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Seduced by a Billionaire (The Carolina Series Book 1)

Page 5

by Jill Downey

  Ella’s hands were messy from chopping onions when she heard Deb’s knock at the door, “Come on in its open.”

  “I brought dessert. Chocolate filled tarts from Clarion Bakery. Is there anything I can do to help?” Deb asked, as she placed the pastries in the fridge.

  “Open the wine and pour us a glass,” Ella said. “Then you can pull up a stool and talk to me while I chop garlic.”

  Deb stood on her tip toes to reach for two wine goblets then twisted off the cap of the amber liquid, pouring generous portions into each glass. Taking her first sip she sighed rolling her eyes heavenwards, “Bliss.”

  “Totally. Here’s to bliss,” Ella said raising her glass for a toast.

  “What was so urgent and secretive that you couldn’t tell me at work?” Deb asked.

  “Well…it’s about Kyle Bennett, He propositioned me today.”

  “What?” Deb practically squawked.

  “Not like that, propositioned as in a job proposition,” Ella clarified.

  “What kind of job?”

  “As his home healthcare nurse.”

  “Sounds intriguing.”

  “He offered me triple my salary. I must admit I was tempted. He has a pool, I’d have flexibility, get out of that gray hospital for a month.”

  “I doubt our boss from hell would even consider letting you take the time off.”

  “I’m not so sure, for him… probably.”

  “You think so?”

  She wrinkled her nose, “As we all know, his granddaddy has a hospital wing named after him…that would give him plenty of leverage. But I already said no.”

  “Wow! Maybe I can apply for the job. If you think the hospital would agree, why’d you say no? I’d have jumped on it.”

  Ella’s brows knitted, “It’s complicated.”

  “How so? Are you developing feelings for him?”

  Ella’s chopping took on a ruthlessness as her knife pulverized the garlic, “Yes, and then some.”

  “I’m not surprised. I could see that one coming from a mile away. All the more reason to say yes in my humble opinion,” Deb said, curiosity making her eyes gleam. “Why are you holding back? Are you scared?”

  “Yes, terrified. I’m attracted to him but I’m not ready for a relationship. Besides he’s rich and gorgeous and can have anyone he wants.”

  “So? Why can’t that be you?”

  “Because, he’s out of my league. I’m just a foster girl from the hood,” she said, the joke missing its mark.

  “I’m shocked to hear you talk like that. And I know who to blame. Dr. Fuckhead! He did a number on you Ella. You’re an incredibly beautiful woman with the brains to go with it.”

  Ella threw the garlic with the other ingredients into a bowl and mixed them together, “Besides that, you know me, I like to keep work and play separate. And he’s used to everyone jumping at his slightest whim and I refuse to be another compliant sheep.”

  “So you’re telling me that you’d let a great opportunity go by just to prove a point?”


  “That’s crazy.”

  “Really? And how do you see this playing out?”

  Deb stood up and twirled around theatrically, putting her hands over her heart, she said, “Nurse Cinderella meets billionaire patient, Prince Charming; he whisks her away to Neverland and they live happily ever after.” She bowed grinning at her friend.

  “You’re mixing your fairy tales my friend.”

  “You get the drift.”

  Laughing, Ella put the finishing touches to the casserole and stuck it in the oven. “Alexa, set timer for forty minutes.”

  “Timer set, forty minutes starting now,” the Alexa app responded.

  “I need one of those, hint hint, my birthday’s just around the corner,” Deb said.

  “I’ll keep that in mind. I love Alexa. She keeps me on track. I use her for reminders for everything. I swear she’s half of my brain.”

  “Exactly what I need.”

  “Let’s go sit in the living room until Alexa calls us,” Ella said, while re-filling their wine glasses.

  “Okay so what if you change your mind and say yes?”

