Forever Love (Kingpin Book 3)

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Forever Love (Kingpin Book 3) Page 15

by Brooke Summers

  Spinelli and his partner Tanor are waiting for me outside the hospital entrance. “Sorry for pulling you away from your wife, but we really need to get a statement from you.” Spinelli says. “How is your wife?”

  “She’s doing okay. Can we get this over with?” I want to get back to her before she wakes up.

  He nods. “Of course. Can you please explain what happened today?”

  I grit my teeth. “This bullshit, I’m sure you’ve already had everyone and their mother tell you what went down today. Why do you need me to reiterate everything you already know?”

  Tanor sighs, “Mr Brady…”

  “I understand you have a job to do, but this is just overkill. You have everyone’s statements. I got home to find my men shot and that fucker with a gun pointed at my pregnant wife. I shot him before he got the chance to shoot her. He is dead isn’t he?” I have to double check, that fucker’s like Houdini.

  “Yes, Mr Brady, he’s dead,” Tanor says, the corner of his lips turning up as he tries not to smile.

  “Are we done?”

  Spinelli nods. “Yeah Hudson, we’re done. I wish your wife a speedy recovery.”

  “Thanks.” I nod as I turn on my heel and walk back into the hospital.

  “Boss, is there anything you need from me?” David asks, his voice tight.

  I stop walking and look at him. His eyes are dark, the way they go when he thinks of his wife. “No, you’ve done more than enough for me, David. Take some time, however much you need.”

  He nods. “In your debt,” he grunts.

  “No, you’re not.”

  He glares at me. “I’m in your debt.”

  I shake my head, he’s not going to listen to me no matter what I say to him. “Go, and David, I meant what I said. Take as long as you want.” He pats my shoulder as he walks past me. I walk toward Mia’s room, relieved that this shit is all over. There’s only one thing left for me to do and that’s talk to mom.

  Mia’s eyes are on me as I enter her room, she’s wide awake and I’m wondering when she woke up. “Where did you go?” Her voice thick with sleep.

  “I had to talk to the cops, it’s done now. How long have you been awake?”

  She smiles. “It’s over?”

  Sitting down on the bed beside her I take her hand. “Yeah, Princess, it’s over. That fucker isn’t going to hurt anyone ever again.”

  Tears form in her eyes. “Thank God.” She leans forward and presses a kiss against my lips. “How is everyone?”

  “They’re good, no one is going to die. Dad’s got the longest recovery. He lost a lot of blood. He’ll be fine though.”

  “Are they all still here?”

  I frown. “I think so, why?”

  “I want to say thank you. They risked their lives for us, Hudson.”

  “I’ll check and see if I can get them here.” I get to my feet and place a kiss to her cheek. “Do you want anything?”

  She shakes her head and winces a little. “No, I’m okay, thank you.”

  “Are you in pain?”

  “No,” she replies and I narrow my eyes. She sighs. “Not like you think, I’ve got a headache and when I shook my head it hurt. I’ll be fine.”

  I glare at her. “If it doesn’t ease, I’m calling the doctor.”

  “Hudson, I’m fine.”

  “Mia, I’m not taking any chances. If it doesn’t ease in the next twenty minutes I’m calling for the doctor.” She nods at my words.

  Walking out of her room, I’m surprised to see the men standing outside. “You okay?” I ask them in general.

  “Yep, fucker couldn’t shoot straight,” Coby says with a smile.

  “I’m good boss,” Cormac says as Dylan and Roland nod their agreement.

  “It’ll take a lot more than a bullet to stop us. Your dad’s fine, he’s annoying the hell out of the nursing staff. He wants to go home,” Jagger informs me.

  “Mia wants to see you all.” Aaron and Rory take a step backward. “Oh no, she wants to see you two as well.” I smirk at their shocked faces.

  "How is she doing?" Jagger asks as the men walk in ahead of us.

  "She seems to be okay, the next twenty four hours are crucial. She had a placental abruption. The doctor said it isn't severe, it's less than two centimeters. The pain is gone, so we're hoping that she'll be able to carry the baby to term."

  "Fuck," he whispers. "Thank fuck that asshole is dead."

