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Endgame Page 11

by Cara E Holt

  We tip-toe downstairs and I seat myself at the kitchen island as Grayson proceeds to make us breakfast. I sit there quietly, my head resting on my hands and watch him cook. Who knew watching a boy crack eggs could be sexy.

  “Penny for them.” He says looking up from the stove from opposite me.

  “My thoughts are not for sale.” I tease, with a smile.

  “Morning campers.” Izzy breezes into the room with Dom closely followed behind her. “I hope some of that food is for me, because I am ravished.” She sits herself down beside me. “Sleep well Everly?”

  I nod and sneak a look over at Grayson who winks at me. “Like a log.”

  “So, what are we doing today?” Dom asks Grayson leaning over him and stealing a piece of toast he has just finished buttering off him.

  “I have to pick Em’s up soon.”

  Dom looks surprised. “She’s coming home? Is that such a good idea?”

  Frowning Grayson shrugs as he loads bacon onto four plates.

  “I need to get home and face Dad and Sophie after my meltdown yesterday.”

  Dom gives me a sympathetic smile. “They understood you needed some time out and they get why you reacted the way you did.”

  I nod, chewing on my lip. “I feel a bit silly though today.”

  Izzy wraps an arm around my shoulder. “Don’t. That sweater was important to you. I totally would have reacted the same.”

  Izzy smiles then as she reaches over the island and grabs a piece of bacon off one of the plates. Grayson tries to slap her hand away but misses.

  “So.” She says smiling, looking from me to Grayson. “You two managed a whole night being nice to each other. That’s progress.” She chews on her bacon continuing to observe us both.

  I blush and look away not knowing how to react.

  Grayson sighs and leans on the counter. “If you have something to say Izzy, spit it out.”

  She smiles and shrugs. “Just that it was fun, the four of us hanging out.”

  Grayson looks over at me and give him an awkward look back. “Let’s just say Manchester and I had a temporary reprieve. Besides, I have way too much fun pissing her off to stop now.”

  I cock a brow. “I’m way better at this game than you are.”

  He scoffs. “Manchester, I could wipe the floor with you.”

  I laugh. “Want to make a bet on that?”

  He folds his arms, looking very self-assured a cunning grin on his face. “Oh, I so do. Let’s see who can play the game best this week. Izzy and Dom can be the judges.”

  I see Izzy give Dom a look of exasperation. “Can’t you two just quit this hate game and play nice? It will end badly.”

  “No.” both of us say at the same time. My mind is already ticking over thinking of how I could best him at this game.

  I walk in the house and feel slightly apprehensive. Dad is sat in the lounge area watching tv, whilst Sophie is the kitchen with Ollie and it looks like they are baking cakes.

  “You’re home.” Ollie shouts excitedly. He rushes through the room to me. Flour all over his hands and face. He grabs my hand. “We are making cakes for you. Come and see.”

  I allow him to drag me forward. “Cakes, for me?”

  Ollie nods looking back at me. Mummy said you are sad and when girls are sad they like cakes.”

  I laugh. “You will make some girl very happy one day.”

  He pulls me over to the kitchen and Sophie gives me a warm smile. “You okay?”

  I nod. “I’m sorry about the way I reacted.” I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn around to find my dad behind me.

  “Don’t apologise. The sweater is back under your pillow.”

  I smile at him grateful. “I’m okay. I know it won’t smell of her any more, but it is still hers.”

  “We thought we’d have a family day today.” Sophie tells us. Dom who has been stood beside his mum, dips his finger in the cake mix and licks it clean.

  “Family day?”

  Dad nods. “Yes, a family day. We are going bowling and then we’ll have dinner out.”

  So, an hour later we are at the local retail park and bowling. Dad is a natural and pretty much is hitting strikes every time. Ollie bless him, uses the ramp to help him roll the bowling ball and he jumps up and down excitedly when he knocks two balls down. I am abysmal at bowling. My ball nearly always rolls off into the side. Abi and Sophie are better than me and Abi manages a good few strikes.

