Stone Creek

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Stone Creek Page 6

by Davis, Lainey

  Coach Burns calls me the next afternoon. I'd spent half the day expecting my cell to ring, so I wasn't surprised to hear his loud voice. "Serena Sanders! How the hell are you, sweetheart?"

  We exchange small talk for a bit and he invites me to grab dinner with him at the deli on campus. He doesn't mince words, which I appreciate, and as soon as I order my turkey Reuben, he asks, "So what's this I hear you won't be in my stats booth anymore?"

  "I told you last semester I was done," I say, twirling my napkin around and not meeting his eye. "I need to start getting my grad school applications together and taking exams and--"

  "Bullshit," he says, pointing at me with his straw. "Tell me what's up, kiddo." Coach takes a long drag from his lemonade.

  I meet his eyes for a long time and just blurt out a lot of the things that have been weighing on me. "I don't want to be in this world," I tell him. "I saw it eat away my dad. He was obsessed with football, with his team. He didn't have time for anything else, including me, unless I was helping out with the damn stats."

  It's like a dam opened up, and I am just unloading to Coach all about how I hated not seeing my dad, spending every day after school running around the football sidelines instead of taking ballet or gymnastics like every other kid I wanted to be. No single guy would so much as talk to me in high school because first I was either the coach's daughter and then the weird, mopey, orphan girl whose face was an open book of sadness.

  I take a deep breath. "I'm really good at statistics and math and the upper level courses are really demanding, timewise. I just feel like I need to focus on school now."

  Our food arrives then and Coach eats for a few minutes in silence while I pick at my sandwich. Then, leaning back with his arms crossed, he rubs his chin and says, "Serena, I'm not gonna say anything about your dad loving football too much or too deep, but here's what I know. You have a better vision for the game than half the guys on my staff. I hear you talk before the meeting starts and they shut you up with the other interns. You don't just know about the numbers, Serena, you know what they mean."

  I blush when he says this. I'm not going to deny he's right. The men on the coaching team and the "professional" stat guys at SCU seem to speak a different language than I do when it comes to knowing what the numbers say about what's going to happen down on the grass. Coach continues. "You didn't just quit at the end of the semester. You stormed out of the booth after the Kentucky game and emailed me that you were done."

  I nod, dabbing a bit of dressing from my chin. "That game was upsetting," I say, remembering the sight of Talon going down and not getting up again. Of him rolling around on the field.

  "What would you have said if your advisor would have asked you to talk during the briefing before that game?"

  I swallow and meet his eye. What the hell, I think, and straighten my shoulders. "I would have told you not to run the ball against that cornerback from Kentucky. His rate of forcing the fumble is much higher than average, and he very rarely doesn't get the sack."

  Coach, who had now finished his sandwich, wipes his hands and asks, "Do you think a good coach should always play it safe?"

  I stifle a small laugh. "Well," I say, leaning forward, "statistically, yes. A good coach should…but the great coaches don't. I guess. The outliers."

  He reaches in his pocket for his phone and I see him pull up his calendar app. "Why don't you come by my office next Wednesday morning and we'll see about getting you back into the for-credit internship for fall semester? I'll make sure Leon lets you talk at meetings and I'll personally review your analysis for your grade. Sound fair?"

  I bite my lip and twirl the ice around in my empty cup. "I don't know," I say.

  He laughs. "You know I'm friends with all the athletic directors in the big schools. You tell me where you want to do your fancy math doctorate and I'll get you funding as an analyst with the football team there."

  This throws me back. I hadn't considered that I might make a career out of simply understanding football. Coach fishes in his pocket for some bills and puts the money on the table. He offers me a hand and as we walk toward the door, he says, "You think about it. I'll walk you home, meanwhile, and you can tell me about these rumors I hear where you're sleeping with my quarterback."


  I'd started having lunch a few times a week with Alissa and CJ. I told them about my dinner with Coach Burns, and how he'd asked me what was going on with Talon. CJ, suddenly animated, put his hand on my shoulder and said, "That mopey son of a bitch is an idiot, Serena. You know he asks me about you like twice a day? What gives?"

