164. Letter from Clara Bloomfield-Moore, dated September 9, 1894.
165. Beitrage zur Rudolph Steiner Gesamtausgabe, Nr.107, Michaeli, 1991, pages 22-23.
166. R. Harte, introduction in Clara Bloomfield-Moore, Keely's Secrets, Theosophical Publishing House, July, 1888, pages 6-7.
167. H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, T.P.S., 1888, book I, part II, page 555.
168. Apart from having read about Keely in Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine, Steiner once again read about Keely in C.G. Harrison's, The Transcendental Universe, published in 1893, in which a reference on Keely occurred, according to the source of note 169.
169. See: 'Vom Keely-Motor zur Strader Machine,' in: Der Europaer, Jg.l/Nr.6, April, 1997, pages 13-14.
170. Walter Johannes Stein, Weltgeschichte im Lichte des Heiligen Gral, das Neunte Jahrhundert, Orient-Occident Verlag, 1928.
171. 'Vom Keely Motor zur Strader Machine,' Der Europaer, Jg.l/Nr.6, April, 1997, page 13.
172. For tide, see note 84. On Wachsmuth, Steiner and Keely, see: 'Vom Keely Motor zur Strader-Machine,' Der Europaer, Jg.l/Nr.6, April, 1997, page 12.
173. Although Steiner, during a lectur on May 11, 1924, told that he had modeled Strader on Gideon Spicker (1840 -1912), a Professor of philosophy at the German town of Minister, this is only so in the first and second parts of his 'Mystery Plays.' In the third, Strader invents his device and in the fourth his device refuses to work in a factory. Strader obtains a number of characteristics which stem from Keely. On this, see also: 'Vom Keely Motor zur Strader Machine,' Der Europaer, Jg.l/Nr.6, April, 1997, pages 13-14.
174. Rudolf Steiner, In Geanderter Zeitlage, Die soziale Grundforderung unserer Zeit (G. A. 186), Cycle nr. 51, 6 lectures, Dornach, 1918. Onder veranderde tijdsomstandigheden, Zevenster, 1983, page 68.
175. ibid. page 64.
176. ibid. page 62.
177. ibid. page 65.
178. ibid. page 67.
179. ibid. page 66.
180. H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, T.P.S., 1888, book I, part II, page 560.
181. Rudolf Steiner, In Geanderter Zeitlage, Die soziale Grundforderung unserer Zeit (G. A. 186), Cycle nr. 51, 6 lectures, Dornach, 1918. Onder veranderde tijdsomstandigheden, Zevenster, 1983, pages 68-69.
182. Anthony C. Sutton, America's Secret Establishment, Liberty House Press, 1986.
183. See: Anonymous, 'A ritual and Illustration of Freemasonry, accompanied by numerous engravings, and a key to Phi Beta Kappa,' W. Reeves, no date (but 1880's), page 249.
184. Andiony C. Sutton, America's Secret Establishment, Liberty House Press, 1986, page 247.
185. ibid. page 24.
Chapter 10. The Sorcerer's Apprentice: The Occult Connection
1. Gerry Vassilatos' 11 part The Vril Series, published by Borderlands, is an admirable exploration and essential reading in mis odierwise largely unmapped territory.
2. Helmut Werner, Lexicon der Esoterik, Fourir, 1991, page 395.
3. Eliphas Levi, Histoire de la Magie, Felix Alcan, 1862, 1892, pages 265-267, tale also told by Levi's brilliant pupil Stanislaus de Guaita in his Essays de Sciences Maudites, vol.1, au Seul du Mystere, George Carre, 1890, pages 53-54. I have also noted a less detailed account in Rene Noorbergen, Secrets of the Lost Races, The Bobbs-Merrill Company Inc., 1977, page 51. The account is found in: Eliphas Levi, Histoire de la Magie, Felix Alcan, 1862, 1892, pages 267-270, also in Stanislaus de Guaita, Essays de Sciences Maudites, vol.1, au Seul du Mystere, George Carre, 1890, page 54. Both cite me book Le Grand and Petit Albert, attributed to - but this is by no means certain - Albertus Magnus, as their source.
4. Helmut Swoboda, Der Kunstliche Mensch, Heimeran, 1967, pages 45-48. See also: Helmut Werner, Lexicon der Esoterik, Fourir, 1991, page 21. For a popular treatment see: Paul Thompson, 'The Lore of the Homunculus.' In: Fate, vol.47, no.9, Issue 534, page 52.
5. ibid. page 46.
