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Endgame Page 3

by Cara E Holt

  Before Izzy can answer, he does. “Why don’t you get Manchester some champagne. She’s probably never had a taste of real class before.”

  Someone to my right sniggers and I whirl back round to face him and get right up into his personal space. “No thanks. You see I prefer my drink like I like my guys. Strong, and a little rough around the edges. Not something you’d be able to relate to hey posh, being born with that silver spoon shoved up your ass.”

  I hear a burst of laughter from someone in the group. He frowns for a nano-second before smirking. He leans in, so he is less than an inch from my face. “Your pussy is purring for me already Manchester. Shame I prefer my girls to have some class.”

  I scoff and turn away from him. Everyone has been stood there avidly watching our exchange.

  “I like your step-sister Dom.” Harry tells him, giving me a cheeky wink.

  I look to Izzy. “I’m going for a drink.” I stalk off, not waiting to see if she follows me. I’m shaking with anger. Why does he push my buttons so much? God! He is so irritating.

  Izzy catches me up as I’m opening another bottle. “God. What a smug arrogant bastard he is.”

  Izzy laughs at me. “He’s also the most popular boy at school. Where he goes, girls flock around him like sheep. He can and does get any girl he wants.”

  I look at her in disbelief. “You mean girls fall for that shit?”

  “Oh, they fall for it. Trouble is none of them manage to keep his interest. He doesn’t date - ever. He never sleeps with the same girl more than a few times.”

  I shake my head in disgust and Izzy looks at me with curiosity written across her face. “So, you don’t think he is gorgeous then?”

  I laugh. “Oh yeah he’s gorgeous alright. I mean have you seen that body? Shame he has such an ugly ego.”

  Izzy grins. “Well you’re the first not to be charmed by him. I bet he hasn’t a clue how to handle you when you didn’t fall at his feet.”

  I spend the rest of the evening avoiding any contact with Grayson St. Clair but throughout the evening my traitorous eyes find him. At one point our eyes meet and he frowns at me, which I have to admit I wasn’t expecting, a confident smirk, yes, a frown, no.

  Izzy is lovely and looks after me all night and I’m actually glad Sophie forced poor Dom to bring me along tonight. At least when I start at my new sixth form on Monday I would know some names and faces. Dom comes and finds us at just gone half eleven and suggests we head home.

  We are driving home and I am sat in the back listening to the music on the radio while Dom and Izzy chat about the Molly and Jacob situation.

  Dom turns in his seat to me. “So, I have to ask, why were you in the bedroom with Grayson?”

  I roll my eyes. “I wasn’t IN the bedroom with him. I was already in there when he came in. I was attempting to dry my top.”

  Dom nods but he doesn’t look convinced.

  “Look Dom, I know you don’t know me yet, but I don’t rock up to parties and sneak off to bedrooms with some random dickhead, half an hour after arriving.”

  He holds up his hands. “Okay I believe you. It’s just well your new blood and well Grayson is, Grayson.”

  “A dick is what he is.” I reply.

  Izzy looks at me through the mirror. “You piss Grayson off and he will not make it easy for you at school, his opinion matters a lot.”

  I look at her in disbelief. “What is he the godfather?”

  Dom laughs. “I think Grayson is perplexed by you. The first girl who ever told him she wasn’t interested.”

  I smirk. “Well he’d better get used to it.”

  I feel a tapping on my arm as I’m pulled from my sleep. I groan and roll over, but something continues to tap my arm. Lazily, I open one eye and find a wide-awake ollie stood beside my bed.

  “Everly. Are you awake?”

  “No. I’m asleep.” I tell him putting an arm over my face.

  “You’re not asleep silly. You just opened your eyes and talked.”

  There’s no pulling one over on this little guy is there? He grabs at my hand and pulls.

  “Come on. You promised to come and see my room.”

  I sleepily stretch and sit up in bed and allow him to pull me up and along to his room. Ollie’s room is a typical boys room. It is painted in a light and dark blue and has glow stars on the ceiling and nerf guns hanging on the walls.

  “Wow. Cool room little brother.” I tell him looking around me.

