Forge the Path of Sorcery

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Forge the Path of Sorcery Page 1

by NAK Baldron


  Forge the Path of Sorcery


  Author's Notes


  Author Bio


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Interlude I

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Interlude II

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Interlude III

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Interlude IV

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Interlude V

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Interlude VI

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Forge the Path of Sorcery

  Chronicles of the Seventh Realm

  by N A K Baldron

  Forge the Path of Sorcery by NAK Baldron

  Published by Aconite Cafe

  P.O. Box 63

  Marble Falls, TX 78654

  © 2021 NAK Baldron

  All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permissions contact:

  [email protected]

  Cover by Aconite Cafe

  Artwork by Ricky Gunawan


  February 7th, 2021

  Forge the Path of Sorcery is the second novel in the Chronicles of the Seventh Realm, and was originally four novellas: Ocean's Dagger, Alchemy Clockwork, Salt & Steel, and Death Before Dishonor.

  This might be the most complex story I've put together yet, but I know it'll be worth it.

  Now that I'm staring to place the story into novel format, I can actually see the way it should have been from word one. For those of you who've been with me from the beginning, thank you so much for the patience! From here on out, you'll only get proper novels from me, and no more of this random chunk-at-a-time thing I was doing.

  Next on my list is to edit Rebirth of the Heroes into a novel format.

  I've also just released Texas Blood a short story prequel to the new Magi Codex (An Urban Fantasy Vampire Hunter Series) I'm working on. You can find a copy on my website There's no official release date for the first book of the series as of now, but it should be later this year.

  Thank you for your constant support!


  A special thanks to my Patreons: Zach S!

  To all of my readers, especially those of you who've been so patient and supportive while I worked through this new novel structure.

  Sabetha, I couldn't have seen this through to the end without your support.

  Kitty, I love you! I promise I'll keep my nights open to play Munchkin and try not to work so much.

  Ricky, thank you for the amazing artwork!

  Crystal, thank you for the fast edits!

  Nicholi (N A K Baldron), is an author and adventurer, best known for his international bestselling series Chronicles of the Seventh Realm, where Science, Magic, and Two Worlds Collide.

  He lives in a tiny house in a small town near Austin, Texas with his life partner Sabetha, and their daughter whom they homeschool together.

  When he's not crafting new worlds with the magic of words, he can be found backpacking on the many trails near his home. Nature offer's Nicholi the room for his mind to wander, and sleeping under the stars helps him identify with many of the characters he enjoys writing about. He hopes his love for nature permeates his fiction.

  At the bright age of twelve Nicholi discovered Eragon by Christopher Paolini. Realizing the author wasn't much older than himself, he decided to give novel writing a shot. Obviously, plagiarism is wrong, so Nicholi wrote his "completely original" story about a farm boy who could speak to wolves. That novel will never see publication, but Nicholi looks to it as a reminder of where he came from, and as inspiration of how one author can change a young man's life.

  It would take another fifteen years of honing his craft before Nicholi published his first novel, and he wouldn't change a single year of the journey.

  Nicholi and Sabetha also write a dragon cozy mystery series together under the penname Verena DeLuca. She is also a major contributor to Aconite Cafe, Nicholi's Publishing Company, and runs the reader discord server.

  Learn more at and see a full list of books by N A K Baldron.


  Sapphire Nation, Fencura

  A cool ocean breeze wafted through the spacious living room of the fifth-floor apartment. The source-light crowned the horizon, but the streets below were silent. The usual bustle of merchant's activities, setting up stalls and early morning trades was not to be heard.

  Shaya sat with perfect posture. Her legs to the side on a bench, recessed into the floor, beside her mother. Tea cooled before them on a low table, but neither drank. Her brother Isamu hadn't returned home last night.

  The last time she'd kept watch with her mother, Isamu was with them. It had been the night a rival clan's gang slew their father. Barely a year had passed, but such a bloody year it had been.

  Her brother, Isamu, was now Clan Kaito's ruling Thief Lord, or Tanken. As they were the smallest clan, Isamu was forced to carry out much of the dangerous work himself. Any time Shaya voiced concern, he ruffled her hair and told her not to worry. She'd often clamp onto his leg to hold him back. Yesterday, he scolded her for doing so in front of his men.

  "Weakness must never be shown," her mother had said. "Our enemies will use it against us."

  Her mother was right. Life in the Bloody Square was tough, and twice so for a seven-year-old daughter of a dead Thief Lord.

  Sitting with her mother, Shaya felt a shiver roll down her spine as she fought back tears. Somehow, she knew.

  A knock on the front door brought her mother out of a deep trance. She rose with the grace expected of a noble widow. With no servants to attend them, she crossed the public room, slid the bolt out to unbar the door, and opened it wide to greet their guests.

  Two men Shaya recognized from when they served her father stood outside in blood-stained clothes.

