Forever Love (Kingpin Book 3)

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Forever Love (Kingpin Book 3) Page 17

by Brooke Summers

She shrugs, "Well it should be. You get a world shattering orgasm, then boom you're knocked up."

  "World shattering?" Jagger smirks.

  "Oh I never said I had one. I just said if you had one then you should be. There's a difference."

  I bite my lip so that the laughter doesn't bubble up. Hudson however doesn't hide it. He chuckles making Sarah smile wider.

  "Did you get a world shattering orgasm?" Hudson whispers to me as Jagger pulls into the Hospital grounds.

  "Each and every time we have sex." I tell him honestly.

  "Oh jeez, why did you tell him that? It's going to go to his head. That's something we don't need." Jagger quips.

  "Jealous because I know how to please my woman?" Hudson fires back.

  "Okay enough, we're here." Sarah says as Jagger pulls up outside the hospital entrance.

  "You can't park there," someone shouts.

  Hudson's head spins to glare at whoever said it. "My wife's in labor, where the hell would you like me to go?" His voice hard.

  "Oh, um, I'm sorry Mr Brady." The man stutters.

  Hudson ignores him. "Jagger, I'm taking the girls with me, you park the car and come back and find us after."

  Sarah looks relieved. "Thank you," she says to Hudson.

  "She wants you here, I need you here. You keep her calm, I on the other hand will lose my damn mind if she's in pain and can't push through it," Hudson replies and I smile, it's true, he'll probably threaten to kill someone if they don't help me.

  They help me into the hospital and up to the maternity ward. Just as we reach the midwife my contraction hits.

  "Breathe, Mia." Sarah instructs. "She's having contractions every six minutes now, her water has broken, and she's only thirty seven weeks. The baby hasn't moved this morning," Sarah informs the midwife. "In and out Mia." She tells me and once again, I'm able to push through it.

  "Okay Mia, we're going to bring you into the room and see how much you've advanced." I nod, my hand gripping Hudson's tightly, it's all so real now.

  Once I'm into the labor suite I'm dressed in a hospital gown and the midwife is checking to see how far I'm dilated. She makes a humming noise in the back of her throat and instantly I'm on edge, that's not a good sound to make. "Mrs Brady, you're only two centimeters dilated. I'm going to call the doctor to have a look at you." She reassures me but there's something about the way she's unable to meet my eyes that makes me scared.

  "What does that mean?" Hudson asks once the midwife is gone.

  "She needs to be ten centimeters for the baby to come." Sarah tells him and Hudson pales. "Don't panic, she'll be ten centimetres before you even know it."

  That doesn't placate him, he begins to pace the room.

  The doctor comes in and immediately walks over to me. "Hello Mrs Brady, I'm Doctor Nola, I'm the OBGYN here. How are you feeling?"

  "Like I've got a baby ready to explode out of me," I quip.

  Doctor Nola laughs, "It'll be over soon. I just need to do a quick check and see where we go from there, okay?"

  I nod, that uneasy feeling returning in full force. Something is wrong, but they're not saying what.

  "Okay Mrs Brady, your son's heart rate is quite low and as you're only two centimeters dilated, we're going to have do an emergency caesarean."

  My mouth instantly dries. "Is he going to be okay?"

  The doctor immediately nods, "The quicker we can get him out, the better."

  "Okay, can my husband come with us?" The nurse begins putting a cannula into my arm and someone else enters the room.

  "Mrs Brady, your husband is encouraged to come along with you. To be present when your son is being born. We're going to give you an epidural and get the OR prepped."

  I'm listening to what he's explaining to me, everything that's going to happen but I can't focus. My mind is in overdrive as I watch what's happening around me.

  Within ten minutes I'm lying on an operating table, my lower body numb from the epidural and Hudson standing beside me.

  "Mr and Mrs Brady, are you ready to meet your son?" Doctor Nola asks and we both nod.

  I glance at Hudson, trying to think of anything but what's happening down below. Hudson's eyes are the most expressive I've ever seen. But when they widen and shine brightly I know that he's seen our son.

  A cry rings through the room and my breath catches, God, he's okay. If they cry that is a good thing. Isn't it?

