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Endgame Page 20

by Cara E Holt

  He smirks. “We can still sneak some alone time in the stationary closet, don’t worry.”

  “I’d like that.” I tell him. I go to get up off his lap, but his hands hold me there. “I’ve wanted this moment for a while. I’m going to enjoy it a bit longer.” He leans in and kisses me again.

  “Is this what we will have to put up with at lunch from now on?” Owen teases, “you two all lovey-dovey and touchy-feely?”

  Grayson smirks. “Yep. Get used to it.”

  Jacob laughs, shaking his head at him. “You are so whipped.”

  Grayson Shrugs. He holds his hands up again. “I’m whipped, and I don’t care.” He announces loudly to the entire sixth form and the other high school diners.

  When lunch time is over, Grayson takes my hand and walks me to my next class. We get stares and whispers behind hands all the way there. Some girls look at me like they want to kill me, and some girls look at me like I am the luckiest girl in the world. They could look at me however they wanted. I did not care. Grayson St. Clair was mine and he was quite possibly my endgame.


  Firstly, thank you as always to my best friend Alyson. For being the first one to read a half-completed ‘Endgame’ and telling me to hurry up and finish it, so that she could read the rest.

  To my family, thank you for putting up with me being absent when I was wrapped up in my writing and bringing this story to life. This book was not easy for me to write. Having gone through anorexia myself at seventeen, this book brought forward many emotions for me. To those of you battling the illness, there is light at the other side and you can beat this.

  To my facebook followers, thank you for interacting with me, encouraging me and just generally being a great. This book is for all of you.

  Read on for Grayson’s story – a little bonus treat for you. I mean who would not want to get inside his head for a while?

  Follow my author page on facebook to find out all the latest news on my upcoming books.


  Jacob’s parties were always busy. I sip my beer as I lean against the wall watching Owen and Ben play pool. Dom had just text to say he was on his way and that he had been roped into bringing his new step-sister along. Across the room I see Caitlin dancing with her friends. She pouts her lips and gives me the eye as she dances. The girl had a great pair of legs, that she was showing off in a short black skirt. I’d fucked her last week in my car but then the texts had started. It was always the same. I would tell them it was just sex and nothing else and they would still try to talk me into a date or think they now owned a piece of me. Fuck it though, I was itching for some release tonight, so I’d find it between her legs and then I’d tell her in no uncertain terms that I was done. I’m pulled from my thoughts when I spot my best mate Dom coming over.

  “Hey pal.” I grin at him and pass him a beer from the stack I have behind me.

  Dom shakes his head and jingles his keys. “Designated driver tonight.”

  I look behind him. “So, where’s the new sister?”

  Dom groans. “Don’t start. You are not hitting on my step-sister.”

  I cock a brow and smirk. “Does that mean that she’s worth a crack at?”

  “Is she hot?” Owen pipes up, as he takes a shot. His eyes suddenly lighting up with interest.

  Dom scoffs. “As if I’m going to make a comment on whether I think my step-sister is hot. That would be weird guys.”

  She’s hot. I can tell from the way he is warning me off. Suddenly I was intrigued about this mystery step-sister who had come out of the blue.

  “Are you going to bring her over and introduce her to us all?” I ask, grinning at him.

  Dom grabs a can of coke and comes to stand beside me. “No, I am not. Besides, Izzy dragged her off somewhere to meet the girls.”

  Jacob comes to perch on a stool to the side of me. He has a deep frown set on his face.

  “What’s up with you?”

  He sighs. “Molly.”

  I laugh. “I’ve told you J. Fuck them and leave them. Don’t date them, it gets messy, they always get clingy.”

  Jacob laughs as he sips his beer. “Not that easy man.”

  “It is.” I tell him resolutely.

  Dom chuckles. “One day St. Clair a girl is going to come along and blow that theory of yours to pieces.”

  I scoff again. “Never.”

  I would never get tied down with a girlfriend. I mean don’t get me wrong, Izzy and Dom were great together but that wasn’t for me. I’d seen what relationships were like first hand from my own parent’s marriage. It destroyed lives.

