Mykal's Second Deadly Journey

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Mykal's Second Deadly Journey Page 20

by Dave Hazel

  “Nice to meet you,” Mykal said and at first glance he didn’t look any different than Starling, Leeno and Blair. Mykal noticed he had a scar from the corner of his right eye around the cheek bone into his cheek.

  “This is Uminair,” Starling said and pointed to the second who was smaller and thinner than all the Elves present. “Uminair knows more of the palace we seek than any other. Uminair is more knowledgeable of the lands where we are going than most. He had spent many years in those lands.”

  “This is true,” Uminair said while slightly bowing his head. “I have actually been inside the walls of that fortress, though I have never been inside the actual residence.

  “That’s great to know and that could be very helpful,” Mykal said to be polite since they were no nearer to the palace than they had been two days ago.

  “And this is Gwellon,” Starling presented him while placing his hand on Gwellon’s shoulder. Gwellon appeared to be older though he looked as young as any of them. His face had an aged countenance to him. “Gwellon had two of his offspring killed by Zizmon-Tarl’s forces within the last year. Another two of his children, a son and a daughter, had been taken captive to be used as slaves. That is if they have not been executed by now. We promised to allow Gwellon to join us so he could help us while he could try to rescue his kin. Or dare I say, confirm their deaths so he may have finality on their situation.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Mykal said and was shocked that they would bring someone who was emotionally vested which he feared could lead to problems. ‘But wait, we’re talking about Elves here,’ he thought while he studied the face that held much sorrow and loss. ‘They don’t have emotions like we do.’ He pondered that idea for a moment and corrected his thinking. ‘They don’t seem to have emotions like we do. How dare I think that? He looks like he’s suffered greatly over this.’

  “Back to your original question Mykal,” Blair said. “The best place for us to appear would be at the foot of the mountain where we actually entered the mountains or between the mountains and the Forest of Death.”

  “We’re not going back inside the mountain, are we?” Mykal gasped at the thought of being trapped again.

  “No,” Leeno answered. “We need to start between the mountain and at the edge of the Black Forest.

  “Well that’s not a problem. I can get us there. I just don’t like the memories it brings up,” Mykal laughed to be humorous but the Elves didn’t seem to find humor in his words.


  Mykal used the magic powder as Towbar taught and he brought the group into the plains between the forest and the mountains. The dizzying effect was as strong as it had ever been. Mykal thought he would tumble over but he remained steady when he dropped to his knees. ‘I thought this would get easier with time,’ he wondered while waiting for the green fog to dissipate. ‘Damn I hope using this fog stuff doesn’t cause cancer or some other funky shit to happen to my body,’ he giggled mentally while he waited for his mind to clear. Mykal realized he appeared about two hundred yards from the forest which was exactly where he planned to appear. He also noticed by using a small amount of the magical green crystalline powder the green fog wouldn’t remain present very long.

  Mykal thought for a moment and was tempted to ask them if they wanted to go into the forest to find the skeletons he recovered his magic items from. There were several pieces of magic he had to leave there; a sword he couldn’t touch and a ring that had a protective dagger that stabbed Boris and another magical ring he had put on. He believed the sword belonged to an Elf and was sure the Elves might be able to recover it and they would probably be very appreciative. Selfishly, he wanted another attempt at the ring he had to leave behind. It would be a most powerful ring based on what he experienced the day he found that ring and the ring he wore now. Mykal looked at the wall of trees that were a part of the Black Forest and he knew the magic items were about a half a day travel away. He decided to leave the magic items unmentioned unless a need arose to hunt them down in the future. ‘Too many dangers to go back into that forest,’ he thought and remained quiet about the abandoned magic items.

  “Have all the men gather ‘round and make sure everyone is here,” Mykal said to Lieutenant Finley while he continued to rub his head as if trying to rub the dizzying feeling from his skull.

  “Sure will Myk,” Finley said. “The men don’t seem to be as spread out as I would have expected.”

  Mykal didn’t say anything but he agreed with him. He watched Towbar pull himself to his feet. “Do you feel it to?” Mykal asked the giant who looked a little wobbly.

  “Yes, it feels like I have had too many strong drinks,” Towbar said and looked in all directions. “Is this where we need to be my friend?”

  “Yeah, we went outta the forest somewhere in this area around here,” Mykal said and waved his arm over the area of trees. “And then from there we went over to the mountains over there,” he said and turned to point to the mountains a couple of miles away. “From there Starling, Leeno and Blair opened a secret entrance to go through the mountain but as you know we got lost and you had to come rescue us. Over there,” he pointed to the general area that was blocked by rolling slopes. “There’s hundreds of dead soldiers who were chasing Nordad and his men. We cut them down and chased them away. They had to be soldiers of Ziggy Stardust. Make sure we don’t say that evil overlord’s name cuz Nordad thinks he can pick up on our use of his name and it might be possible. We gotta make sure everyone knows that.”

  Captain Diaz and Lieutenant Finley approached Towbar and Mykal. “All the men are present and accounted for Myk,” Finley said. “Boy this brings back some memories,” he added and gave an exaggerated shiver.

