Forbidden Desires

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Forbidden Desires Page 19

by Roberts, Jaimie

  News crews quickly showed up, snapping so many pictures, I thought I was going to go blind. Telephones rang, and people cried tears of relief and devastation at what they had been through—or who they possibly lost.

  "I can't stop seeing the blood, Owen."

  Owen glances at me, taking me by the shoulders. "It's going to be all right. I'll get you home."

  I nod, and Owen asks the officer if we can leave. With our statements done and contact information left, we are free to go.

  Brandon is here, but had to park down the block since the police cordoned off the road. More journalists with their cameras arrived, and when they saw me and Owen together, his arms around me and the blood on my hands, they started snapping photos and asking questions.

  We ignored them all. Our sole intent was getting into the car as soon as possible. And I so wanted to get home to the comfort of a shower and my bed. I wasn't looking forward to having to sleep in it on my own after what we'd been through, though.

  The journey home was quiet. I spent it wrapped up in Owen's arms. Occasionally, I would see Brandon glancing concerned eyes my way. As we neared the house, I had the urge to run into it and upstairs toward my bathroom, but I patiently waited until it was time.

  "Thanks, Brandon," Owen says as Brandon places the car in park and gets out to open our door.

  "You're very welcome, Mr. Montgomery." Owen helps me out the car, and Brandon smiles my way. "Feel better soon, Ms. Savannah."

  I try a smile, but his kind words are almost my undoing. Owen carefully walks us into the house where Frank is at the ready.

  "My God, Mr. Montgomery. Are you both all right?" Frank takes in the both of us.

  "We're fine, Frank. Is Mrs. Montgomery home?"

  "No, she went out about an hour ago…said she won't be back until tonight."

  "Okay, good. I'm taking Savannah upstairs to settle her in. I don't want to be disturbed."

  "Very well, sir."

  Frank glances toward me, a heavy frown on his face. "I'm okay, Frank," I offer, even though I'm anything but. He nods and walks off, leaving us to go upstairs.

  With his arms wrapped around me, Owen guides me into my room, shutting the door behind us. He leads me to my bathroom, quickly turning on the shower before undressing me, then himself. He steps in, taking my hand, and in the shower, we stand, our arms wrapped around each other as I cry. I cry until there are no more tears to shed. Owen patiently holds me, kissing my cheek and stroking my now wet hair, telling me everything will be okay.

  It will be, but now, it feels like the walls are caving in. I never in my life thought I would witness something so horrific.

  When I finish crying, Owen washes me before we both get out of the shower. Soon, I have a warm, fluffy white towel wrapped around me as Owen leads me to my bed. Already, I feel better, my mind finding clarity in the cloud of devastation I witnessed.

  "All those people…”

  Owen sits beside me, only a towel wrapped around him as the evidence of our shower drips from his perfect skin. He takes my hand, threading his fingers through mine.

  "I know, but you're safe, and that's the main thing. Selfishly, that was paramount over anything or anyone else."

  How can he say things like that and not think I will fall for him?

  "If it weren't for you, a lot more people could have been hurt. The diners were right. You are a hero."

  "I only did what many others would in my position."

  I squeeze his hand. "I doubt that. Besides, it was only you who acted."

  "Yes, because I was carrying and had an advantage position."

  It's then I remember he was carrying. "How long have we been riding around with this gun hiding behind you without me knowing?"

  Owen smirks a little. "I've been carrying ever since I took over the business. The threat of security is at an all-time high when you have money. Someone like you, for instance, would be a kidnapper’s dream."


  He frowns, like it's a stupid question. "Because you're priceless, Savannah. No amount of money is worth keeping if it means you come into harm’s way."

  My heart constricts. A feeling like no other washes over me, causing pain in my gut. I'm trying so hard to take this thing between us as nothing other than sex, but when he says things like that, it takes everything within me not to fall into his arms and tell him to run away with me. How wonderful it would be not to live this trapped life—arms tightly handcuffed to a world my mother seems to dominate.

