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Liam Page 2

by Katie Dowe


  “Mother,” Liam leaned down and kissed his mother’s smooth unlined cheek before looking over at his sister who was standing just inside the doorway. “Hey sprite.” His devastatingly gorgeous smile came readily as he strode over to her. Both siblings shared their mother’s striking looks, her dark hair and her slate gray eyes, but Liam had somehow turned out to be more striking than his sister. He was tall and well-muscled with thick dark hair and a classically handsome face that had been carved in perfection. His sister looked more like a porcelain doll with her dark hair and ivory skin. She was not as outgoing as her brother was. Liam pulled her into his arms, kissing the top of her head. Lillian watched the two of them before nodding to the maid hovering in the background to start serving dinner. It was Friday night and she was happy to see both of her children in the same room. It had been a long time since Liam was home, and Lorelei had just finished college and would be doing some traveling before she decided what she wanted to do.

  “You really need to stop calling me that,” his sister chided him as he escorted her to the table and pulled her chair out for her. “I am going to be twenty-one tomorrow.”

  “Such an advanced age,” he teased as he kissed the top of her head again, before going to his place at the head of the table.

  “Darling it is so good to see you home. I am hoping that you will stay after the party is finished?” his mother leveled her gray eyes on her handsome son.

  He shrugged carelessly as he unfolded his napkin. “I am not sure what I will be doing yet.”

  “You are not in a relationship now Liam so the least you can do is spend some time with your family.”

  “I am always spending time with my family, even when I am in a relationship.” He pointed out.

  His mother waited until the meal had been served before she picked up the conversation. “I need to talk to you about-“

  “Mother let us have a meal where you do not question the need for me to settle down please,” his voice was teasing, but it had a steel like inflection that was not to be mistaken. “I would rather talk about Lorelei and what she plans to do with her future.”

  “Maybe I will spend it flitting all over the world like you,” she told him dryly, her eyes shimmering with laughter.

  He laughed at that. “I am sure you do not want to give Mother a heart attack darling. And besides, one of us in the family is quite enough.”

  Chapter 2

  Amani stared critically at herself in the full length mirror, turning this way and then that, to see the full effect of the dress. Hanson had chosen very well as usual and she admired the subtlety of the lines of the ice blue layers that drifted from her small waist to her ankles. The dress was deceptively simple until she moved and then it revealed the long slashes at both thighs. The top was close fitting with a corset-like bodice complete with strings at the back and it left her shoulders and arms bare. A simple thin gold necklace with a heart shaped pendant was around her throat and she was wearing dangling gold earrings at her lobes. Gold bangles shimmered and made noise when she moved her right wrist. She had on a thin gold watch on her left wrist. Her thick dark hair was brushed back from her face and her makeup was flawless. She was going alone to the ball because Hanson had said that they should not be seen together and she wanted to appear to be single in order for the plan to work. She felt her first shimmer of uncertainty as she grabbed her thin cashmere jacket and headed out. Liam Moses was incredibly handsome and incredibly rich. He was not a man who would be easily fooled or easily tempted, but she was very good at what she did! Shaking off her apprehension she made her way out.


  Liam half listened to the conversation going on around him as he looked around the vast room. He had only been there half an hour and already he was wondering when he could leave. His sister would never forgive him if he left before the damned thing was finished, so he decided that he had to fortify himself to get through the evening, with lots of the rather expensive champagne. Some of the members of his club, along with their wives, had turned up for the event. He spotted Timothy and Robyn coming towards him, with Adam and Amber right behind them. Maybe it was not such a bust after all! He lifted a hand and they came over to him. Timothy was still a newly-wed with an infant daughter and the man looked as if he was in the throes of extreme happiness as he wrapped his arm around his beautiful wife. Adam was no better!

  “Where is your date?” Adam asked him lazily as he plucked two champagne glasses from a passing waiter and handed one to his wife. “I am used to seeing women vying for your attention.”

  “I have decided to come solo for a change. Not that it’s any of your business,” Liam said gently as he greeted the two women affectionately. “What are the two most beautiful women in the room doing with these losers?’

  “We happen to be in love with said losers,” Amber told him with a smile as she linked her arm through his. “How about a dance to get your mind off the boredom of this place?”

  He glanced at Adam. “Are you sure you can take the competition?”

  “Amber is completely devoted to me and sees me as the better man.”

  “I certainly do,” Amber agreed. “Shall we?”

  They wandered out onto the dance floor and he pulled her into his arms, his eyes scanning the room.

  “Are you looking for someone in particular?” Amber asked him.

  “Maybe,” he shrugged and looked down at her, his eyes admiring her exquisite face. “And possibly I am wondering where I was before Adam snatched you up.”

  “I was never in your league darling,” She told him airily. “And besides that, it had always been Adam for me.”

  “What does it feel like?”

  “To be in love?”

  “To be so committed that there is no room for anyone else?”