  “Look at all my nerf guns.” He points proudly to the wall were they all hang on brackets.

  “That is a lot of nerf guns.” I tell him making sure I look very impressed.

  “You want to play? I have nerf masks’ too.”

  I hold out a hand. “Go on then pass me a gun, but we will have to be quiet as it is early.”

  He nods. “Like this.” He whispers.

  “That is perfect.” I offer him a thumbs-up and grinning he hands me a white and green gun and a matching nerf mask to wear.

  I rush off and hide at the side of a book case and we start firing at each other. I make sure I aim for his legs rather than anywhere else. He hits me on the chest and I groan and fall to the floor.

  “Do you guys know what time it is?” A sleepy voice asks, and I look up from my play dead position on the floor to see Dom, arms folded resting against the door frame with a smile on his face.

  “Shush. You have to whisper.” Ollie tells him putting a finger on his lips to indicate he should be quiet which makes me giggle out loud.

  “Ollie did you wake Everly up?”

  Ollie dips his head not giving him eye contact. “Maybe. I like her. I wanted her to play.”

  Dom gives me an apologetic look.

  “It’s fine. I don’t mind.”

  He nods and then coughing looks back at me. “Look I’m sorry about Grayson last night. He can be a real…” he pauses and looks at Ollie, “idiot, at times.”

  I shrug. “I can handle the likes of Grayson.”

  Dom laughs. “Yeah, you definitely held your own. So much so I think you have a little fan club amongst my mates now.”

  I groan not liking that news and he just laughs at me again.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Grayson left speechless.” He admits to me and I grin in response.

  “Speechless is how I like him.”

  Dom grins and rubs the back of his neck. “He’s actually an okay guy once you get to know him. He doesn’t let many people in you know.”

  I shrug. “Like I said, I have very little interest in getting to know him.”

  Dom bites his lips and looks at me apprehensively. “See well there’s the thing. You probably will see him a fair bit. He usually hangs out here quite a lot. His dad is away a lot with work.”

  I let out a big sigh. “Well that’s just peachy.”

  Dom picks up a bullet near his feet and Ollie fetches it off him. He looks at me awkwardly.

  “I’m really sorry about your mum.” He offers and looks down at his feet which he is rubbing on the carpet.

  Since my mum has died, I have noticed that people do that a lot. They say they are sorry for your loss and then look away quickly, like they are too scared to see your reaction to their condolences. It is like they are scared of seeing the pain that likely lies in your eyes.

  “Thanks.” I reply and offer a sad smile.

  “I’m going back to bed. Keep it down Ol’s.” Ollie nods before firing another bullet at me which hits me in the arm and I roll over faking pain.

  I play with Ollie for another twenty minutes and then go and grab a shower. I’m hoping to have an easy day today, just me and my new book. I throw on a white fitted tee and some black leggings. Sophie stuck her head in as I was brushing my teeth and told me to head down for some breakfast whenever I was ready. Once I have stuck my hair up in messy bun I head downstairs.

  I stop dead in my steps when I take in the view in the kitchen. Grayson St. Clair is stood by the kitchen i
sland, with no top on gulping down a glass of water. His chiselled chest glistens with sweat and his joggers hang low on his hips teasing at that vee. A drop of sweat makes its way down his chest and I have this urge to lick it off him. I shake my head not sure where that crazy thought just came from. I mean, I don’t even like this guy.

  “Ah Everly. Come sit and get some food.” I had my suspicions that Sophie was a feeder. Which for someone like me was not good news. I don’t glance his way, acting as if he isn’t there and I walk to the island and sit myself on a bar stool at the other complete end from where he is stood.

  There are pancakes, toast and eggs and bacon on offer. I take one egg and two rashers of bacon. I can feel Sophie’s eyes on me watching what I am eating. You see, if ever I was going to relapse it would be now, but I didn’t want to go back there. Anorexia is like any other kind of addiction, where an alcoholic craves alcohol as a means of dealing with life when it gets tough, my vice was starving my body of food and the buzz that such control gave me. I start to chew on a piece of bacon and I see Sophie relax and take her watchful eyes off me.

