Mykal's Second Deadly Journey

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Mykal's Second Deadly Journey Page 12

by Dave Hazel

  “Yeah. I shoulda brought her back to our world with us,” Mykal sighed and rekindled his self-abusing anger. “You know how them scumbags are, and I just saw what they did to the two men they took when they captured her. They gouged out their damn eyes. And I’m afraid what they’re gonna do to her and I coulda taken her with us.”

  “Stop Myk, don’t blame yourself or beat yourself up over it because that won’t help in getting her back. We will gladly pray about that Myk,” Ski said and Diaz nodded in agreement. “There are many other Christians here that we will have praying about this also.”

  “Ski is absolutely right Mykal,” Diaz cut in. “If you go around blaming yourself and are distracted by that wrong thinking, you will make yourself ineffective in your thinking and that could cause you to stumble. Let’s say just for the sake of argument that it really is your fault, though it is not, but let’s say it is. Okay, you agree you did wrong, you ask for forgiveness and move on to do the right thing and put all the lying accusations behind you. Now you can focus on the right thing to do instead of battling all the negative thoughts that are trying to trip you up with all you have to deal with. Does that make sense?”

  Mykal paused and gave it thought. “Yeah, I don’t want to struggle with the negative thoughts cuz it will--”

  “Because you can’t undo what’s been done,” Ski cut him off. “You will only drive yourself mad with ‘what ifs’ and that will not be helpful in this situation. You need to focus on the task at hand, which is to get her from the clutches of the enemy. Because if you deliberately keep allowing yourself to dwell on those things you can’t undo and can’t control, then you’ve allowed the enemy to win before you even get your game off the ground to rescue her.”

  “You’re exactly right,” Mykal declared as if he just had an epiphany. “I’m not going to allow that to happen,” he declared and glanced down at the ring he believed helped distort his emotions and thinking. “I really needed to hear that. Thanks. Now to change the subject. Do you have any regrets now that you’re here?” Mykal asked Ski and snickered.

  “No. None,” Ski replied quickly and confidently. “I know God has called me to be a missionary here in Towbar’s world. And if it is for the rest of my life, then so be it. Now I have a real reason for coming back here, but what about you two?” He turned to the Dosch brothers.

  “We have a calling too,” Roy Jr. laughed. “We’re called to come here and kill as many Sosos as possible,” he said and they high fived each other. “Honestly, part of my reason for coming here is when my daddy and brother got left behind here I felt so bad about it. I wanted to come here and put in some more time and to help Mykal. My brother Randy wanted to come along and make sure I didn’t get myself into any trouble,” Roy Jr. laughed again.

  “And I appreciate the two of them being here, cuz all my friends are either dead or back home now,” Mykal replied. “So it’s good to have some friendly faces around here. Look, I’m gonna go talk to Major Chick and see about taking some choppers up into Soso land. We gotta start somewhere. If you see Towbar, I already told him I’m gonna go to Chick’s tent, but could you please tell him I want him to join me as soon as he can?”

  “Will do,” Roy Jr. said and the others agreed. “Right now me and Randy are going to try to find the Yellow Bomb.”

  “The Yellow Bomb?” Ski asked.

  “Yeah, it’s the nick name we gave to our yellow station wagon,” Randy answered and the brothers started to laugh. “The last day here we allowed some reporters to use it and now we’re not sure where it’s at.”


  When Mykal arrived at Major Chick’s tent, the large eight-man shelter used for Major Chick’s personal quarters, he was surprised to see two Marines standing guard outside the opening. The lance corporal and the private first class both stood to attention when he neared. “Greetings Sir,” the lance corporal said.

  The two men didn’t seem familiar, but they recognized him. They had to be part of the new group that just arrived. “Is Major Chick in?” He asked and looked at their Towbar One 1984 patch with the two red stars next to the glowing blue sword to confirm they were new arrivals.

  “Yes Sir. Would you like to speak with him?”

  Mykal just looked at the Marine. He wanted to ask if he was being put on because he walked all the way over here, but to keep from starting off on a negative foot he refrained. “That is why I came over here.”