6. Eliphas Levi, Histoire de Magie, Felix Alcan, 1862, 1892, pages 267-268.
7. Helmut Swoboda, Der Kunstliche Mensch, Heimeran, 1967, page 48.
8. Clara Bloomfield-Moore, Keely's Secrets, T.P.S., 1888, page 30.
9. Harms Manfred Heuer, Hax Pax Max, Merlin Verlag, 1973, page 56. The chapter 'Das Geheimnis der ewig brennnenden Lampen' also holds a number of interesting accounts from other sources beside Jennings. Other interesting accounts are found in Rene Noorbergen, Secrets of the Lost Races, The Bobbs-Merrill Company Inc., 1977, pages 5054.
10. Hargrave Jennings, The Rosicrucians, their Rites and Mysteries, Roudedge, n.d., pages 1316. About me tomb being illumined by an ever burning lamp, see: Anonymous (but written by Hargrave Jennings), Mysteries of the Rosicross, A. Reader, 1891, pages 25, 29-30. This booklet was part of me 'Nature Worship Series,' in 1905 translated by O.T.O. co-founder Theodor Reuss. In: Helmut Moller and Ellic Howe, Merlin Peregrinus, Konigshausen & Neumann, 1986, page 150.
11. The tale was written by Edward Olin Weeks. Everett F. Bleiler, Science Fiction: The Early Years, The Kent State University Press, 1990, page 794.
12. Jacques Bergier, Livres Maudites, J'ai Lu, 1972, Verdoemde Boeken, Ankh Hermes, 1972, page 62. Trithemius decribed mis in his 'Steganographia,' according to Bergier.
13. Hanns Manfred Heuer, Hax Pax Max, Merlin verlag, 1973, pages 85-86. Heuer gives a lengthy quote from me original French text, Les admirables secrets de magie naturelle du Grand-Albert et de Petit Albert, Paris, no date, also Levi's and de Guaita's source.
14. ibid. page 87.
15. Stephen Skinner, preface, in: Donald C. Laycock, The Complete Enochian Dictionary, Askin Publishers, 1978, pages 11-13.
16. My source: 'Wichtiger Brief von dem Philosopho Jesse von den Geheimnissen der gtildenen Zeit, neu herausgegeben von Dr. H. Haase,' Lotusbldtter, III Jahrgang, Nr.3/6, Marz/Juni 1923, pages 32-36. His source is Fr. Chr. Oetinger, Die Philosophie der Alten wiederkommend in der guldenen Zeit, 1762. Account also published in abbreviated form in Hans Manfred Heuer, Hax Pax Max, Merlin Verlag, 1973, pages 84-85. Cites as his source Siegmund Heinrich Guldenfalk, Sammlung von mehr als hundert wahrhaften Transmutationsgeschichten, Frankfurt, 1784.
17. Bulwer-Lytton, The House and the Brain is also often called The Haunted and the Haunters. It is found in most anthologies of ghost stories.
18. Manfred Heuer, Hax Pax Max, Merlin Verlag, 1973, pages 87-88.
19. Letter from H.S. Olcott to Thomas A. Edison, dated December 20, 1889. These strange tales possibly found their continuation in the rumor that Albert Pike and other early 19th century freemasons secredy made use of radio systems long before Marconi's patent in 1896. This is briefly mentioned in Neal Wilgus, The Illuminoids, Sun Books, 1978, page 116. Wilgus cites conspiracy researcher Carr as his source.
20. Rupert T. Gould, Oddities, A Book of Unexplained Facts, Bless, 1928, University Books, second ed. 1966, page 91. About Orffyreus, see also: Friedrich Klemm, Perpetuum mobile, Ein 'unmdglicher' Menschheitstraum, Harenberg, 1983, pages 59-71, and C.A. Crommelin, 'La roue d'Orffyreus,' Janus, no.49, 1960, pages 47-52.
21. ibid.
22. Eugen Lennhoff & Oskar Posner, Internationales Freimaurer Lexikon, Amalthea Verlag, 1932, 1980, page 1027.
23. Francois Clavel, Geschiedenis der vrijmetselarij en der geheime genootschappen van vroegen en lateren tijd, Van Goor, 1843, pages 178-179.
24. Arthur Edward Waite, A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Rider, 1926, vol.11, page 147.
25. Eugen Lennhoff & Oskar Posner, Internationales Freimaurer Lexikon, Amalmea Verlag, 1932, 1980, page 1027.
26. Hans-Jiirgen Glowka, Deutsche Okkullgruppen 1875-1937, Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Religions und Weltanschauungsfragen, 1981, page 92. The existence of mis order is highly dubious; a source in Berlin who had handled much original and unique materials, including documents, diaries, seals, charters and ritual papers of the Fraternitas Saturni, who told me that he had grave doubts as to its existence. He had, at one time, seen the rituals of this Free-Masonic Order of the Golden Centurium, but these originated
from the Fraternitas Saturni. According to him the story of this 1840's order was concocted by Bardon who is quoted by Glowka and Flowers, who admits that 'most of the material having to do with the FOGC seems quite legendary and fantastic in tone.'
