by Lucy Diavolo
Mengistu, Elsa, xii
methane, 16, 27, 63
Mexico, 202–3, 204
microfibers, 43, 44
microplastics, 28, 42–43, 150, 217
migration, 160, 172, 200–209 passim
Montelongo, Simon, 161
Moore, Charles, 41
Morgan, Jennifer, 132–38 passim
Moses, Clarabell, 105
Mozambique, 23
mudslides, 125
Muffett, Carroll, 28
Murkowski, Lisa, 61
Murphy, Sophia, 83
mushing. See dogsledding
Nain, Newfoundland and Labrador, 188, 189, 192
National Grid, 69, 71, 73
natural gas, 16, 26, 27, 28, 71; pipelines, 195–96
Native Americans, 12, 20–23 passim, 101, 102, 117, 136, 145, 161; Alaska, 59–67; Arizona, 120, 123; Mexico, 101, 137; oil pipeline resistance, 10, 144, 149–50; Red Deal, 180–87 passim, 218; treaties, 178, 181, 185; waste disposal and, 156. See also Dakota and Lakota people; Navajo Nation
Navajo Nation, 120, 121, 123, 176, 177–78
Nazar, Nadia, 88
Nelson, Sara, 199
New Deal, 72–73
New Jersey, 195–96
Newton, Thandie, 207–8
New York City: Climate Mobilization Act, 194; utilities, 69–71; Youth Climate Strike, 80, 100–107, 131, 133, 158–61
New York City Democratic Socialists of America (NYC-DSA), 69, 70, 71
New Zealand, 177
NextWave Plastics, 51
No More Deaths, 204
nuclear power plants, 160, 182
Nunatsiavut, 188, 189, 192
Nunavut, 55–56
Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria (AOC), 119, 180, 181, 186, 194, 206–7
Ocean Cleanup, 44, 45–46
Ocean Conservancy, 191
ocean level rise. See sea level rise
ocean pollution and contamination, 25, 27, 28, 39–53, 150, 188, 191
ocean temperatures, 15, 22
oil and gas pipelines, resistance to. See resistance to oil and gas pipelines
oil demand, 26–27
oil industry, 198; Alaska, 62–66 passim; drilling and wells, 30, 31, 194
Old Crow, Yukon, 62, 64
Olson, Julia, 121
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), 68–69, 74
Pacific Ocean: plastic waste, 28, 39–53 passim
packaging, 35; plastic, 47–51 passim, 126, 145, 189, 192
Paris Climate Agreement, 18, 24, 109, 217
Parkland, Florida, school shooting, 2018, 1–2
PepsiCo, 35, 51
permafrost melting, 55, 63, 64, 123
pesticides, 91, 156
petrochemical industry, 26
“petrochemicals” (word), 217–18
Philippines, 112, 190, 191
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, 12, 20, 21
Pinsky, David, 42, 43, 48, 50–51
pipeline resistance. See resistance to oil and gas pipelines
Piper, Aji, 122
plastic, 2, 150–52, 188–92; bags, 28, 46, 152, 188, 192; fossil fuel industry and, 25–31; ocean pollution, 25, 27, 28, 39–53, 150, 188, 191; production, 26, 27, 34–35, 47, 52, 152; single-use, 40, 47–51 passim, 150–51, 152, 189, 192; straws, 46, 93, 126, 151. See also microplastics
plastic waste, 27, 150, 190, 191, 192; Arctic and subarctic regions, 56, 188; Pacific Ocean, 28, 39–53. See also plastic: ocean pollution
polar bears, 54, 60, 62
pollution. See air pollution; beach pollution; water pollution and contamination
Pomerantz, David, 73
power plants. See coal-powered power plants; nuclear power plants
Prakash, Varshini, 102, 119
public health, 30–31, 146, 156, 160, 185; plastics and, 44, 150
public lands, 61, 184, 185
public utilities, 68–75
Puerto Rico, 161–62; hurricanes, 23–24, 144, 145, 161, 162, 208
Quader, Nowshin, 83, 84
racism, environmental. See environmental racism
recycling, 29, 32, 34, 152, 190; plastic, 28, 32–37, 47–48, 49, 188, 192; in schools, 125, 128
Red Deal, 180–87, 218
Red Nation, 181, 182
refugees, climate. See climate refugees
reindeer. See caribou
resistance to landfill siting, 155
resistance to oil and gas pipelines, xii, 10, 65, 69, 92, 149, 156
reusable containers, 37, 47
reuse of scrap, 33–34
Rhode Island, 74