  “I’m sorry Sir. I didn’t mean that the way it sounded but he is in a meeting with Colonel Fisher and two of the battalion commanders. I will let them know you are here,” he said and turned into the tent opening.

  “Come on in Myk,” Major Chick rushed to the door opening. “I know you men are doing your job, but Mykal and Towbar are equivalent to me. Unless I specifically tell you different, they are allowed access to anywhere they want to go.”

  “Yes Sir,” the two Marines replied together. “Sorry Sir,” one whispered as Mykal walked past him.

  Mykal knew right away that it wasn’t Chick’s doing. It had to be Colonel Fisher. When Mykal entered the tent the colonel, Major Innes and Captain Taylor were standing around a table with plans, sketches and building blueprints. “How are you doing Sir,” Mykal greeted Colonel Fisher and nodded to the other two. “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

  “No. We are in the middle of a briefing to get the command group up to speed before I have a base-wide conference with all the leaders,” Fisher said and placed a box of markers on the blueprints to keep the blueprints from rolling up. “My men are still in the process of getting squared away and setting up the new addition to our camp.”

  Right from the start Mykal was irritated. ‘Damn, he doesn’t even have his stuff squared away yet and he’s over here making plans already.’ Another thought hit Mykal. ‘Why did he say my men and not our men? I know he’s going to be in charge but is he gonna push us outta here?’ Mykal wondered and wanted to talk to Major Chick alone to get a feel of what was truly taking place.

  “Any more news Mykal?” Major Chick asked.

  “Did you hear that the two men who had been captured with Doninka, the Princess, they had been let go?”

  “No, but I take it that was who approached the Pass opening?” Major Chick asked and looked surprised as well as Innes and Taylor. “Are they okay? Is there anything they know that can be of help in finding her?”

  Mykal explained everything that happened during the morning. “So I came by to let you know I’m going to take up some of the helicopters and go search the area. Then if we happen to come across anything that is promising, I’m planning a night attack with the Silent Killers and hopefully we’ll be able to get her before any harm comes to her.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Colonel Fisher quickly objected.

  “Excuse me Sir?” Mykal asked and suddenly feared problems would be facing the entire operation of Towbar’s Sword since Colonel Fisher would be in charge of Towbar One.

  “That is a tremendous waste of resources and the risk of a great many men to find one civilian,” Fisher declared and placed his hands on his hips as if to show he was in charge.

  “She is not just one civilian Sir,” Mykal said calmly.

  “Is she someone or something special to you Mister Graves?”

  “I don’t know what you mean by that, but yes. She is a friend, and there is nothing going on between us if that is what you’re getting at. But she is very important.”

  “And how is that?” Fisher asked. “After we have a firm grip on the area she will not really be needed.”

  “She is King Loankore’s daughter and they demand a swap, the King for his daughter, which he will gladly do once he hears about it. The bottom line is, we believe they’re going to kill both of them and then the King’s son Locod will become King. He is working behind the scenes with the Sosos to overthrow the throne. Why? I don’t know, but if he becomes the king then it will not be so easy to take over as you are planning t
o take over. You will have to fight the bad guys out there,” Mykal pointed to the north, “and then you will have to fight the good guys who will be under the rule of the young king who is aligned with the evil Sosos. We need to rescue her, and we are going to try to rescue her,” Mykal said. It was clear he wasn’t asking.

  “I will be the command officer here and I will run the operations from this point on. There is another agenda in place that must--”

  “Stop!” Mykal yelled and took the officers by surprise. “Major Chick, Major Innes and Captain Taylor I am asking you three to leave right now because what I’m going to say is for Colonel Fisher’s ears only.”

  Innes and Taylor looked to Chick to see what he was going to say. “Let us go gentlemen,” Chick said to the two and gave a brief wink to Mykal. “We’ll give them a few minutes.”

  “I don’t know what you think you’re trying to pull here,” Fisher said after they stepped out of the tent. “Those senior officers are under my command. They are not under your command,” Fisher said as if he was about to lay down the law and threaten Mykal for interfering with his plans.

