Married To My Enemy: A Steamy Enemies To Lovers Romance

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Married To My Enemy: A Steamy Enemies To Lovers Romance Page 20

by Wood, Vivian


  He responds in a couple of minutes. I mean, it’s the daytime… but sure.

  I think for a moment, trying to choose a place that’s equal distances from his house and mine.

  Whiskey Soda Lounge, twenty minutes.

  I grab my leather coat, leaving Cate a scrawled message. Back soon.

  Leaving the piece of paper on my pillow, I head out to the bar. When I pull my bike into the parking lot, Owen is already waiting for me.

  “Hey,” he says, scanning my face.


  I push past him, heading in the front door of the bar. There are a couple of people drinking at the far end of the counter. The bartender gives us a nod, motioning for us to seat ourselves.

  As we slide into a booth, I pluck a menu from the bracket on the wall. Owen does the same, watching me carefully. The bartender comes over and takes our order.

  After I don’t say anything for a minute, Owen sighs. “What’s up, man?”

  I favor him with a frown. “What, I can’t just want a drink?”

  Owen narrows his eyes at me. “You seem to forget that I’ve known you for too long. I can tell something is going on with you.”

  He’s right, of course. But it still irritates me. “Mmm,” I grunt.

  The bartender brings our drinks. I don’t taste mine, I just roll the amber liquid around in the glass.

  “Things with Cate aren’t going well, then?”

  I exhale a long breath. “I don’t know. She took me to see the house she wants to buy and live in once the annulment goes through.” I take a sip of whiskey, making a face when it burns a little going down.

  Owen shifts in his seat. “And that’s bad?”

  I glance at him, shaking my head. “I don’t know. I mean… I offered her ten thousand dollars, contingent on her faking this marriage until Madisyn’s wedding. But now the wedding is here, and I just…”

  “Wait, you offered her ten grand?” he asks.

  I nod. “Yep. I said we would sign the paperwork on the annulment after this wedding, and then I would pay her.”

  Owen purses his lips. “But you don’t want things to change, I am guessing?”

  “Yeah.” I scrunch up my face. “Actually, I don’t know. I just feel like Cate moving out isn’t going to help clear things up.”

  He takes a sip of his drink and swishes it around his mouth. “Have you talked to Cate about any of this?”

  I look at the ceiling, sighing. “Sort of.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “We talked about it a little when she showed me the house. And then she kissed me.” I bite my lip with a frown. “Actually, it’s been like that for the last two days. I try to bring up the annulment and she kisses me.”

  A note of humor ripples across his face. “You’re telling me that you can’t resist her advances, or what?”

  I shrug. “I guess I haven’t wanted to. Not yet. What if I ask her to stay and she says no?”

  Owen looks down at his drink. “Is it better to just keep doing what you’re doing? Neither of you ever says anything real to the other because you are both emotionally stunted people?”

  I shoot him a glare. “I didn’t say that.”

  “Hm.” He takes another sip of his whiskey. “Just tell her that you don’t want her to move out. It’s really simple.”

  I wrinkle my brow. “Just like that?”

  Owen shrugs. “I think so. I mean, I don’t know her, but that’s what I would like.”

  I look at my watch. “It seems like a good idea, but…”

  Owen makes a face. “It’s between that and letting her leave, which you don’t want. Just go. Go right now and tell her to stay. That way you can go to Madisyn’s wedding and just… you know, be real.”

  I smile, imagining Cate and I hugging while we talk to Madisyn. “There is a first time for everything, isn’t there?”

  Owen rolls his eyes as he pulls a twenty dollar bill out of his wallet. “I will buy your drink if you’ll just go talk to Cate, man. Seriously.”

  I squint at him. “Yeah, alright.” I start sliding out of the booth then pause. “Thanks, man.”

  Owen just shrugs again. “Anytime.”

  With a determined frown on my face, I ride my motorcycle home. As soon as I get home, I call out to Cate.

  “I’m back!” I announce. I head over to the fridge for a bottle of water.