Rodgers, Genevieve, 82
Rowe, Brianna, 56
Ruther, Amber, 70
Salinas, Shirel, 83
salinization, 165, 218
Sanders, Bernie, 72, 91
school shootings, 1–2
School Strike for Climate. See Youth Climate Strike
scrap reuse. See reuse of scrap
sea ice melting. See ice-sheet melting
sea level rise, 27, 177, 207
seals, 54, 55
severe weather. See weather, extreme
Shell Chemicals, 35
Shiva, Vandana, 143
Sidiqqa, Ayisha, 105
Sierra Club, 198
Sirk, George, 57
slash-and-burn agriculture, 169, 219
Smith, Phil, 195
snowstorms, 20–21
Soin, Shiv, 104–5
solar power, 70, 71, 174
solid waste, 57, 156, 162, 189; export, 48, 189–90, 192. See also incinerators; landfills; plastic waste
South Dakota, 12, 20, 21
Southeast Asia, 36, 37, 191. See also Indonesia; Thailand; Vietnam
Sri Lanka, 48, 190
Standing Rock Reservation, 10, 149, 186
Stouffer, Lloyd, 189
Strasser, Susan: Waste and Want, 33–34
Strauss, Rose, 125–28 passim
subsistence hunting, 55, 63, 64
Sullivan, Emily, 60
Summerlin, Errol, 29
Sunrise Movement, 102, 109, 110, 112, 119, 124–25, 219
Sustain US, 115–16
Sweet, Natalie, 125–30 passim
synthetic fibers, 43–44
System Change Not Climate Change, 208–9
textbooks, 28
Thailand, 160–61
Thomases, Aaron, 104
Thunberg, Greta, 2–3, 80–81, 86, 89, 90, 93–99, 114; New York visit, 101–4 passim
Tizya-tramm (Gwich’in chief), 64
transportation, 26–27
trash. See solid waste
trash, plastic. See plastic waste
trash incinerators. See incinerators
trash pickers. See waste pickers
Trump, Donald, 9, 15, 18, 24, 48–49, 109, 121, 122; Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and, 59, 61; cabinet appointments, 157; migrants and, 207; people of color and, 149; public lands policy, 185
tsunamis, 46
Turner, Chelsea, 160
two-spirit people, 118, 219
Tyberg, Jamie, 71
typhoons, 112
unions, 195, 197, 198–99
United Mine Workers of America (UMWA), 195
United Nations, 89–93 passim, 101, 114, 115, 179, 190. See also Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
university divestment campaigns, 117–18
University of California, Santa Barbara, 125–26
Uplift, 117
U.S. Bureau of Land Management. See Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
U.S. Congress, 59, 61–62, 64, 66, 108–13
U.S.-Mexico border region, 204
U.S. Youth Climate Strike, 88, 89, 110, 111, 124–25, 131
Utah, 37
utilities, public. See public utilities
Vietnam, 48, 190, 192
Villa, Priscila, 20, 31
Villaseñor, Alexandria, 89–90, 103, 104
Washington, D.C.: Youth Climate Strike, 88, 110, 111, 131
hazardous. See hazardous waste
Waste and Want: A Social History of Trash (Strasser), 33–34
waste pickers, 36
water management, 29; Flint, Mich., 143–44, 153–54
water pollution and contamination, xii, 36, 42, 143, 153–54, 165. See also ocean pollution and contamination
water protectors, 10, 26, 149–50, 181, 182
water scarcity, 22, 123, 169–70, 177–78
weather, extreme, 23, 27, 63, 200, 201. See also cyclones; drought; hurricanes; snowstorms; tsunamis; typhoons
Weaver, Karen, 154
wildfires, 23; Alaska, 62, 63, 66, 123; Brazil, 105; California, 68, 69, 89–90, 103, 105, 125
Wilson, Stiv, 33, 35, 37
women and girls, gender inequality of. See gender inequality
Worawongwasu, Areerat, 160–61
Yakupitiyage, Thanu, 204
Yazzie, Melanie, 181, 183, 184, 186
Youth Climate Strike, 80–84 passim, 89, 90, 93–107 passim, 131–33, 158–63 passim. See also U.S. Youth Climate Strike
Zero Hour, 87, 88, 102, 124–25, 149, 219–20
Ziesche, Lee, 69
Contributor Biographies
Sarah Emily Baum is a multimedia journalist. She was a senior reporter for the multiple award–winning “Since Parkland” project with the Trace and the Miami Herald.