  Caitlin saunters over to me, working those curvy hips of hers. She stops before me and rests her hand on my chest.

  “Hi Grayson.” She licks her bottom lip as she says my name and I think about her mouth around my cock.

  “What do you want ?”

  She smiles at me and leans in closer, whispering in my ear. “I want you.”

  I smirk and taking her hand in mine guide her out of the main room into the corridor. I push her up against the wall and lean into her. My hand snakes up her leg and I feel her shiver under my touch, her eyes closing. Yeah, she wanted me alright. I lean in and kiss up her neck.

  “You want to go somewhere more private?”

  She giggles and nods her head at me. I take her hand in mine and pull her down the unlit hallway. I’m had just seen Jacob coming from down here and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me using his sisters room. I pull her inside and wrap a hand around her waist and pull her against me. I take her hand and move it down to my groin as I nuzzle her neck.

  “Are you sure we are okay in here?” She asks me breathlessly as I grip her ass with my hands.

  “Feel how hard I am for you Caitlin.” I tell her huskily. Her hands brushes over my dick through my jeans and I hiss.

  The sudden sound of laughter freezes me on the spot and lifting my head from Caitlin’s neck I find a girl stood there, holding a towel against her seemingly naked chest. A hot girl. Even in this dark room I could see she was pretty. She had dark hair that fell over her shoulders and large dark eyes that at this moment in time full of amusement.

  Caitlin hits me hard on the chest, pulling my gaze back to her. “You already have a girl in here? I’m not into threesomes, jerk.”

  Scowling she turns and storms out of the room. I turn my attention back to the half-naked girl in the room. Folding my arms I smile as I look her in from head-to-toe. She was slim, with a great pair of legs.

  “Well, well, well, what do we have here.” I say and this earns me a scowl from her.

  “I spilled me drink.” She tells me clutching the towel against her naked chest. Yeah, it was pretty heard to concentrate on anything but the towel she clutched tightly. My eyes meet hers and I grin.

  “You sure about that. Because I just saw Jacob leaving this room a minute ago?”

  She raises an eyebrow and glares at me. “What are you trying to imply?”

  Realisation hits me when I hear her speak again. She isn’t from round here. In fact her accent is without doubt, northern. So, this is Dom’s new sister? No wonder he didn’t want to introduce us to her. She was pretty.

  “Ah, so you’re the new sister. The northern girl.” I tilt my head to the side as I observe her. “I heard northern girls were easy, but you really didn’t waste any time did you?”

  “Ha.” She laughs, her eyes meeting mine I challenge. “Met many northern girls have you to warrant you forming that opinion?”

  I smirk, in response. “I’ve met many, many girls. Have to say though I’ve never fucked a northern girl.”

  My dick twitches in my jeans when she rolls her eyes at me. “Wow. You are a real charmer aren’t you.”

  I offer her one of my confident smiles. “I could charm my way between those pretty legs of yours Manchester.” My eyes move down to her groin area to emphasise my point. To my surprise, she storms towards me and lifts her chin
defiantly. Up-close she was even prettier than I had realised. She had big chocolate brown eyes, framed by thick dark eyebrows. Her lips were full and inviting.

  “Let me make this clear posh boy.” She moves a finger back and forth between her and me. “My legs wouldn’t open for you if you were the last guy left on earth.”

  I take a step forward so that we are toe-to-toe and look down at her defiant face. “Ah but Manchester I could make you scream my name in pleasure. I could show you just what us southern boys are good at.”

  She gulps. I make her nervous, but then she pulls her big girl pants up and scoffs at me. “Look Posh. I’m from Manchester. The boys from my neck of the woods are streetwise, rugged, a bit rough around the edges. Trust me when I say they know how to please a girl.”

  I laugh inside at her calling me posh. Yeah, I grew up around money, but it meant shit to me. It bugged me slightly that she thought I was some little rich boy. I bite my lip and my eyes can’t help but look at her naked shoulders and I want to take a peek behind that towel she holds so tightly.