  Cate comes downstairs from her room, drying her hair with a towel. She’s wrapped in maybe the ugliest old-lady bathrobe I’ve ever seen. Her lips are turned down at the corners.

  “Hey. Where did you go?”

  “Just went for an early drink with Owen.” I open the bottle of water and chug it halfway down. “You looked like you needed rest.”

  Her eyes narrow. “Huh.”

  I set the water bottle on the counter, steeling myself for what I want to say. I don’t know why I’m nervous, but I am. Heading into the living room, I snag one of her hands and lead her toward the sofa.

  “Come here for a minute.”

  “Luca,” she protests. “I have to get ready for work. I don’t have time to hang out on the couch for a minute, no matter what you say.”

  I sit down on the couch, towing her in my wake. She sits down beside me with a huff. “We have to be really, really fast this time.”

  My lips quirk at that. “I like your thinking. But actually, I just want to talk.”

  Her eyebrows rise. “Oh, I don’t think this is really the time—”

  “I don’t want you to buy that house,” I say, cutting her off. “I don’t want us to get an annulment right away and I don’t want you to buy that house.”

  The only thing I read on her face is puzzlement. “Why not?”

  I think for a second before I answer. “I think there is something between us and I want to find out. Which I don’t feel like we can with our current arrangement. I need more time than that.”

  “It sounds like you just don’t approve of me buying my childhood home,” she says, tugging her hand from my grip. She crosses her arms.

  “I don’t, but that’s not the point.”

  She gives me a disapproving look. “I think it very much is. How I spend my money is not ready for you to say, Luca.”

  A sigh bursts from my lips. I can feel myself getting hot under the collar. “Cate, it’s literally falling apart. I bet you if you paid for an inspection, the inspector would laugh instead of giving you an estimate for repair.”

  She stands up. “I don’t really need a lecture. I have work.”

  “Wait a second,” I demand, my expression turning stormy. “I just asked you to stay with me here.”

  “But you demanded that I don’t spend my money on something I want at the same time.” She grits her teeth. “That isn’t fair at all, Luca.”

  Sucking in a breath, I stand up. “Fine, use your money how you want. Buy that house. Buy into a pyramid scheme. Do whatever.”

  “I will.” She scowls.

  “You know what? That sounds great. Why don’t I just go get my checkbook right now? God, you and Madisyn really aren’t that different, are you?”

  Cate stills. “I’m sorry, what did you just say?”

  I fold my arms across my chest. “Madisyn liked to invest too, did you know that? She bought fifteen thousand dollars’ worth of natural beauty supplies on my credit card. Apparently someone told her that she could sell it without a problem. Five months later, when she dumped me, I had to clean fifteen thousand dollars worth’ of Beyoutiful shit out of my garage.”

  “And?” Cate snaps. “How is that the same as me buying a house I’ve wanted for years?”

  “You won’t take money advice!” I shout, throwing my hands up in the air.

  “But it’s my money!” she cries. “Why do you even care about how I spend it?”

  My eyes become slits. “It’s not about the money. It wasn’t about the money with Madisyn either. It was a symptom of larger problems
within the relationship.”

  “What relationship?” She shakes her head. “You’ve told me you care about me, whatever that means. But you’ve never asked me to be your girlfriend.”

  “That isn’t fair and you know it. We’re already married for god’s sake!”

  Cate looks so mad, as if she would burn down everything I’ve ever loved if given the chance.

  “I don’t know anything, apparently. Maybe the reason that Madisyn dumped you was that you were a tight-fisted jerk.”

  Startled, I take a step back. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

  Cate glares at me. “I could say the same thing of you, Luca. Maybe you would be better off with someone like Madisyn. She seems shallow, but maybe that’s what you need. That way you don’t have to guess at her objectives.”

  “At least her objectives aren’t secretive and weird.”

  “Is that what you call dating men exclusively for their money?”

  I glare at her. “You know, you may be better off becoming a nun. The only marriage you should be in is to God. Leave the rest of us mortals alone.”

  Cate sucks in a breath. “Are you saying that you don’t want to be married anymore? Because that can be arranged very easily.”