  I think about how I sobbed to Coach Burns that Talon and I had become friends and he had balked at the idea of anything more. Coach had confirmed what CJ had told Alissa, and what he is saying today: Talon is evidently as upset about our falling out as I am. "CJ, I don't understand. I felt like he and I were getting sort of close…and I wanted to take things to the next level, and he…freaked out."

  CJ looks at Alissa and furrows his brow. "Next level like you wanted to move in with him?"

  "What? No. Like I want him to have sex with me! Instead of just being friends." I immediately blush and Alissa laughs, curling herself up closer to CJ, which makes me blush harder because I am so aware of their intimacy.

  He seems thoroughly confused. "OK," he says. "Talk to me like I'm five years old here. You're saying all those times you were at our place 'studying' with Claw, you were really, actually studying? You haven't been swabbing his knob all semester?"

  "CJ!" Alissa swats him in the arm. "Look," she says. "Here's the situation. Serena is a virgin. Don't look at me like that, Serena. It's important information. She is Talon's research partner and he of course has been hitting on her for months, so she decided she's going to give it up to a guy who at least knows what he's doing." Both CJ and I are squirming uncomfortably as she talks, but she plows ahead. "Talon, it turns out, is a nice guy at heart and doesn't want to just be the douche who takes her virginity and never calls again. But he's also scared of commitment and doesn't want to date her."

  CJ starts running his fingers through his hair, looking at Alissa like she's Oprah or something, and asks, "So why's he so down? No offense, Serena. You know I think you're cool as shit. I just don't get what the problem is here."

  My eyes are wide, my breath shallow, and Alissa finally adds, "Well, Serena is clearly falling for Talon, man-whore of the universe. And Talon, in a total shock to himself, has fallen for Serena. I actually am reading about this sort of thing in my psych class. So, like, he usually puts on this act like he's Mr. Tough Ladies Man because he's scared to be in a relationship. Because then he is vulnerable to getting hurt, right? My opinion is he has no idea what to do with those confusing feelings, so he yelled at her and stormed off into a cave like a hibernating bear."

  After Alissa finishes her analysis, I feel simultaneously relieved and terrified. CJ admits that he's never seen Talon try to get close to a girl before. "We all just really thought you guys were…I mean you slept over sometimes. Should I say something to him?"

  "NO!" Alissa and I scream this at the same time, and then we both laugh. "No," Alissa continues. "I have a plan."


  Alissa's plan seems to involve an entirely new look for me. She's arranged for CJ and some of the other senior players to drag Talon to a dive bar off campus, where I will be hanging out with the girls and trying to pick up a townie.

  Alissa walks over to my closet and yanks the t-shirt out of my hand. She rummages through my clothes and makes a sound of disapproval. "You've settled into the friend zone, Serena. You need to shake things up a bit if you want to break in."

  She drags me down the hall to her closet and starts handing me shirts that I throw on the bed. "I mean…he's seen me without a shirt on…"

  Alissa grabs a tight tank top with a plunging neckline and shoves it into my chest. "Wear this," she says. "I promise, something interesting will happen tonight."

  The more I protest that Talon won't be affected by a risqué shirt, the more she insists I wear it along with some skinny jeans and her red shoes. "Even if Talon has seen what's beneath the tank top, I promise he's going to notice other guys noticing you wearing this. Worst case scenario you get laid by someone tonight, right?"

  Before I can say more, she's helping me with some of her mascara and hurries me out the door. I get to the bar early, so I walk up to read what's on tap. The place is empty, but there's a young-looking guy behind the bar cleaning glasses with a white towel. "What can I get you?" he asks.

  I squint to read the taps in the dim light and ask him to recommend something. "I like wheat beer," I tell him.

  His face lights up and he pours me a Fresh Slice. "It's by Otter Creek," he says. "You know…because of the Otters."

  I smile as I take a sip, shrugging out of my coat, which I drape over my arm. I notice him looking at my cleavage and as the cold beer hits my stomach, I just let myself relax while he has a good look. I have a great rack, damn it, I think. "This is really good," I tell him. I decide to hang out up at the bar until the girls. I spend the next fifteen minutes or so chatting with Jim, the bartender, feeling like Alissa probably knew what she was doing as his gaze keeps dropping to check out my body.

