Mykal's Second Deadly Journey

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Mykal's Second Deadly Journey Page 7

by Dave Hazel

  “Not only did I know Ski would encounter unbelievers hostile to the truth like Percy,” General Ackerson continued with a frustrated sigh and shake of his head. “And those who would try to stop his return, but I also knew the red tape nightmare Ski would have in trying to get approval in such a short time with a holiday in the way. I gave his pastor my phone number, and I took his pastor’s phone number so I could follow up and make sure there were no problems. I was pretty sure if you knew my rank, you probably wouldn’t have called me,” he said with a quiet laugh at Ski’s nodding agreement. “So I called on behalf of you, brother, to find out what was taking place. God had me there for a reason; God’s plans will not be thwarted.

  “On Tuesday the 3rd after Ski had spoken to you Mykal,” Ackerson continued. “He called his pastor to ask him to pray with him about his road block in going to Towbar’s world. His pastor called me as I had asked him to and I immediately got on the horn with my people back at Offutt and had his orders drawn up in ten minutes. You may be an NCO and I may be a three star general, but you’re my brother in the LORD. These ranks we carry are temporary, but our relationship with God and our fellowship in the brotherhood is eternal. It is possible Ski, that we may never see each other in the flesh after today, but you will be in my prayers until the LORD takes me home and we will meet again as we worship God in His presence.”

  “Thank you Sir, you don’t know how much this means to me,” Ski said and sounded near tears. “I know I’m being obedient to the call of God on my life.”

  “I’m proud of you son. You’ve not only accepted the call of God but as you shared with me, you may never come back home again. You’re not taking a two week missionary trip to another state or another country. You are literally going to another world where the danger is unimaginable. I’m proud to call you a brother and you set a great example for Christians everywhere. I will be sure to…”

  Mykal listened to them talk for a couple more minutes. He truly didn’t understand Christianity, or having such a faith and strong belief in something he couldn’t see. ‘I guess I only believe in myself,’ he thought. ‘But they sure are lucky as hell for everything to come together the way it did. I bet Percy is pissed off at me, but what the hell is he gonna do?’ He laughed in thought. It suddenly struck Mykal odd that everything Ski did or was trying to do was from a selfless point of view. It wasn’t for himself, but rather for others and for his God. Mykal had always known Ski to be that kind of man.

  Mykal also found it odd and confusing at how angry Percy was toward Ski. His vindictiveness seemed baseless, but Percy was determined to stop Ski from going back. ‘It just doesn’t make sense how angry he got,’ Mykal thought. ‘I don’t care about Ski’s religious stuff one way or the other, but Percy made it his mission to stop Ski. I just don’t understand why he was so bent outta shape by it. But I need to find out about this Colonel Fisher and what their game is.’


  Mykal had been overcome with surprise at the turn out alongside the roads. With such a short time and no official announcement of their departure, there were thousands of fans lining the roads. The turnout didn’t seem to match the last departure, but considering it was played down and considered a hush-hush operation, the turnout was amazing. The National Guard, Minot Air Force Security forces, several county sheriffs’ departments, the Minot Police Department and others helped control the crowds.

  Mykal didn’t know all the details of the items they were bringing this time, but he was told most of the big tractor trailer and flatbed trucks had large tarps and coverings over them so people wouldn’t be able to take pictures of the equipment being sent. He knew Percy’s plan was to set up a permanent base in Towbar’s world. He wasn’t going to argue with him as long as it helped his friend Towbar win the war against the Sosos and their untold allies. Mykal’s plan was to allow his government to defeat Towbar’s enemies and then deny them access to Towbar’s world. He contemplated if that decision would cost him his life. He dwelt on it down the road and wondered if it would be worth losing his life or affecting his family over such a decision. ‘Damn it, I’ll deal with this later. I got too much stuff on my damn mind.’

  Mykal wasn’t sure what he expected to find upon his arrival. When he left New Year’s Eve, they were in the middle of a war against Sosos, Goblins, Dragons and Things. He had no idea of what other forces Zizmon-Tarl was able to muster and bring from the other side of the world. He wasn’t sure if Towbar had returned with or without the Elf army. He didn’t know if the Pass had fallen to the Sosos and if it did hopefully Major Chick would have taken all their men inside the mountain with King Krago of the Dwarven people. ‘And Doninka, oh my, I hope Doninka went to the Dwarven King and asked for his help until either Towbar or myself get back there,’ he thought and shook his head with his gut twisting anxiety. ‘I shoulda brought her here. Damn it. I shoulda brought her here cuz I know them damn Dragons were looking for her. Geez, if she woulda come here it would be awkward with Pam, but Doninka would have thought our world was unbelievable,’ he wondered and laughed at the idea of what she would have thought of his world versus her world.

  So many unanswered questions. The unanswered questions also made it difficult for Mykal to decide where to have his new force appear. If the Sosos over ran the Pass and controlled the Pass then it would be difficult approaching from the same location as the last time. But to appear in the south of the Pass would be just as difficult since the length of the Pass was over forty miles. Starting at the rear of the Pass would waste time, but that would be the safest and easier approach.