  Ella’s eyes took on a glazed quality as she thought of Kyle, “My new boss would have dreamy blue eyes, thick dark hair, gorgeous body, lean but muscular, stunning smile, the whitest teeth ever, completely straight, he must have had braces, eyes that crinkle when he smiles, thick black lashes…” she sighed.

  “Girl you got it bad.”

  “Ya think?”

  “If you really don’t want the job, I could totally take it, you’d vouch for me with Mr. Bennett, wouldn’t you?”

  Ella laughed out loud. “That would be conspiracy to commit murder. You wouldn’t be able to put up with him for a day.”

  “That’s not fair. I’ll have you know I’m meditating now and I’m a much more patient person.”

  “I give your new program a month, tops.”

  “Now you’re just being mean.”

  “I’d stick with the hospital if I were you.”

  “Yes, I suppose, he wants you anyway.”

  “Plus, you aren’t on Deloris’ hit list, she likes you.”

  “True but a girl can dream. Why couldn’t Mr. Bennett have set his sights on me?”

  “Someday Mr. Wonderful is going to sweep you off your feet,” Ella said.

  “Same goes for you but you have to be open enough to let it happen. Get out of your self-imposed man exile. It’s been two years, plenty of time for you to lick your wounds and move on.”

  “I have a little secret for you. That feeling, you know the one, kind of tingly as if I’m waking up after a long hibernation…it’s happening.”

  “I suspect your gorgeous patient has a lot to do with it. Whatever the reason all I can say is that it’s about time.”

  “Now let’s change the subject. Any new gossip you haven’t filled me in on?” Ella said.

  “Same ole, except I just booked a fall vacation. My cousin and I are going to wine country, Napa Valley!”

  “That’s fantastic. With a tour group?”


  “Maybe you’ll meet a guy on your trip.”

  The loud alert from Alexa sounded; dinner was ready. “You can tell me all about your itinerary while we eat. I’m jealous. That’s one trip I’d love to be on.”

  The table was already set, and the long-tapered candles flickered softly. Deb poured the last of the bottle into their glasses while Ella pulled out the casserole. “Let’s eat. I don’t know about you but I’m starving.”

  “Me too. Looks delicious.”

  “Dig in and don’t be shy.”

  “Never been accused of that.” Deb took a huge bite “Mmm.”

  “You like?”

  Deb just nodded her head rolling her eyes back with pleasure.

  “Good… now about that trip you’re planning…”

  Two hours later Ella closed the door behind her friend, feeling grateful and content. Nothing like girl time to get your head on straight. She still knew she had made the right decision to turn the job down, but she felt lighter after confiding about her growing attraction to Kyle. Who knew what the future might hold? After he was stronger, if he did reach out, she would consider going out with him. What did she have to lose?


  Ella’s phone rang at eight the following morning. It was a call from the hospital; she frowned. “Hello,” she said sleepily.

  “Ella this is Deloris. I need you to come into my office sometime this morning. As soon as possible.”

  “Of course. What’s this about?”

  “We’ll talk when you arrive,” the head nurse said, and abruptly hung up.

  Oh my God! What did I do? Ella racked her brain trying to think of every move she had made the last day she worked. This had to be big. Deloris Henry never called on the weekends. Actually, she had never called her after hours ever… I must have really fucked up. She jumped
out of bed, startling her cat out of a deep sleep. Daisy glared at her through squinted eyes.

  “Sorry chick. I’m not happy about this either. There goes my morning run.” Adrenalin kicking in, Ella scurried to the bathroom to brush her teeth and run a brush through her hair. She threw on her jeans, a tee shirt, and her Converse tennis shoes and flew down the stairs. She decided to get a coffee at the drive-thru on her way.

  “Close the door behind you,” The head nurse said sternly.

  With shaky hands, Ella quietly closed the door effectively trapping herself inside with the giant hornet.

  Ms. Henry waved her hand towards the chair across the desk facing her and said, “Have a seat.”