  "Congratulations, Mrs and Mr Brady, your son is doing well," Doctor Nola says as the nurse places our baby onto my chest. "He's going to need some oxygen, but he's otherwise fine."

  Tears pool in my eyes as I stare at my boy. "Thank you." I whisper to Hudson, so grateful to have him in my life, for giving me this miracle.

  "Thank you Princess, you have given me the greatest gifts in life. You and our son." A tear falls down his face and he doesn't even wipe it away as he stares at our boy. "Okay Princess, what's his name?"

  I smile, "David Aaron Barney Brady." Jagger's going to be his Godfather so I know that he won't be upset that he's not named after him.

  Hudson nods immediately. "It's perfect," he comments before placing a kiss on my head.

  I feel so content holding David in my arms as Hudson places a kiss on our son's cheek. I can’t wait to show him off to the world.

  "How is she?" The question rouses me from my sleep.

  "She's a fucking trouper," Hudson replies.

  Opening my eyes I see that I'm surrounded by our nearest and dearest. Sarah, Jagger, Harrison, Marline, David, Aaron, Rory, Cormac, Coby, Ronald, and Dylan. "Hey," I croak.

  Hudson turns to me. "You should be asleep."

  I shake my head. "I'm fine. Is he still asleep?"

  "Yeah, he's been stirring for the past ten minutes so he'll probably wake soon." And as if on cue the baby starts crying.

  "Here Mia, I have the bottle ready," Sarah says, passing me the bottle and a burp cloth as Hudson gingerly reaches for baby David and passes him to me.

  The feel of this beautiful miracle in my arms is the best thing in the world, I never thought I could be this happy.

  "Congratulations, Mia," Jagger says with a smile.

  "Thank you," I whisper as I hold David against me, giving him his bottle.

  "What's his name?" Harrison asks and I look to Hudson.

  "We have something to ask first," He says, he's worried that Jagger may be pissed about us not naming David after him so he wants to ask him and Sarah to be David's godparents first. "Sarah and Jagger, will you be his Godparents?"

  They both nod immediately, Sarah has tears falling down her face. "I'd be honored." Jagger says gruffly.

  Back slaps and handshakes go around the room congratulating them on being David's godparents.

  "We've chosen his name. I think it suits him perfectly." I tell them and a hush goes over the room. "Meet David Aaron Barney Brady." I say with pride.

  Harrison hoots, "I love it. It's perfect."

  "It really is." Marline says with a fond smile as she looks at her grandson.

  I turn to look at both David and Aaron, they both look dumbstruck.

  "I love it Mia," Sarah says, "Jagger and I are going to go. We'll be back tomorrow." She places a kiss on my cheek, followed by one on baby David's head before hugging Hudson.

  "We're going to go too," Harrison says and my eyes widen. "Now before you get upset. Today is for you and Hudson, I'll be back bright and early in the morning."

  "He's right, congratulations both of you, thank you for giving us a grandchild."

  "My pleasure." And it is, I'm so in love with him.

  "See you tomorrow," Harrison says and leaves Marline, Roland, Dylan, Rory, and Cormac following behind. Leaving David and Aaron behind.

  "I don't know what to say," Aaron says, he's still in shock.

  "There's nothing to say. I will never be able to repay you for what you have done for me. The way you both risked your lives for me, for us," I tell him holding David a little closer to me.
r />   "I never wanted repayment. I'd have protected you anyway." I stare at him and he shakes his head. "Fine, debt repaid." He shakes Hudson's hand before giving me a kiss on his cheek. "You're one in a million Mia, Hudson got lucky finding you. I'll see you both tomorrow."

  "David?" I ask once Aaron leaves, he's standing there with a shocked look on his face.

  "Fucking hell." He breathes. "I've been dealt shit for the past four months and the only bright spot was you and now you do this."

  I glance at Hudson who's got a smile on his face. I have no idea what to say. "Hudson agreed to it."

  "Of course he did, but it was your idea. If Hudson was given the choice he'd have named him something beginning with H, like Harleson."

  "Watch it," Hudson warns him.

  "Are you okay? I missed you." Hudson rolls his eyes at my words.