  “The accent is actually quite cute.” I admit. This earns me another dramatic eye roll from her. I’d make her eyes roll with want, one day soon.

  “Please! Your cheesy charm won’t work on me. Now posh, why don’t you just run along.” she gestures towards the door and gives me a look that suggest she is bored with this conversation.

  My dick twitches again in my pants. I’m still rock hard and it’s no longer because of Caitlin.

  “Thanks to you ruining my fun with Caitlin, I’m left with a hard on.”

  I see her eyes widen and her gaze drops down to my groin area and she stares. Manchester is ogling the bulge in my pants. I chuckle and her eyes dart back up and meet mine.

  “See something you like Manchester?”

  She blushes and god, if it isn’t the cutest thing. The things I would like to do to this girl. That sweet little mouth of hers would fit perfectly a round my dick.

  “I’m sure your left hand is used to alleviating that problem.” She offers back, grinning.

  I lean I closer to her and I hear her breath still as I run a finger up her bare right arm. She shivers in response.

  “Just so you know Manchester, I’ll think of you when I use my left hand.” My face is inches from hers now and I’m tempted to kiss that smart little mouth of hers. She blushes suddenly again and I am intrigued why.

  She rolls her eyes at me again. “Urgh, are you still here?” She swiftly turns her back on me and stalks back to the en-suite and I get a great view of her perfect little ass and her naked back. To my surprise and amusement she turns and gives me the finger before she slams shut the door. I can’t help but laugh out loud. Manchester was a little fire cracker. I was up for the challenge. Before long I would make that girl mine. I’d have her naked underneath me, those perfect little lips moaning my name.

  My dick is rock hard as I leave the room, shit, perhaps I could find Caitlin again and sweet talk my way back into her good book and convince her to give me a blow-job. I spot her over by the bar with a sulky look on her face. I walk over to her and she stiffens.

  “Caitlin.” I stand in front of her and lift her chin. “That girl in the room. I didn’t know she was in there. You left me wanting pretty girl.” I turn on the charm offensive, giving her my best smile.

  She gives me a smile. That was too easy. I lean into her and whisper into her ear. “I want your mouth around my dick.” My eyes meet hers and she’s grinning and taking my hand she pulls me out of the room and up outside into the dark night.

  I find the boys still over by the pool table. I grab myself another beer and sit myself on the end of the pool table.

  “Where have you been?” Owen asks me grinning.

  I smirk. “None of your business.”

  “Hey guys.” Izzy barges into the middle of us and being dragged behind her is Manchester herself. They have their back to me, so she hasn’t seen me yet. I use this opportunity to take a good luck at the back of her. She was tiny, with a tiny waist. I hear Izzy introduce her one-by-one to the guys. I see them all perk up in interest as they take her in. Take a good look, because I was calling dibs on this one. Izzy man-handles her and turns her as she moves around the circle of the guys. I find Dom’s eyes on mine and he sigh’s and shakes his head at me. I shrug my shoulders and grin. I mean look at her? There was no way I wasn’t not going to try and smash that.

  “Think I’ll be coming around your house more often.” Owen tells Dom smiling. Dom’s response is to tell him to fuck off making all the guys laugh. I grin in anticipation as Izzy turns her and announces me as the sixth form playboy. Thanks Izz!

  I feel her eyes move up my body and then widen in recognition when they meet mine. Those eyes were stunning. Her dark brown hair, fell in waves down her back.

  “Oh, Manchester and I have already met.” I say smirking at her. I see her jaw tighten in annoyance.

  “You have?” Izzy asks surprised.

  I nod and bite on my bottom lip as I look her up and down again. “Oh yeah Manchester and I spent some time alone together in the bedroom.”

  I hear someone cough and someone else splutter out their drink, but I keep my eyes on her.

  She scoffs at me and fold her arms. “Ah posh, don’t try to make it sound like something it definitely wasn’t. What it was, was me telling him he didn’t stand a chance with me.”

  I continue to smile at her and I can see she wanted to get a reaction out of me and failed.

  She turns to Izzy. “Can we go get drinks?”