  Thinking about her causes me to get up from the bed. "I guess we should get dressed. I don't want my mom to come back and find us naked in my room."

  Owen doesn't say anything at first—just stares at me as I glance through my wardrobe to find some clothes.

  "I guess you're right. I'll leave you to get dressed." He approaches me, kissing me on the cheek before leaving my room. It's only once he's left that I cry again, but this time, for a different reason. This time, it's for the loss of Owen I know is bound to come.

  In Your Eyes

  Peter Gabriel


  "Savannah, you look absolutely stunning."

  I glance down at Ethan as I descend the stairs in my satin red dress, smiling like a buffoon.

  "Thank you. You look pretty handsome yourself."

  Dressed impeccably in a black suit and bowtie, Ethan is especially swoon-worthy. His hair is gelled back, allowing the light to catch those familiar green eyes—the same eyes that remind me too much of Owen.

  "I have a drink for you," he says, picking up a glass of champagne from the table by the stairs.

  "Thank you." I take the drink from him, noting his smile as I take a sip.

  "You really are fucking beautiful, you know that?" I open my mouth to respond when he says, "I apologize for my behavior earlier. I shouldn't have acted that way, and I certainly shouldn't have opened my mouth to say some of the things I said."

  Well, that's more than what Owen's willing to do.

  "Apology more than accepted. How are you feeling?" He seems more at ease than earlier.

  "That long, hot soak in the tub more than did the trick. I feel like a new man."

  "Good. I'm glad."

  He offers me his arm. "Want to head to the kitchen where we can be alone for a little while?"

  Nodding, I take his arm. "Sounds nice. Not for long, though, or we'll have a search party out looking for us."

  Ethan leans over to whisper in my ear. "Is it bad that the sneaking around kind of turns me on?"

  I throw my head back, laughing. "It's certainly typical of you. I guess it's the thrill."

  "I only have to look at you to feel a thrill." I bite my lip, shaking my head with a smile. "So, tell me, the lovely Savannah, what are your New Year's resolution?"

  I have to ponder that as we reach the kitchen and sit by the island. "I guess it would be to get out of here and maybe find my own place." As much as it saddens me to admit having to break ties with Owen, I have to…for my heart.

  "This place is so big, though. I bet half the time you never realize who's here and who's not. I bet there have been times you've gone all day without seeing anyone."

  I laugh at that. "I guess so. I don't know. I think it's because I was brought up looking after myself. I like my independence and freedom too much. Not that I don’t have that here, it's just—"

  "I know what you're trying to say," he interrupts. "You want something you can call your own."

  I raise my glass to him. "Exactly." I take a sip and set it down. "I think being here makes life difficult. I'm almost twenty-one and still living with my parents. It's time I fly the nest and let my mom and Owen get on with their lives." I cock my head toward Ethan, who's watching me intently. "What about you? What's your New Year's resolution?"

  Ethan looks away in deep thought, his shoulder slightly popping up in a shrug. "I don't know. I guess to find the girl of my dreams and marry her one day."

  His stare when he looks
back at me is so heated, I almost look away. I'm not sure if his intention was to ask if I'm the girl in that look, but it certainly feels that way. It's no use falling for Ethan when he lives a world away. Not to mention, I'm still hung up on his dad. I hate admitting it, but it's true. I can't simply switch off the feelings that were once there. I tried to tell myself I only want what I can't have, but my heart knows it isn’t true.

  "I'm surprised you haven't already. Surely there's an abundance of beautiful ladies in California."

  He chuckles. "It's true, and they all know it. It's refreshing coming here and talking to a naturally beautiful lady like you, who doesn't realize how beautiful she really is." I blush. "See, that's what I'm talking about."

  "You're such a charmer," I tease.

  His grin is infectious. "I try my best. Is it working?"

  My laughter comes out naturally, making me relax more. It helps that Owen doesn't seem to be around to watch me like a hawk. For a split-second, it makes me wonder where he is, but then I remember and berate myself. Owen isn't my future anymore, no matter how much I don't like it.