  "Honorable Widow." They bowed to her mother. "Kaito-Tanken Isamu has died in honorable combat. We've prepared his body in the center square. Dress and attend your son."

  The Time of Daggers—a yearlong clan battle—took Shaya's father on the first night, and brother on the last.

  They bowed again and left. Her mother wavered for a slight moment, using the door frame to steady herself. The yearlong Time of Daggers officially ended with the first light of day. The other clans managed to kill both her father and now Isamu. Their clan had fourteen years to rebuild before the next Time of Daggers.

  "Shaya," her mother spoke to the sky. "Dress for a funeral pyre. Honorable Isamu has joined your father in the palace of Sueun."

  When her mother faced her, Shaya saw a face of stone. The same one worn at her father's burning. Shaya fought back her tears, but a few slipped down h
er cheek.

  Her mother slapped her.

  "You are now Kaito-Tanken Shaya. That is the last time you shed a tear."

  Shaya retreated to their shared private room to hide her face from her mother, sliding the inner door behind her with such force it popped off its track.

  * * *

  No shop was open. No stalls were manned. The entire east third of the city on Shinzo attended the funeral inside the stone walls of the Bloody Square. Shaya watched as volunteers placed Isamu atop the pyre, wrapped in white linen, dyed red from his own blood from his chest down. The clean linen covering his face created the appearance of a white crown.

  At least they spared his face, for honor's sake. Her father hadn't been shown the same respect.

  The six other Thief Lords stood at the head of the crowd cloaked in sapphire robes, symbolizing that all men rejoin the sea to take their place amongst Sueun in his eternal palace. Even Goruden-Tanken Hiroshi was present, held standing by two strong bodyguards, who strained under Hiroshi's weight. It took the death of a fellow Lord to bring him up to the surface, due to his excessive weight. The crowd formed a crescent moon around the north side of the pyre. Funeral pyres were a rare sight, only seen inside the Bloody Square as a sign of the wealth and independence from Imperial rule enjoyed by all clan members.

  Shaya felt the Thief Lords' gazes upon her as she stood across the pyre from them. Her mother stood behind her garbed in her own unique sapphire robe, with ivory trim to show her personal connection. Shaya had worn the same when her father died. Today she wore the black robe—signifying Kaito-Tanken hadn't died, but transcended vassals.

  From the moment of her brother's death until her own, Shaya would be Kaito-Tanken.

  A young boy—maybe eight or nine—slipped the grip of his mother and threw himself before Shaya, knees on the ground, waist hunched over, head pressed to the ground before her feet. "I Akio swear fealty and beg the honor of being your first sworn."

  Her mother hadn't prepared her for this. No one would have expected a noble's son to swear fealty to her. Not so soon with her clan so weak. What chance did a seven-year-old and a widow have of rebuilding a clan from the brink of ruin?

  Her mother tapped the back of Shaya's foot with her own. Everyone watched with bated breath.

  "Rise Akio." Shaya raised her voice so all could hear. "Let it be known that on this day, Kaito-Tanken Shaya accepts fealty from Akio, noble son of the Bloody Square, whose name is revered by all clan's men."

  If she were to have only one subordinate, best it be Akio. The other clans regarded the Kaito Clan as finished, but Akio's fealty raised doubts. His name would remind every noble of the Bloody Square's history and their game of clans. She was Thief Lord Kaito-Tanken Shaya, and vengeance for her brother's death would be hers. Shaya would plan with Akio and her mother to reclaim their clan's honor. It was her obligation, and she'd need skilled swordsman to defend her clan from annihilation.

  A knock upon the gates redirected everyone's attention. Four men rushed forward to crack them open, allowing two priests of Sueun to enter—one man, one woman. Both priests wore translucent golden silk robes. It was as if the light of Sueun shown upon their naked forms, as the golden silk danced in the cool ocean breeze. The female priest climbed upon the pyre and laid on Isamu's body. While the male priest stood next to it and chanted in the ancient tongue that none remembered outside the priesthood.

  As the chanting progressed, the female priest writhed upon Isamu's corpse, moaning. Her moans rose to screams, and a battle commenced between the two voices. Fulfilling the traditional death rite for all those who still held on to clan memberships, even if their clan heads weren't one of the seven Thief Lords. The Bloody Square held to the old ways.

  Just as Shaya thought she was about to lose control of her face of stone—tears itched at the edge of her eyes—both priests fell silent in unison.

  As one, everyone chanted, "Hail Sueun, Hail Sueun—"

  The priest climbed down from the pyre, her translucent robes now tinted crimsons, and took a torch from the second priest. Together they walked to opposite ends of the pyre. One to the east, the other to the west and lowered the torches into the wood.

  "Hail Sueun, Hail Sueun."

  The pyre crackled at first, then erupted into an inferno of flames. Silence filled the square.

  As head of the family it fell upon Shaya to recite the death rite.