  "A-fucking-men," I mutter as Jagger and I enter the hospital room. The men are standing around waiting for Mia to say something, she's staring at them with tears in her eyes. "Princess?"

  She shakes her head. "Sorry," she whispers, "Jagger," She says with a fond smile, "Aaron." She looks at him, she loves him just as she does Jagger and David. He cares for her just as much. "Rory, Cormac, Ronald, Dylan, and Coby." Her smile grows with each and every name. "Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you."

  "We're just doing our job ma'am." Dylan says shrugging, his cheeks heating.

  Mia shakes her head. "No, your job is for Hudson. You went above and beyond for me. Each one of you got injured." She glances at Aaron. "Thank you."

  Aaron shakes his head. "You're family, Mia, so we'll protect you just as we'd protect anyone else in this family. Besides, you're carrying our nephew."

  "Mia, this is what we do. Not only was that asshole after you, he killed a lot of people. We weren't going to let that happen to anyone else," Jagger tells her and her tears begin to fall. She'd managed to hold them off for a while.

  "I'd do it again in a heartbeat," Rory says.

  "Yep, you're the sweetest chick ever," Cormac tells her and I smirk. "Do you think anyone else would bring us here and thank us?"

  "This is a lame thank you," Mia tells them, "I wish there was a way I could repay you all."

  "I heard you make a good meal," Cormac says and dodges his brother's slap to his head. "What? It's true. I heard she's a great cook."

  "Bro, now isn't the time." Rory murmurs.

  Mia laughs, I love that fucking sound. "I'll cook dinner for you all," she promises them.

  "After the baby's born," I tell her, and she glares at me. "Mia, you're on bedrest until he's born."

  "That's our cue,” Rory says and the men start leaving, all except Cormac. "Cor?"

  "What, the good stuff is happening." God, this fucker is pushing it.

  "Bro, you don't get involved in a domestic. Especially one that's with the boss. So move it." Rory pushes him through the door.

  Mia smiles, but as soon as the door closes behind the men her smile fades. "Where's David?"

  "Mia, the man is hurting, has been ever since his wife died. He pushed everything aside until we finally got this fucker. Which we did today. Now that Martin is dead, David's taking some time."

  “Oh, do you think he’ll be okay?” She’s worried about him, I am too. “How long is he going to be gone?”

  “I don’t know, we just have to let him heal, Princess.”

  “Yeah, we all need time to heal,” she tells me softly and lays down in the bed. “Hopefully, he’ll be okay,” she murmurs, her eyes slowly closing.

  “Sleep baby. I’ll be here.”




  "No buts Mia, you need to rest. It's too early for you to go into labor. So it's bedrest until the doctor says otherwise." I lay her down on the bed and pull the covers over her.

  She huffs in annoyance. "Fine, but I'm not happy about it."

  I smirk. "Yeah, you've made it clear."

  "Are you going to talk to your mom today?"

  "Yes," I say through clenched teeth, she's been asking me that same damn question for the past four days. "She's been calling me nonstop. Dad's pissed, he wants to be here when she is as he has more questions than I do."

  Her eyes widen. "Oh. Is that wise having him here when she is?"

  I shrug, it's funny, before all this shit happened, I'd have been on Mom's sid
e always but right now, I'm on Dad's. "Yes, he deserves to know."

  She nods. "Yes he does, but Hudson, your mom's hurting."

  I grit my teeth, I'm sick of fucking hearing that shit. "I know she is, but Mia she's fucked up and she needs to own up to that shit."

  "Can I be present?"

  "Hell no," I reply instantly, "Mia, you're meant to be resting, not being around stressful situations."

  "Please?" She begs. "It's not going to be hard on your mom and your dad. I know that if I'm around they won't be too hard on one another."

  She's right, both of them aren't as angry when Mia's around. She's a soothing balm on everyone around her. "Fine, but your ass sits on the sofa and it doesn't move. I don't give a fuck if you need to use the bathroom. You ask and I'll carry you."

  She bites her lip, I know she's dying to argue with me.

  "Either that, or you stay right where you are."

  She sighs, "Fine, you win. I'll be good and stay on the sofa."