  After bowling we all head to Nando’s and eat. Ollie chat away animatedly about his upcoming birthday and how he wants a nerf party. I have only had these people in my lives a short time, but I have to say I am getting used to having them around. I missed my mum, something terrible, but they were helping to ease that pain. My thoughts strayed to Grayson St. Clair several times that day. He had really been there for me last night and he had been sweet and caring, and it confused the hell out of me. I wanted to continue to hate him, but as I began to see more and more of the other side of Grayson, I was finding it harder and harder to feel that way.

  Monday rolls around. I’m walking to the car with Dom, when he gets to the car, instead of opening it, he sighs and rests his arms on the roof of the car.

  “This thing with you and Grayson, why can’t you both just admit it and be together? Why carry on with this hate game?”

  I rear back slightly in shock at his words. “There’s no thing.”

  He laughs and looks at me like I’m the worst liar in the world. “Okay, if denial works for you.”

  Sighing again he opens the car door and climbs inside and leaves me stood there speechless. I climb into the car and he turns up the radio. We pick Izzy up and she looks from me to Dom and frowns.

  “What’s wrong with you two?”

  “Nothing.” We both say in stereo, she gives us both a look that says she isn’t buying it, but she doesn’t push and turns back to face the front of the car. As we walk inside and head to our lockers student giggle as we walk past. When my locker comes into view I can see from here there is a photo stuck on it. Here goes, the games have started.

  “I’m out of here.” Dom announces, he drops a quick kiss on Izzy’s lips and stalks away.

  We reach my locker and I sigh out loud. “Really?” I laugh, “This is so cliché” I pull the photo off my locker, it’s my head on Frank Gallagher’s body from the tv show shameless. I screw it up and throw it in my locker. He would have to do better than that.

  Izzy laughs from behind me and pats me on the shoulder. “I’ll leave you to it Frank.”

  Laughing I give her the finger and turn back around to retrieve my books and I-pad for the day. I walk into class and he is sat there, arms folded looking all pleased with himself.

  “Poor effort.” I tell him as I sit to take my seat. It’s then I realise the class are all giggling and pointing to the white board. On it is picture of Bet Lynch from Coronation Street, but with my head in her place and the caption below it reads. “Northern class.”

  I shake my head and let out a laugh and everyone quiets and watches me. I proceed to turn on my i-pad and get up last weeks notes. They were all expecting a reaction and I didn’t give them one.

  My next class I enter the room to another photo, this time it’s Lilly Savage but with my head photoshopped onto it and the caption reads. ‘Northern birds look like men in drag.’

  Again, I don’t react and smiling and shaking my head I take my seat. I see one of Grayson’s rugby buddies tear the photo down before the teacher arrives. At lunch time I make my way for food and then find my friends. Lottie gives me a sympathetic smile.

  “Looks like Grayson has upped the anti.”

  “He’s trying to, but if he thinks silly photo’s and derogatory comments about northerners will get to me, then he is sadly mistaken.”

  I shove my lunch down quickly.

  “You hungry or something?” Harvey asks me as he watches me shovel my food in.

  “I have something I need to do.” I
reply winking.

  Two minutes later I dump my food tray and with a quick goodbye to my friends I leave the cafeteria. Time to put my plan into action.

  Afternoon classes follow the same routine as the morning ones. In third period my body has been photoshopped on to a photo of Melanie Sykes with beer froth round her mouth with the caption. ‘Northern girls give good head.’ My final class is probably the best one, this one is of me photoshopped on to the body of David Beckham in his united kit with ‘Can’t afford golden balled boys.’

  Finally, my time has come and after putting my stuff away in my locker for tomorrow I meet Dom and Izzy in the foyer and we head out to the car. The car park is packed with a crowd.

  “What’s happening here?” Izzy asks curious and I shrug my shoulders telling her I have no idea. She takes my hand and pushes through the crowd with Dom behind us. “Oh my.”

