it would be just a memory.

  Peaches hopped up onto the coffee table, and knocked her phone to the floor.

  “Peaches!” Ally sighed, then laughed as the cat made the next leap into her lap. “Yes, I know. I’m sitting around when there’s so much to do.” She stood up and began to set the table. As she did, she turned the television on to hear the weather.

  “It may be a white Christmas after all. The band that looked like it would pass us by, has changed direction. It’s still a little uncertain about whether it will be too warm, but keep your eyes open for the possibility.”

  “Hmm, what do you think, Arnold? Will it be a white Christmas?”

  The pig lifted his head from his cozy bed and snorted. Then he rested his head once more.

  “Ah yes, you don’t care do you?” She smiled as she gazed out through the kitchen window. The sun had begun to set, and the sky was thick with heavy clouds. It looked like snow. Maybe that would bring a little of the magic back into the holiday for everyone. It couldn’t deter a plane from landing, perhaps just lace the trees with white, but it might be enough to cheer up the town. She hummed to herself as she stirred the pots on the stove. When there was a light knock on the door she turned with a smile to greet her grandmother.

  “Ally, it smells wonderful in here!” She grinned. “What can I help with?” She pulled her granddaughter into a tight hug.

  “Everything is cooking, now we just need to light up the tree.” She tipped her head towards the dark pine tree in the corner. They usually organized it earlier, but because they had been so busy with everything it had been left till the last minute.

  “Allow me.” Charlotte’s smile spread wide as she walked over to the tree. Jeff paused beside Ally.

  “She’s so happy to spend this time with you, Ally.”

  “So am I.” Ally clapped as the tree lit up. It reminded her of the many Christmases she’d spent in her grandmother’s cottage. No matter where she and her grandmother lived, they always spent Christmas together.

  “It’s beautiful.” Jeff nodded, as a wistful smile crept across his lips. It faded after a moment, and he looked between the two women. “I have to tell you something.”

  “What is it?” Charlotte squeezed his hand. She could see the change in his expression. “I’m sure whatever it is can’t be that bad.”

  “But it is.” He shook his head. “It’s terrible.”

  “Just tell me, Jeff.” Her heart dropped as she recalled Victoria’s proclamation that Jeff had been spending a lot of time with Trudy. Was he going to tell her that now that Trudy was cleared of any wrongdoing, he’d decided he’d rather be with her? It surprised her that the possibility bothered her so much. She really had grown very fond of Jeff.

  “I found the murder weapon.” He took her other hand in his, and held them both.

  “The scissors?” Charlotte blinked.

  “That’s great news!” Ally smiled

  “It was in my box of chocolates that I gave to Michael,” Jeff said. “If I had only opened it, I might have solved this entire crime the day it happened.”

  “Jeff, it’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known. At least, we have the murder weapon now. That will help bring Diana to justice. As much as I hate to say it, as I once believed that Diana was my friend, she deserves to face the consequences for her actions. She had other options.” Charlotte frowned. “Still, I can’t imagine what it would be like to feel alone and desperate to try and keep your home. I am so lucky to have Ally, and you.” She met his eyes. “Don’t ever think that I feel differently.”

  “It’s all right, Charlotte.” He wrapped his arms around her and pressed his lips against her forehead in a light kiss. “I know how much you care.”

  “Oh my, you two are so sweet I might have to reduce some of the sugar in these desserts.” Ally grinned as she spooned the mousse into the chocolate cups.

  “Oh hush, I’ve witnessed a lot of gushy mushy moments between you and Luke.” Charlotte grinned, but her amusement faded almost instantly. “Oh, Ally I’m sorry. You must miss him.”

  “It’s okay, Mee-Maw.” She laughed. “You’re right, besides I’ll see him soon enough.” She glanced through the kitchen window. “It really does look like it might snow. I’d better take Arnold for a walk now, or he might not be brave enough to traipse through the white stuff.”