  Finally, Erin and crew burst into the bar, and I buy everyone a round of Fresh Slice. Jim turns out to be really funny, and the four of us are having such a good time, I forget all about the weird plan that brought us here tonight.

  I don't hear the door open or notice Talon walk in because I'm laughing at Jim's story about some customers buying a keg of cheap beer just to see what happens when they shoot it with a rifle. I put down my empty glass eventually and see him out of the corner of my eye. It startles me and I jump, because he's standing drawn up to his full height, with his arms cross, his blue eyes shooting ice daggers.

  I can see his pulse ticking in his neck and think, so you do care if another guy is into me.

  I decide to ignore him, but I wave at Alissa, who gives me a thumbs up when she sees Talon's face. I see her nudge CJ, who nods, but keeps talking to the other guys on the team. They all seem to be having a good time, except for Talon. It's harder for me to pay attention to the conversation, especially when I'd rather be talking to Talon, but I manage to keep up the façade as we hang out at the bar. That is, until Talon comes up to buy a drink.

  I send him my best smile and he relaxes slightly, but still looks stiff and imposing. "Talon," I say. "It's been awhile." As I turn my gaze up to meet his, I can feel Jim's eyes on me and I like it.

  He sits beside me and starts chugging his beer. Talon wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and says, "What's with that guy," as Jim walks down the bar to serve another customer.

  I shrug and turn to start talking with Erin and Mindy, but Talon grabs my arm. "Fuck, Serena, he's staring right at your tits," Talon growls. "What the hell are you wearing, anyway?"

  This gives me pause and I glare at him. "What's that supposed to mean? Just because I wore something other than a t-shirt today you think you can act like an asshole?" I grit my teeth and look into his eyes, which are still hot with emotion.

  I start to drink my beer quickly, and Jim walks over to take the empty glasses. He throws his towel over his shoulder and asks, "Everything ok over here?"

  "We're good," Talon says, not looking away from me, his voice short. I hate that I'm getting such a thrill from this Neanderthal act of his, but I really enjoy knowing that Talon is upset another guy finds me attractive. I begin to hope that Alissa was right, that I might still stand a chance with Talon after all. Worst case scenario you get laid tonight, she'd said. I know I don't really want to go home with Jim, though. I want the brooding, angry guy next to me to want me.

  When Jim walks back down the bar, I lay into Talon. "Listen, you are the one who turned me down, ok? I like being friends with you and I really like working on this project with you, but I also want to get laid before I turn gray. You don't get to not fuck me and also interfere when another guy wants to."

  I tap Erin on the shoulder and shout, "I'm out of here. I'll text you guys tomorrow." I rip open my purse and, finding a pen, I scribble my number on a bar napkin and start walking toward Jim. I can hear Talon shoving his stool away as he tries to stand up, so I slide the napkin to Jim. "Call me sometime?" I say.

  Jim cocks a brow toward Talon, saying, "Doesn't look like Tarzan would like that too much…"

  I try to be cool and smile. I wave to Jim and walk out of the bar. I can hear Talon coming after me, and I speed up my pace. His legs are a foot longer than mine, so he catches up to me quickly. "Serena," he yells, his voice thick and yearning. Before I know it, he pulls me against him and backs me into a brick wall. He tucks my hair behind my ears and drops his head, locking his lips against mine in the cold, February night.


  An eternity passes as I melt into Talon's kiss, fierce and urgent. I press my body against his, savoring the feel of his warm body as he softly moans into my mouth. Not until I shiver does he break the kiss. His eyes are wild, a piercing blue, but he strokes my cheek with his thumb. "You're cold," he says.

  I shake my head and lean back. "Talon," I say, "you can't start this if you don't mean to finish."

  I close my eyes as his thumb reaches my lips, gently rubbing along the tender line of my lower lip. My mouth feels swollen from kissing him so passionately. Our separation over the past few weeks has only made me want him more, and I feel a rush of moisture seep into my panties, despite the chill in the air.

  "Serena, I…" he swallows. "I told you it always feels wrong. I don't want to wake up tomorrow and feel that way, to do that to you."