  “You better stop and you better listen awful friggin hard to me,” Mykal snarled. “You may be the command officer here, but let’s get the friggin facts straight. You ain’t shit without me. I’m gonna leave for good and then what the hell are you gonna do? How the hell are you gonna get back home let alone go back and forth between our worlds? You’re gonna destroy this force here cuz there will never be a backup or any support ever again.”

  “You won’t do that,” Fisher said calmly.

  “The hell I won’t. Or maybe what I will do is have you bound, take your ass back to the real world and leave your friggin ass there. Then let’s see what the hell you’re gonna do then. You just pissed off the wrong person. You don’t even care about these people and what’s going on. All you care about is taking advantage of Towbar and his people and whatever our government can take from this land. I came here on a specific mission and I accomplished that mission. The President himself said we are going to help Towbar’s people because of what I did, and we are going to help Towbar’s people,” Mykal declared and slammed his fist down on the table top that contained Fisher’s plans and blueprints. With his advanced hearing Mykal heard a muffled conversation outside of the tent.

  “You can go ahead and leave. This is my operation now,” Fisher said. “I’m an expert at what I do. I don’t need you here.”

  “And how the hell are you going to complete this mission when I leave?”

  “With Towbar. I’m sure I can convince him that he needs me here with the force I have under me. These are backward people Mykal,” he said snidely. “I’m sure I can buy them off for the right price. Everyone has their price. Even if the Sosos kill that princess, I know I can still convince her father, the King, to see things my way.”

  “What makes you think Towbar would fall for your shit?”

  “Because I am an expert at what I do,” Fisher said just as Towbar entered the tent.

  Mykal was grateful it was Towbar outside the tent and he could tell by the expression on the giant’s face that Towbar heard much of what had been said. Towbar didn’t look happy.

  “Go ahead and convince Towbar what you’re gonna do if I leave permanently,” Mykal said and gave Fisher an opportunity to speak his mind.

  “You do not have to say anything,” Towbar said and bore into Fisher. “If my friend Mykal departs my world, I will ask that all the people from Mykal’s world leave as well. We have faced this enemy for ages and we will face this enemy until one side no longer exists. I will not keep you here if you are going to be an enemy to my people while posing to be a friend. I have enough traitors I have to deal with now.”

  “That’s not true Towbar,” Fisher gawked.

  “I heard your words. If my friend Mykal departs permanently you will have lost your only means of transportation to your world,” the giant threatened. “When that happens, if I learn that those who remain here will try to take advantage of my people or my land, I will personally strike them down.”

  “So, what is this? Are you blackmailing me?” Fisher asked and looked at both of them though he maintained his defiant stance.

  “No, not at all. I’m telling you that you’re not gonna interfere with what I was told personally by President Edmonds that we were sent here to do,” Mykal declared.

  “I was sent here to help Towbar’s people,” Fisher replied.

  “Then start friggin helping his people and stop being a problem. We need to rescue the Princess Doninka before they try to use her to get to the King.”

  “I will not have someone with little military experience interfere with my assignment.”

  “Let me tell you something, colonel, we were doing fine before you got here and we will do fine without you.”

  “Is that a threat?” Fisher asked with an expression of ‘how dare you talk to me that way’ on his face.

  “No, it’s a fact,” Mykal said and felt the uncontrollable rage get the best of him. He knew the magic ring caused his emotions to spiral out of control and he feared he was about to say or do something he would regret. “Let me tell you something, you don’t wanna friggin screw with me. I’m not one to make wild threats, and I’m not one to make idle threats, but I’m giving you strong advice that you should take to heart.”

  “Who the hell do you think you’re talking to?” Fisher asked as he raised his shoulders back. “I’m a colonel in the United States Marine Corps. You’re not going to talk to me that way.”

  “I don’t care if you’re a colonel or not,” Mykal snarled between clenched teeth in an attempt to hold down the hostile rage that tried to surface “You’re not gonna screw up my orders. Orders that have been given to me by President John J. Edmonds himself,” he declared though it was somewhat of an embellishment.