  Deloris Henry had a pointed nose, sharp features, and beady eyes behind her round glasses. She had an intimidating manner in the best of times; now, sitting across from her on the receiving end of her formidable stare, Ella was fighting not to squirm like a child. She stuck her hands between her thighs to keep them still. After what felt like minutes, Ella lost the stare contest and broke the silence.

  “Have I done something wrong?”

  “Not that I’m aware of. Do you have something you’d like to confess too?”

  “Well, calling me in on a Saturday, my day off, is highly unusual to say the least. I can only assume it is about something important.”

  Steepling her fingers, Deloris continued to burn holes through Ella; paired with her disapproving scowl, it felt literally like torture.

  “So do tell me about your relationship with our patient Mr. Kyle Bennett.”

  Ella felt her cheeks grow warm, damn it, and tried valiantly not to look guilty. Thrown completely off balance her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “Mr. Bennett?”

  “Yes, Mr. Bennett.”

  Deloris Henry had the uncanny ability to use silence as a powerful weapon. It was most effective. It was almost impossible to hold the tension and not begin babbling.

  “Well he was admitted almost four weeks ago, as I’m sure you’re aware. He has made beautiful progress. Dr. Thompson said he will be released in the next couple of days.”

  “Your friend Dr. Thompson. And how does he feel about your dalliance with a patient here at Wayne Regional?”

  Ella was quickly getting over her fear as anger pushed its way in. Her eyes began to glitter, and her pulse quickened.

  “Dalliance? What are you implying Ms. Henry?”

  “I had a little visit from the hospital administrator this morning.”

  Ella gulped wondering where this was leading.

  “Apparently Mr. Bennett has taken a shine to you and wants to make use of your skills. He has requested that you be allowed to take an extended leave of absence to be his personal home healthcare nurse.”

  Ella let out a breath in relief, “Yes he asked me the other day and I told him no, in no uncertain terms.”

  “Did you now?” she replied looking smug.

  “Is that what this is about? I would never leave you in the lurch like that. I told him the hospital would make recommendations but that I was needed here.”

  “He didn’t take no for an answer apparently, and now I have no choice but to work with one staff member down.”

  “But why? I said no!”

  “As you are probably aware, the Bennett’s are very generous donors to this hospital. It’s important that we keep benefactors happy… I’m sure you understand what I’m saying.”

  “No, I don’t! I certainly have a say in this.”

  “About as much as I do,” she replied scowling. “I don’t know why you’re complaining. You’ll be paid well, you’ll get points for helping out one of our biggest contributors and you’ll have landed the big fish you’ve always been hoping to catch.”

  “I am insulted by your insinuation that I have ever been anything but professional.”

  “You’re young and beautiful. I’ve had my eye on you and have seen your flirtatiousness with the doctors on staff. We both know about your affair with Dr. Shelby. You blatantly pursued him and look where that got you.”

  Ella recoiled like she’d been slapped. Her face paled and her voice shook as she said, “Ms. Henry that was uncalled for and ugly even! You have no right to assume you know anything about me or my intentions. For the record you have that one completely wrong! As it appears, we are both stuck between a rock and a hard place, given that I hardly have a choice in the matter, I will do you the favor of deciding on whether or not I will submit to Mr. Bennett’s demands.”

  “Ha! A favor for me, now that’s priceless,” Delores said derisively.

  “If I decide to do the hospital this favor, just remember you now owe me. And if you ever try to sully my reputation again, I will go to the administrator and place a formal complaint. Do we understand each other?”

  “You better watch your step Ms. Palmer. You can’t intimidate me. I run a tight ship here and no one is indispensable. Do we understand each other?’

  Ella stood up, cheeks pink with rage that she kept under tight control, “Yes, completely.” Without another word she stormed out of the office and headed straight for Mr. Bennett’s room.

  Ella felt like steam was coming out of her ears just like in cartoons, she was so infuriated. Her energy practically crackled as she burst into Kyle Bennett’s room.

  “How dare you!” Ella said with quiet fury.