  A naked chest distracts my vision and I look up to see that Grayson has come to sit down exactly opposite me.

  “Morning Everly.” He greets, his beautiful blue eyes smirking at me.

  I offer him a purposely fake smile. “Well hi Grayson.”

  He winks at me in response and reaches for an egg. The guy was clearly at home here, meaning Dom wasn’t joking when he said he was around here a lot.

  Ollie looks up at me from where he sits next to Sophie. “Can we play nerf guns again after breakfast?”

  “Ollie. Everly can’t play with you all the time honey.” She looks at me and gives me another apologetic smile.

  “Grayson. Everly is my new sister.” He tells him looking very proud of the fact. “Isn’t she pretty?”

  I nearly choke on the bacon in my mouth and look up feel Grayson eyes on me, his mouth twitches in a half smile. “You know, I hadn’t noticed.”

  “Is that why the first thing you asked Dom when you got here was where she was?” Asks Abigail as she takes the seat beside me, giving Grayson a teasing look.

  Dom comes in at that point and ruffles his sister’s hair as he walks past her to sit down.

  “Leave it alone sis.” He tells her.

  “What are you boys up to today?” Sophie asks them both as she refills her cup with coffee. Her flawless blonde hair is loose on her shoulders.

  “Gym session and then probably hang out in the basement.” Dom informs her as he takes a big bite of his toast.

  “Yeah. I think we’ll just hang out here all day today if that’s okay Mrs M?” Grayson adds not taking his eyes from mine.

  “How nice.” I state, trying to keep the sarcasm out of my voice, but failing.

  Sophie seems to miss it though. “In that case Everly can hang out with you then. Give her a tour of the basement.”

  “Oh, there’s no need.” I quickly protest.

  “Sure Mrs M. We’ll take good care of her.” Grayson tells her. He gives Sophie a polite smile and then when she turns her gaze away he offers me a smug smirk. I wanted to take a piece of toast and ram it in his smug mouth. He had full lips for a guy, I bet they would feel nice against mine. I mentally scold myself, my traitorous mine can’t help but betray me!

  I return my gaze to my food and remaining quiet whilst the others talk around me finish off the egg and bacon. I put my knife and fork down and Sophie is immediately holding out a plate piled with toast.

  “Why don’t you take some toast Everly? You haven’t had much.”

  Here we go I think to myself. I smile politely. “I’m good thanks.”

  “Maybe just half a slice?” She persists.

  “Jesus mum.” Dom says rolling his eyes. “She said she was full.”

  Sophie blushes slightly and retracts the plate from under my nose. “Well I guess if you’re sure.”

  Dom grabs one last strip of bacon and stands up. “Come on Everly. Let’s give you the grand tour.”

  I drain my glass of orange juice and stand to follow him. I feel Grayson behind me and he leans into my ear as we walk.

  “You dream of me last night, Manchester?”

  I scoff trying not to shiver at his close contact. “You wish.” He chuckles in response and it grates on me.

  I follow Dom down to the basement down a different flight of stairs to the ones that had led from the garage. When Dom had mentioned a gym, I expected maybe a treadmill and some weights but not this. There is a treadmill but there’s also a rower, bike and to my delight a step machine as well as weights, kettlebells and smith machine.

  “Nice.” I state as I walk round taking in all the equipment. Grayson silently walks past me and starts to do some chin ups. I can’t help but admire the muscles in his arms and back as they tense and release. I wonder what it would feel like to have those arms wrapped around you. I’m at it again! why can’t my mind stop going there? He catches my eye in the mirror and winks at me, knowing he caught me checking him out. I cough and blushing, mumble to Dom that I’ll go and checkout the rest of the basement. As soon as I am out of the room I lean against the wall and take a steadying breath. Posh might by a grade ‘A’ ass, but it was a damn fine ass.

  I make my way down the hallway and find a large room that houses a pool table, and a large comfy looking sofa that sits before a large flat screen with x-box controllers beside it. Over to the right is a dart board and there’s also a basketball hoop on the wall. This is without doubt a ‘man cave.’ Over by the window there is a bar with a drinks fridge that holds cans of Coke and Fanta. I decide to sneak back upstairs before the boys come and find me. Two hours later I am lay on my bed on my tummy with my kindle in front of me gripped in my latest read. Luckily, I don’t see Grayson again and that suits me just fine. The less I see of him, the better.