  I can’t help myself. Winding this pretty little thing is entertaining. “Why don’t you get Manchester some champagne. She’s probably never had a taste of real class before.”

  Someone to my right sniggers and she whirls back round to face me and gets right up into my personal space. “No thanks. You see I prefer my drink like I like my guys. Strong, and a little rough around the edges. Not something you’d be able to relate to hey posh, being born with that silver spoon shoved up your ass.”

  I hear a burst of laughter from Ben. I frown at him and he shrugs and then I turn my attention back to Manchester. I can’t help but smile. The girl is good with her come-backs. I leans in to her, so I am less than an inch from her face. “Your pussy is purring for me already Manchester. Shame I prefer my girls to have some class.”

  She turns blood-red and turns away from me. Everyone has been stood there avidly watching our exchange.

  “I like your step-sister Dom.” Harry tells him, he gives Manchester a cheeky wink.

  “I’m going for a drink.” She tells Izzy and without a backward glance she storms off to the bar.

  I sit there smiling watching her. Owen slaps me on the shoulder. “There’s a first. Grayson well and truly turned down by a girl. You losing your touch St. Clair?”

  I laugh and shake my head. “She wants me Owen, she just doesn’t know it yet.”

  “Grayson leave her be.” Dom begs as he comes to lean on the pool table beside me.

  “Have you seen your step-sister? Besides, I like a challenge.” Dom groans beside me and rests his beer against his forehead.

  “Just don’t break her heart okay? I have to live with her.”

  The rest of the night my eyes follow Manchester around the room. I can’t help myself. I have never had a girl turn me down. Yeah, I know I sound like a complete arrogant bastard but I honestly hadn’t. If anything girls threw themselves at me and yeah I lapped it up. I’m watching her from across the room, when her eyes land on mine and for a second we just look at each other. I liked this girl, she was different and that scared the shit out of me.

  I’m up early and in my car to go to Dom’s. I dreamt of Manchester last night and it really pisses me off. I don’t dream about girls. I’m not going to lie though. It was a good dream. She was in my bed, naked. I needed to fuck that girl out of my system and soon and then I could move on. Dom and I hit the gym and by the end of our session on the w
eights, I’m dripping with sweat. We head up to the kitchen and I make my way to the sink and run the tap, pouring myself a glass of water. This place was more home to me than my own house. Sophie and Andy always made me feel welcome here. They knew how shitty my own father was and kind of took me under their wings. Manchester looked like Andy. She had the same hair colouring and same eyes. I gulp down the water. Trying to cool myself down.

  “Ah Everly, come sit and get some food.” I hear Sophie say and I look over to see Everly stood still looking at me. She drops her head down and scurries to the kitchen island and takes a seat. Her hair is up in a messy bun and I want to pull it down and run my fingers through her hair. I purposefully take the seat directly opposite her and I earn myself an eyeroll from Dom.

  “Morning Everly.” I tell her, forcing her to look up at me. She looks irritated and she plasters on what I can tell is a fake smile.

  “Well hi Grayson.”

  I like my name on her lips. My dick likes it too. I wink at her and she darts her gaze away from me, back to her plate. I hear ollie asking her if she will play nerf guns with him.

  “Grayson.” Ollie shouts me, getting my attention. “Everly is my new sister.” He tells me proudly. “Isn’t she pretty?”

  Everly coughs and nearly chokes on her bacon and I chuckle. I hold back the smile that is itching to break out. “You know I hadn’t noticed.”

  “Is that why the first thing you did when you got here was ask Dom where she was?” Abi asks me as she takes a seat. She grins, enjoying calling me out.

  “Leave it alone sis.” Dom tells her as he walks by her to sit down.

  I hear Sophie ask Dom what we have planned for the day. I watch her eat. She eats like it’s a chore. I notice she arranges her food on her plate and studies it, as if it is some great task.

  “Yeah.” I pipe up. “I think we’ll hang here all day, if that’s okay Mrs M?” At this Everly’s eyes shoot up and she glares at me. Someone does not look happy at the news that I am sticking around. I grin.


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