  "Hallowed Lord Sueun, your humble servant Kaito-Tanken Shaya pays the debt for Honorable Son Isamu to pass into your mighty palace." She tossed a gold square-coin, engraved with Isamu's name and a list of his deeds, into the fire. "May his name live on, and deeds be not forgotten. Sueun, accept Isamu into your eternal palace, and if he be found wanting, allow your humble servant Kaito-Tanken Shaya to pay the difference."

  With the words proclaimed, she threw herself face-first into the ground, ignoring the pain in her palms as they scraped the ground and began to bleed.

  The two priests flanked Shaya and lifted her to her feet by her shoulders. They spoke in unison. "Sueun has accepted Honorable Son Isamu—all debts have been settled."

  Everyone chanted, "Hail Sueun, Hail Sueun . . . Hail Sueun."

  With the rites carried out, they flung the gates open for all the city to see. Clan business would resume, but they would leave Kaito-Tanken Shaya to grieve for ten days barricaded in their home. The grief exile's rules were inviolable. Not even her new vassal, Akio, would attend her until the time of grief passed.

  Shaya stood before the fire, tears dried upon her cheeks and gone forever, watching her brother burn. As Kaito-Tanken she'd never cry again. As if able to read her mind, her mother placed an arm on her back. Not overt enough to make Shaya seem weak, but enough to comfort a young girl as she died and was reborn Kaito-Tanken.


  Texas, Earth

  Thursday, September 1st

  It took Kandice a minute to recall everything that happened the night before. Somehow, spending most of the night asking Lance questions had created more that needed answers. What stuck in her mind the most was that Lance came from a family of people who perceived the Aether Walkers in their true form. There were no whispers in her family regarding this kind of genetic secret. But if there were relatives that could see them, there had to be a way to know who shared the gift.

  Last night her brother tried to question her whereabouts, but the information overload from her visit with Lance and Slava left her too exhausted to explain. She had fallen asleep in her clothes without the need for pills—a first in nearly a year.

  It was already past ten. Grateful there was no school, she rolled out of bed. Her brother was asleep with his door open and his computer running as usual. There always seemed to be a faint blue glow from his room, regardless of the time of day.

  The phone Lance had given her was still in her pocket. She hoped he would be up for a second round of interrogation.

  She sent him a text as she went downstairs.

  Kandice: Hey. Can we meet again today? I still have questions, and I need to help you hunt down the Aether Walkers.

  The mindless routine of preparing a pot of French pressed coffee and frying up eggs and hash browns was calming. A good plate of breakfast food helped ground her—it was true, the right breakfast could set the tone for the day.

  As she sat to eat, Lance's reply came in.

  Lance: Give me your address, and I'll be by soon. We still need to get you a new bike.

  Kandice: 123573 Tilghman Trail, 78729

  Lance: Be there in 20.

  Oh, shit!

  She hadn't expected him to rush over so quickly and shoveled a few bites in her mouth before running upstairs to change. It would be embarrassing for Lance to see her in the same clothes from last night. She at least had to fake being a responsible adult.

  * * *

  Kandice watched from the kitchen as Lance pulled into their driveway with a small blue truck that looked as if a strong wind could blow i
t off the road. He had mentioned replacing the Mustang but didn't say with what. The little truck was the last thing she would have imagined him driving. The SUV had been large, and the mustang fast, but this truck was neither impressive nor flashy.

  Kandice opened the door before he knocked or rang the doorbell.

  "Hi. Come in, but be quiet. I don't want to wake my brother."

  "Okay," he smiled.

  Kandice had changed into casual school clothes, but Lance still looked her up and down as he walked inside. Her appearance was a mess compared to the night before. Since hunting involved the bar scene, it was important to dress the part while maintaining the mobility to fight.

  "Would you like coffee?" Kandice asked. "I was just having breakfast. Are you hungry?"

  "No, thank you."

  Kandice led him to the living room where they sat on opposite ends of the sofa. The moment stretched into an awkward silence—unlike last night—there wasn't a good place to start in with the flood of questions that filled her mind.

  To her relief, Lance spoke first. "We need to report your moped as stolen."

  "What?! I can't do that. I need it!"

  "Don't worry." Lance smirked. "We can get you a new one. We can even get you a car if you prefer."

  "It's not that. If I report it as stolen, my Aunt Jackie will flip."

  Lance stood and paced around the living room.

  He really doesn't like to sit still.

  He stopped at the mantel and looked at the few photos that Aunt Jackie had up. "Why are there none of you?"

  "My aunt and I don't get along. That's her in most of them."

  "You said you need to fight the Aether Walkers?" Lance asked, "How do you expect to do that?"

  "Well, I figured you'd teach me how to change."

  Lance put the photo he was looking at back on the mantel and returned to the couch. He kept his gaze focused on the bookshelf, rather than Kandice.

  "That's not possible." Lance's voice was monotone and soft.


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