  “It feels wonderful! You should try it.”

  “I don’t believe in exclusivity.”

  “Don’t beat it until you have tried it.” She saw when his attention went towards the doorway, his gaze arrested at something there. She craned her neck to see what he was looking at. Amber hid a smile as she stared at the stunning woman making her way inside the crowded room. “Maybe you should go and introduce yourself.”

  “I would rather not,” he said carelessly but his eyes were still on her. He was so focused on the woman who had stopped to talk to a group of men, that he never noticed that the dance had ended.


  It took a concentrated effort for him to tear his eyes away and look down at the woman in his arms. “I am beginning to feel invisible.”

  He shook his head and grinned at her. “We cannot have that.” He led her off the dance floor and did his best not to turn back and look at the woman who had suddenly caught his interest. “I will see you all later, I need to go and pay some attention to the birthday girl.”

  They watched him walk away. “I think Liam has found his next target.” Amber said in amusement.

  “Who?” her husband asked.

  Amber subtly indicated the woman who was now dancing with an African America male.

  “Do we know her?” Adam asked.

  “I don’t, but do you?” Amber gave her husband a hard stare.

  “Are you trying to ask me if she is one of the people I had a relationship with, Love?” he asked her teasingly.

  “I was not going to put it quite so delicately, but yes. Is she?”

  He laughed and pulled her into his arms. “No.”

  “I am taking my wife onto the dance floor,” Timothy announced as he took the petite Robyn into his arms. “Tread lightly man,” he added with a grin as he left them.


  He did his best to ignore her, but he could not very well do that, as he was finding it very difficult to take his eyes off her! She exuded beauty and allure and he wondered how it was that he had never seen her before! She was also very popular with the males and was constantly on the dance floor. She was actually as p
opular as he was, and he found himself staring at her whenever he was dancing with someone. He actually got close to her at one point, and as their eyes met. He felt the shiver going up his spine as he stared into her large, dark brown eyes, but she was the first one to look away, turning her gaze to the man who had his arms around her. He was sure she recognized him, but she gave no indication that she was dazzled by him or that she was even the slightest bit interested, and that alone managed to pique his interest.

  It was a few hours later that he finally got the chance to meet her. She was just coming back into the room when he caught up to her, cutting off the man who was hurrying over to her.

  “Hi,” his deep voice was charming as he stopped in front of her, forcing her to stop. “I don’t believe we have met. I am-“

  “Liam Moses.” He could have sworn her husky voice was slightly amused. “I know who you are.”

  “Then you have me at a distinct disadvantage,” he said lightly, his gray eyes wandering over her face.

  “Amani Smith.” She extended a slender hand and deliberately used the name she often used when she was operating a con. He took her hand in his and held on to it.

  “Amani Smith, how about a dance?”

  To his acute surprise and chagrin, he saw her hesitate briefly before nodding and allowing him to lead her onto the dance floor. They danced for a few seconds in silence and for the first time in his life, Liam found himself without anything to say!

  “Nice party,” she murmured and forced him to look at her. He was over six feet tall and she was not in the least petite, but she only came a little past his shoulders in her heels.

  “My sister has a way of going above and beyond,” he said with a smile. “And Mother is no better.”

  She studied his handsome face for a moment. “You love her.”

  “My sister or my mother?”

  “Your sister, although I am sure you love your mother as well.”

  He smiled at that. “I do love Lorelei.” His gray eyes scrutinized her face. “Do you have siblings?”

  “No.” The dance ended just then. She stepped out of his arms immediately, much to his disappointment, and started to walk away.

  “Is it possible for me to see you again?” he heard himself asking.

  She looked at him and this time the amusement was apparent. “I want to continue our conversation.”

  “What conversation?”

  He shrugged his broad shoulders. “The one that we were having.”

  She hesitated briefly. “Do you have a card?”

  “It so happens I do.” He reached into his jacket pocket and took out a card holder, sliding one out and handing it to her. She studied it for a moment and then nodded.

  “I will be in touch,” she told him before walking away.

  He was standing there a few minutes before he realized that he was attracting attention by standing on the dance floor without a partner. With a wry shake of his head, he walked off swiftly and went to get himself a drink.


  She deliberately waited a week before she called him. She was sure he was used to women calling him as soon as he gave them his number. She was also positive that women gave him their numbers instead of the other way around! It was the next Friday during the 7pm news that she made the call.

  “It’s Amani.” She told him briefly.

  “Hi Amani!” his deep voice unnerved her somewhat and she forced herself not to be affected by it! “I was expecting to hear from you before now.”

  “Why?” She injected a note of amusement in her tone. “You are not used to being kept waiting?”

  “As a matter of fact I am not,” he said with a rueful laugh. “How are you?”

  “I am good. What are you doing tomorrow night?”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “A showing at the Mystique Gallery in town. Do you know where it is?”