  “Okay, I’ll keep an eye on things in here.” Charlotte walked over to the stove. Ally smiled to herself as she was sure her grandmother was dying to check on things from the moment she walked in. As she stepped outside with Arnold on his leash, the chill in the air made her shiver. Her breath froze for a moment as she exhaled. She laughed to herself. Yes, it finally felt like Christmas. Not only because of the scent of snow in the air, but because of the pressure that had been lifted off her shoulders. The murder had been solved, the right people were behind bars, and now, everyone could relax and celebrate the holidays. Arnold snorted and tugged her along. She tried to hold him back.

  “Steady, Arnold.”

  Arnold snorted again and strained against his harness. She rolled her eyes as the pig tugged her down the driveway. As soon as he reached the end of it he began to squeal and dance back and forth. “What in the world has gotten into you, Arnold? Di
d you get a sip of eggnog?”

  “I think he’s happy to see me.” The voice drifted to her from the sidewalk that met the driveway.

  “Luke!” She gasped and turned to face him. “You’re here!”

  “I’m here!” He laughed as a taxi pulled away from the sidewalk. He started to speak again, but his breath was stolen by the crush of Ally’s arms as she hugged him.

  “I didn’t think you were going to make it!” She gazed into his eyes, as Arnold continued to snort and squeal beside them.

  “I didn’t think I was either. It took a good amount of determination and an incredible amount of luck. I caught the first taxi I saw.” He stole a kiss, then met her eyes. “I just didn’t want to miss this moment with you, Ally.”

  “I would have picked you up if you called. I would have been waiting for you there at the airport.” She kissed him in return.

  “I know you would have, that’s why I didn’t tell you. I wasn’t sure if things might fall through. But here I am.” He smiled as a snowflake drifted down between them.

  “Here you are.” She gazed at him, her heart so warm that she didn’t notice the icy breeze that sent several more snowflakes down from the sky. “I love you, Luke.”

  “I love you, too.” He kissed her again.

  Despite the frigid temperatures, neither seemed to notice, and the pig that lingered at their feet, caught a snowflake on the tip of his nose.

  The End

  Thank you very much for reading ‘Christmas Chocolates and Crimes’. I hope you enjoyed it. You can sign up for my cozy mystery newsletter to be notified of my latest releases so you don’t miss out on the special new release price at

  Chocolate Brandy Mousse Cups


  Chocolate Brandy Mousse:

  10 ounces bitter-sweet chocolate

  3 large egg whites

  2 tablespoons superfine sugar

  1 1/2 cups whipping cream

  1-2 tablespoons brandy (optional)

  Chocolate cups:

  8 ounces semi-sweet chocolate


  6 strawberries or raspberries to decorate

  Confectioners’ sugar for decorating (optional)


  Makes 6 brandy mousse filled chocolate cups.

  Place 6 cupcake liners on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

  For the brandy mousse chop the chocolate into pieces and gently melt in a double boiler. Once melted set aside to cool slightly.

  In a bowl whip the egg whites until slightly cloudy then add the superfine sugar gradually. Beat until stiff peaks form.

  In another bowl whip the cream until soft peaks form.

  Fold the whipped egg whites into the chocolate mixture.

  Fold the cream into the chocolate egg white mixture.

  Add the brandy and mix gently until well-combined.

  Place in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes to set slightly.

  For the chocolate cups gently melt the chocolate preferably in a double boiler.

  With a spoon divide the melted chocolate between the cupcake liners and using a pastry brush paint the bottom and sides of each liner until the inside is completely coated.

  Place on the baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

  Refrigerate for about 15 minutes until set.

  Once set gently peel the paper cups from the chocolate.

  Fill each chocolate cup with the slightly set chocolate brandy mousse.

  Place in the refrigerator for one to two hours to set further.

  Place a strawberry or raspberry on the top of each cup before serving.

  Sprinkle the top of each chocolate cup with a bit of confectioners’ sugar to look like snow.