  I can feel his heart pounding in his chest, see his pulse still ticking in the vein in his neck. I reach up and trace the line with my finger, trying to soothe him. "I'm scared, too, Talon. You know it's really hard for me to trust anyone after what I've been through." He's so much taller than me. I can't reach his mouth to kiss him, so I take his hand and gently kiss his palm. "I know that you care about me, and I care about you." I let my tongue slowly wander up the length of his thick index finger, and I briefly suck on the tip, causing him to gasp. "I want you, Talon."

  He grabs my hand then and takes off down the street at a jog, pulling me along behind him. We run the block and a half to his apartment. I'm gasping for breath as he pulls me up the stairs and down the hall. Once we're inside, Talon pulls me into his arms again. Still winded from our flight, I'm sucking in oxygen, breathless, as he lowers me to the ground, peppering my neck and chest with kisses.

  "Where did you get this shirt," he asks, pulling down the neckline and licking the tops of my breasts. I struggle for words as his thumbs find my aching nipples. It feels so good to have his hands on my body. I'm desperate for release, but managing to breathe, "Alissa," in response.

  "I'll buy her a new one," he says, and grabbing the neckline with two hands, he pulls the thin cotton until the v-neck rips. I hear him groan in appreciation when he sees the black lace bra I'm wearing. The sheer material is soon wet as he draws first one and then the other of my nipples into his mouth. His big hands knead my breasts as he rests his weight on his elbows.

  My hands are fumbling, clumsy as I reach for the hem of his shirt to pull it off his head. He shrugs his shoulders to help me and then I finally feel the expanse of his smooth skin against my stomach. I tuck my chin as he pulls off Alissa's now-tattered shirt, and then I feel his mouth against mine again. Our tongues collide, and I take my time exploring the warm space of his mouth, tasting both his beer and the nachos he'd been eating. The savory flavors feel like home, and I glide my tongue along his teeth, smooth and straight.

  I feel his erection then, pressing through his jeans against my body. When Talon breaks the kiss to nip at my ear, I say, "I want you. I want to feel your cock inside me, Talon."

  When he moans, I feel another gush of honey seep from my pussy. I
love knowing I can make him feel as good as I feel right now. Talon disentangles himself from my body and stands. Bending, he scoops me into his arms and carries me into his room.

  I giggle as he tosses me gently onto the massive bed. As I crawl to flick on his bedside lamp, the sight of him takes my breath away. Talon has dropped his jeans and stands beside the bed. His body is magnificent in the warm light. I can see every line of muscle, from his round shoulders to his calves bulging above the sleek lines of his ankles.

  Talon sinks to his knees and starts unfastening my jeans. "Should you be kneeling like that?" I start to worry about his knee, but then I feel his hands sliding along my thighs as he peels the tight pants off my body. A low moan escapes my throat as he kisses the tops of my thighs.

  I lower a hand onto his soft curls as he starts to slide my panties down. I'm open to him now, fully exposed. I start to feel self conscious as I see him staring, his eyes smokey now, hands soft on the tender skin of my inner thighs. "Does it…do I not look ok?" I stammer, my body tense under his gaze.

  "Serena," he whispers. "You look so perfect." And then I feel his mouth on my pussy.

  I squeal, not expecting this. "Talon! I never--"

  "Shhhh," he says, sliding his fingers along my soft folds, slick with my arousal. "I want to make you feel so good, baby." He rests his chin along my thigh and meets my eye as his fingers continue to caress me. "Is this ok?"

  I nod, bunching the covers in both hands. Talon lifts my legs so they are draped over his shoulders and I lose all sense of the world around me as he uses his fingers and tongue on my body. It doesn't take long before I feel a crashing wave of pleasure exploding through me. "Talon! Ohh! Oh, yes! Do that!"

  I feel his tongue flicking rapidly as he slides a finger slowly in and out of my body and I detonate. I cum harder than I did when he touched me on the couch. I cum harder than I ever have alone. Through it all, his tongue continues to stimulate my clit and when I slowly begin to regain consciousness, I realize I've been moaning and purring. Deep animal sounds escape my body, and then my breath begins to slow. "Talon! It's so sensitive! I need--ahhh."


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