  I lash out. “Maybe I am, Cate!”

  The wounded look in her eyes is unmistakable. “Fine. I’ll start moving out tonight.”

  “Oh no,” I say, shaking my head. “You’re going to that fucking wedding with me tomorrow. You’re going to dress up and look hot and smile. Then and only then are you released from this marriage.”

  She leans in close to me, lowering her voice. “Fine. I hope you enjoy having a wife for the next twenty-four hours, because after that I’m done.”

  My fists bunch. I squint down at her. If I don’t get out of here and blow off some steam, I am going to lose it. “You should go to work.”

  Brushing by her, I head for the front door.

  “Where are you going?” she calls.

  “Out!” I shout back. “Before I put my fist through the wall.”

  I don’t hear a response so I go outside, slamming the door as I go.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  I shoot a sideways glance at Cate as we exit the limo outside the Foundry, the fancy as fuck place that Madisyn has chosen for her wedding. She looks unbelievably gorgeous in her wedding finery; I know for a fact underneath that heavy black coat she’s wearing a barely-there pink velvet dress. When I first saw her in it, I swear to god my mouth started to water.

  Yeah, I’m definitely going to have to rip that off her later when we fuck. But at the moment, she looks frosty and remote.

  I offer her my arm as we climb the steps to the rustic wood building. She gives me a deadpan look and then huffs a little as she accepts.

  “Still mad, then?” I ask.

  Cate narrows her eyes on my face. “Yeah, I’m still mad.”

  I shrug. “All right. Later, then.”

  We both said some pretty bad things to each other yesterday. Words spoken out of anger and frustration more than anything. I know I need to apologize, but I also want her to act like she’s even a little bit sorry.

  Is that too much to ask?

  She just rolls her eyes at me. Normally I would try to talk to her, but now is neither the time nor the place for apologies or explanations.

  It’ll just have to wait.

  As we step into the converted barn, I look around. Plants and string lights hang from the ceiling beams. There is a bar set up with people in tuxes and elegant dresses milling around to my left. Straight ahead are two aisles of neatly arranged chairs and an elaborate cupola set up at the very opposite end from where we are standing.

  “Hello,” a well-dressed man greets us. “Welcome to the Hartwell-Rivers wedding. Here’s a program. May I take your coats?”

  Cate glances at me as she slides her coat off her shoulders, revealing creamy skin everywhere. Her neck, her upper back, her amazing fucking legs. Pretty much everywhere that the little pink dress she’s wearing doesn’t touch is bare and dewy. I arch a brow and look her up and down.

  She shoots me a look but doesn’t respond to me. Instead she hands her coat over to the man, accepting a program in its place.

  “Thank you,” she says prettily.

  Undaunted by her frosty attitude, I trade my coat for a program too. Cate looks at me in my tux, hesitating for the barest second.

  I smirk. “You can’t even stay mad at me for one day, can you?”

  She jerks her gaze away, lifting her head and straightening her spine. Rather than answer me, she just pretends like she didn’t hear me. “I think I need a drink.”

  “Best idea you’ve had all day,” I say. Motioning to the bar, I usher her along. “After you, wife.”

  She sniffs and stalks ahead of me, giving me plenty of time to stare at her ass in that little dress. I grin, thinking about how hot the sex is going to be tonight.

  Actually, maybe I should let her keep the dress on. And those little silver heels, too.

  When we reach the bar, I order her a glass of champagne and myself a whiskey. Handing her the champagne flute, I grab my tumbler and look around.

  “I guess we’re supposed to be talking to people,” I say, sipping my whiskey.

  Cate tilts her head to the side. “I don’t know anyone here. Do you?”

  I look around at the crowd. “Yeah, but there’s no one I really want to talk to.”

  She shakes her head a little bit and sips her drink. “Why are we even here, Luca?”

  Giving her question a casual shrug, I glance around again. “To bug the shit out of Madisyn, mostly.”

  At the sound of my ex’s name, Cate flinches. She immediately guzzles her champagne, finishing it in mere seconds.