  “I hear ya. Everyone come here and gather around,” Mykal yelled. He waited while the group quickly rallied around him. “We need to explain a few things,” he said while most of the men took a knee. “We are on the other side of Towbar’s world. If you get separated from myself or Towbar you will be lost for good,” he said and paused to allow his words to sink in. “I don’t say that to scare you but only me and Towbar can make the green fog appear. So just be aware of that if you decide to go traipsing off on your own. We are going to be relying on the Elves and Nordad and his men to get us where we need to go. Does this forest bring back any memories?” He asked for those who returned as former members of the Lost Patrol. The former Lost Patrol members all eagerly acknowledged they had their memories.

  “When we were here the last time,” Mykal continued. “We went into that forest to avoid an army that was easily ten thousand strong. They had to be Ziggy Stardust’s army that had been sent after us. We don’t want to travel in the wide open plains so we’ll go along the edges of the forest or mountains or hills to stay as much out of sight as possible. If we get chased into this forest, please stay together. Ask those from around here what kind of reputation the forest has. Ask those who were here the last time as the Lost Patrol what we experienced when we went through the forest. We gotta be on our toes at all times.”

  “Harken the man’s words people,” Gunnery Sergeant Ratner barked. “You are not going to believe all the freaky shit we’re going to encounter on this side of Towbar’s world. But we are Marines. Correct that. We are Americans. Correct that,” he barked and got some laughs. “We’re part of Towbar One and some others. In all seriousness men, we are one and as long as we work together, fight together and protect each other together, we will do just fine. While we are out here we are a team. We are not individualists here to make a glorious name for our individual selves. We are here to make a glorious name for our single minded unit once we accomplish our task of rescuing the Princess Doninka. Do I make myself clear ladies?” He raised his voice and sounded like a Drill Instructor laying into a group of new recruits.

  “Sir, yes Sir,” the army personnel shouted.

  “Aye aye Gunny,” the Marines shouted.

  “Do we have to go back to basics?” Ratner yelled which
took many by surprise. “Do I look like I’m an officer,” Ratner roared and bore into the army personnel. “Do I look like I get paid the big bucks to carry around a coffee cup? No offense Sirs,” he playfully whispered to Diaz and Finley and pretended the men couldn’t hear him. “We only have two officers here, four if you want to call Mykal and Towbar Sir. So get it right. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Hooah. Hooah,” all the army personnel shouted as one voice.

  “That’s more like it you fine bunch of looking ladies,” he snarled at the United States Army personnel which provoked strange looks of confusion from the people of Towbar’s world.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Mykal laughed because of the confused looks passed around by the people of Towbar’s world. “They know what he means.”

  “Mykal, Uminair says we could save time by going through the dreaded forest,” Leeno said and turned to the tree line and looked at it as if it were a frightful beast.

  “How much time, cuz I don’t think that would really be worth it,” Mykal replied and almost gasped that he even considered going through the Forest of Death.

  “I believe we could take three days off our travel,” Uminair answered in his musical voice. Uminair looked like all the Elves and like all the Elves his speech was soft and soothing, almost melodious. “Quite possibly four days. That would depend on what obstacles or foes we may encounter.”

  “Do you guys really know your way through the Black Forest?”

  “It is not so much that we know our way through the forest Mykal,” Starling answered. “It is just we know how to navigate through forests better than others. Including the dreaded Black Forest.”

  “Would we still have to face the dangers that lurk in there?” Mykal asked and stared at the trees nearest him.

  “If you are asking if we can promise not to have troubles or difficulty,” Blair replied. “No, there would still be much danger. However one thing I can assure you is our group will encounter less danger with Elves present.”

  “My friend,” Towbar’s loud voice raised above the group. “We will have visitors soon,” the giant said and pointed to a slight rise in the land that seemed to be a half a mile to a mile away.

  “Whatta ya see?” Mykal asked when he looked to the wide open fields of green.

  “There are several people who are spying on us from the rise in the land to what I would assume to be our north west.

  “I see them as well,” Starling said. He was quickly followed by each of the Elves who spotted those in the distance.

  “Here Myk,” Roy Jr. said and gave Mykal his detached rifle scope. “I see two heads staring at us through the grass,” he added and pointed to where the spies were.

  With Mykal’s advanced eye sight he was able to see them now that he knew where to look. He took the scope from Roy Jr. to see a little closer so he wouldn’t have to raise his rifle to view them from his scope. He feared it would look like a threat though whoever was out there would have no idea that his rifle would be a deadly weapon.

  “There are actually eight who spy on us,” Towbar announced. “There may be more.”

  “Do we know who they are?” Mykal turned to Nordad and the Elves.

  “Are they the soldiers we avoided the first time?” Sergeant Freeman asked. Freeman was the black Green Beret who was the first to spot the army back in December. “There were thousands of them back then.”

  “No, these are not soldiers of the One,” Starling declared.

  “I believe these may be the nomadic people of Sarchant,” Egoneal said. “Sarchantian warriors are a violent hostile people. They war with all peoples and travel from land to land for places to stay for weeks or months at a time. They pillage and take what they feel is useful and what they believe they have the rights to. They believe they are a superior race of people and they should be served by all.”