  Good. "Do you need anything?"

  She glances at the stack of magazines that Sarah bought over for her. Along with six books, Mia's eyes lit up when she saw them, she told me she hadn't read in a while. "No I'm good thank you."

  "I need to make a phone call, I'll be in the sitting room so if you need me all you have to do is yell okay?"

  She nods. "I'll be fine, I'm not an invalid, Hudson. Besides I've got a lot of reading to do."

  "Okay, I won't be long." I need to call Aaron and see if he's heard from David, he was going to check in on him. He's also sorting out the new shipment that's due in this evening.

  Walking into the sitting room, I hit dial and listen to the ringing.

  "Boss." Aaron greets me.

  "Have you spoken to David?"

  "Yes boss, he's currently in Texas, he's flying back tomorrow."

  "Good, is everything set for this evening?" I've never let Aaron handle one before. It used to be Martin and then David, Aaron was the only other person that I'd trust to do the job, besides Jagger but he's pulling back a bit. Sarah went a little crazy when she heard he was shot. Thankfully she's calmed down a lot and he's easing his way back into things.

  "Yes, I have the men ready and a diversion or two in place should we need them. I'm not going into this blind. I have everything planned out. Don't worry boss, I won't let you down."

  I have no fucking doubt that he'll do the job, I wouldn't have asked him if I hadn't. "Call me if you need me."

  “Sure Boss, but I won’t. Mia needs you.”

  I laugh. "I'm already driving her crazy."

  He chuckles, "Boss, you were doing that before she was released from the hospital. Back then she had the nursing staff as a buffer. Now she has to deal with your crazy ass twenty-four-seven."

  I shake my head, he's right. I'm a tad overprotective but for good reason. "Right now, I don't give a shit. Mia’s and the baby's health are the most important things and if I have to tie her to the bed then so be it."

  His laughter increases. "Oh God help her."

  "So expect phone calls or text messages asking for help."

  That stops him in his tracks. "What am I meant to do if I get one of these SOS's?"

  "As long as she's resting, I don't give a fuck."

  "Okay boss." He sounds a little terrified, and I'm pretty sure it's not down to me but of what Mia's going to ask him, if she contacts him.

  "Call me if you need me."

  "Will do boss. I'll call you once it's done."

  I end the call just as the doorbell rings. As I put my cell back into my pocket, the front door opens and in walks Dad. He's walking with a limp, he's still sore from the gunshot wounds he's got. The one to his gut giving him the most pain, he's threatened to kill Jagger numerous times. Jagger has made it his mission to tell as many lame ass jokes as he can, trying to make my dad laugh, knowing damn well that it hurts like a bitch when he does.

  "Is Mia settled in?" he asks, no hey son, how are you? Not anymore.

  "Yes, she's in bed. She's asked to be present when mom gets here and I agreed. She's to sit on the sofa and not move." I'm telling him because he'll make sure she stays put.

  He nods. "I'll sit beside her."

  "No you won't, you'll take one of the armchairs, I will sit on the sofa. I want you far away from mom as possible."

  His eyes narrow into slits. "Fine. The sooner she gets here the quicker we can get this shit done."

  He's not the only one. I want answers and then I want to forget that Martin ever existed, that fucker has caused enough pain and suffering to last a lifetime. "Mom should be here any minute. Let me get Mia."

  "I'm getting a beer."

  I shake my head. "Make yourself at home why don't you. Get me one while you're at it."

  "Boy, when did I become your slave?"

  "Since you're in my house helping yourself to my beer."

  Walking into the bedroom, I see Mia sitting there, her entire face lit up with the smile she has, she has a book in her hand and opened. She's been reading, why on earth do I find that sexy?

  "Dad's here."

  She nods. "I heard. Is he okay?"

  "Yep, he's helping himself to some beer. We're waiting on mom to arrive." I take the book from her hands and place it down on the nightstand. "He's still sore." I tell her before she can even ask.

  "Is he taking his pills?"

  I give her a 'what do you think' look as I pull the comforter off of her. "He's never taken drugs, it's just not something he'll ever do." I lift her into my arms. "There's no point in saying anything."