  We converse some more, but when it gets closer to midnight, we have no choice but to make our way back into the hallway—back to the throngs of people. We were having such a good time talking and laughing, I was reluctant to move. In the hallway, I gaze across the massive crowd, all bright smiles and cheering. A slight smile curves my lips.

  "You know," Ethan begins, speaking quietly. "I truly have never met a woman like you." I turn to face him, noting how serious he looks with his concentrated frown. "I've only been here three weeks, but it's been enough to realize just how much I've fallen for you…"

  "Ethan, we can't…"

  "I understand what you're saying, but I don't think I can leave here without at least telling you how I feel. In fact, I don't want to leave without you."

  My heart rate picks up his insinuation. I frown. "What are you trying to say?"

  "Ten…nine…eight…" the crowd shouts as they count down the new year.

  "I'm saying to leave New York and come live with me in California. I'm saying—no, asking—be mine, Savannah. Please, I can make you happy."

  "Happy New Year!" everyone shouts as the fireworks pop and crackle above our heads.

  I'm left absolutely stunned as everyone celebrates around us. The air is thick with exultation and cheers, leaving me dizzy. My head screams that this could be the start of a new life with someone new…to break ties once and for all with Owen and finally be free.

  "But…work. I will need a job. I can't just up and—"

  "You can work for me. I've had a couple people leave recently and need to fill in at least one position. Staying here is only going to hold you back. You have a terrible mother and a stepfather who doesn't let you breathe. You can be free of it all. Please say yes."

  I don't even have time to answer as Ethan scoops me up into his arms and crushes his lips to mine. My body, stiff at first, relents to his kiss. Why shouldn't I? I'm not betraying anyone. Owen has made it perfectly clear our relationship isn’t going anywhere. Ethan, however, is making it abundantly clear. Not only does he want me now, he wants a future with me too. I don't love Ethan, but I could learn to love him in time. I'm sure I could.

  So, I let him coax my mouth open. I let him slide his tongue against mine in an erotic dance. I let him press his hand into the curve of my back, pulling me into him until his hard length digs into my lower belly.

  When he pulls away, he keeps his arms firmly locked around me, his eyes dancing with lust. "Come to me tonight. Be mine. I promise you’ll never regret it."

  So many thoughts dance through my mind. I want to want everything he says, but something deep inside me hesitates.

  Damn you, Owen Montgomery!

  As the thought of him enters my head, an almighty sound of glass crashing, followed by a bellowing scream forces us apart.

  Both Ethan and I turn to the sound of the ruckus, only to find Owen standing in the living room, glaring at us both. He has broken glass all over his hand, and red drips from his fist to the floor. His stare is venomous, but the hint of betrayal in those eyes makes my stomach lurch.

  Acting on his stare, I instinctively pull away from Ethan's grip. I've hurt him, and now I feel terrible.

  Why? Why can't I fucking let him go!

  "Owen, you're bleeding!" my mother screeches, shouting at Frank to get her a cloth. Frank springs into action as everyone huddles around Owen, asking if he's okay. He still can't seem to break his intense stare on me. I want to tell him to stop—that people are watching—but he doesn't seem to give a shit. I've seen Owen angry, but this is a level I never thought possible.

  My feet find movement, fleeing the scene before people notice and rumors start to fly. I can hazard a guess that they already are.

  I race outside, seeking refuge in the barn. Ethan shouts my name behind me. He's going to ask questions, but what can I possibly say that will make this less complicated?

  I reach the barn and throw the door open. It's so cold, thick steam billows from my mouth.

  I slink down on one of the bales of hale as a lone tear falls down my cheek. I wipe it away before Ethan shows up, looking as confused as ever.

  "How long has this been going on?" he asks. I grip my eyes shut, wincing at his question.

  I want so much to tell him, but I also have this deep sense of loyalty to Owen. If I admit we've been at this for six months, I run the risk of Ethan telling my mom. And that, I cannot have.