  Mykal rode in the same vehicle as Colonel Fisher, though not much had been said between the two of them. They both sat in the second seat of a nine passenger Chevrolet Suburban. For Colonel Fisher it had to be the newest model, 1984. Mykal wanted to make small talk and tell how they used such vehicles to travel to the missile field though the vehicles were always much older. But he got the impression Colonel Fisher wasn’t one for chit chat.

  One of the two Marines in the front seat asked Mykal to explain the layout of the Pass.

  Mykal went into detail to explain the Pass and the land surrounding the area. He also pulled out a piece of paper and drew a crude map. “…So if the Sosos haven’t taken the Pass, we’ll be in this general area. If they did take control of the Pass I don’t think they will just occupy the Pass, but rather they will move on to Beramus. It’s the--”

  “The Great Walled City,” Colonel Fisher finished his sentence. “It is the capital city. It is also where King Loankore and his cabinet reside.”

  “Yeah. You’ve picked up a lot quickly,” Mykal said as a compliment.

  “No. I’ve been studying this information for almost a month now. I feel I’m well versed on the different factions and the potential threats.”

  “Almost a month?” Mykal asked and was surprised. “We just went back there a month ago. December 6th to be exact.”

  “Yes, I know. I was selected just days after Towbar One departed,” Colonel Fisher replied.

  “How? They had no idea when I was coming back or if I was coming back,” Mykal replied and other thoughts suddenly occurred to him. ‘Percy said Fisher was a friend of Chick’s and Major Chick wanted him to come along, so how was he selected?’

  “Mykal, you’re dealing with the United States Government,” Fisher said. “This is not a football game where we sit around and react to what the other team does. A simple answer would be to say this is more like a complicated chess match in that we are planning our next move, ten moves ahead. It had been made clear that Towbar and his people need help to defeat his enemy in this war. From all the data I’ve parsed and examined, we clearly knew that there would be no way possible for a force of fifteen hundred to be sufficient to end the war for him. In your thinking, you may have had the force that was large enough for the task set before you, the task at hand so to speak, to locate and return those who had been lost. Those who strategize and plan for a living knew
this day would come,” Fisher added in a condescending tone. “We also know that this current force is not sufficient,” he said with an animated excitement while pointing to himself as if he was the force. “And we will build upon this force as we are allowed and as the situations dictate.”

  “Wait a minute. I’m not sure--“

  Fisher cut him off. “We want Towbar to win this war as much as, if not more than, you do. We believe there are valuable resources available and Towbar in essence agreed to share those resources with us for our help. We will ensure Towbar’s country will be freed from the grip of terror that holds them, and we will improve their life style with supplies, medicines, technologies in all fields and whatever else they may need from us to improve their way of life. But at a cost,” he declared without reservation. “Our government is not doing this for free. One of the great luxuries afforded us in a venture like this,” he said with a snide smirk, “is we will not have to endure the thorn in the side, which is the media, that we would have had a struggle with anywhere else in our world.”

  “We have media there though. Whatta ya mean?”

  “After we have control and order has been established we will remove all the media under the pretense that everyone is going home and there is nothing else to see there. If the media does have to remain it will be people that we hand pick.”

  “It sounds like you’re planning to go for the long haul,” Mykal suggested.

  “My expertise is nation building,” Fisher bragged.

  “I thought you were going there just to be an advisor. Percy said that you’re a longtime friend of Major Chick and you were coming along to give him a hand.”

  “Mykal, as long as you’re open and honest with me, I will be open and honest with you. I will be an advisor. For about a week. Major Chick and I have met on a couple of occasions and we may have even had a dinner together at a military function, but I don’t know why Percy told you that we were longtime friends. It doesn’t matter. I’m a colonel and he is a major. I don’t even know if the man will ever make lieutenant colonel. Do you really believe I will play nurse maid to a major?”

  “No, I guess not.”

  “I am really impressed with all that you have accomplished. On paper you have risen from a junior NCO to equivalent to a regimental commander. That’s good. But don’t get in my way.”

  “Excuse me?” Mykal gasped with a shocked expression. Mykal believed Fisher’s tone was intended as a threat. Mykal assumed the driver had been surprised as well by the expression he gave in the rear view mirror.”

  “I said, don’t get in my way. I will be running the operation once I gain control of all the facets of the daily activities. You can do what you have been doing. You can parade around like the great war hero that everyone sees you as and I will be quietly running things from behind the scenes. Just like the wizard in the Wizard of Oz,” he said and gave a slight laugh. “I need you to pacify Towbar and to help him and all his people to see that we’re doing everything for their best interest. When the time is right, I will want you to take me to King Loankore. I will get the King where I need him to be and to accept what we are doing. I’m sure I will be able to convince him to see things my way,” he said with a snide smirk. “Do I make myself clear? Is there a problem?” He asked when Mykal didn’t answer.

  “No, there’s no problem, but you’re coming across like a thug in the mob rather than an officer in the Marine Corps.”

  “I get things done,” Fisher declared firmly. “I don’t take shit from anyone. As long as you understand that and don’t get in my way, we’ll get along just fine.”

