Mighty Hammer Down

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Mighty Hammer Down Page 44

by David J Guyton

  Chapter 26

  "Uritus!" Mirra shouted as she tried to enter the room. Two large men of the Elite Guard quickly blocked the doorway and frightened the poor woman nearly to death.

  "Gentlemen, let her pass. She is not a threat to me."

  "Yes Emperor," they said in unison as they let Mirra enter the grand room.

  "Uritus what has happened? Are you all right? Has your father really been killed? What's going on?"

  "One question at a time Mirra. A lot has happened and I am afraid I don't have all the answers yet. It is true that my father has been slain, and I am now the Emperor of Medora."

  "You've been hurt! I can see your bandages! Please tell me you are all right."

  "I am fine, Mirra. I was injured in the assassination, but I was not hurt badly. In a few days I will be as healthy as ever."

  Mirra looked to the guards surrounding him as if she only just then realized they were there. "What happened to the Emperor?"

  Uritus looked at the floor and sighed. "It was terrible. I saw the whole thing. The Moon Legion Commander came in the room after the speech and approached him. There were no members of the Elite Guard in the area, but I didn't think that a Legion Commander would be a threat. I thought nothing of it as he approached him." Uritus brought a hand up to his eyes and rubbed them, hoping to fool Mirra and the members of the Elite Guard into thinking he was getting emotional about the subject. "He stabbed him Mirra. He stabbed him in his ribcage and then threw him to the floor. I ran over to try to kill him and he pulled his sword and cut me. I didn't even feel the pain. I was able to wrestle his sword from him and kill him before he could kill me. It was the worst experience of my life."

  "Oh Uritus, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how awful it must have been," she said with tears in her eyes. "I feel so bad for you. Your father was such a good man."

  "I know he was. He has left a void in my life as well as in the Empire. While I will try my best to fill the void the people feel, I fear that the one in my heart will never be filled."

  "Oh Uritus?" she said as she stepped closer to him. Two of the guards stepped in front of her and stopped her from coming any closer. She looked confused. "Uritus, what is happening? Why don't you let me come near you?"

  "I'm sorry Mirra, it's just that they are very protective. There is obviously something going on in Medora and they don't want anything to happen to me."

  She looked at the burly men surrounding him. "But I just want to be in your arms where I am safe. You know I would never hurt you."

  Uritus put a hand on the shoulder of a guard in front of him. "It's all right. Take your men and wait outside."

  The guard eyed Uritus over his shoulder. After a moment he did as he was told, but not before he ran his hands up and down Mirra, checking her for any weapons. She obviously felt violated, and in a way, he did too. But he knew that this man was loyal to him -at least as his Emperor--and he meant no disrespect in any way. He was simply doing his duty, protecting his master and the Empire of Medora. The man deserved recognition for his loyalty, and Uritus said nothing as he checked Mirra for any blades.

  Uritus walked across the brightly lit room and sat down carefully on a ledge near the large open window. Sunlight showered him with its warmth and he closed his eyes against the harsh rays. Mirra still stood where she had been searched, and did not make an attempt to come to him. As he thought of this, he turned to her.

  "Why do you not come to me? Come look out the window at the Empire that is now mine. Do not be afraid of hurting me. My wounds are not that bad. Come let me hold you."

  "I'm not afraid of hurting you. I am afraid of someone else hurting you. First it was Rommus and his father, then the Emperor. I am scared to death of losing you Uritus. Please don't leave me."

  He smiled. "I'm not going anywhere my dear. Don't worry. We are being very careful now, and the guards won't let any harm come to me. Come closer to me my dear."

  Mirra slowly came to his side, brushing her long black hair over an ear as she did so. She carefully put her arms around him, trying not to hurt him. They both looked out at the bright marble city for a few moments in silence, sharing their time together in a place more significant than her bedroom. He reached up to the side of her head and pulled it to his shoulder.

  "Mirra, let's get married."

  Her head came off of his shoulder immediately. "What?"

  "I said let's get married. Will you be the wife of the Emperor of Medora?"

  She stared at him with her mouth open for a few seconds before she lit up with a broad smile. "Of course I will Uritus! Do you really mean it?"

  "Of course I mean it. It will have to wait for a while so that we can get things situated here in Medora, but before winter comes we shall be wed."

  "Oh Uritus you don't know how happy this makes me," she said as she hugged him tightly around his neck, only to release him immediately. "I'm sorry I don't mean to hurt you."

  "It's okay Mirra. You didn't hurt me. If anything your touch makes me feel better. You are the brightness in my life."

  She clung to him again with renewed enthusiasm, tears of joy streaming down her face. "Uritus you make me so happy. We're going to grow old together. We're going to have children; strong boys and beautiful little girls. I feel like I am soaring above the clouds."

  "Well I am glad I can make you so happy. All I ask of you is that you bear with me for a while as I tend to the things a new Emperor must tend to. I am going to be very busy for the next few days and probably for quite some time after that as well. Please don't think that I am avoiding you."

  "I understand, Uritus. I will not bother you or anything. What is the first thing you will do as Emperor?"

  He shifted himself to get a little more comfortable. "The first thing I must do is address the people and tell them what has happened. I am sure that word has spread by now, but it will comfort them to hear it from my own mouth. When a few days have passed, and I have healed some, I will tell them all what has happened and what we intend to do."

  "What about the war?" she asked.

  "The war cannot be stopped now, no matter what. My father was right in sending those men out there to protect Medora, and he would want me to make sure they completed their mission. I don't agree with my father's view of the Bhoors, but if they really are a threat to the Vindyri, then we should help our neighbors."

  "You disagreed with your father on a lot of things if I remember right."

  "Each Emperor is his own man. Each man has his own beliefs built on his experiences. Just because he was Emperor did not make him right in everything he thought. I will do my best to rule this Empire, regardless of what my fathers have done before me. I know the difference between wrong and right and I intend to use my power for the good of the people of Medora and for the world."

  She said nothing but put her head on his shoulder again. They watched as birds flew by the window high above the streets where happy people moved through the city. The warm sun met their faces but a cool wind from the east whipped at the banners of the nearby buildings and pulled at the curtains like some aggressive beggar.



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