  "Nothing's been going on…it's just…"

  "You both want it to. It definitely looks like my dad does at least." When I look up at him, shaking my head, he does the same. "Come on, Savannah. Stop protecting him. He's not worth it. Believe me. I've been here for three weeks now. I've seen the way he looks at you when he thinks no one is watching. It's definitely not how a stepfather should be looking at his stepdaughter."

  I look down, unable to say anything in Owen's defense, or even outright lie and tell him he's seeing things. I’ll only make it worse if I do.

  Ethan slides down onto the bale of hay next to me and takes my hand, coaxing me to look at him. "I meant every word I said earlier. I can take you away from all this."

  I let out a small laugh. "My hero, huh?"

  He runs a finger over the back of my hand. "You know what I mean."

  "I do." I sniffle, closing my eyes. He raises my chin up, and I open my eyes, our gazes clashing.

  "I’ve never felt like this about any girl, Savannah. You've stolen my heart, and for that reason alone, I can't let you go."

  He looks at me again, the intensity so familiar, my head naturally turns away. My mind is swimming with decisions and consequences. I can't think straight.

  "Let…me think on it. I need time. It's a big decision."

  Ethan backs away, nodding. "Of course. I understand. But don't leave it too long. I only have tonight and tomorrow night before I have to fly back."

  I nod, trying hard to seem happy. "I'll have an answer for you tomorrow night."

  Running his soft hand along the curve of my face, Ethan leans in, kissing me softly on the lips. "Okay. Until tomorrow night." He kisses me again, a nice, velvety, gentle kiss. It leaves me wanting more, but I know if I do, I will fall into his arms and do something with him I may regret come morning. "Happy New Year, sweetheart."

  He gets up, walking out of the barn and leaving me with only the sounds of the horses rustling in their stables.

  When a few more minutes go by and I start to shiver, I force myself up and walk back into the house. I sneak in, not wanting to be seen. I can't see my mom or Owen anywhere, so I make a beeline for my room and get undressed. I throw on some comfortable pajamas and sit, waiting for the time to roll on so I can complete my mission. I read for a full two hours until my eyes start to droop and I drop the book on top of me, making me jump. I shake my head, checking the time. It's after three in the morning. Everyone should be in bed asleep by now. />
  Getting up from my bed, I dig beneath my mattress, pulling out Owen's planner. I sneak out of my room, carefully going down the stairs without making a sound. I reach the library and start to make copies of all the entries around April and May of this past year.

  Once I'm done, I fold the pieces of paper and make my way back to bed. I step up one of the stairs and something out the corner of my eye makes me look in the direction of Owen's office. In the darkness, a faint light coming from the bottom of his door shines.

  A slight tugging of my heart makes me want to go to him…to see if he's okay, but I will that feeling down and run as quietly as I can to my room, hiding everything again under my mattress. I then crawl into my bed and will myself to sleep.

  I toss and I turn, but the only thing I can think about is if Owen’s okay.

  Without another thought, I throw the covers off and make my way down the stairs again. I only need to check on him to make sure he's fine, then I can go right back to bed.

  I approach the door, the faint light underneath still visible, and push my way inside. Owen is at his desk, nursing a large scotch. His hair is messy in a very sexy way, and his eyes are glassy from the drink. I gasp at the blood soaked cloth wrapped around his hand.

  I shut his door behind me and run to him. "Owen, let me see…"

  I try reaching out to touch his hand, but he whips it away. "It's fine," he growls.

  I sigh, sitting at the edge of his desk and practically yanking his hand to my lap. "Don't be silly. Let me look." Resolution setting in his eyes, he relaxes his hand, allowing me to unravel the cloth.

  "Have you even cleaned this yet? If not, you could get an infection."

  "Who fucking cares?"

  "I care."

  He locks me with those hypnotizing green eyes. There’s no anger. There’s no lust. What there is, however, breaks my heart.


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