27. Stephen E. Flowers, Fire and Ice, Llewellyn, 1994, page 6.
28. ibid. Page 107.
29. U. Milankowitsch, 'Die vergotterte Idee Der organische oder positive Idealismus,' Lotusblatter, III Jahrgang, Nr. 1/2. January/February 1923, page 20.
30. Emma Hardinge, Modern Spiritualism: A Twenty Year Record of the Communion Between Earth and the World of Spirits, published by the author, fourth edition, 1870, pages 217-218.
31. ibid. page 219.
32. ibid. page 220.
33. ibid. page 221.
34. ibid. page 222.
35. ibid. pages 222-224.
36. Lewis Spence, An Encyclopedia Of Occultism, Roudedge, 1920, page 293.
37. ibid. Also in Emma Hardinge, Modem Spiritualism: A Twenty Year Record of the Communion Between Earth and the World of Spirits, published by the author, fourth edition, 1870, page 226.
38. Emma Hardinge, Modern Spiritualism: A Twenty Year Record of the Communion Between Earth and the World of Spirits, published by the author, fourth edition, 1870, pages 228-229.
39. Except from the earlier mentioned sources, see: George Riland, The New Steinerbooks Dictionary of the Paranormal, Steinerbooks, 1980, page 202. George M. Eberhart, A GeoBibliography Of Anomalies, Greenwood Press, 1980, page 963. Of this inventor. Fort writes: 'The earliest fuelless motor 'crank' of whom I have record is John Murray Spear, back in the period of 1855...' In: WildTalents, 'Claude Kendall,' 1932, page 335. Eberhart lists a 1970's study on Spear which I have not seen.
40. Emma Hardinge, Modern Spiritualism: A Twenty Year Record of the Communion Between Earth and the World of Spirits, published by the audior, fourth edition, 1870, pages 309, 314, 317, 320.
41. ibid. page 313.
42. ibid. page 312.
43. ibid. page 317.
44. ibid. pages 314, 318.
45. ibid. page 319, 332.
46. Emma Hardinge Britten, Ghostland, or Researches into the Mysteries of Occultism, Boston, 1876, Progressive Thinker Publishing House, 1897, pages 260-269. For the description of the temple, page 267.
47. ibid. page 267. See also: Joscelyn Godwin, Arktos the Polar Myth, Phanes Press, 1993, pages 81-82.
48. Paul Chacornac, Eliphas Levi, Rinovateur De L'Occultisme en France, Chacornac Freres, 1926, page 137.
49. James Webb, The Occult Underground, Open Court, 1974, pages 273-274.
50. Paul Chacornac, Eliphas Levi, Rinovateur De L'Occultisme en France, Chacornac Freres, 1926, pages 136-137.
51. James Webb, The Occult Underground, Open Court, 1974, Pages 257-258.
52. ibid.
53. ibid. Page 259.
54. ibid. Page 260.
55. Stephen E. Flowers, Fire and Ice, Llewellyn, 1994, page 3.
56. James Webb, The Occult Underground, Open Court, 1974, Pages 262-264.
57. Paul Chacornac, Eliphas Levi Renovateur De L'Occultism En France, Chacornac Freres, 1926, page 136.
58. ibid.
59. ibid. page 137-138.
60. ibid. page 137.
61. James Webb, The Occult Underground, Open Court, 1974, Page 273.
62. For an analysis of Saint-Yves d'Alveydre and Agarttha, see Joscelyn Godwin, Arktos the Polar Myth, Phanes Press, 1993, pages 83-87.
63. Albert L. Caillet, Manuel Bibliographique des Sciences Psychiques ou Occultes, Lucien Dorbon, 1913, tome III, page 464.
64. ibid. page 464.
65. James Webb, The Occult Underground, Open Court, 1974, page 273.
66. Albert L. Caillet, Manuel Bibliographique des Sciences Psychiques ou Occultes, Lucien Dorbon, 1913, tome HI, page 464.
67. ibid. page 464.
68. James Webb, The Occult Underground, Open Court, 1974, page 273.
69. This is a mechanism, not unlike what happens in ufology, which I have often seen repeated while studying early free energy inventors; in Holland for instance, the same happened during the press coverage of Johannes Wardenier, inventor of a fuelless motor around 1933.
70. Clara Bloomfield-Moore, Keely and His Discoveries, Aerial Navigation, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1893, page 101. Also in: 'Keely's Sunday In Jail,' New York Times, November 19, 1888.
71. 'Keely's Marvels made Plain At Last,' unspecified clipping, 1891. There is uncertainty concerning Browne and he seemed to have been bluffing; he was an 'inventing' journalist, who had been 'dissapointed of gain.' In: Clara Bloomfield-Moore, Keely and His Discoveries, Aerial Navigation, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1893, page 263-264. See also chapter VII and chapter VII note 118.