  Before us is Grayson’s car covered wheel to roof with tin foil. Then on the bonnet in shaving foam were the words ‘Posh.’

  Dom breaks into laughter behind me and squeezes my shoulder. “Oh, he’s going to kill you.”

  I can’t help but let a wide smile break out on my face. “I know.”

  “What the fuck..?”

  I hear his voice behind me and turn to see him stood there. Gawping at his car. His eye’s fall on to me and I see the twitch of a smile on his lips. Grinning, I walk past him and whisper in his ear as I pass him.

  “Rule one, never underestimate me.” I walk over to Dom’s car and lean against it smiling to myself. Dom proceeds to help Grayson unwrap his car. He throws Izzy the keys and she comes over and opens the car, so we can sit in whilst we wait for him.

  “He will make you pay for that.”

  I laugh. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

  I get home that night and am surprised when Sophie tells me there is a letter for me. I take the envelope and see my name and address is typed on the front. I head up to my room and open it and gasp when I see the handwriting, it was my mum’s.

  My Darling Girl If you are reading this letter then it means I have had to leave you. I hope you are doing okay and settling in to your new home. Your Dad is a good man and I know he will be good father to you. I’m sorry I didn’t let you have him in your life sooner, it was selfish and cruel of me. I can’t wait to watch from afar and see the beautiful young woman you become. Life is precious, please do not mourn me, I had a good life and gave the world you as my gift. You are so beautiful and good, you are my fierce little warrior and I know you will get through this. If I have one lesson to teach you it is this, live your life with no regrets, fall in love - a lot, laugh often and be true to yourself. Oh, and reign in that stubbornness of yours. I will always be by your side, never doubt that.

  Your forever.


  I clutch the letter to my heart and allow the silent tears to fall down my face. The letter was like having a hug from my mother. Before I realise what I am doing, I text Grayson.

  I got letter from my mum.

  A second later my phone pings.

  That’s great, U okay?

  I smile as I text back.

  Yeah, I think I am.

  I lie back on my bed and sigh, drying my tears. Two seconds later I hear feet on the stairs, so I wipe my eyes and sit up on my bed, expecting Ollie to bound in the room and throw himself at me. I do a double-take when I see Grayson walk in my room and lean against the door frame. He is all sweaty, wearing shorts that show off his muscled thighs and a vest top that shows off his arms. He gives me lazy grin that makes my toes curl.

  “I didn’t realise you were here.” I tell him surprised.

  He nods. “We’re training.” He looks nervous all of the sudden. “I err, thought I’d come and check that you were really okay.”

  I nod crossing my legs in front of me. “Yeah I’m okay. It was nice you know.” I try to stop my eyes from running down his body and keep them trained on his face. “Where’s Dom?”


  I nod. I’m not going to lie I want to jump on him. Feel his hands on me. I look down at my hands that are nervously playing with a black hair band. I look up when I hear my bedroom door close and I expect to see him gone. Instead I see him stalking towards me with a hot-as-fuck look on his face.

  “We don’t have long.” He tells me, before he pushes me down on the bed and he crashes his lips against mine. I smile against his lips as I wrap my hands around his neck. This is what I have needed all day, him, buried inside me. His hands are on my lounge pants tugging them down. I lift my hips so that he can get them down. Then my top is pulled over my head and I’m naked beneath him. He leans up and pulls his vest off and I slip my hands in the back off his shorts and slide them down, having a good squeeze of his ass as I go. Before I can blink, he thrusts into me hard making me cry out.

  “Shush baby.” He whispers in my ear as he thrusts back out and then slams back in to me. “God I’m not going to last long.”

  My legs grip around his waist and I close my eyes and bite my lip as I feel him move in and out of me. His lips find mine and I return his eager kiss, my tongue dancing with his. He holds one of my legs out further so that he can thrust deeper and I smother my groans into my pillow. I grip his ass hard as he move inside of me. He had the perfect ass, everything about him was perfect. His eyes are on mine and we lie there looking at each other as we both come apart. I feel him explode inside of me and a feeling of satisfaction washes over me.