  Mykal had a sudden fear hit him that he had experienced many times in the past. Any time a new supervisor took over and planned to change everything ‘that had been’, it always created anxiety and turmoil. He recognized in those situations it was his comfort zone that had been infringed upon but he often grew through those situations. This seemed different. He would have to get with Major Chick and see what Chick had to say about this. Fisher had obviously been given much power and his rank was one step below a general.

  Mykal’s great fear and concern was how Towbar would be impacted by these changes. For now, Mykal believed it would be in their best interest for him to convince Towbar and the King to accept the help of the US Government. He would explain that there would be costs involved and he would try to help them avoid paying certain costs. Mykal just looked at Colonel Fisher when he seemed to make his threat.

  “Do you have any objections?” Fisher asked Mykal and the men in the vehicle seemed to stare at him as they awaited his response.

  “No Sir, I don’t. I’m no longer in the military so when I feel my time is done, I’m outta here,” he said with a slight hint of anger.

  “I would be very careful announcing or declaring when your time is done,” Marc Fisher said without looking at him. He appeared to look out the window to take in the bleak sights of the North Dakota farmland, but Colonel Fisher clearly gave a warning with his words.

  A sudden seething rage surged through Mykal’s entire being. Mykal could tell the fiery rage started with the golden glow that wrapped around his middle finger and surged up his arm into his brain. The golden glow was something that only he could see. It was an ability to detect magic, magic items, magical properties and the like. It was one of the abilities Towbar passed on into him, through his blood, when Towbar saved his life during his first 37 days in Towbar’s world.

  “Do you have any friggin idea what I’ve been through for the past six months?’ Mykal shot back with hostility. There was no mistaking his tone and they all caught it. “Let alone all the friggin hell I’ve been through this last damn month?” He said and searched for any clues that Percy would have tipped Fisher off to what happened to the Untouchables and his ability to turn invisible.

  “I know for a fact you have been through a tremendous ordeal,” Fisher said and kept his tone firm so as not to buckle to the hostility or to give way to sympathy. “And that’s laudable, but now--”

  “Then don’t you friggin dare warn me about when I’ll speak about my time being done,” Mykal snarled and got the impression his eyes looked demonic. All those in the vehicle had wide eyed expressions of surprise at Mykal’s sudden outburst.

  “I appreciate all you have been through, but your government needs you to participate to make this beneficial for everyone concerned.”

  “Listen, Colonel Fisher, my life has been a terrifying roller coaster ride since June. I’ve fought for my life nonstop. I’ve had numerous friends die in front of me and die in my arms. I’ve almost died a couple of times myself. I’ve done every friggin thing I’ve been asked to do. I’m beat physically and I’m mentally exhausted. I’m not gonna have a two bit military officer with a wooden stick up his ass who talks to me like I’m some damn flunky gonna tell me when I’m gonna say I’m done. I will--”

  “Don’t say it,” Fisher demanded while cutting him off and held up his hand to stop him. “You are far too important to this entire machine to say that you will drop out whenever you feel like it,” Fisher said as if scolding him, but he wouldn’t make eye contact with Mykal. “You need to pull up your big boy pants and tough it out.”

  Mykal scoffed with disbelief. “You better hold on Fisher--”

  “It’s Colonel Fisher,” Fisher corrected him.

  Mykal was so angry he had to let out an unbelievable scoffing laugh while he shook his head. “I know what the hell your name is. You ain’t gonna talk to me like I’m a damned idiot and treat me like I’m a damn little moron. I don’t give a rat’s ass what your rank is. You may be a colonel and you may be highly educated and you may have all your shit together. But I’m not gonna battle all the nonsense we’ve been facing and then have to deal with some uppity ass officer. I’m not gonna be pushed around by anyone. I don’t give a shit who you think you are. Cuz I’m not gonna take it.”

  “Oh, are we going to allow our pride to get in the way Mykal?” Fisher
asked in a condescending sarcastic tone. “Are we going to allow our little hurt feelings and bruised egos to prevent the two worlds from becoming a better place?” Colonel Fisher asked and snickered.

  Mykal was glad fisher cut him off because he was about to threaten the man who had gotten on his nerves. There were witnesses in the vehicle so that wouldn’t have gone over well. Mykal felt his rage sky rocket inside him and knew it was due to the magic ring on his finger. He wanted to turn invisible and go on a rampage. Just as the Incredible Hulk turned green and transformed into a giant monster when angered, the ring was going to turn him into a hate filled beast that needed to kill and destroy those who angered him.

  “Because I do plan to turn Towbar’s world around,” Fisher continued when Mykal remained silent. “And then, I plan to make our world a much better place with information we learn from Towbar’s world.”

  “Can I ask how you intend to do that colonel?”

  “First of all, you are mistaken if you’re looking at this from the point of view that I am going to accomplish anything. The forces that be, thus the forces behind what I’m doing, are the forces who will feed and accomplish the big plan. Everything from miracle drugs after they’re discovered to Towbar’s world becoming the new Australia so to speak,” he gave a slight laugh. “Meaning the place where we would be able to send all the ‘less desirables’ to be relocated.”


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