  "Your mother's here," Dad calls out and Mia's eyes widen at the anger in his tone.

  "Hey Harrison, hey Marline," Mia says as I place her down on the sofa. Dad grabs the blanket off the chair and passes it to me.

  "How are you feeling?" Mom asks her, sitting down on one of the armchairs, Dad takes a seat on the opposite one.

  "I'm better, glad to be home."

  "That's good. How bad is Hudson annoying you?" Mom laughs at her own words, pissing me off in the process.

  I reach for the beer that dad left on the table for me as Mia pulls the blanket over her and gets comfortable beside me.

  "She wouldn't be in this situation had it not been for you and that fucking boyfriend of yours," Dad bites out.

  Fucking A, we're starting early.

  "How is it my fault?" she asks naively.

  "Dad," I warn, I know him too well, he's about to go in on her.

  "No Son, I've waited long enough for this shit."

  Mom waves me off. "Let him say whatever it is he's dying to say."

  I sit back against the sofa and let them at it.

  "Since when did you become so stupid? Not your fault. Marline, it is your fault. You were sleeping with the fucker. Especially after everything he'd done. You told him everything about those closest to you." Dad's utterly disgusted. As much as he and Mom's marriage never worked, he actually respected her a hell of a lot, well until now that is.

  "I never knew that he had hurt Mia."

  "Bullshit," I say through clenched teeth, pissed that she's even saying that shit. "You fucking knew."

  Mom's face hardens, she knows that she's fucked up.

  "You damn well knew what that fucking asshole did to Mia, you heard everything Marline so don't bullshit us with that shit that you had no idea. You just didn't want to believe that he could do that. At least be fucking honest." Dad's tone is one of barely contained rage.

  "Yes, I believed him when he said that Mia was mistaken."

  Mia's hand rests on my leg, my mom's basically called her a liar to her face and she's comforting me?

  "When did you become so gullible?" Dad's face is scrunched up in disgust. "You went against your own son, and you have the nerve to call me a bastard."

  "Mom, you've fucked up. You helped that murderer kill even more people, and you can't see what you've done." It's as though I'm talking to a wall.

  She crosses her arms ove
r her chest and sits back in her seat. She's not saying anything.

  "This is getting us nowhere," Mia says. "Marline, I know you never intended telling him things, but you trusted him. You placed your trust in the wrong person. We're all guilty of doing that."

  Mom's face falls and I see the guilt written all over it. "I should have known."

  "Maybe, I think Hudson believes that you chose Martin over him."

  Her eyes widen. "I never."

  "You chose to believe Martin over Hudson," Mia explains softly. "Your judgment was off and that's what you need to apologize for. You need to make us understand why you chose to believe him."

  Fuck, how can Mia put it so eloquently?

  "I was stupid," Mom replies. I've never heard her be so vulnerable before.

  "You were in love," Mia responds. "I understand that, hell we all do. You were blinded by love and by doing so you hurt your son. You have to make amends for that."

  She instantly nods. "I will, I've messed up and I'm going to spend the rest of my life making up for it."

  "You hurt Harrison..." Mia begins.

  Mom cuts her off. "He hurt me."

  Mia shakes her head. "I understand that you were hurt but Marline, he told you from the very beginning how your marriage would be. Did he lie to you?"

  Mom thinks about it for a while, her jaw tensing as she shakes her head.

  "He cheated on you multiple times, I can't imagine how that made you feel but Marline, he fell in love with my mom after you fell in love with Martin. Don't you think that's got to hurt? Hmm? That was his son you were sleeping with."

  "I didn't set out to be with him. In fact, I pushed him away for a very long time. I knew who he was from the very beginning."

  Mia shifts in her seat and I glance down at her, she looks worried. "Mia?" I question, wondering what's going on.

  "Marline, did you tell Martin where my mom was?"

  I close my eyes as I hear dad's sharp intake of breath. Fuck.

  "I'm so sorry, Mia."

  I open my eyes and stare at my mom in horror. Why the fuck would she do that?

  "Marline, I have no words." I can hear the tears in dad's voice. "You went too far. What did Tina ever do to you?"


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