fighter like myself. I go by the name of Lighthawk.”
My Nightstar persona was known, of course, but as a shadow-clad figure of deception. By simply altering my costume, I hoped to ensure that Nightstar escaped this melee unscathed.
Power Princess smiled with a warmth that softened her features considerably.
“Come now, we all have to start somewhere,” she said. “In fact, I’d deem you have some potential. How would you like to meet the rest of the Worldbeaters? You could tour Earth Defense One and maybe learn about our Sidekick apprenticeship program?”
I widened my eyes.
“Me? Working with the Worldbeaters? I find it hard to imagine!”
If Nightstar disappeared from the streets of Imperiopolis, the Order of Chaos likely wouldn’t come looking for me, especially after saying I needed a change. They certainly wouldn’t connect the appearance of a new superhero with Christopher Luxor given how dime-a-dozen guys in capes were these days.
That left RiotGyrl, but Karen didn’t look like she’d be waking up anytime soon and it was unlikely she’d be that clear on what happened when she did.
In either case, moving to an address she didn’t know probably wasn’t a bad idea.
“Come on then, I’ll introduce you to the guys,” Power Princess said.
She took my hand and we walked away, leaving the cops en route and the eventual insurance appraisers to sort out the rest. Even with her glass heels on, I found I was a few inches taller.
Sometimes, you have to be flexible and let the plan come to you. It never hurts to play for the winning team.
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Thanks again!
Dan Devine
Being the Bad Guy Page 4