72. Clara Bloomfield-Moore, Keely and His Discoveries, Aerial Navigation, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1893, page 89.
73. Very probably this was 'The Keely Motor Criticized,' although this pamphlet does not contain a quotation by A. Arnold. See chapter 1 for a discussion of this pamphlet and citations of its contents.
74. "The Keely Motor. It Is Not A New Discovery - Another letter On The Subject,' New York Times, July 14, 1875. In a second letter, Arnold was quick to disengage his name with that of Keely, as he had been 'annoyed with a host of enquiries since the notice referred to in The Times...' Letter dated July 12, 1875: 'The New Motor,' New York Times. The copy I have is erroneously dated July 14, 1875.
75. 'A Rival to the Keely Motor,' New York Times, July 28, 1875.
76. 'The Keely Motor In China,' The Practical American, February, 1880. The article cites the Imperial decree, published in the official Gazette of Peking, of which it gives a translation. Perhaps meant as a hoax.
77. Egerton Sykes, The Keely Mystery, Markham House, 2nd revised edition, 1972, page 23. Original article not seen.
78. Richard Cavendish, Encyclopedia of the Unexplained, Magic, Occultism and Parapsychology, Rainbird Reference Books, 1974, page 250.
79. For a fuller account of this amazing entanglement and Steiner's role, see: Stephen Flowers, Fire and Ice, Llewellyn, 1994, pages 7-14, Francis King, The Secret Rituals of the O.T.O., Samuel Weiser, 1973, pages 22-27, Ellic Howe, The Magicians of the Golden Dawn, Routledge, 1972, page 266, and Francis King, Ritual Magic in England, Neville Spearman, 1970, pages 99, 101-106, 205-207. For a history of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, see: Joscelyn Godwin, Christian Chanel, John P. Deveney, The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, Samuel Weiser, 1995.
80. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, The Occult Roots of Nazism, The Aquarian Press, 1985, pages 52-53.
81. Wilfried Daim, Der Mann, der Hitler die Ideen gab, Isar Verlag, 1958, pages 162-163. James Webb, The Occult Establishment, Richard Drew, 1981, page 279.
82. Peter Bahn, Der Vril-Mythos, Omega Verlag, 1996, page 106.
83. Manfred Ach and Clemens Pentrop, Hitler's Religion, Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Religions-und Weltanschauungsfragen, 3rd edition 1982, page 12, Nicholas Goodrik Clarke, The Occult Roots of Nazism, The Aquarian Press, 1985, page 95.
84. Nicholas Goodrik-Clarke, The Occult Roots of Nazism, The Aquarian Press, 1985, page 95.
85. Wilfried Daim, Der Mann, der Hitler die Ideen gab, Isar Verlag, 1958, pages 110-112, Manfred Ach and Clemens Pentrop, Hitler's Religion, Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Religions-und Weltanschauungsfragen, 3rd edition 1982, pages 12-13. Of Liebenfels' patents, Webb writes that Liebenfels in fact filed 'numerous patents.' In: James Webb, The Occult Establishment, Richard Drew, 1981, page 512.
86. According to Liebenfels. In: Wilfried Daim, Der Mann, der Hitler die Ideen gab, Isar Verlag, 1958, pages 92-102, Manfred Ach & Clemens Pentrop Hitler's Religion, Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Religions-und Weltanschauungsfragen, 3d edition 1982, page 13.
87. Stephen Flowers, Fire and Ice, Llewellyn, 1994, pages 12-13.
88. Francis King, Ritual Magic in England, Neville Spearman, 1970, pages 206-207.
89. Helmut Moller and Ellic Howe, Merlin Peregrinus, K
onigshausen & Neumann, 1986, page 93.
90. Blavatsky's Masonic diploma is depicted as a fold-out frontispiece in: C. Jinarajadasa, H.P.B. Speaks, T.P.S., 1951. The date on the diploma is November 24, 1877. About her Masonic diploma, see: H.P. Blavatsky, A Modern Panarion, T.P.S., 1895, vol.1, pages 128131.
91. Stephen E. Flowers, Fire and Ice, Llewellyn, 1994, page 12.
92. Francis King, Sexuality, Magic and Perversion, Neville Spearman, 1971, page 97.
93. Joscelyn Godwin, Christian Chanel, John P. Deveney, The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, Samuel Weiser, 1995, page 37.
94. Lady Queenborough, Occult Theocracy, privately published, 1933, page 575. To be used with caution.
95. Clara Bloomfield-Moore, Keely's Secrets, T.P.S., 1888, pages 33-34.
96. Helmut Moller and Ellic Howe, Merlin Peregrinus, Konigshausen & Neumann, 1986, pages 84-85.
97. Clara Bloomfield-Moore, Keely's Secrets, T.P.S., page 23. See also: Clara Bloomfield-Moore, Keely and His Discoveries, Aerial Navigation, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1893, page 89.
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