  “I have my orders too.”

  “By who?” Mykal demanded and waited but Fisher remained silent. “I asked you a question. Was it Percy?”

  “Who do you think you are to talk to me in such a manner?”

  “I asked you a damn question and you are starting to piss me off. Was it Percy? Cuz he shoulda told you not to screw with me.”

  “You are not going to order me around like I am some sort of low ranking enlisted personnel.”

  “Let me make one thing perfectly clear,” Mykal snarled while gritting his teeth. “You do not want to screw with me,” he threatened and pointed his finger in Fisher’s face from across the table. Suddenly Mykal disappeared.

  “What the?” Fisher gasped.

  Almost as quickly Mykal reappeared on the side of Fisher with his threatening finger pointed to the side of Fisher’s head. “I’m not one to play friggin games with,” he demanded and had to fight the laughter that crept up at the shocked, frightened, double take Fisher did.

  “Ho, hu, how did you do that?” Fisher gasped and for the first time he really looked frightened.

  “Did what? What are you talking about? Are you starting to lose your mind?” Mykal asked with a sinister tone. “Screw with me and I guarantee you everyone will know you lost your friggin mind and I won’t have to do a thing to get you outta my way. I have a damn job to do here and we can either work together or we can fight each other. I promise you I will win.”

  Suddenly Mykal disappeared and reappeared on the opposite side of Fisher with the finger of his other hand pointing in Fisher’s face.

  “Wait a minute, wait a minute,” Fisher grabbed his forehead and shook his head to clear his thoughts. “How did you do that?”

  “Do what? What are you talking about?” Mykal asked as if there was something wrong with Colonel Fisher.

  “You were on the other side of the table and you disappeared then you appeared over here beside me. And then you disappeared and reappeared on this side of me,” Fisher gasped and didn’t sound like he believed what he just said.

  “What the hell are you talkin’ about Sir?”
Mykal asked with a snarl and suddenly disappeared. Almost as suddenly he reappeared on the opposite side of Fisher again. “I think you’re seeing things like a druggie or an alcoholic would see things,” he hissed as if making a cold hard threat. “You’re not drinking on the job are you?” Mykal asked with an evil sneer.

  “Whoa, wait. What the hell is going on?” Fisher gasped as he snapped his head back and forth to ensure he didn’t imagine what he thought just occurred. He placed both hands on his head as if that would help him think.

  “You gotta be losing your mind,” Mykal snickered vindictively. “How could anyone dis-appear and re-appear?” He deliberately spoke those words slowly. “Towbar, is he going nuts?” He added as a taunt.

  “I do not know the term ‘going nuts’, however, I think I understand what you mean my friend,” Towbar said and gave a slight laugh. “If I understand correctly, Colonel Fisher is imagining things. This can not be good for one in the position of high leadership with so many responsibilities. That would put all those men out there in grave danger,” Towbar added and played along with what Mykal was doing to the rattled Marine colonel.

  “Exactly right Towbar,” Mykal laughed. “Poor Colonel Fisher has only been here a day and the pressure has gotten to him already.”

  “No. No, no, Mykal. Don’t try to pull that mind game crap on me. Something just happened. I know something just happened. I didn’t imagine anything. What did you do?”

  “What did I do?” Mykal laughed. “No, what did you do? Are you drinking? Are you taking strong medications? Or are you using illegal drugs?” Mykal tittered cruelly and shook his head as if disappointed in the new leader.

  “No, no! Don’t do this,” Fisher said and kept both hands on the sides of his head while he tried to make sense of what just occurred.

  “No. Don’t you do this! We can work together or maybe you’ll have a mental breakdown and will have to be relieved of your command. If this work becomes too difficult then you might have to be forcibly sent home. So how are we gonna do this? It would be a crying shame if you happened to imagine someone like me disappearing and reappearing with weapons in my hands. Wouldn’t it? I would say the ball is in your court. Sir,” Mykal added with a hateful sarcastic bite.


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