  “If they are Sarchantian warriors they usually travel in groups of two to three hundred strong,” Starling explained. “After they conquer little villages they notify other Sarchantian groups and then will form larger groups to go on the offensive to take larger villages, towns and or cities.”

  “They are a ruthless savage people,” Blair added. “They hate all Elvin people.”

  “Will they try to communicate?” Captain Diaz asked.

  “I do not think they will,” Leeno answered. “If they are only a scouting party they will track and follow our movements. If they stand two to three hundred strong they will assume they have the numbers advantage and will raid on our position. Words will not work. Strength is all they know. If a stronger force rises against them they will flee.”

  “Damn Myk,” Sergeant Mathis said playfully, “we have been here on this side of Towbar’s world ten minutes and we have to face bad guys like the Sosos.” Mathis was Mykal’s favorite Marine radio man. There was something about Mathis that reminded Mykal of his friends who were gone.

  “So are you regretting I brought you along?” Mykal chuckled at the Marine sergeant.

  “Not yet,” Mathis said and snickered.

  “Do you think these people have any allegiance to Ziggy Stardust?” Mykal asked the Elves

  “Their allegiance is to their own bellies,” Nordad answered. “They can not be trusted.”

  “Well I say let’s go confront them before they sneak up on us?” Mykal suggested.

  “And if they far outnumber us?” Gwellon asked. He looked to his Elvin comrades for support. “They will not allow a truce with us due to our size and the fact that we Elves are present.

  “First of all our weapons will stop them,” Mykal said and sneered. “But the way I see it, we’re all Elves. Meaning if they have a problem with you they have a problem with me and the rest of us. We’re in this together.”

  “I greatly appreciate your loyalty to us Mykal,” Starling said.

  “Yes, I too have faced far worse situations with my pointy eared friends,” Nordad said. “We will not allow them to discriminate.”

  “My concern is we are less than one hundred,” Uminair said. “The Sarchantian hordes rarely travel in groups of less than two to three hundred.”

  “That would be my concern also,” Egoneal agreed as he grabbed his bow. “Not to boast, however I am the fastest and the greatest archer among our peoples. I would not be able to make much of a difference if they attack with those numbers.”

  “Egoneal, trust me,” Mykal snickered. “We can stop them before they could even get within range of your bow.”

  Egoneal, Uminair and Gwellon all looked at Mykal as if he was not speaking the truth. They turned to Starling, Leeno and Blair.

  “Our friend Mykal speaks true words my brothers,” Leeno declared. “We have seen them in battle and we have battled by their side.”

  “Their weapons are mighty weapons of death and destruction,” Starling said. “They are mighty warriors of a different kind.”

  “I appreciate that guys,” Mykal replied and smiled shyly at the intense stares of the three new Elves. “So what are they gonna do since they see us? Do you think they’re gonna follow us and try to attack when we least expect it?”

  “I believe they will follow us,” Blair answered. “However they will attack when they are ready, whether we expect it or not.”

  “Hell with that,” Mykal scoffed and suddenly he felt a burning rage build. He believed it was part of the effect the magic ring had on his emotions. “I say we deal with this right now. We just walk out there and confront them right here and now.”

  “Do you think that is wise?” Gwellon asked and almost gasped, but being an Elf he kept his expression to himself. “We do not know the full size of their tribe. There may be many hundreds beyond that rise.”

  “I don’t care about that, we’ll kick there asses from here to China. Don’t worry about that,” Mykal said and laughed. “It’s a saying we have back in my world. The thing is if you’re definite that they’re gonna come after us, let’s deal with this right now and not wh
en they might possibly catch us off guard. Everyone, gather around here.”

  “What’s going on Myk?” Finley asked when all the men were present.

  Mykal explained the predicament they were facing and shared his idea was to confront them rather than wait for them to attack first. Mykal knew if Captain William Roberts would have been here he would have been whining and crying about avoiding them. “We don’t even have to go over there blasting away. We’ll just confront them and if they truly want to come after us we’ll take them out so we don’t have to worry about them when it’s dark and we’re caught off guard. Does anyone have a problem with my suggestion?”

  “I agree it may be a good idea to see if we could try to communicate with them first,” Captain Diaz said. “And obviously if they are going to be a threat we have to defend ourselves.”

  “Okay let’s head that way,” Mykal said and started to walk backward to speak while moving. “For those of you from Towbar’s world, Towbar’s soldiers, you Dwarven warriors and you Elves, if something does happen and a battle breaks out try to get out of the way cuz my men will eliminate them quickly and viciously. If you get in the way you will get killed or injured.”

  “His words are true my brothers,” Blair said to the new Elves.

  “The last time we were on the other side of this world we were on the run from everything trying to avoid trouble at every turn,” Mykal declared for those who didn’t know. “This time we’re going on the offensive and not gonna wait till our asses are hanging out to dry.”

  “Spread out and have weapons ready,” Lieutenant Finley shouted. “You men on the 60s, be ready. If there are a few hundred of them, you will have to do the clean-up job.”


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