  "Better now, thank you. Keep going Mia, you'll give Hudson something to think about." He winks at me and I laugh, there's no way Hudson would ever think that. "Honestly, I'm good. I really appreciate what you both have done for me. I'm forever in your debt." He smiles at us both, turns on his heel and walks out of the room.

  Hudson sits on the bed beside me, while I burp David. "Love you, Mia."

  I rest my head against his chest. "I love you so much." I have my entire world on this bed and it feels amazing.



  Eighteen Years later

  "Haley Brady, get your ass back here right now," I yell.

  Lorna and Maya giggle on the sofa.

  David, Dennon, and Finley walk into the sitting room, all of them not happy.

  "Mom!" Haley yells, she sounds as though she's going to cry.

  The sound of feet pounding on the stairs tells me that Haley has gotten her way and Mia's on the way down.

  "Sitting room now!" Mia's voice is just loud enough for us all to hear. Lorna and Maya's giggling has stopped and my boys sit their asses down on the sofa beside their twin sisters and wait for their mom and sister to come into the room.

  "Mom's pissed," Dennon comments and I glare at him. He shrugs, "What? She is."

  "Yeah and so would you be if you had to deal with all of you and your stupidity," I fire back.

  "I'm not stupid," Finley says and David chuckles.

  "Of course you're not sweetie." Mia says softly and I smirk.

  "See at least someone agrees with me."

  Mia smiles. "Yeah, stupid isn't someone who gets their head stuck down the toilet," her tone filled with sarcasm.

  Something that's lost on my son. "Thank you," he says with a smile.

  "Mom, are you okay?" Dennon asks, he's a mommy's boy. He'll do anything and everything for her, just like his dad will.

  "No, I'm not." She takes a seat beside me and huffs, she looks tired. "I'm trying to put your brother to sleep and all we can hear is your sister and father screaming." She turns to glare at me. "He cries, you're going to settle him." My eyes widen before I slowly smirk. "Hudson, this isn't funny."

  "No baby, I never said it was."

  Her eyes narrowed into slits. "So why the hell are you smirking?"

  "What's going on?" Finley asks.

  "Mom's pregnant again," David responds, shaking his head.

  "Eww." Haley says and I sit back in my seat and smirk when Mia spins her head to glare at our oldest daughter. Thank fuck I'm out of the hot seat.

  "Eww? I'm not even forty yet Haley," Mia says affronted.

  Haley takes a step back knowing that she's skating on thin ice. "Mom, I didn't mean it that way, just eww that you and daddy are still doing it."

  "Doing what?" Lorna asks curiously.

  I turn to my eight year old and her twin sister. "Nothing that concerns you."

  Maya scrunches her nose up, "I bet it's kissing. They're always doing that."

  "Anyway," Mia says changing the subject. "Want to tell me where you're going?" She asks Haley.

  "I told you mom, I'm going to the mall."

  Mia's eyebrows practically hit her hairline. "Dressed like that?" She points at the tiny belt that Haley calls a skirt and a tank top that doesn't even cover her stomach.

  She puts her hands on her hips, she's so much like her mom. "Everyone wears these."

  "Only the slutty ones," Dennon murmurs but we all hear him.

  "Dennon!" I yell.

  Mia shakes her head. "Apologize to your sister now."

  "I never called her one."

  "Dennon," Mia's tone is full of anger. "You're grounded for two weeks."

  "What? That's unreasonable," he says outraged.

  "Three weeks," Mia returns.

  "Mom!" He doesn't learn, never argue with Mia, you won't win.

  "A month." She's daring him to continue.


  "Dude, shut up." David elbows him in the gut.

  "Finished?" Mia asks and Dennon nods. "Good, now Haley, do you think I was born yesterday?"

  Haley thinks about her answer, smart girl. "No mom, I know you weren't but I'm really going to the mall."

  "With who?" I ask, she's not fooling anyone with her innocent act.

  She crosses her arms over her chest, "Cassie, Maria, Taylor, and Allie."

  "Oh shit," Dennon mutters. "You're throwing Allie under the bus."

  David's eyes flash with anger but he doesn't say anything. There’s something going on between those two but neither of them are saying anything.

  "You want to go to the mall?" Mia asks and Haley nods. "Then go upstairs and change."