  “I have a pretty good idea. What time?”


  “Should I meet you there?”

  “Yes. I am sure you do not need an invite.”

  “My family has been a patron of the arts for generations, so no invitation necessary.”

  “Good, so I will see you there.”

  “Is this your mobile number?” he asked her.


  “Do you mind if I saved it?”

  “Not at all.”

  “See you tomorrow.”

  Amani hung up the phone, her expression thoughtful. She had seen the way he looked at her at the party and had known that he was interested. The fact that she had not fallen all over herself to be with him had turned up the volume of his interest, and that was what she had hoped. She only had to rope him in now and be careful about it. She dialed Hanson’s number.

  “Good news I hope?”

  “Do you ever greet anyone the regular way?” she asked him in exasperation.

  “You know how I hate small talk darling, they are so trivial and they do not get to the heart of the matter. “Now tell me the details. Is he panting after you yet?’

  “You are disgusting and no. I invited him to the show tomorrow.”

  “Good job darling. As far as I know Liam Moses does not attend small art galleries.”

  “Mystique is not exactly small.”

  “But not large enough to interest a man like Liam Moses. Congratulations darling, you are on the way to success!”


  He saw her the minute he walked in. Ignoring the many curious and awed glances thrown his way, he went over to where she was standing, with a glass of champagne in her hand as she studied a canvas where slashes of black and white were the only things visible. She turned her head and studied the dark blue dress pants and light blue cotton shirt he had on. He easily portrayed extreme wealth and power. His dark good looks were so apparent that one could not help but notice him.

  “Hi.” He transferred his gaze to the painting and studied it for a moment.

  “What do you see?”

  “Someone trying to make a point but not quite succeeding,” he said blandly.

  She laughed at that and his eyes went to her face, his gaze lingering.

  “What do you see?”

  “It’s abstract so you are supposed to make your own interpretation. I happen to know the artist and she is actually quite good. Deep and dark, but good nonetheless.”

  “So what’s your interpretation?”

  “The dark paint represents the darkness of grief and pain and the white represents the light of love and hope.”

  “You got all of that from looking at this?” He stared at her in fascination.

  “No actually, I got it from her,” she told him in amusement. A waiter came forward with champagne and he took one, raising the glass to his lips. “I told you I know her.”

  “I prefer impressionism to modernism,” he murmured, as he wondered over to a painting depicting an array of horses grazing in a meadow suffused with fading flowers. “I rather like this one.”

  She walked over to stand next to him. “So do I. It’s relaxing and not at all intrusive.”

  “You know art.” He murmured.

  “I am fascinated by it.”

  “Maybe one day I will show you my private collection,” he told her lightly. Amani felt her heart quickened at that, but she was careful to keep her expression neutral.

  “Maybe.” She wandered over to look at another painting and he followed her. She found that he was quite experienced in the subject and his bland and exaggerated sense of humor had her laughing most of the time. Hanson kept his distance, not wanting to associate himself with her while she was working, but she noticed the pleased expression on his face as he gazed at the tall handsome man next to her. “If I thought he was into men I would so enjoy trading places with you darling,” he had told her that morning.

  “So what’s next, Amani Smith?” he asked her as they sat on one of the chairs placed inside the room for visitors. It was almost
10pm and people were starting to leave.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You invited me out to see the show and I came. Where do we go from here?”

  “You go home and I do the same,” she told him in amusement.

  “I would like to see you again.”

  “Why? Because you are bored?”

  “No,” he said steadily. “Because I like you and I think that you and I have things in common.”

  “Having similar interests in paintings does not mean we have things in common.”

  “Maybe not but it’s a start,” he insisted.

  “Maybe.” She got to her feet and he did as well.

  “How about dinner tomorrow night?”

  “On your yacht?” Her tapered eyebrows lifted as she looked at him.

  “If that’s what you would like.”

  “I would much prefer a nice restaurant. Going to dinner on your yacht seems like there would be strings attached.”

  He laughed softly and took her hands in his. “And you would not like that?”

  “It’s early days yet.” She pulled her hands away from his and placed one at the side of his face before stepping back. “Dinner it is.”

  He stared at her for a moment and nodded. “I take it that the evening is at an end?”

  “I am wilting.”

  He extended his arm and she put her hand through it. “We cannot have that.”


  Amani rolled her eyes as she heard the phone ring and answered it without looking to see who it was. “I am just on my way to bed so make it quick.”

  There was a pause before the familiar deep voice responded in amusement. “Why do I get the feeling that I was not the person you were expecting to call?”

  “Liam!” She swore silently at the error she had made! “Just a pesky friend who insists on calling me at inopportune times. Is something wrong?”

  “I was just calling to see if you made it home safely and to tell you that I enjoyed the evening, thoroughly.”

  “So did I,” she told him truthfully as she fluffed up her pillows and settled back against them. “It had been a long time since I enjoyed an opening.”


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