  Chapter Four.

  Monday morning rolls round quickly and I stand there critically analysing my reflection in the mirror. The school uniform is a blue and grey tartan pleated skirt with a grey blazer, the tie was a royal blue colour that matched the blue in the skirt. It didn’t look bad to be fair. I often struggled getting a shirt to fit my boobs. I was blessed with a tiny waist and back but larger boobs, so finding a shirt that didn’t pull on the chest area was always a challenge for me. I put my hair half up – half down. Makeup isn’t allowed, even for sixth formers so I just put on some tinted moisturiser to give my porcelain skin a bit of colour. Taking a big breath to ready myself for the day ahead, I grab my bag and head downstairs.

  “Morning Sweetheart.” My Dad looks up and smiles at me. Coffee cup in one hand, his phone in the other.

  “Hi.” I reply. Sitting down I grab some juice.

  “The uniform looks great.” Sophie states, squeezing my shoulder as she walks past me to sit down.

  I had left the tie off until I was ready to leave and had it rolled up in my blazer pocket and I had left the top two buttons of my shirt undone. I hadn’t worn a school shirt for six months and it felt too restrictive. I look up as I can feel Abigail’s eyes on me.

  “Do you have a tattoo? There?” She asks indicating at my chest.

  Shit! I had forgot that the top of it would be visible.

  “Of course she doesn’t.” Dad scoffs. “She is too young to have a tattoo.”

  I feel everyone looking at my chest and I blush profusely. “Actually, I do have one or two.”

  My dad puts down his cup and looks at me in disbelief. “Tell me you are joking?”

  I bite my lip and shake my head in response. Uh-oh he didn’t look pleased. I pop open another button on my shirt and pull one side down so that they can see it. My tattoo was a Celtic symbol in black ink. Everyone leans in closer to take a look. Dom looks highly amused and slightly impressed.

  I can feel my dad’s disapproving frown as he studies it.

  “It’s the Celtic symbol for Mother and Daughter.” I explain. “Mum and I bo
th had it done on the day we found out she was terminal.”

  The room is so silent you could hear a pin drop. Sophie looks at me with sad eyes and as if she is thinking about coming to give me a hug.

  “Can I have a tattoo?” Ollie asks breaking the silence and Dom chuckles and looks to his mum for her response.

  “Not until you are a grown up.” Sophie tells him which results in him pouting and then he studies me for a second, his little mind ticking over.

  “Everly has one and she isn’t a grown up.”

  I blush and look down at my glass. “She’s nearly a grown up.” Dad explains to him.

  “I want a nerf gun one.” He tells us all.

  “That would be cool Ollie. I think when you’re eighteen though, you might want something else though.”

  “I won’t.” Ollie tells Dom frowning.

  “Oh, look at the time.” Sophie says standing, clearly deciding this conversation needs to end. “Come on Ollie let’s get you off to school.”

  Ollie stands and as he walks past my chair he stops. “I like having you as my sister. You are cool and pretty.”

  My heart can’t help but squeeze at his cute declaration. I ruffle his hair playfully.

  “Thanks Ollie. I like having you as my brother.”

  He gives me a wide grin and happily follows his mum down to the garage.

  Dom smiles at me his green eyes twinkling with humour. “Looks like you have a big fan in Ollie.”

  I laugh. “Ollie would love anyone who played nerf wars with him.”

  Dom puts down his spoon. “We ready to go girls?”

  I nod and down my juice and Abigail stands and grabs her bag. Here goes nothing. My first day in private education. I didn’t dare want to consider how much this was costing my dad.

  Dom drives us to school in his golf. We stop on the way to pick up Izzy and she climbs in the front passenger seat. Her gorgeous red hair is held in pony tail. Fifteen minutes later we turn down a long winding driveway that seems to go on for ages and then there before us stands a very grand and imposing mansion, complete with gargoyles and Georgian windows. I think my jaw falls to the floor in amazement.


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