  "Ugh!" she cries, "Fine, I'll go and change."

  "Good, then your father can take you and your sisters to the mall." Mia smiles sweetly at her.

  "Oh daddy, we're going to the mall?" Maya asks excitedly whereas Lorna looks annoyed, she's her father's daughter. Hates the mall just as much as I do.

  "No, we're not," Haley says. "I hate you." She narrows her eyes at me and I shrug, I've heard it a hundred times before. The first time stung like crazy but now I'm used to it and she only says it when she doesn't get her way.

  "You want to spend time with Taylor?" Mia asks and I glare at her wondering where the hell she's going with this.

  "Yes," Haley says solemnly.

  "Then invite him here and you can watch a movie."

  Haley's eyes light up, "Really?"

  Mia nods. "Yes but in here with the door opened."

  Haley jumps up and down on the spot and rushes over to hug Mia, "Love you mom." Before rushing out of the room to no doubt call that asshole Taylor.

  "Why did you invite that moron here?" I ask and the boys laugh.

  "Because I'd rather have them here under our supervision than for her to sneak out and meet him, or her lie to us about where she's going."

  "Mia, that's not going to happen."

  She smirks at me, "And how was it that we met again?"

  "Fair point. You are to stay with her,” I tell my boys. "He doesn't get to touch her."

  Mia stands up and shakes her head. "I'm not part of this, I'm going to make dinner. Lorna, do you want to help?"

  "Yes mommy." She wiggles off the sofa and rushes out of the room behind Mia.

  "Maya baby, go help your mom."

  She glares at me as she gets off the sofa. "You're so sexist dad. You never ask any of the boys to help."

  "Why are all these females full of attitude?" I ask wondering when my baby girl started back chatting me.

  "I can hear you!" Mia says, "And your daughter is right. You've never once asked the boys to help me do dinner, you always make the girls." She doesn't have any heat in her voice.

  "They are to be separated at all times," I instruct my boys.

  Dennon and Finley smirk, enjoying the task that I've set them. "On it dad." Dennon replies, he's fourteen and thinks he's God's gift to women. Mia tells me that he takes after me but I don't see it. Finley is the calmer of my boys, he's so laid back. But he'll knock you out with one punch if you piss him off enough. He's thirteen and takes af
ter his mom looks wise.

  "Dad, can I have a word?" David asks and I nod for him to follow me.

  Sitting down in my office I wait for him to spill whatever is on his mind. "I know that you and mom spoke about me finishing school and college first before joining the family."

  "Yeah," I say carefully wondering where he's going with this and why he's not having this conversation with his mom as well.

  "I don't want to go to college, in fact, once I graduate I want to join the family." He graduates in less than two months.

  "What's brought this on?"

  He shrugs. "I've been thinking about it a lot. All of us want to join the family."

  "All of you?"

  He nods. "Yeah, Haley, Dennon, and Finley."

  "Have you spoken to your mom about this?"

  "Yeah dad, I told her earlier today and she told me that it was my choice as I'm eighteen now. She'd prefer it if I went to college but she can't stop me from doing what I want. As long as I'm happy then she is."

  "That sounds like your mom alright. So what do you want?"

  He sits up straighter. "One day I want to be the boss, just as you are, just as gramps was before you and your gramps was before him."

  "Your name doesn't mean you're the boss."

  He nods. "I know, mom's told me about it. She's told us all about it. Gramps told me how you worked your way up and that's what I want to do too. The respect your men have for you was earned and if I'm going to be boss one day then I want to earn it too."

  I nod in approval, that right there shows me that my son has what it takes to be boss. "Okay then, this weekend you're with me."

  His eyes light up like I've just told him all his Christmas' have come at once. "Thanks dad."

  "We done?" He nods. "Good, we're going to help your mom and sister's out with making dinner."

  "Okay, thanks dad for listening and for the opportunity."

  I get to my feet. "It's going to be hard work, a lot of grunt work."

  He smiles. "It'll be worth it."

  I pat his back. "You'll be fine, Son."

  When we walk into the kitchen Mia's gaze comes directly to me. "He's going to make a great boss, Princess."

  "Yeah, I know, I've known for a long time. He's the younger version of you, Hudson."


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