  “Going big, huh?” I tease her.

  She just scowls at me. “I’m going to get another drink. I’ll leave you to figure out what to do with yourself when I’m not around.”

  With that, she whirls and disappears behind a crowd of people near the bar. Pulling a face at her antics, I sip my whiskey and wander away from the crowd.

  Glancing around again, I take in the rustic decor. With a sigh, I admit to myself that this is going to be a long afternoon.


  I turn around and find a harried-looking young woman. She’s dressed up but she carries a clipboard and wears a headset. If I had to guess, I would say that she works for the venue.

  “Yeah, that’s me…” I admit.

  She smiles, but her distress is clear. “Would you mind coming with me? The bride wants to see you for a second.”

  I frown, glancing back to see if Cate is in view. “I don’t want to leave my wife here alone. She doesn’t know anybody.”

  The young woman presses her lips into a firm line. “It’ll just be for a second. She won’t even notice you were gone.”

  She holds out her hand, ushering me forcefully toward a back hallway. I scrunch up my face, shaking head.

  “This had better be good,” I mutter. “I don’t like being segregated from the other wedding guests like this.”

  My words have no effect on the young woman, who just clears her throat and clutches her clipboard tighter. “If you’ll just head into the second door on the left…”

  She hurries me down the darkened hallway. I roll my eyes as she shepherds me to a bright red door, gesturing that I should go ahead.

  I open the door to find Madisyn standing at the window in a white silk robe.

  “Oh, I don’t think—” I say.

  The door closes behind me, the young woman that ushered me here nowhere to be seen. Madisyn turns away from the window, tears and mascara running down her cheeks.

  “Luca, you came!” she cries.

  I back toward the door. “Madisyn, I don’t know what you are planning, but I want nothing to do with it.”

  “Luca,” she sobs. “I’m so scared of getting married…”

bsp; I bump against the door, but find the doorknob locked. “Madisyn, let me out of here.”

  She ignores me almost entirely, collapsing on a white couch. “You’re married. How do you do it, Luca? I’m really freaking out over here.”

  I turn and bang on the door. “Hey! Let me out!”

  Madisyn starts sobbing. “What if we don’t get along forever? What if… what if some girl comes along someday and Reggie can’t resist her?”

  I try the door knob a final time, then sigh. Turning to face Madisyn, I frown. “Syn, you can’t just trap me in here.”

  She looks up at me, grabbing a box of tissues from the table beside her and wiping at her tear-stained face. “I need your help. You are the only one who can talk me down. Please, Luca. Allay my fears!”

  Stepping toward her with a doubtful expression, I sigh again. “If you have doubts, you should be talking to Reggie about them. Not your ex. And especially not against his will.”

  Madisyn blows her nose. “I’m supposed to just go on blind faith that Reggie loves me and will be faithful to me? Hah!” She turns to me, beseeching. “You were faithful, weren’t you?”

  I sit on the couch, crossing my arms. “Yep.”

  Madisyn moves closer to me, sniffling. “How did I ever dump you, Luca?”

  I shoot her a glare. “Publicly and loudly, as I remember.” I shift on the couch. “Now I really think you should get your little flying monkey outside to let me out of this room.”

  I see her bite her lip, but when she launches herself into my lap, I’m not really for her. She climbs on top of me, trying to force her mouth on me.

  “Fucking hell,” I say, pushing her back.

  But Madisyn isn’t worried about my resistance. She locks her arms around my neck, anchoring herself to me.

  “Madisyn—” I bellow.

  In the next moment, Cate bursts through the door, looking wide eyed. “Luca—”

  She freezes, her eyes locked on Madisyn and me. I panic, pushing Madisyn off.

  “Cate, this is not what it looks like,” I warn, rising to my feet.

  Cate looks at me, her eyes filling with tears. When she speaks, it sounds as cold as ice. “We’re through.”

  She whirls and runs out of the room. I’m not far behind her, but Madisyn is right on my heels, clutching at my arm. “Stay with me!” she screeches.


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