  Chocolate Christmas Tree Cookies


  3/4 cup cold butter

  2/3 cup granulated sugar

  1 egg

  1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

  1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour

  1 teaspoon baking powder


  7 ounces bitter-sweet chocolate

  4 ounces white chocolate


  Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

  Cube the butter and place in a bowl with the sugar. Mix with a handheld or stand mixer until light and fluffy.

  Add the egg and vanilla extract and mix until well-combined.

  Sift the cocoa powder, flour and baking powder together.

  Gradually add the flour and cocoa mixture a spoonful at a time to the butter sugar mixture.

  Mix until combined.

  On a floured surface roll the dough to about a 1/4 inch thick.

  Wrap the dough in cling film and place in the refrigerator for approximately an hour.

  Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

  Remove the cooled dough from the refrigerator and using Christmas tree cookie cutters cut out the trees.

  Place the cookies on the baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

  Place in the oven for 7-10 minutes. They are ready when the sides are firm to the touch and the middle is still a bit soft. They will firm up more while they are cooling.

  For the decorations gently melt the bitter-sweet chocolate, preferably in a double boiler. Leave it aside to cool slightly.

  Dip the cooled cookies into the melted bitter-sweet chocolate and then grate white chocolate over the top to look like snow.

  Leave aside to set.


  Also by Cindy Bell

  Chocolate Centered Cozy Mysteries

  The Sweet Smell of Murder

  A Deadly Delicious Delivery

  A Bitter Sweet Murder

  A Treacherous Tasty Trail

  Luscious Pastry at a Lethal Party

  Trouble and Treats

  Fudge Films and Felonies

  Custom-Made Murder

  Skydiving, Soufflés and Sabotage

  Dune House Cozy Mysteries

  Seaside Secrets

  Boats and Bad Guys

  Treasured History

  Hidden Hideaways

  Dodgy Dealings

  Suspects and Surprises

  Ruffled Feathers

  A Fishy Discovery

  Danger in the Depths

  Celebrities and Chaos

  Pups, Pilots and Peril

  Tides, Trails and Trouble

  Donut Truck Cozy Mysteries

  Deadly Deals and Donuts

  Fatal Festive Donuts

  Bekki the Beautician Cozy Mysteries

  Hairspray and Homicide

  A Dyed Blonde and a Dead Body

  Mascara and Murder

  Pageant and Poison

  Conditioner and a Corpse

  Mistletoe, Makeup and Murder

  Hairpin, Hair Dryer and Homicide

  Blush, a Bride and a Body

  Shampoo and a Stiff

  Cosmetics, a Cruise and a Killer

  Lipstick, a Long Iron and Lifeless

  Camping, Concealer and Criminals

  Treated and Dyed

  A Wrinkle-Free Murder

  Sage Gardens Cozy Mysteries

  Birthdays Can Be Deadly

  Money Can Be Deadly

  Trust Can Be Deadly

  Ties Can Be Deadly

  Rocks Can Be Deadly

  Jewelry Can Be Deadly

  Numbers Can Be Deadly

  Memories Can Be Deadly

  Paintings Can Be Deadly

  Snow Can Be Deadly

  Tea Can Be Deadly

  A Macaron Patisserie Cozy Mystery Series

  Sifting for Suspects

  Recipes and Revenge

  Mansions, Macarons and Murder

  Nuts About Nuts Cozy Mysteries

  A Tough Case to Crack

  A Seed of Doubt

  Roasted Penuts and Peril

nbsp; Heavenly Highland Inn Cozy Mysteries

  Murdering the Roses

  Dead in the Daisies

  Killing the Carnations

  Drowning the Daffodils

  Suffocating the Sunflowers

  Books, Bullets and Blooms

  A Deadly Serious Gardening Contest

  A Bridal Bouquet and a Body

  Digging for Dirt

  Wendy the Wedding Planner Cozy Mysteries


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