Roxanna Pearl Beebe-Center is a teen reporter and activist.
Lincoln Anthony Blades is a journalist, a podcaster, and a digital media director/digital strategist who has reported on and critiqued matters of race and culture, criminal justice reform, and geopolitical conflicts.
Rosalie Chan is a senior reporter the Business Insider covering enterprise tech. She writes a newsletter on stories by women of color:
Michael Charles is an activist and speaker from the Navajo Nation.
Lucy Diavolo is a news and politics news editor for Teen Vogue. She helped found the Transfeminine Alliance of Chicago and facilitates its regular meetings. She also plays bass in the Chicago-based band The Just Luckies.
Denise Garcia is a writer, artist, and performer. Her writing can be found at Teen Vogue Culturebanx and CNBC.
Mélissa Godin is a journalist reporting on climate change, gender, public health, and human rights. She is currently writing for Time magazine’s International Desk in London and has previously worked for the New York Times Paris bureau.
Isabella Gomez Sarmiento is a 2019 Kroc Fellow reporting for Goats and Soda, the National Desk, and NPR’s Weekend Edition. She has published with Teen Vogue, CNN, and Remezcla.
Destine Grigsby is a teen activist and writer.
Emily Hernandez is a writer who has published articles for Teen Vogue on climate change, current environmental events, politics, national monuments, and minorities’ access to public lands.
Ruth Hopkins is a Dakota/Lakota Sioux writer and enrolled member of the Sisseton Wahpeton Sioux Tribe. She is also a biologist, tribal attorney, former judge, and cofounder of Ruth resides on the Lake Traverse Reservation in South Dakota.
Kareeda Kabir is a media and communications professional pursuing a bachelor of arts in linguistics.
Kim Kelly is a freelance journalist and anarchist organizer based in Philadelphia. Follow her on Twitter at @grimkim.
Allegra Kirkland is senior politics editor for Teen Vogue.
Marilyn La Jeunesse is a contributing writer for INSIDER. She is a freelance social media strategist and writer with words in Teen Vogue, Mashable, Mic, and Domino.
Ray Levy-Uyeda is a Bay Area–based freelance writer who focuses on gender, politics, and activism. You can find her work elsewhere at Teen Vogue, Fortune, and Vice. Find her on Twitter at @raylevyuyeda.
Dr. Max Liboiron is an artist who also directs the Civic Laboratory for Environmental Action Research (CLEAR) at Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Alli Maloney is a freelance writer and a news and politics editor for Teen Vogue.
Greta L. Moran is a writer living in Queens, New York. Moran has written for Atlantic, Guardian, New Republic, New Yorker online, and elsewhere. Moran writes narrative-based stories about public health, climate change, and environmental justice, with a lens on the people working towards solutions.
Samhita Mukhopadhyay is the executive editor of Teen Vogue and the coeditor of the anthology Nasty Women: Feminism, Resistance, and Revolution in Trump’s America.
Lindsay Peoples Wagner is the editor in chief of Teen Vogue.
Maia Wikler is an activist, investigative researcher, and writer. Wikler seeks to connect dynamic and diverse audiences on issues of climate justice and forced displacements via academia, film, writing, and community organizing.