Mighty Hammer Down

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Mighty Hammer Down Page 34

by David J Guyton

  Chapter 21

  The Zidaoz weaved in and out through the star-like souls in the world between worlds. He was determined to find Rohni, the god of his people, and ask for guidance in the impending war. He had searched countless times to no avail, but each time he tried he could feel the presence of his god growing stronger. He just needed to search the right area, and he would to find him there in all his glory.

  Just then a thought came to him. He was searching for a light, a bright soul that shone like the lights all around him. There were too many to confront them all and decide who they were. It was hard enough to find the Medoran, and he knew where Uritus's soul resided. He realized he was not looking for a simple soul; he was looking for a god. Zidaoz looked out into the blackness, far beyond any point he had traveled to in the shadow world before. He called out with his soul for Rohni, and the souls slipped past him at incredible speed as he approached the edge of darkness.

  The souls became a steady blur of blinding light, moving past him faster than he was able to comprehend. Soon the light became so bright that he felt it had blinded him, and darkness filled his vision. He panicked for a moment, thinking he had done permanent damage to his soul or his body which sat motionless and vulnerable back in his tent. He looked in all directions but he could see nothing but inky blackness.

  Then his definition of blackness changed. What he had just considered absolute darkness a moment before became bright in comparison to the shifting form in front of him. This form seemed to pull everything into it, and created a swirling vortex of immense power that threatened every fiber of his being. As he stared helplessly at the imposing form, he heard a frightening voice. It did not enter his ears, but came instead into his mind.

  What are you doing here in my realm?

  Zidaoz could barely bring himself to answer. He realized that this was his god before him, and he relaxed, trying to show respect. "My master, I am here to serve you. I come seeking guidance in a great time of need."

  And on what matter do you feel you need assistance?

  "There is a war, Rohni, a great war between the lands. We are in desperately need of your assistance in spreading your word to the people who refuse to accept it."

  The shifting form in front of him remained silent for a moment. I am aware of the war. What assistance do you request?

  "I lack power, my master. I am working with a Medoran who I meet in this realm, but I fear that he will soon overpower me with his skills of magic. I cannot have him surpass my ability and make war on my people before I can spread your word. He worships a false god and not you, Rohni."

  The Medoran you speak of is Uritus Tecadelion, is it not?

  Zidaoz was shocked that Rohni would know that. "Yes master. That is the Medoran."

  He does not worship a false god, he worships me. In several thousand years you have simply warped your religions to better suit your cultures. I am god of this world and your own. You both worship the same god.

  "But he speaks of a god named Inshae, and six other gods that accompany him."

  Names mean nothing. There is no other god standing before you, only me. If any other being claims to be a god, and speaks to your human ears and not into your mind, know that he is a false god. Do not speak to such beings.

  "As you command, master. I am here to serve you and spread your word. I will not rest until every living human worships you as we do."

  Good. Then perhaps you are useful to me. If you serve me well, I might consider extending your life so that you can spread my message even longer. The Medoran requested this very thing, and I am considering it in his case as well.

  "I would be honored master. It comforts me that he worships you too, Rohni. It makes things much easier. However, the war is still coming, and I feel that my abilities in magic are lacking. How can I enhance them?"

  There is a ritual that will strengthen your powers, but it is not for the weak of heart.

  "I am not weak of heart, master. I am only weak in magic."

  You must find a child. It must be an innocent child, one frightened to be away from its mother. The females are better because the males misbehave early, leaving them tainted. Only the most innocent children will do.

  "I understand master. What do I do with the child?"

  You must purify the child further with torture. It does not matter what you do to it as long as you do not kill it. You must create a change in the thinking of the child, and make it long for death. This is not normal for a child, and it is not easy.

  When you are sure you have reached this point, open the neck of the child and drain its blood. Draw a wide circle with the blood on the floor around you and place your hands in it. Then come to this realm to cast your spells and they will be strong.

  "I understand. Must I do this for each spell I cast?"

  The more children you use in this way, the more powerful you will become overall, but it is not necessary to do for every spell. You will take part of the soul of the child into your own and your power will grow stronger even without repetition of the ritual. The soul of the child will be locked in torment forever, but this is of little consequence, since there are countless souls in this realm.

  "Their torment is for the good of the people. They must go through this if I am to be able to spread your word and have the world fall to their knees before you."

  Your dedication to me rivals that of the Medoran. It pleases me that you understand and accept the task before you.

  "I am proud to serve you, my master. You have only to command me, and your will shall be done."

  My first command is that you not bother me here in this world again. I have duties which must not be interrupted. I will come to you when I require your service. You will not recognize me as the god you envision, but you will feel my presence and know that your god stands before you.

  "You mean that you look different than I imagine? What do you look like, master? I cannot see you in this world, but only a swirling blackness."

  This is the form I take here, just as the souls of men take the form of lights here. In your world and in my own, I wear robes of black, and have the face of the dead.

  "I don't understand. You mean there are three worlds? This one, mine, and another?"

  There are more worlds than you are aware of. You cannot possibly comprehend them with your human mind, so I will not explain them. These three, however, are within your grasp. You have the world in which you live. There is also this realm between worlds where I manage the souls of the dead. My world is what the Medorans and Vindyri call the Land of the Gods. The doorway between your world and mine is in the northern part of the land which is now called Vindyrion. They think that this land is simply north of your lands, but it is not so. Both worlds coexist and overlap, which allows me to pass between them and show myself in your world. It is only the entrance which lies to the north.

  "So this world we are in now is the realm of the dead?"

  No. This is the world of souls. There is a city of the dead in my world called Morendiir where the dead are punished for eternity. Some are permitted to leave Morendiir and do not suffer any punishment. This all depends on their faith and service in their years in your world. But no matter where the soul resides, it is connected to this world we are in now.

  "I think I understand master. I will trouble you no further, for I know you have great works to do. Know that I am doing your work in my world, and my people live only to serve you. Thank you for giving me the information to strengthen my power. I must go and rest, for I am drained from my trip to wake the Dirujen."

  The mass of blackness shook with an odd sort of silent laughter. You foolish mortal. You do not know the forces you tempt. You cannot possibly control the Dirujen.

  "Have faith in me master, as I have faith in you. I am confident that I have done the right thing, and it is all going according to the plan the Medoran and I made. The Dirujen will do us no harm."

  We shall see, Bhoor. I will come to you when I ne
ed you. Until then, continue working with the Medoran. His goals are similar to yours, and your strength will be greater if you work together.

  "I will master. We will continue as we planned," Zidaoz said as he felt a force upon him pushing him away from Rohni and back toward the dizzying spectacle of lights churning around him. He was being driven back to the world of the living, and the swirling lights of the souls around him was disorienting. He saw the heavy, colorful mists hanging between the souls and could wonder only briefly at their purpose before he found himself back on the carpet in the center of his tent. He reached to his nose and felt for blood, and, like all the times before, he found it. He rubbed the thick wet substance between his fingers and smiled. Soon blood would be a welcome addition to his ritual. But the blood he needed was not his own.



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