  Kyle sitting up in a chair, looked at her innocently, completely unimpressed with her obvious distress. “Hello to you too,” he said.

  Ella turned and closed the door behind her and marched over to him. “What gives you the right to force someone to work for you against their will? Does it make you feel all macho and powerful?”

  “Calm down. It’s not that dramatic.”

  “Really? Don’t even go there Mr. Bennett. Who do you think you are? You barely know me. I’m a professional yet somehow you act like you’re entitled to my services. If you say jump, I’m supposed to ask how high? You’ve got the wrong girl.” She was fuming and sparks were practically spitting from her eyes.

  “I don’t know why you’re so pissed off. You’ll be paid more than you make here in four months, you’ll have a change of scenery, and you’ll get to return to your job here.”

  “I just had to sit through an ugly meeting with my head nurse who implied that I had led you on with the intention of snagging you as my prize! I was completely humiliated. Do you even care?”

  “What she assumed was beyond my control. What would you like me to do about it? I can have a talk with her, or Joe,” he said referring to the administrator.

  “NO! Don’t you get it? You can’t manipulate and get your way with everything. I can handle Ms. Henry all by myself. I simply want to point out that your highhandedness was out of line and put me in an incredibly awkward position. If you talk to Joe, God only knows what the fallout could be.”

  “So you just need to vent. I’m all ears,” he said calmly.

  His demeanor only stoked her fire. Eyes blazing, with steel in her voice she replied, “Vent? This isn’t venting, this is Ella furious! Your arrogance and entitlement are beyond the pale. You think your money can buy anyone or anything.”

  “Are you done yet? Listen I thought I was doing you a favor and helping myself at the same time. My bad. I’m sorry if your boss has the wrong idea. I’ll be happy to correct that with her. Other than that, what would you like me to do?”

  “You mean besides you fucking yourself? The damage is done. Thanks to you my reputation is screwed, my career ruined, and I’m now your ‘personal’ nurse. If and I mean if I decide to work for you and not just give my notice. Then we are going to have a long discussion about the ground rules.”

  “Yes, Dear,” he said, having the audacity to grin at her almost sending her into the stratosphere.

  “Oh my God, you are unbelievable!” She turned and stomped to the door.

  “Hold on a sec. I’m just a guy trying to heal from an injury. I’m weak and tired and I need someone
I trust to help me recover. I trust you. If that makes me despicable so be it.”

  Taking a deep steadying breath, she turned back around to face him. She made an effort to calm down before answering. With steel in her voice she replied, “It is beyond belief that you assume I’ll do your bidding and be thrilled about it just because you say so.”

  Sizing Ella up he peered at her through narrowed eyes saying, “What would it take? I’ll triple what you’re making here.”

  “Are you really that obtuse? Haven’t you listened to a word I’ve said? Let me spell it out for you. I am not for sale! There isn’t enough money in the world. You are a rich and entitled asshole. Does that get through that thick skull of yours?”

  His eyes flashed briefly with anger, before he checked it. “I won’t apologize for requesting this favor from my friend. In my mind I was helping you and myself at the same time. You’re twisting this into some kind of power-play that it most definitely is not. I need a nurse. You’re a nurse. The best I have encountered. I am offering you any amount of money it will take. Name your price.”

  Hands on her hips, Ella stood there incredulous. “I can’t with you. End of conversation. Goodbye Mr. Bennett.”

  “Wait! Ella!”

  She was already halfway down the corridor fueled by fury. She was practically hyperventilating she was so enraged. Damn that man! She wished that she had never met him. Her position was untenable. She either had to hand in her resignation or work for the most conceited, self-important, patronizing condescending, asshole she had ever met.

  Kyle had too much time to think. When he closed his eyes, all he could see was her look of disgust and disappointment. The anger he could take, it was her revulsion that had been like a punch in the gut. He knew he had been wrong to go over her head but that hadn’t stopped him. If he wanted something, he went for it, damn the consequences.


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