  He rests his forehead against mine and we lie there like this, catching our breath, looking at each other.

  “Fuck Ev, I needed that.”

  I smile and bite my lip. “I needed that too.”

  He leans in and kisses me then and it is a soft and tender kiss that sends shivers down my spine.

  “I’d better go.” He states, and I nod. He stands up not giving a shit about his nakedness. This was a guy that was totally confident in his own body. He is dressed within no time. He leans down to where I am sat on the bed clutching the covers to my chest. “I’ll see you later.” He drops a quick kiss on my lips and then quietly rushes out of my room.

  Sighing I lie back on my bed. What was I doing with this guy?

  The rest of the week continues much the same as Monday, we play pranks and name calling on each other all week. After school he stays over a couple of nights and sneaks into my room in the middle of night and we spend hours definitely not sleeping. I had surpassed the three times only rule with him. I was addicted, and I didn’t want to read too far into this, but I had the feeling he was too.

  Saturday night arrives, and I have agreed to go out with Lottie and the rest of the group to see a band in a nearby town. Lottie sneaks some miniature bottle of Vodka and Barcardi in her bag and we drink and dance along to the band. I’m stood dancing when I feel a hand at my hip.

  “I was hoping we would meet again.” A male voice says in my ear and I turn to find Andrews smiling at me. His hazel eyes twinkling with humour.

  “Oh, err hi.” I mumble smiling. He looks around me as if looking for someone.

  “No St. Clair to drag you away tonight?”

  Chewing on my lip I shake my head. “Not tonight. I’m out with friends.”

  He nods and leans in closer to talk into my ear. “Are you and he a thing?”

  “No.” I reply. In fairness I was telling the truth. We hadn’t put a label on what we were.

  “Smile.” A cheery voice says, and I look up to see Paige with her phone held up. Andrews wraps and arm around my waist and pulls me against him before I can protest and Paige’s phone flashes. She gives me strange smile and moves on into the crowd.

  I step out of his hold to put some distance between us. Grayson had warned me to stay away from him and even though I didn’t know what had gone down between them I felt I should listen to his warning.

  “Why does Grayson hate you so much?”

  He cocks a brow as he takes a sip of his beer. “I took somethi
ng he didn’t feel I was good enough to have.”

  I frown. “A girl. Is this about a girl?”

  Andrews grins. “You’d have to ask him. You see I’m not one of the Harper Grange Elite. I don’t have a rich mummy and daddy to buy me everything. In Grayson’s eyes that makes me not good enough, below him.”

  I frown, stroking the rim of my plastic glass. That had been my first impression of him too, but now I didn’t feel that way. I look around the bar trying to locate Lottie and the others, but I can’t see them anywhere.

  “You okay?”

  I nod as I continue looking around the room. “I can’t see my friends. I erm, I should go look for them.”

  He nods and tipping his beer in my direction as a farewell he winks at me and moves on into the crowd. I search all around the bar, but I can’t see them anywhere. I try the ladies but they aren’t in there either. Surely Lottie wouldn’t leave without me? I pull out my phone and text her asking where they all are and my phone pings two seconds later.

  OMG! Are you still there? We left. Paige said you left with that Andrews guy. x

  I frown. Fucking Paige, that lying bitch.

  I’ll text Harvey, he’ll come back for you.

  I text back a quick reply to say that no it was fine and I would ring Dom. I head over to near the toilets where it is quieter and ring Dom’s number. He answers on the third ring.

  “Hey Everly. Jeez, where are you it’s really loud?”

  “Oh hi, err yeah I’m at a bar and Lottie and the guys have left me behind.”

  “They did what?” I hear noise and voices in the background and hear Dom say something. “Err, Grayson’s on his way for you. He said wait by the bar for him.”


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